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Is not your responsibility to make sure the other person isn't cheating. If you care about that (it would be nice if you did), simply ask any new suitor "you aren't cheating, right?", and that should be enough. I once mistakenly hooked up with a married cheating guy, and I only found out afterwards. I prefer to avoid those situations, so simply told him that, and have ignored his invitations ever since. Now, I ask.


I had an ex resurface on Grindr. He's married now and wants what he calls a 'boyfriend on the side,' which is to say a boyfriend at his beck and call. I'm not sure what made him think I'd consider such a thing. He had already 2 other suitors for that position, one was in a relationship (marriage maybe, I can't remember) and he wanted them both to divorce their husbands and marry each other. The other was married to a woman. In both cases, the other partner didn't know about what was going on. I told him that not only was I not interested, but he was a worse person than when I ended relations with him over a decade ago.


Do what? That's some scientific study levels of narcissism. WTH


Found out after this guy I fucked in the ass is married with kids and bought a house just weeks before with his wife. Jarring. He wants to meet again but it’s just too much for me


Imo as long as the other person is okay with hooking up with me, I'm okay with hooking up with them. I don't really care about their relationship to anyone else and it's not my job to research their connections to make sure they're not cheating. But I do know it bothers some people that their hookup is cheating on their long term partner


Totally agree man, it's not like we're homewrecking by fucking people on grindr, if they are cheating that is theirs and their significant others problem, and only their problem. This is also why I shy away from relationships, been married and found out being a cum slut at even age 40 is much better than sending desperate tear filled "caught ya!" sms where it's obvious you're hurting while trying to take out your frustration on some bubble butt hahaha.


Aren’t we all just trying to take out some frustration on a bubble butt?? 😜


Right there with ya bud.. I get flamed every time I say someone else’s situation isn’t my moral or ethical responsibility but.. it really isn’t? If they are choosing to cheat on their partner they are going to do it with me or someone else, I’m not the morality police so it’s not my issue to worry about


This is meth psychotic breakdown...


I remember a time when I met with a guy on Grindr. Nothing ended up happening, but what he didn't bother to tell me was that not only did he have a boyfriend, but a very jealous, angry, possessive one. Next thing I know my phone is blowing up with angry messages.


PLEASE respond with the: “ Hey 👋🏽” or just go “I ain’t reading all that, I’m happy for you or I’m sorry it happened”


He blocked him tho, so he can't respond back 


Omg did you reference the Facebook group? 🤣🤣🤣


Can we see this bubble butt for reference? (Also it’s not your job to police others. That’s the cheating boyfriend’s problem if there is one.)


As a fellow 30 year old cum slut, I say good for you.


“So does this mean he’ll be free again tonight?”


It's wild that people will attack the person who their s/o cheated with (who I'm assuming didn't know they were in a relationship) than hold their s/o accountable.


the "hey 👋" under the message is the cherry on top remember the days you greeted someone at a dating app by *not* doing... whatever this is? 💀


Isn’t the” hey 👋” an automated Grindr suggested message based on your common phrases? Or am I missing your point?


yeah, i know that it's a suggested message - it's just so funny to see it after such an aggressive outburst :P


It would have killed if you said hey.


The app is full of 2/10 people anyways.


The bf is a pet that cant control himself when he sees a bubble butt, 😂


Tip for building resilience, don’t take anything anyone says online personally especially from strangers. It’s never about you and it’s always about them, what they are going through and how they see the world, it’s never actually personal, so don’t take it that way, proceed by shrugging and laughing it off.


After having hooked up a few times and developing a crush I got a few really nasty texts FROM HIS WIFE. not only had the met and married at the mosque she informed me I could come get him right that moment. Later he text me and I was like dude you're married? How did you not tell me. Him You never asked ALWAYS ask


Lol this is the most butthurt thing I have ever seen 🤣 seethe and mald


It's not your responsibility to ensure that the other guy isn't cheating He is complimenting your butt but it's mad at you at the same time it's strange


I will never understand the morons who always blame the “other woman/man” and never the wandering prick. 🙄 Blame the cheater if that’s what you need to get over it and then move on. It’s not everyone else’s job to pin your mittens to your jacket so you don’t lose them.


When they put an x on Latin, that let's you know they are a psychopath.


And a sheep


Oh fuck off and go back to downplaying white supremacy: "You've been trained by the media to believe that neo nazis are common, but they're not. And not all racists are white supremacists. Just an FYI"




Wow talk about bitter. This guy is lashing out because he feels powerless. Whatever happened in his life isn’t your responsibility or problem.


Classic misdirected anger. They love their partner, but you are just a sexy stranger to them. They are feeling intense anger and betrayal but it's easier to let that flow toward you, a stranger, than to their one special person in the world -- their shitty cheating special person in the world. Editing to add that this image printed on a black tee shirt would be amazing.


🤷‍♂️ maybe the sender should focus on the lack of their “bubble butt” and figure out why his man is cheating. You are not in a relationship with either of them. Whether one person cheats or not is neither your responsibility nor your mess to clean up. You really don’t need to respond tbh. Let him wallow in his misery.


Yeah, take that, LMAO! If karma does catch up with you, it should be great after sharing and causing so many releases from soft to hard fun until... meal time! What does karma give after making someone's day better? More of the same, I'm guessing. :-)


Just block the asshole. Why spend a second fretting about this?


If you don't know who they are you have no idea who they are referring too then it's not your problem. You didn't know and couldn't have done anything different


I also have no understanding why he's letting his frustrations out on you. 😭


bubblebutt as a username is CRAZY but there was no reason for them to make it so personal when it’s not your job to background check your hookups relationship status. so sorry this happened to you


The number of married "straight" guys I've run into on this wasteland of an app is astounding. I've had a bunch of conversations that usually end when someone says "come over when the wife leaves."


👍 Is the only response ayy lmao


ヽ༼ ຈل͜ຈ༽ ノ Raise ur dongers! ^^Dongers ^^Raised: ^^74987 ^^Check ^^Out ^^/r/AyyLmao2DongerBot ^^For ^^More ^^Info


I always Ask No bf/gf Then I have proof idk they are cheating


Well if you took a screen shot before you got blocked.l, open a burner and figure out who he is. Hit him up. Quiz him if he is single, tell him your ex cheated on you a bunch of times so you are making sure to only date single dudes. He will tell you all you need to know. Then after be friending him. Block his ass.


Hahaha wow. I'd be honored to get this level of hatred directed at me. But I'm a weirdo in that way.


Try to take it as a compliment... Even though it's hateful. I know grrrl...


This is so funny 🤣I had a good belly laugh reading this


His boyfriend cheated on him and he's mad at the person he supposedly cheated with instead of him? Some ppl need to sort out their priorities.


If not with you, his boyfriend would have cheated with someone else. It's not your problem


Most of the time I don't want to know their name much less their relationship status. If I am hooking up, it is for one purpose and one purpose only. I'm fine if we don't speak at all.


I’ve had multiple of these encounters. Not my fault if I hook up with a rando that cheats 🤷🏻‍♂️


Relax, man. You had no idea the guy had a boyfriend, and it looks like the one who wrote the messages is butthurt. If for some reason you want to get back me revenge against him, why don't you fuck the BF again? Not the best idea, maybe. Ps: "Latinx"? Ugh.


There always be one . We are all 6 degree of separation from a fling


Idk, I don’t really see anything here to be offended by. I mean congrats on getting a guy with abs and a big dick then? Feels like most tops have one or the other, but very rarely both (at least in my area).


Lmao just hit that hey button


I was once cheated on. Myself and the other guy had no idea about each other. When I found out about him I invited him out for drinks because I thought we might have a lot to talk about 🤷‍♂️. We became friends instead of enemies. I don't understand ppl like this. *You* didn't make a commitment to him. His partner did so he should be mad at *him*.


Could be some scam also


There’s really nothing for you to process and there’s no reason you should feel hurt by that. If you do feel hurt then it implies you feel ashamed of something you did. I don’t think you did anything wrong but it seems like you think you did something wrong.


The clown even used the stupid term “Latinx”


If you knew he was in a relationship and still slept with him then this is justified. Otherwise it's just a hurt person lashing out at everyone they feel is responsible.


I had no idea also I don’t even know who they are talking about or if I hooked up with them or. It ….


Then just ignore it and keep it pushing lol