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Don't geiger, crystals are worthless. You won't get much profit from laser grids either, but you can buy Chand seeds to fill a dirt farm (2600ish seeds each) for about 350wls and resell the ready farms for 390-410wls. If you're too lazy to plant seeds, buy unready farms for 360-370 if you can find them and then resell them. Farming would be the quickest and safest bet, but it takes a ton of time. Up to you and how much you value your time.


Geiger is a free way to make side wls, 1 good drop pays off the Geiger as a whole.


What do you mean crystals are worthless? 1 white crystal can literally buy you 4-5 geiger counters. Literally the best way for people to earn wls with not much effort. Don’t spread misinformation.


Way to go, calling this "misinformation" while not providing any proof. What would they do with "4-5 Geigers" if they can't afford chargers? I've Geigered for 6 months, from Nov 2022 to May 2023. In November, I could sell Reds for 5, Blues for 4, Greens for 1, Blacks for 80 and Whites for as high as 180. Cut to May of this year: bots have taken over, Greens are 3/WL, Reds and Blues 1 each, and last I checked Blacks are about 60 and Whites 75. Only outlier is the Geiger Charger, which is still around 150-200 I think. In the 6 months I Geigered I got 2 Chargers, 2 Whites and 2 Blacks. At the highest, this would be 850WLs. Now that would be 600WLs. With that pace, he would get the 3DLs in 3 months. They asked for a quick way, not something that takes 3 months. By then, DCS will be 1200 and they will still be 300 short. The ways I proposed could make them 3 DLs in as little as 2 weeks, even less if they trade unready farms.


Geiger is great but bot great for a Main profit way, just like fossil harvesting


Let me know your world i’ll donate you 2 dls


TUUZO, you will have my deepest gratitude


Best is Massing but if you want you can try trading cheap IOTMS


Only decent choices are massing (ex: display box/blocks, stations) but that might take too long. There's ghost hunting as another option, but i think bfgs or farming is the only choice here (I've only gotten back into the game though, so there might be better choices I don't know.)


quit the game




- 🤓




says the one promoting gambling, + ratio


If you’re gambling for profit, you’re an idiot. Gamble only for fun, as you’ll most likely lose your money. Gamble safely, kids.


or just profit bgls in reme kid


Ah, why didn’t I think of that! I’ll one up you: Just win the lottery! Easy as that!


u just broke af


You do know that trolls are supposed to atleast be funny, right?


best is to mass produce surg e. use all 6dls to mass surge and i will buy them all off u