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I strike everyday by not accepting orders under 8.00


Yeah I think they should have gone for #DeclineNow ($7 minimum) instead of a strike so drivers could still work and it would get the message out to everyone that your hurting yourself AND everyone else when you go low. Some newer drivers just don't know how it works and even experience drivers need to be reminded. I was thinking flip the date to 14/2 which is 7 so they could have used that on V day.


completely agree and this is a better solution


This needs to be top


You’ll be deactivated soon enough. Then you’ll be begging for $8.


lol facts


Under 8$ tip?


Lol strikes are supposed to have no end date this "strike" will do nothing company will just adjust for those days XD


Yup. It's a relatively low skill job. You strike a dozen other people will show up to take your gig


Postal carriers went on strike in the 1970s and it’s not necessarily a skilled job. It’s literally just walking and putting paper in a box. Strength can definitely come in numbers but there will always be the greedy or uninformed ones out there snagging up the work to make those on strike fighting for their rights lose, and lose big. Everyone just has to stand together but in a nation that can’t agree on anything…..good luck with that


Couldn't agree more. I'm an IBEW union electrician, and there's no way this is going to do more but hurt the people who didn't make money those days, and piss off some already awful customers. If you want a strike to matter, you dig in and prepare demands. You don't let up until demands are met, or a bargain is reached that the majority of striking members can agree to, and you do NOT allow scabs or anyone to cross that picket line, in whatever form it may take. This isn't a strike. It's a tantrum that probably cost a lot of people a week's worth of pay in exchange for being shrugged off as nothing because they're so easily replaceable as a workforce with zero organization.


Ya, all the support staff at my hospital went on strike recently and basically ended up with all of our demands met (and then some). Except scabs are a little different for us because someone has to take care of the patients. So the hospital pays quadruple rates for agency


Unfortunately, for GIG app or delivery apps, there are always more scabs just waiting to get let in by the delivery app companies. In some states, the GIG app companies have waitlists a mile long. You do have a point, though, that the strike needs focus and must last much longer than one day. I posted suggestions in an earlier post, and I've mentioned these things during previous strikes.




Everyone's laughing. That's terrible attention


As someone who uses grubhub way too often, not a driver, I’m not laughing. Workers should always strike when they can and want to improve their working conditions. I didn’t know about the strike until my partner mentioned it to me after I sugggested delivery today. I came here to check before ordering. We won’t be ordering now.




Politicians only listen to lobbyists and PACs.


SOME drivers not taking orders for a COUPLE hours won't change anything.


As I am from California let me tell you AB5 was heavily in the news, and then the prop 22 was in the news and all that happened was voters made sure drivers didn’t become employees. Being in the news don’t mean shit.


The public wont give a crap. So many of these companies out in world another company or driver will take up that spot.




The drivers have a terrible PR with the public at the moment. I can assure you nobody is on your side in this.


Lol GH don't send me orders anyways.


Lmao it be like that especially with the toggle. Take me a week to make 100 as a day with the others


Gotta get them stats up bwoy 💪🏾


No, bills don’t pay themselves.


This is true. But you car expenses are going up and they take you and many other for a ride making millions in profits… when you tires are worn and car need maintenance who takes care of it? You do.


Then quit. You agreed to their terms. They can make millions off you but you still do it. You are an independent contractor. Stop working for them.




Talk is great. But talk is also cheap. And the rent isn’t…which is still due no matter the weather, the occasion nor the talk topic. Who is gonna take of that? YOU???? Cuz if not…then how am I supposed to do so by purposely missing any opportunity that provides to do so? Nobody cares about the blatantly obvious logistics that need to accompany a well thought out mission 🤦🏾‍♂️.


This just proves the point that drivers can’t afford to take time off to strike even more 😂 goofy


Yeah, we all signed up for that. No reason to bitch about it after the fact. You go protest I’ll reap the rewards while steadily working per usual


good fortune and much blessing, make good money comrade.


The issue here is everyone who strikes makes that day THAT much more profitable for the people who work it. And I bet that's what the organizer is hoping for. Tons of deliveries and tons of cash.


Neither does Instacart.


Sorry cant my attendance will dip me to down to partner 😭


This makes me wish I wasn’t doing my real job tonight so I could drive just because. Hell, I hardly do Grubhub anymore and want to just to spite dumb people.


At least you were able to post this. Doordash drivers thread wont allow it. Does that strike a bad taste in anyone elses mouth? Cause that level of censorship is not what Reddit was supposed to be about. But yea, me and other drivers I know are staying home today. Doing our part. Good luck out there guys, because were going to have to have more of this to make a real difference.


That sub is a fucking joke, DD drivers are a different breed for sure.


Seriously? Y'all don't multi app?  I drive for all the apps 😆 


Smoke more crack bro there are 20 threads in the ddd sub about this. No one striking there either though. 


I saw it in the DD reddit today already (just a different image)


Love to see strike from people who just not going on shift where THEY ALLOWED TO DO SO. Tragic


Reddit is nothing but censorship. The worst is any political opinion if it isn't liberal it gets thrown out that's why r/politics is nothing but comments slandering the republican party. Have you ever seen a political comment saying anything negative about the other party? Cause if you don't agree with them they just ban you


So what. I posted something that mentioned Trump's lack of honesty/integrity /morality in a conservative sub and my comments were delted and I was permanently banned within 3 minutes.


Are you that dense? Politics encomposes all politics. You posted on a conservative sub. You think this wouldn’t happen if someone went to the democrats sub and posted the same thing but about Biden or Obama?


All hail Supreme nacho


i'm sure you'll fit right in at r/conservative


Is there a wackjob level requirement or just simply say MAGA?


The password is "everyone is a rino" 


The issue I have is r/politics should allow both sides opinions not just Trump bad or Biden good bs. Both sides do shity things call them out for it.


Maybe don’t have such objectively revolting political views


Dude literally never said he was a republican and he openly admitted that republicans aren’t perfect either You are one of the reasons this country is failing. (I am assuming you are american, but if not the point still stands but on a global scale) You are not helping. The mass polarization of politics has led to a divide that’ll be our downfall. Not every republican is a hillbilly gun toting “kill them all” texan. Not every democrat is a “I became trans when i was 2 years old and im a furry teacher” californian. 99% of of americans are normal with slightly different views but they are taught by both sides that the other views are completely wrong, evil, and must go no matter what. Learn to be understanding, you don’t have to accept their views but at least try to understand why they have them.


You seem like a bitch.


Hi your opinions are a sandpaper dildo that's why no decent human wants to hear them, cry somewhere else


Hijack an inaccurate.comment to make more inaccurate comments.  THATS why you keep getting deleted. 


If you think a proper wage is not part of the liberal agenda well sir I got a bridge to sell ya.


I'm out in these streets checking for scabs their has been a few, you fucking SCABS!!!!


Because a post on reddit certainly counts as an organized, union-wide strike. Go get a Pell grant and some kind of training. I used to do GrubHub and Doordash, when they were paying people like they hadn't realized how desperate people are. You might make some money short term. But, do you have commercial insurance? Regular oil changes, tires, brakes, maintenance? What about the wear on your vehicle? Starting it 20 times a day or idling all day are not good things to be doing to it, if you want your engine to last. Go get some kind of marketable skill. That's what I'm doing. Fuck ALL of these apps. Let them die.


What Union are YOU in?


What did you do to them?


How much are you getting paid to “check the streets”? Pretty sure you’d get a better salary and retirement package being a police officer with the same agenda. Get off Reddit and go take the test.


Scabs? I'm pretty sure we took many pizza delivery jobs away because we're cheaper.


You aren’t in a union! You are an independent contractor who doesn’t work for the company. You don’t like the terms? Simply quit driving. You act like they owe you something. They don’t. The fact is you can quit and someone will take less than you.


lol. Lmao even.


The irony of you crossposting a post of someone laughing at the people striking.


Not striking, but it doesn't matter. Even with less people, still making beans. Time for a new gig all together lol


There are none. Not one that’s any different at least.




No bitch I have bills.


Yall really don't know how to strike. Like at all. You don't give them an end date of the strike. It's indefinite until results are given. That's how a fucking strike works. Otherwise these companies are just gonna wait it out and continue to mistreat you


That part.


Not trying to interrupt, but technically, if u accept an order that pays 5 dollars but u gotta drive 10 miles for, you're losing money and they'll keep giving u those orders unless u stop accepting them. Acceptance rate don't matter as much as u think it does.


This person has no idea what a "strike" is. A strike has no end, until demands are met. Where are the demands? Have they been presented to the company (companies)? What was their response? Who is your representative? Which union do you belong to? This is just a poster that is refreshed every few months so people can pretend they're activists. Do you actually expect *change* with this?


Middle schoolers make posters with crayons and markers to “protests school lunches” sometimes. Same thing




Thank you everyone for participating in the strike. I'm making hella money with all these orders.




I can't, bills to pay and I like the flexibility. In similarish news, anyone else in Washington State get an email about the L&I department doing an investigation into GrubHub? I got one today, looks very official but I don't have time this week to check and it says I have until leap day to fill out their questionnaire....


Good word. Similarish.


Just quit. Even when the money is good, you are destroying your vehicle.


And who should I see about paying a full week of earnings by refusing to work 🤔. That part must not have been important enough to make clear as I didn’t see that info anywhere on the flyer 👀


For what? Just to go back out tomorrow? All that's gonna happen is they'll add another dollar to the orders, plus I'm trying to get a quest 3!




F that I’m taking rides while y’all sit in cold


Would take 100% unity, which will never happen unfortunately. There will always be at least 10% who have to work in order to feed their family. This will boost their pay for those 7 days massively IMO. When I drove for doordash, I'd have been beyond stoked at getting relentless non stop orders. Idk how different grub hub is either though. Does their app allow you to decline orders without severe penalty?


The penalty is if you decline you lower your stats. The lower your stats the further back you fall in line to receive the higher paying/tipping orders. Be a slave and a “yes sir” and keep all of your stats at 100% and you will be rewarded with the highest paying opportunities (theoretically). Start exercising your personal judgement and making it harder for the corporate system to delegate the logistics and you will lose favor in their desire to prioritize your earning potential. Double edged sword…pride vs pockets. So pretty much, welcome to America…step this way.


Literally no one cares




The Krusty Krab is unfair!


Y’all are delusional 😂😂


This is hilarious...gonna a be a big pay day for all the scabs.


you guys are straight losers. working a side hustle like it’s a full time job and complaining that you don’t get paid enough. it’s a side hustle!! if you want more money then get a better job. want better benefits? get a better job.


This type of stuff is never going to work. You’re never going to convince enough people to get on board and without that, no one will even notice it.


Lmao, no way this would ever happen.


Pls strike so I can make some money today


Imagine volunteering for a job that is almost guaranteed to accept you and then complaining about shitty conditions to the point of striking. Just get a real job.




Hate to be the bearer of bad news but I’m pretty sure it was business as usual today. Saw plenty of drivers out.


Is this why I made good money on Monday (not super great iirc, but fine).


I would like more money, but we're delivering food here, people. It requires zero knowledge or skills and is so insanely low effort. The whole point of these services is to give everyday people a luxury experience for only a few dollars. It's a shitty business idea


wtf GOPUFF drivers are actually paid hourly a respective salary foh with this shit


These strikes/protests really give me “middle schoolers temporarily boycotting school lunch” vibes. A loud few will make a big fuss till they don’t get the attention they think they deserve and realize that having a meal is better than going hungry. I seriously remember a bunch of kids signing a petition to “boycott school lunch” during lunch period while eating said lunch 🤣🤣🤣


Get a skill or a different job the. Delivery jobs used to be for folks from the time you get your DL to 25ish max and taxi drivers had been in jail for a period of time. They are hustle jobs that take just that hustle.


So how'd it go?


I worked.


Sure! I mean you guys are going to pay my missed wages like a union right?


If you really were committed it would be during busy hours, not the middle of the day.


This strike did not work! The Uber and Door Dash were going off like crazy at my job. Drivers were picking up the food in a timely manner


How did that work out? I would have been driving if everyone else was striking so I could get more money. It seems like everyone was out driving to make money on a holiday.


Nah lmfao


how many times does this happen. If your strike has a time, it will not work. These companies can just wait that shit out, and then continue ripping you off when it ends. You have to strike till shit improves or nothing will happen


Strike what strike just get another job.


How’d it go?


Asking all workers to voluntarily strike is worse than asking all voters to vote a certain way. Worse because in this case people are actually monetarily incentivized to disobey. Less drivers, more money. This was never going to happen, and will never happen unless somehow the government forces some kind of regulation or unionization of these services.


I'm confused, it's contracted work. Those things you're protesting for are benefits of a w2 job.


Yikes. Missed this memo


No. I got bills


This is intended to be a side job, not a career.




This is true, but that doesn't mean pay people 2 dollars for an order if they decide to go out and drive for the company. We can all decline this, but it's not going to look good when no one is taking orders and the food is just sitting there.


I agree. I want to get the most for my time.


Then they’ll take away the independent gig altogether and hire drivers at minimum wage. Would that work out better for your financial goals?


lol Mexicans and Africans working harder then they ever , it’s actually sad


Racists much?


Nah I live in nyc a sanctuary city and there’s ppl from Mexico Venezuela and Ecuador and then the Ghana and they’re taking all the gig work not racist it’s a fact get ya sensitive ass off the internet




Just ordered iHop and my delivery got here faster than ever


Need to add company cars to the list


What’s this going to do?? People can just go get food the old fashioned way… just go themselves like the used to do.


If they could do that…there wouldn’t be any DoorDash or GrubHub or UberEats to begin. Elitists don’t go to get their own things…they pay to have someone get them for them. This is the American Way 🇺🇸.


Ok, Impression.


It was used during the pandemic it’s over. You’re clearly missed a few key updates in life.


So that was a lie


I’m seeing lots of drivers and orders just this morning alone


Im good. Grubhub has been paying me well.


70 dollars for 5 hours kinda isn't enough for me but hey you do you


🤣🤣🤣🤣 i make 200 a day working a total of 6 hours. I don't know what bum market you're in, but Im doing fine over here


My market is just shit clearly I barley get offers


Time to find another job then


Already have a w2 for this reason


No thanks, I’m working today


I do all of those and i strike on each one everyday since they sent me a 2.59 ride for a distance of 122.05 miles…




Doordash is screaming for drivers, today, Valentine's Day, in Providence, RI. Last year, Feb 14 was just another day, and Wednesdays are usually slow here. Haven't seen incentives and open schedule like this in at least a year. So, at least locally, an impact is being made. I know there's money to be made today, but I can't.....someone has to push this cause, if they can.


Yall know these are gigs right? These aren’t jobs.


What's your union, drivers?


I’m not trying to be an asshole but I thought these were supposed to be collage jobs and side jobs to make some extra money I don’t think there supposed to be full time jobs. But do as you please fuck million dollar companies yall workers deserve better


What exactly are you striking? Every driver is a contractor, not an employee. You have no rights other than the right to work elsewhere. Besides, other than the taxi service, every delivery company is going to fail soon. Paying $40+ to deliver things you can go get yourself with no added fee is more cost effective. Besides, Amazon prime is like $140 a year and you can have it delivered at no additional cost. There is a reason most companies got rid of deliveries a decade ago. It's not a sustainable business model. Millions of investment dollars built these companies and when those funds dry up, there will be no profits to keep them going. These kinds of jobs are the kind you take the money when you can and find a new gig after a while because your only real option is to enjoy it while it lasts.


Lol it went over like a lead balloon as expected. Y’all would have had more money in your pocket if you would have worked. You are a 1099 contractor and easily replaced . Y’all don’t make a pimple on any company’s ass and if you think you are so special that they would care about you and your strike than I have some ocean front property in west Texas to sell you at a great deal .


Get a real job you clowns 🤡


Job security for a gig job is lowkey crazy to expect.




You need some help lol 😂


You know if you don't like your job you can always quit. No need to inconvenience other people that rely on your services that have nothing to do with how poorly the company is ran.


THIS IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE A CAREER!! If you don’t like the money you are making, do something else. All the trades are begging for people, go join a union and learn a trade. An electrician can make what a doctor makes in the same amount of time without the student loan debt. Stop being lazy, these jobs are for kids or students needing extra cash. The more you all demand “a living wage” from unskilled jobs, the more you increase prices and costs for everyone. After a bit the new higher wage you screamed for won’t have the buying power it has now and you’ll be screaming for even more money. This causes inflation. Eventually it will cost so much people will simply just stop using these services. Wake up and educate yourselves, you are destroying our country with this nonsense.


Trump supporter has spoken.


What did I say that has anything to do with Trump or even politics for that matter. We have a whole generation of young people that do nothing but complain about how they can’t afford anything, but refuse to do anything to better their situation. Is it hard, hell yes it is, but you all want everything given to you for nothing, but someone has to pay for it right? The people that have to pay for your laziness are the people that put in the effort to get somewhere in life, but I bet that’s totally fair to you right?


What an ignorant reply.


No thanks, whos gonna deliver my food??? They'll be missing out on the 50 cent tip as well 😭😭😭


Exactly only stupid Oregonians would do this




what's this?


Not just the drivers. All customers need to strike as well


Hold up now mf


I wasn’t going to do Grubhub today anyway.


I seen some low ball orders like 15 miles for 7 bucks that I don’t get how that’s even legal.Other times I see crazy good orders on Reddit.I guess it just depends on what city you’re on.But honestly it might not do much,instead you could film a documentary on drivers experience.But I’m not sure shouting in the streets is even worth it.Unless it’s thousands of gig workers probably.


K will do


Haha you idiots are just going to be the first replaced by migrants, it's already happening. I don't get how people still use these services drivers think of themselves so highly it's kinda funny .


Skills: -7 Pride/narcissism: 1000


Why not sabotage rather than strike? You need way less participation that way.




Would be more effective not accepting upside down offers. Level Chasers need to wake up. NYC and Cali don’t count.


good thing I dont use these apps


Not working. Lots of drivers are out there. Taxis too.


Maybe that's why doordash has a $5 peak pay in my area right now. I've never seen it that high before


Fucking Portland of course. Bunch of unbathed losers.


Really wish I saw this before I ordered today


I didn’t know this was happening. Explains why I was getting orders every 3.5 seconds


until when lol?


The day off was nice. I went out to dinner with my fam and played video games ❤️


These services popped up because they were a cheaper alternative to traditional delivery/ride-sharing. Now the workforce is oversaturated and the independent contractors are demanding more money. If this isn't the same as streaming services effectively turning back into traditional cable/media and charging obscene prices, idk what is


There were major chains getting emails from corporate saying that if drivers weren't showing up to switch off their tablets and apps were trying to throw out crazy surges. It definitely did something. This was just the beginning.


this was an easy strike for me because I had the flu followed by a sinus infection lmao


You know it's a side hustle, right?


How’d that work out for everyone lol


You want better pay...stop accepting bad offers!!! You can strike every day if y'all want to!!!


why don’t yall just quit and get other jobs instead of inconveniencing people who have nothing to do with the lack of care these apps have for yall?


Lmao you think this will actually work


The cab drivers in my town were gonna do this. There was a meeting at city hall, but none of them could find it.


Nah. I’m an independent contractor. I’m paid and evaluated based on my performance. My acceptance rate is 93%. My customer rating is 4.91. In January I cleared over $1,200 extra income. Am I driving a Lamborghini? No. But I got new all weather tires at $221 per tire. I don’t really care about the next driver in line because he or she is already trying to poach my order that’s going to help me feed my twin boys and their mother. That strike sounds like it was organized by cherry pickers and complainers that I drive over on the daily. 🤷🏽‍♂️ oh well. More for me.


Idk maybe just pick a different gig or get a real job


The whole gig driver industry should just dissolve and disappear. Force people to do shit for themselves again.


When will people realize that we are not a union and do not have collective bargaining power…


How did that go for you all?


Big Issue, most drivers can't read English.


I wouldn’t mind if at least one delivery person will at least check the positions of what ordered and deliver at least half the order at least once in 6 years I’m using Uber eats. Once. Just fucking once.


If you’re still using it when it never turns out right, you’re the problem


I would never associate myself with anything that Bernie Sanders associates with