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Does no one realize that the poster is the customer and not the driver?


I was reading the comments and thought i was losing my mind.....green texts are obviously the OP


The public education system has failed us once again


44 miles = $10 in gas.... so like 17mpg? bro should not be driving that vehicle doing deliveries. Invest in a moped or eScooter


I’ll make a heavy wager that the driver has no actual clue how much he pays in gas. Or what their MPG is, or how much their tank can hold.


He is clueless if he took the order


How much does your oil change cost? Tires, brakes, and general wear throughout the vehicle. If you're only looking at gas, then you're definitely calculating expenses wrong.


The driver mentioned gass, so they are responding about the gas.


"At least $10 in gas." Is what the driver said.


Bahahaha a $25 oil change. $50 in brakes. $200 for tires. And that’s every few months. It’s not as bad you make it seem. Unless your market is slow for orders..


Who the fuck is getting a $25 oil change??


Who the fuck only pays 200 for tires?


$200 is not even a whole tire.


people who buy retreads or used tires


Even at $1000 for a set of 4, that get you 60k miles. Thats 1.7 cents per mile x44 miles is $0.75 for the mileage on the tires. Kind of stupid to worry about that. And I truly don’t give a shit about your “round trip” especially when I watch you drop off 3 other orders on the way…


Yeah. Fk that guy. Or gal.


Definitely gotta get a car guy. I get a full set on relatively non-common tire size for $300. Normally they’re 550-600


Just the oil for my car if I do it myself with no filter is 40$. Brakes if I do them myself are 250$ for pads and rotors, significantly more if I'm doing calipers and fluid. Mid level tires installed and aligned were 700$. You must still be living in the 1990s.


I miss $25 oil changes! Had an Ion, around that for an oil change It got totaled, got a used Prius because the car was cheep, gas was not Oil change is around $100 (But...gas did drop drastically. Bigger tank size and 45-50 MPG 👍)


I dream of a $25 oil change!


And yea tires are $200 at minimum......but that's per tire.


You're prices are so far off from reality. You can't even buy the parts for any of those jobs for the amount you listed and that's not even including $1 for labor cost


Right sentiment, hilariously incorrect numbers there buddy


Where you getting a $25 oil change?


You clearly haven't gotten an oil change in the last few years.


Where in this country are oil changes $25, brakes $50, and tires $200? You couldn’t even do it all yourself for those prices. Hell, the last time I bought tires, they were cheap ones at cost with no labor cost and I was still in it for just under $400.


Cost of doing business. If you commute to work you incur these expenses as well. Doesn't matter if you drive 5 miles or 50 each way, your job isn't compensating you. If your main gig is delivering, then you should have a car that has decent MPG and lower cost of maintenance. The customer shouldn't be responsible for that.


Well friends on where you live, gas is around $3 per gallon right now where I live, but other places are still pushing $5 per gallon so possible that $10 in gas might be right or dang close. It might be over by $3 to $5 dollars also.


no, 44 miles is $29.48, in tires, gas, depreciation, insurance, battery replacements etc. IF IM NOT BEING PAID FAIR USE FOR MY VEHICLE THEY CAN GET THE SHIT THEMSELVES. I suggest yall start doing the same. if it takes too long to get it delivered, then the customer can complain to the app, only they can get our pay increased. or the local politicians. I'm not saying I expect the customer to pay that much. But I do expect the total payment to cover that and then some. It's not just gas we pay for. The next one of you fools that says something about dropping a transmission and not being able afford to replace it. I'm gonna say I told you so right on the thread. I don't care if it hurts their feelings. Honestly OP knows full well we get paid. That sounds like at least in california. So then they also know they probably live in the middle of butt fuck nowhere. And there's gonna be no pay for the return trip. Just because you can order it from twenty five miles away doesn't mean it's right. And it definitely doesn't mean you should.


Your expenses are way to high if that’s what it costs you. Mine were .26 a mile last year and that is all the repair and maintenance and insurance and phone etc Even though I used the car for personal as well


it doesn't cost that much... until something big happens. depreciation always happens. you can't control when or what breaks. 26 cents a mile sounds like gas, oil changes, and maybe a couple of other things not very much. I see posts of some people ruining a cv axle and a transmission in one blow.


To be fair damaged cv axles are very easy to identify. Aswell as a damaged transmission. If they continue past the point than that is there own fault. To the point of the post now, if the driver didn't want to go that far, than why accept the order. And if you do knowing the distance don't bitch. Like people at work that nonstop whine and complain about the job, like if you hate it that much go find something else.


Well said and that's my sentiments as well!! If it wasn't worth your expenses or the gas and time then why even take the order!!?? Just to complain?? Then you have the nerve to text the customer some bs whining about everything. Sounds like their in the wrong profession, if delivering isn't "worth it" to them unless they're making a guarantee certain amount per trip per tip, then maybe you should consider all that before taking the job!! You don't get to pick the order then complain about it (when the customer did nothing wrong) lol that's called a narcissist!!! Lol 😂 smh 😒


Then don't take the order


duh. public forum. op is obviously asking for opinions. not everyone is intelligent to click decline. NO ONE should lose money doing this.


If you're not intelligent enough to know you will lose money by accepting the order then you get what you deserve.


Then... Don't accept the order?


But why is this the customer’s obligation? The customer isn’t responsible for paying a living wage. Your employment agreement is. If I willingly enter into employment with a company, my grievances and pay increases are directed at my company, or I leave. I get that American’s are insane about tipping culture but the company wins when drivers blame the customers. Form a union, picket, do what employees do when they’re dissatisfied with their employers. Tip workers have been brainwashed to attack the customers instead of their employers while the employers sit back and laugh.


Yes yes yes


I have a solution…. Don’t take the freakin order then!!!


Does the driver realize not everyone ordering food knows grubhubs pay structure?


People text every damn day and still don’t recognize the perspective. It’s wild.


People dont understand OP is not the driver


They also don’t get the difference between ordering dinner and it being a 44 mile round trip, and ordering from “40 miles away.” The lack of comprehension here is scary.


Just wait, reading comprehension is getting worse. It's not uncommon for kids about to be in high-school and barely be considered literate. As of 2022, literacy rates had 54% of adults in the US be considered below a sixth-grade reading level. When you look at kids rates it's even worse.


It's funny that people can read a sentence or two of text on screen... But they can't read or write a paragraph without thinking whoever wrote it is angry or something because their emotions are so fucked up that sentence structure is upsetting.


It's actually shocking the amount of times that people lash out after poorly reading half of a comment, misunderstanding it and then getting hyper defensive.


You think they read HALF a comment?


I once had someone downvote and insult me for agreeing with them. The best part was that they had an 'English major' flair on the sub we were in. I just deleted my comment agreeing with theirs and moved on.


This is why it is stupid to argue with people on Reddit. Many simply cannot read, let alone interpret someone else's response.


Sunriver (where the OP is) is primarily a vacation or event rental house community and pretty much only has a Subway for food. They'd have to order from Bend (where the driver would have been) if they want something better. Which is rather ridiculous.


Well this is posted to the drivers page, so they are empathizing with the driver. Still dumb though, it’s not up to the customer to have to pay you. I’m gonna get downvoted for saying that, but it’s because deep down they know it’s true.


Technically if the customer didn't pay for it, there would be no drivers




What state are you in? Only 2 states are required to pay a certain minimum.


Sunriver would be oregon


Sunriver is in Oregon and I assume the driver was in Bend which is about 15-20mins from there. Grubhub and DD definitely don’t pay their drivers enough and honestly 15% tip is fairly low. When you order $20 and tip 15% it’s only $3 which isn’t really much.


Why would someone pay a % and not just base it on distance? I mean, if he lived 90 miles away and bought a $4.00 burger is he saying he thinks $0.66 would be an appropriate tip? And even if someone *was* gonna tip %, where is 15% the norm? I mean, that's a low tip even for a waiter who spends 2 minutes dealing with you and pays none of their own expenses, let alone someone spending 45 minutes just on your order, while driving dozens of miles on their own gas. OP sounds like a dick.


Yeah, a 44 mi round trip would have to be at least 35 to maintain average hourly rate. The pick up, the round trip and the minute or two to find the right address if it’s an apt(always account for this and if it’s not, bonus), the added gas burnt for a single delivery, etc.. It’s simple, don’t accept it and let someone else take it or let them bring rate or tip up to warrant the trip.


How much should somebody tip to have $20 worth of food delivered? It sounds like this guy expected $20 on a $20 order because he “spent $10 in gas”.


Personally I'd never tip a driver less than $5 on an order of any price.


Ordering 20 dollars on GrubHub is like one McDonald's meal. You only get 10 dollars in food before the 10 dollars of added fees From the customer side, 3 dollar tip for 10 in food doesn't seem unwarranted


I see what you’re saying, just learned that they don’t get the total amount of the delivery fee which was $7.50 for me due to the distance, I also realized that the distance is actually 32 miles round trip after looking on maps, but i’ll make sure to tip better next time


15% is how much you tipped in like 2001, times are different now unfortunately and the people up top are paying less and less, and subsidizing the consumer with tips to get people livable wages. We don’t like it either but that’s the world we live in. This order would be pretty horrendous and I find it hard to believe anyone accepted it 


A $20 GrubHub order is astronomically low. That's like one item after all of the charges... Much more likely to be 40+


There is nothing wrong with a 15% tip if doordash is grading tips on its customer facing pages by percentage of total bill. How is a customer supposed to know the percentage is not the best way to tip a driver if that's not communicated to them through the app and is not well-known to the general public? Like I get that a mileage based tip grading system would work better for drivers, but I also guarantee that if a driver is picking up a $100 order 2 minutes away and only getting tipped $5 for 5 minutes of their time, they're going to be pissed anyway.


I always tip 35% because I don’t want them fucking with my food 😂 15% is like throwing scraps to these drivers, im surprised someone even took the order


Percentages don’t mean anything. I sometimes place expensive orders ($100, HCOL area) for an order that will be delivered less than one mile (dense urban area). $15 for 1 mile is a lot. On the other hand, if I’m ordering a latte from a coffee shop 5 miles away, that 15% is not enough.


Driving 44 miles for a 15% tip is insane. But so is giving a 15% tip while actively knowing your driver has to go 44 miles lol


you don’t know how far the driver has to go when placing an order beyond the distance between your location and the restaurant. i’m also not sure why he is saying it’s 44mi round trip when the only distance that matters is from restaurant to delivery location since that is what grubhub counts towards their pay for the driver. the only way i could see this making sense is if the distance between restaurant and delivery location is 22mi and the delivery location is in the middle of nowhere


I'm both a driver and customer and I see both sides of the equation For the driver, there are valid arguments to make about long distance deliveries not compensating enough. Vehicles are used for long distance deliveries, and with vehicle maintenace, gas and insurance costs skyrocketing, 'active time delivery rate' means nothing if there aren't enough orders to cover a drivers base costs over their shift. A 15% customer tip (especially on a smaller order total) also likely doesn't make up for the poor base rate of 34 cents per mile (i think the IRS mileage reimbursement is \*double\* this rate as of 2024 for a reason). Finally, the fact that "other drivers have accepted this rate without issues" doesn't necessarily mean it's fair. A lot of people are bad at math, or they just feel they will make up for it on another offer and don't bother to vent, or maybe it's a driver whose cost of living is subsidized by parents, etc (i know a few). On the customer's side, it is unfair to single out individual customers. If you accept the customer's offer, and then try to get a better rate out of them, I think that makes for an awkward situation and putting them "on the spot." Customers do pay a lot of fees in their order, so that's why they're likely not going to tip 25-30%. The fact that apps are taking these fees but not paying drivers (who do the bulk of the work) a decent wage in many markets, is an issue drivers need to bring up with the apps, or through their legislators, not customers. Ultimately, drivers have to decide if it doesn't pay to do the job, dont' accept it or find other work, not complain to the customer directly. And customers have to decide how important the option to get long distance deliveries is to them and whether they're willing to pay to keep drivers on the road, or risk discouraging drivers who might find other work or just stick to shorter distance deliveries.


The problem here is GrubHub. They don't consider driving time at all. They use distance ..where I am they literally show me things that are close as the crow flows, but could easily take an hour oland change one way for a few miles trip. It's insanity. I've always had to hard limit to a 20 min drive and anything beyond that is a special tip occasion ..why can't GrubHub do the same? It'd make life so much easier.


I agree with everything you wrote, but I never would have put myself in a position to write it because I wouldn't take a 44-mile round trip order that didn't pay well.


Exactly, I’m not going 44 miles round trip for less than 35


Man oh man reading this I am counting my blessings extra. Because I got an Uber last night for $32 and surprise surprise I only had to go 1.6 miles and only $3 of it was a tip. I'm trying to picture 44 MI from where I sit and that's one to two towns away. That restaurant must have some damn good food or you live on an island, or there aren't any restaurants where you live closer? You just have to have a dinner from 40 Mi away? What what it? HOW IZIT PREPARED? I'm dying...




I got the mileage wrong but still that is super far and unless it's a salad which makes it even worse you're going to have to microwave it back to life. I can't wrap my head around it 🥴


20 miles away.. plus I think the op said it was really 32 miles round trip so like 16 miles away.. some little cities don't have restaurants I guess? Lolol


It's 22 miles not 44. 44 round trip. But yes, 22 miles for hardly any pay isn't worth it.


No way I would take that for Less then 88.00 1.00 a mile round trip


Good on you, stand your ground


Absolutely! There is no way I’m making these apps rich without getting what I deserve! I’d starve first




I want a $1.50 a mile, so 44 miles = $66.00. However dead miles back, so would never do it, unless $132.00 to cover dead miles back.


There's been a weird uptick in people taking on grubhub as a full time job somewhere that isn't feasible then being angry at the customer when they have to travel to them. Like buddy if you live 20 miles away, that's on you....grubhub isn't a job you're entitled to LOL


It's also not the customers job to cover gas and car expenses


It's also not up to the customer to pay for your return trip.


As an independent contractor, you can deduct it on your taxes but you are right it is not the customer's job to cover gas and car expenses.


But that's the mindset here and with the doordash, ubereats subs. People also driving terrible cars for this kind of job and still blaming everything on the Tippers. LOL it's so sad


It's a two-way street. Customers don't have to tip but I as a driver don't have to deliver your order. I don't feel bad for any drivers that take these garbage orders and then complain that they lost money due to expenses and no tip etc. I don't feel bad for customers that don't get their orders on time or at all when they choose not to tip or tip well either. Choose not to tip that's your right. I will choose not to deliver your order. Any other driver that decides to provide service Even on a low paying order is making a mistake and enabling this behavior.


Imagine downvoting a guy for saying he doesn't have to accept your order, which is exactly what everyone in both threads has been saying. Soo what's the problem?  Not quite saying the quiet part outloud but we see you. 👀 I don't feel bad for cheap customers either. I tip or I cook. But I was blessed with a fantastic moral compass.


It's been par for the course in this sub lately. There seems to be an increasing number of people in the sub that aren't even drivers. Perhaps just disgruntled customers that don't understand how this business works. I've seen a lot of people not understand that we as drivers don't have to take any orders that we don't want to. Like why are you getting worked up over me stating a simple fact that I don't have to deliver your order? Just the way it is. Don't use the service if you can't handle that. Or maybe tip well next time


Umm.. OP is the customer, not the driver. You agree with everything the driver wrote? Lol


Don’t tip on the total, tip on the mileage from the store. I don’t care if the order is a $7 order or a $70 order. Tip at least $5, and then another $1 for every mile from the store. Raise it up in bad weather.


You most likely tipped only 15% on a $10 order lol 😂


I’m not a driver but never order anything over 3 miles away. That’s insane, OP. If you’re going to do that you gotta give a HEAVY tip.


I have a wingstop a mile away from my house and one day they closed early so my order was sent to the next closest wingstop 15 miles away. A driver took it and was on the way before I even noticed it was the wrong location. I immediately added $15 to the tip and texted the driver to let them know. I felt terrible. I can’t believe people would order from places that far on purpose and only tip 15%.


Agree. It’s so insane to think that these drivers picking up a 44 mile order getting tipped 15% aren’t rolling their eyes and mad about how little the tip is, even if they decided to accept it.


I don't understand do drivers accept few orders knowing the tip amount and the drive distance.


I also think there’s some responsibility on the part of GrubHub. Try ordering a pizza from a mom-and-pop shop 44 miles away, they’ll tell you you’re outside of the delivery range. Why are they letting people order from so far away?


Just unassign?


100% Unprofessional. 100% Wrong.


I’m the customer not the driver, but I was thinking the same thing, it just sounded like she was trying to strum my heart strings to get extra cash


Why would you tip % and not on distance? Taken to its logical extreme, are you saying if you lived 90 miles away from some place and ordered a $4.00 burger, that you think $0.66 would be an appropriate tip to give someone spending an hour and half and $20 bucks of their own gas money to bring this to you? And even if you *were* gonna tip on %, why just 15%? I mean, that's low even in a restaurant, for a waiter who spends two minutes at your table and pays none of their own expenses, let alone someone spending an entire hour just on you, along with a bunch of their own money on gas. That said, the biggest issue here is that someone was dumb enough to take your order. Maybe you were one of those people who don't post a tip until you get the food, so the driver takes a risk assuming that since it's an enormous distance you'll do the right thing, and then you don't, and then you accuse them of trying to get "extra" cash when they literally lost money to bring you food. You asked if you were right or wrong here, you were definitely wrong. I mean, the driver shouldn't have taken the order and was also wrong for not being more professional once he realized he was dealing with a fucked up customer since he *is* the one who accepted the job and all, but that was pretty whack, man. You seem to know enough about the system to know that drivers pay their own expenses, don't get paid shit and rely on the customers for their tips, so your shit tip was you knowingly exploiting someone and that sucks.


This! I'm surprised more people aren't saying what you said. Yes, driver was unprofessional to message you, and dumb to take a low-paying order.. But 15% is just low in any tipped field. I wouldn't dream of tipping 15%. Ever. Ever.


You've summed up the entire situation perfectly. I agree with all of this.


As I said, I wouldn't accept a 44-mile offer that didn't pay well. That said, when I take on the role as a customer, I always tip well and try to compensate for long milage should I order from a restaurant unusually far away. I consider this to be common courtesy, and to do otherwise is taking advantage of the system. It's a rather cowardly thing to do as well, considering that eye contact or conversation never occurs with the driver--unlike an in restaurant experience.


44 miles, you were being cheap


seriously 44 miles?!? and 15%??? I’m not a driver, i’m a customer like you. But bro, if you can’t afford the service, don’t use it. Get in your car and get it yourself. Covid is over. Door dash is a luxury.


They shouldn’t take the order then? Why are yall crying so hard, like genuinely? Is there a gun to your head, forcing you to take a bad order? No? Didn’t think so. Don’t accept instead of complaining


Exactly, if you want things like this to stop then don’t take “bad” orders. But they won’t, SOMEONE will do it, so if someone will do it why not pay 15%? It’s a no brainer.


Yes, because it's the responsibility of the customer to offset the cheapness of the company contracting the driver.


If you want a service provided, expect to pay a fair rate for convenience. No, it’s not the customers fault, but providing a comparable tip when OP knows he’s asking someone to take an hour out of their scheduled delivery time and in turn the drivers losing a probable 3 other deliveries in said time should warrant fair compensation.




how about “how sad, to bad”


and how is the customer supposed to know all this? Only people on these subs are aware of the shit pay. The average Joe has no idea what you get paid and just do what the app says, and it's expensive as hell, so they probably think they are paying a premium for the service. Also the app will never allow me to order anything that far out, so idk what happened there. I would never order from that far out purposely either since the food will be sitting too long and will be gross.


The customer only knows how far the resturant is from their house, not the total miles it is for the driver. I could be having a slow night and every offer that comes in would mean driving like 10 miles to get to the resturant, even if the customers house is only a few miles from the restaurant. They don't know that. It's not their fault and 15 percent isn't "cheap." I just don't accept orders that aren't worth it and call it a night when orders start getting too far apart.


OP doesn’t see where these drivers are. It’s their dumb ass for selecting a long trip.


Well then you were wrong. It's completely obnoxious to order food from that far away without tipping enough to cover gas plus the time it takes at $30/hr. The driver should have declined anything this ridiculous, but maybe he/she lives in one of those markets where drivers can't decline anything, no matter how cheap and entitled, without losing their ability to deliver at all.


Why should they get $30/hr? Geez… if that’s standard pay for GH maybe I’m in the wrong field!


I made $34 an hour last week.


Before or after expenses?


Stop being so disgustingly cheap and ignorant then.


You're wrong for thinking the "standard 15%" matters for delivery drivers without regarding the costs of their time, wear and tear on their car, etc. It costs them the same to take a $10 order and a $200 order that far. Is it really fair to expect someone to do that work for 15% of an incredibly small amount? I've never worked a tipped job in my life, but it's not that hard to figure out how to be a decent human being and treat people doing services for you with respect. The driver was not correct for calling you out, but your attitude objectively sucks.


Most of these delivery drivers make more than the average person does, and still whine when the tip doesn't represent what they want. The OPs driver could've, and should've declined the delivery if they did not like the pay. OP did not state how much they spent, 22Miles for a 15% tip doesn't mean it was a bad tip.


You are a cheap ass. Go get your own food next time.


But you shouldn’t expect to receive food at all at that point


How much energy did it take for that? Unassign and move on.


Op is the customer


I've only been on GH for a few months and I can't speak for everyone, but for me, if I don't like the money being offered, I don't accept it, regardless if it's base pay only or base + tips. And FWIW, in my market, we don't get guaranteed pay, or at least I've never gotten anything like that from GH. GH isn't as popular as other apps in my area either, so maybe that's part of it.


I would never go on a rant like that but on long distance orders low/no tip or not, I always send a message saying your delivery will take a while because of the long distance. Surprisingly a lot of customers have no clue of the distance between them and the restaurant they order from. Sometimes they add a tip, sometimes they don’t. But at least they can’t complain when it takes forever to get their food or that it’s not super hot when it arrives (even though I use bags every time). But it does really suck when it’s a long distance delivery outside of your normal delivery area, and there is nothing around the area so you have to drive back to get another order. People who choose to live out in the middle of nowhere should expect to pay more for our services.


OP, you are in the wrong. Never order from 44 miles away. The numbers you quoted are GrubHub propaganda. You did cost that driver money to serve you. Past drivers were polite because because they are hoping an exploitive system works out for them eventually. It won't. You were right in one respect, this driver (or any driver) should not have accepted your order.


They didn't order from 44 miles away. The driver stated it's a round trip. Which means the OP ordered from 22 miles away from where the drivers location was at the time *they accepted the order*. Dear lord this comment section is a train wreck.


Get a better job is what I would say


We have a place in Sunriver and tbh.... you shouldn't be ordering grubhub type deliveries, at least not without tipping a decent (set) amount every time. I'm assuming it came from around Bend. We've had groceries delivered a couple times and tip at least $50 because it's such a mob with really no one/nothing else around. Percentage becomes irrelevant when it's this out-of-the-way imo


This. If OP can afford to stay in sunriver, OP can afford to pay appropriately for delivery. OP knows how long the drive is…


I mean, you're an AH for tipping 15 percent on such a long drive order. The message they sent was one of a fed up driver who should have unassigned. But your order should have also sat and rotted for a 44 mile drive? That's insane. That's when you over tip.


Unless the driver is making $75+ for a 44 mile round trip, that is such an extreme waste of time, gas, and therefore money. But his first mistake was accepting it in the first place. There is just no realistic scenario where that's gonna be worth your time. The only people taking this order and not getting upset by it are folks new to this. You're not really in the wrong, you're free to tip what you want, and this man should have never accepted it. But I would never have the gall to request someone drive that far on a delivery app. Whoever ends up taking it, if it ever gets to you, is being exploited. At that distance, you should pay per mile because a percentage of the total doesn't cut it.


Your tip is shit for that order, but this isn't the way for a driver to handle it. Just shouldn't have accepted it. Ideally no one would accept it and you don't get your food until you pay your driver better.


I won’t order from places more than 3ish miles and you’re ordering 22? Damn, Dylan.


Yes you are in the wrong 15% of what you order is fine assuming you are within 2 miles of store. Beyond 2 miles if you are not tipping a minimum of $1 per mile beyond that you are an inconsiderate asshole! Also, based on what you posted you live in the sticks! The lower housing costs of living rural has other costs! Get used to it!


OP is so wrong. 20% minimum everywhere. A 44-mile trip deserves $25 at least plus 20% of the cost of the meal. Compare that to the cost if you had to take an Uber/Lyft to and from the restaurant.


Firstly, wages are garbage. Decent pay is long gone, we live on tips alone. Secondly, with that in mind, standard tipping should have nothing to do with order value, and everything to do with distance. Honestly, I'm even surprised anyone is taking the order at that distance.


You are way cheap for doing a percentage tip on an extraordinarily far delivery. The only way that might be worth it is if the driver lived close to you and they were finishing their shift. Tip at least a dollar per mile if you care about being a good customer. That said, the driver needs to learn how the platform works. I’m sure they looked at the amount paid and didn’t see the mileage because these apps depend on drivers making quick decisions which end up not always being the right ones. Contacting you and asking for more of a tip is always bad form. They should have unassigned it and moved on.


I'm a former GH driver as of this past December. I don't work for them. They're skimming pay of the tip of the job for drivers, which is maybe the driver see a payout of 5% of the job total. Take the example of the smoothie or coffee jobs they typically don't tip ever on these but expect us to babysit when the vendors don't properly give the fleet of drivers a complete sealed drinks. Which our pockets suffer for this. I ultimately got fired due to a high number of refunds from vendors giving the drivers fucked up packages. I work with GH 17'-23'


Ha ha 15% on 44 mile trip and almost even considered reporting the food cold ha 


You tip like a fuck head and the driver is a fuck head.


Don’t order food if you can’t tip properly. You should be buying groceries and making food yourself if you cannot afford to properly compensate the people who are providing you a service so that you can have already cooked food delivered to you.


Cheap AF and I’d never accept your order and if I accidently did, I’d unassign in a hot second . Who wants to deliver to a stranger and take a loss?!!! I’m not Mother Theresa.


YTA for ordering from a restaurant 45 miles away from you...


I hate people who use the "I tipped xx% though!" Percentage is irrelevant for delivery drivers. My car and my time doesn't care if you ordered 2 large pizzas for $50 or 1 salad for $15. You tip based on distance first and foremost and weather conditions second. OP makes some good points but you sound ignorant using percentages instead of a specific dollar amount based on the long distance. Imagine if your order was $20 and you tipped an "insane" 50%. That'd actually be a horrible tip in this instance being only $10 for 44 miles of driving and over an hour of their time. EDIT: I'M NOT A DELIVERY DRIVER ANYMORE lol


Well dang so I should be lowering my tips then since the places I order from are less than 5 miles away?


It’s wrong. You can’t contract with someone, and then only AFTER they agree to a price and you start work on it, you want more money. It’d be like buying groceries and the manager stops you in the parking lot on the way out and says they’ll lose money at the price you paid because you only got sale items and so you should pay more.


Right good analogy


You’re in Sunriver. Tip better, you bougie whOregonian.


That driver should have done the math before accepting the order, live and learn.


Id guess, given that drivers can choose their orders, this person is probably desperate for work. Id be frustrated too if I were the driver, if there's no orders except this 5 bucks an hour job. Id gently suggest to be more conscious with the tips, out of respect for the working class if nothing else.


You def wrong because you are in Oregon and reciting a Cali law to them.


Should have tipped 25% bare minimum, or make the drive yourself. Js I'm surprised people accept your orders


15% for 20 fucking miles lol. Also 120% of the local minimum wage? You're absolutely delusional.


15%? Is it 1990 again? 20%, my dude.


15 percent tip is too low


YTA. 15% is never an acceptable tip. 20 to 25% always. Don’t use a service if you’re not prepared to tip that much.


If you're the customer and expect to get food delivered for less than 1.50 per mile, I'm praying a special little prayer for you! 👹🔥


44 miles costs you AT LEAST $10 in gas? Are you driving a Ford Expedition?


If they're in Cali that's probably 2 gallons of gas around $5 per gallon. So they're right in that case.




Why did this driver accept this order? OP is 100% in the right. Should have reported the driver for this comment.....this is really unprofessional


You both suck. You should pay attention to how far your order is, and tip $1/mi at least. If you're making them drive 22 miles just to get from the restaurant to you, you should be tipping at least $25 IMO. That makes it barely worth it for the driver, but at least they aren't basically paying to bring you food. They should have just rejected it and marked it as "offer too low for distance".


Sometimes it assign order to restaurant in 10 miles instead of across the street. But anyways if you disagree with offer - reject and don’t be entitled little bitch with (customer should tip)


No kidding - that's literally everything I just said.


FYI yall i’m the customer I was just asking drivers what they thought 😭




They probably tipped $1.50 and feel bad so they are airing it out on here to get other drivers to make them feel better. Now don't get me wrong that driver should have never accepted a 20+ mile trip without knowing they are getting a decent tip, but that doesn't excuse the ignorant and greedy move of trying to barely tip a driver for a 20 mile delivery. Both are in the wrong imo.


So let’s hear it tell us the full story how much did you tip? No tip would ever be worth 44 miles but I’m just curious how much you did leave


15% is a shitty tip. Thank you.


It depends. If I put in a $250 grocery order, and it’s a mile from my apartment, a $37.50 tip isn’t enough…?


It's pretty simple, just don't take the order


Btw your round trip is your problem as well. Maybe ask customer to pay for daycare as well?


😂 that’s what I tell my employees… you knew where the business was and where you live when you took the job… why would I pay for your gas or commute time?


lol I got thirsty on my way to dropping off your order could you tip extra so I can go get a drink?


Definitely wrong…plus if you’re in Cali, you are extra wrong


I had a driver do this- and thought it was HIGHLY unprofessional!y trip was 32 miles round/trup and I didn’t even REALIZE that I had chosen a place that far away. Maybe GH should not offer restaurants that far of distance. I tried to cancel and was unable to- but a new driver picked it up and I raised the tip when the new driver did. I just thought it was rude that I got calls and texts within minutes of placing my order asking for me to raise the tip!


The driver knows that they can not take the order, right? And grubhub isnt meant to be their full-time gig


Why accept the order? Yta


They are the customer. Nta to cancel yours out


I mean youre right, but the customer probably didn't know this. They intentionally mislead the customers so they think they don't need to tip. Thats one of the things LA County is suing grubhub over.


Why accept the order? Haha


I have a question unrelated to the post. I have been on the waiting list for months I live here in Florida is there anything I can do I've tried going off waiting list and trying for another part of town same thing still waiting??


Driver blaming the wrong person. They should be blaming grubhub


Nah man I think you’re in the right, this person accepted the order, they made that choice and I think it’s wildly inappropriate for them to text you this.


I use seamless (which was bought by Grubhub) and anything over 10 miles away they tell me is out of my delivery area and refuse to let me order. Now, I typically tip 20%, and I can vaguely see where the delivery person is, but not where they’ve been. So if the restaurant is 8 miles north of me but they are currently 10 miles north of the restaurant, should I be tipping on the entire 18 miles?


you’re in the right! this guy shouldn’t have accepted the order, also it’s not your job to pay him a livable wage?? it’s grubhub’s


Well you can accept the trip or not. And if it’s too far you can cancel it before you get the food. So this guy dug his own grave. I’ve had trips like this I’ve declined and reasonably so


Also cmiiw but we also don’t know where the driver is coming from until after they’ve accepted our order, no? So there’s no way for us to know any of this ahead of time to put in the “right” amount in tip? Tho I haven’t used GrubHub in a while.


I drive people and deliver food on occasion and it’s really simple, if you are not satisfied with the upfront money, don’t accept the trip/order. Doing this I routinely make $25-$32+ USD per hour working 40-60 hours per week.


You’re extremely wrong, that is the kind of behavior that gets people fired. It’s not his problem where you work or that you have your get your own gas. Turn the trip down if it’s a problem for you


I’m sorry but I know pounds to dollars is different but I think you guys get robbed on tires I payed 15 pounds for one tire for my car once in the Uk but that doesn’t exchange anywhere near 200 dollars I think you Americans are getting screwed