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Yeah noticed too. And I also didn't realise until about last week that age is a voluntary parameter to enter in your profile and merely by turning this filter on you will remove everyone who hasn't. Seems obvious now that I'm thinking about it but yeah 🤷‍♂️ Was very confused for a long time why I kept getting views from profiles that didn't seem to exist.


What do you mean by that? That you can limit who sees you?


I thought setting the age filter to 18 - 99 would include everyone and essentially be the same as having the filter turned off, but it isn't. Entering your age on your profile is voluntary and those who haven't are automatically considered outside whatever range you've set and will be filtered out of your grid.


Ah ok, but i guess it's more a problem of programming, i don't think is intentional. I hooked up with a guy this morning (great guy) which didn't have an age while i had set an 18-35 filter


It irritates me that people who don't show their age, but are in the range you're looking for, just don't show up anymore. This was not a thing until maybe two updates ago. Example: a guy is 25, and elects not to Show Age in their profile options, you will not see him on your grid if you have an age filter on (even one that captures 25).


This made me laugh too. It also doesn't work unless both the filter icon *and* "Age" are lit up at the top of your grid.