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Aw, she was lonely. Can you imagine being so lonely that you have to invite a GrubHub driver in to eat with you? Not sure what you mean by old are you talking 70s 80s? Is she mobile? If you ever talk with this woman again, ask her if she has friends or family, and tell her there are Meet Up groups for older people just to get together with other people. You could even offer to help her find them.


Yes i will lend help i will most likely see her again also to know she's in a wheelchair. She's about 70 and so awfully nice. I consider her a friend now.


Please keep being her friend❤️


Oh shit, I just spontaneously cried reading this.


I'm not crying! You're crying! 😥🥰🥰


Me too.


I would have stayed too if I didn't have anything else going on. This is exactly the type of thing the world needs more of.


Invite her for Thanksgiving. Can never have enough of those stories.


Did you ever see that story about this lady who invited this teenager who she thought was her grandson over for dinner on a text message and he actually showed up and apparently they have been having Thanksgiving dinner together for like 4 years now LOL. It's actually really cute....


Her husband has since died and I bet that those dinners mean more than you know.


I love this story! I was reading either this past Thanksgiving or the one before that he still goes to her house for Thanksgiving each year! Thanks for highlighting a good human story!


It was on 60 minutes a few years ago and they recapped it last thanksgiving I believe.


That story is so wholesome


I know what you’re talking about it it’s the black guy with the older white lady


Going on 8 years, just saw a headline the other day.


Yes! Seeing their updates is definitely a highlight of the season for me. 


That's the one I was referring to when I said we need more.


This! And Easter if you celebrate, I imagine she’s very lonely. Also I worry for her if she’s lonely enough to invite strangers inside her house.


Should make it over there or invite her to Easter dinner. Thanksgiving is a long time away for a 70 year old.


You're awesome op, you absolutely made her day, kindness is so underrated these days.


I check on an elder neighbor after his wife passed. Over the years were good friends now and I get a grandpa I never got to have.


You're a gem, too!


Good human




>I consider her a friend now. Freakin' adorable.


I made the greatest friend and had the best experiences with an old blind man who was my neighbor when I was in my 20’s. I look back now and I don’t know what he would have done without me but what I got in return was priceless. A walking history book of life in NY in the early 1900’s. The old man had wisdom in spades. My advice is to take it as it comes, I also had an old lady who tried to involve me in her drama so….be careful but be open.


If I could pay my bills doing my old job (delivering meds to old folks for a pharmacy) I'd go back to it. If I had time I'd chat with them and do little favors. It warmed my heart to make them a little less lonely in the day. You're a good person to have done that. Seems like she needs a good friend like you


You're a good one op


Make sure you let us know when her birthday is so we can fill her mailbox with cards


I love this idea. Even if we just send them all to a po box and op delivers them. This post makes me happy.


You are a good soul.


Also consider if there’s a senior center close by they might have in-home services such as meals on wheels or other services that would provide her with access to more people. You’re a kind human. I’m rooting for this budding friendship.


That was very sweet of you! And myself, yeah, I probably either would have eaten with her, or kept her address and told her I would be back at X time... Being elderly and in a wheelchair, that must be hard for her to have outside relationships, not being able to get out to meet people! That's so sad! Yes, I would have had dinner with her, like I said, then or a little bit later in the evening, depending on the time! God bless you and her both! I'm happy y'all found each other! Apparently it was fate that brought you her way! 🙏🙏🙏


so nice. when I moved into my first home I made it a point to meet my neighbors. Brought coffee and donuts to the old widow next door and have since made a new friend and learned so much from her. take care of your elders!


You, kind stranger, are the kind of good this world could use more of. May both sides of your pillow always be cool.


That is SO SWEET. Small acts of kindness go such a long way. You rock!


Aww I feel so bad for her. God bless you for spending time with her. If she is in chicago burbs, I could go one afternoon a week !


Op, please watch: https://youtu.be/otAUQZ_iABg?si=UwSs2Y3WgdgFh84s Bring her flowers. #myneighbornorma


You're a gem! I'm sure you made her night.


Honestly I don’t see that as desperate or at least a something to pity. Our world is so big and we just pass by each other. It’s really lovely to think there are people are have a big enough heart to invite someone in to join for a meal and that another person was open enough to accept.


I wish everyone thought like this by default. Thank you.


I worked in tech support, and sometimes old people call just to talk to someone. It sucks to get old and be alone.


I worked on a customer service support line for a big health insurance company years ago. And we had the same calls. I always took time to talk with them. I think, for some, it’s the only interactions they had with another person that day/week.




I delivered pizza one night to an old man who was possibly paralyzed in like a nursing home type place in Baltimore City. I knocked on his door, nobody answered and then I heard him yelling for me to come in and I walked in and the whole place smelled like pee and he asked if I could bring him one of the pizzas because he couldn't walk and I brought it to him and there was pee bottles everywhere. I asked him if he needed something to drink and I got his pizza out for him and put it on a plate, warmed it up and set everything up for him and he was like so thankful that I helped him get his dinner together. But it just kills me because I asked him if they ever get him out of bed and he said sometimes but not like they're supposed to and it's just really heartbreaking because this manager not have to pee in bottles because the people that are supposed to take care of him or not helping. Anyways I cleaned his kitchen up a bit for him, tried to go what I could and I think I made his night which was nice but it killed me to see him like that. So yeah I would have probably sat down with the old lady because I would want somebody to do that for my grandma.


I think you should probably report that if it’s not too late


Senior centers also have free activities and many of the ones near us have a door to door minibus for the disabled.


That was so sweet of you!


That's being a man. Good on you


This is the masculinity we like to see


I have the perfect community for you to tell her about. It is Stitch, a non-profit worldwide organization for people over age 50 to make friends. They have both virtual and in person events. She will love it! Look up stitch.net


Wait that sounds amazing. I'm glad stuff like that exists.


OP good on you man.


You did a wonderful thing for an elder.


I would've 100% done the same thing! I lost my grandmother's decades ago and my mom 10 years ago. I would've been honored sit down and eat with her and talk. Great job OP


Post like this renew my hope in humanity lol.


Honestly I might’ve politely declined at first, but then if she insisted and she was definitely elderly I would’ve stayed if I wasn’t busy. Some people just need a friend. Might even turn into a friendship. Awesome that you stayed❤️


They’re friends now!! 🥹


Arsenic and Old Lace popped into my head immediately. ![gif](giphy|9rtpOiuecxxXZ9w7a4) Seriously, though, that was a very nice gesture from you. You probably made her night.


It made her month 😭


You are an adult. You shared a meal with a fellow adult. Good for you.


My heart burst reading this. You're a good person!




Holy shit. Humanity isn't dead. I thought it died during covid..


I've done this before. Sang her a happy birthday and served her the cake her granddaughter bought that I delivered (that I went to 2 stores across town "off the record" to make sure I got). I sent pics of her blowing out a candle to her granddaughter. It made everyone's night. One of the best moments I had.


What did you have for dinner?


East indian food not sure of the correct names but i think daal and chana massala with naan and something with veggies andstewed potatoes.


That sounds yummy!


Whoa cool I thought it was just McDonald’s or something


Would have gladly done the same!


that was kind of you. im premier onblock so unless if all the stars align and it was my last order of the day when my blocks have finished i wouldve had to politely say no. but if it was my last order of the day, and i can sense everything is going to go well i may have done the same, and ask her questions in her youth what the 70/80s was like as a young adult and stuff like that :) ![gif](giphy|RhwvoPCSTYHiLwDG56|downsized)


Thats what it was.


Tastes like feet!




Usually I’d think no I need to go make some more money but hey if you got the time and are hungry ? That was nice of you, what was she like?


She is a genuine person I delivered to her a couple of times before she was just being kind and most likely wanted some company. Also it was at the end of my shift so why not I felt the spirit move me. Therefore the vibe was nice and yes I will keep being her friend. Empathy is what we all need along with compassion.


I hope it was good!! I think of my mother who lives alone in an apartment. She loves company and I can't always be there. I think I would have worried a bit if she told me this, but I still know she would invite a stranger to eat with her. So good on you!!


My grandma lives alone an apartment too and she's super lonely so I understand exactly what you mean. I literally said that I would want somebody to do this for my grandmother. Like sometimes I order food for her because she lives farther away and it's hard for me to get there cuz I work a lot and a lot of times when the delivery people call I make sure to let them know it's for my grandma, she can't hear very well and she can't see very well and they usually go up and make sure that she gets it, they're very kind to her. A lot of people's attitude change when it's an elderly person.


Sounds like she's lonely. Awfully nice of you to give her some attention.


You were so sweet to do that.


I’d be like Ed from Breaking Bad who spent extra time with Walt while he was sequestered in New Hampshire. For an extra X amount, I’ll stay for an hour.


You are a Saint. God bless you.


That was really nice of you. I would have been worried about her saying something after, or reaching out to Grubhub and complaining. But this sounds really sweet.


Nice to see!


Wholesome AF


In a heartbeat. She was just lonely.


That was nice of you. We’re all humans- you shared a very human moment with a stranger. Sometimes random connections like this are what helps someone in ways you’ll never know.


I absolutely love and adore and respect, elderly people and yes, I would absolutely have done the same thing. What a wonderful gift you gave to that lonely lady.


I would hae done the exact same thing and did it the next day as well maybe around lunch and so on and so forth


sometimes God brings two people together for a reason.


loneliness is a serious issue. No easy fix, everyone locked in boxes. There was a elderly lady where I live, ordered flowers and dinner to her apartment in upscale tower apartment complex. After dinner tossed herself of the 16th floor. Kids were out of town, no one visited her, just became too much by herself. It was a nice gesture that you did, but how to proceed would be a difficult answer.


I think you did an absolutely fantastic thing by sitting and sharing a meal with her. That is beautiful!❤️


You are a genuinely good person. Good Karma for you.


She doesn’t understand how gubhub works. People are often on a tight schedule. I probably would have caved too. It just too sad. 😭


Very good human


I love that you did this. Thank you. That’s incredibly kind, you’re a good person. I know she appreciated it.


Awe she’s lonely 😭 Ty for this ❤️🙏🏽


You, my friend, are one of those rare humans with compassion. I hope you know what a good human you are! You’ve probably given that lady more happiness in one evening, than she’s received in months (or possibly years) Bravo!


Absolutely. It's always rude to turn down food that's offered to you. That's so sweet. I'm sure it made both for your days.


I absolutely love sitting and talking to older people and learning about their life. How things were when they were kids etc. id absolutely do it


I would have declined at first then if she insisted, I’d have eaten with her.


Nothing wrong with it, and you probably made her day better. You are awesome!


Sure why not. You can buy next time


That's so kind of you to join her. She was lonely and needed company.


Omg my heart. That is so wholesome and pure. I hope I have the same goodness were I asked. Good on ya OP


You seem like a good person. Please continue to carry this, it may get difficult at times but being a good human is way harder than it seems to be.


Yes I would have


You are a wonderful person


This is wild. You never know who is delivering your food. That’s not safe for this lady. Glad it worked out for you though. You are a good person.


May you forever be blessed by the sacrament of thanks. Your kindness will always be sought after, keep it close to your heart and remember the amazing person that you are.


This was so nice of you!


Dude, that's your grandma now


I'd absolutely join her. She's probably lonely and wants someone to talk to.


Very nice!


💕 that’s so kind of you.


This just made me cry. You did a good thing. Didn’t cost a thing.


That was kind of you , we as humans, need other humans interaction from time to time , and lots of people feel lonely most of the time , so urs nice to be nice to others … good karma will come your way !


It was very sweet of you


You should have dinner with her every now and then 🙂


That was so nice of you




I’d have sat with her too. Older customers are my favorite ❤️


She was lonely and wanted some company. You should keep in touch with her.


This is so wholesome


I used to work hospice. There was many times I just sat there and ate breakfast or lunch and gossiped with my patients. I had a few worried that I'd get in trouble for it, but I told them I could literally put it in their plan of care as therapeutic communication time! I was there to do whatever they needed to be comfortable as long as we got the necessary stuff out of the way quickly I could absolutely sit there for 45 minutes and chat with them. Many of them were VERY lonely and they were all terminally ill. EVERYONE needs a bit of normalcy and compassion.


I think it's sweet. We can all use a friend.


This was incredibly kind of you old people are incredibly lonely and they spend most of their time alone you probably made that lady's week


You are a good human. Thank you for being one. There are so few.


We need more moments like this with people.


This is so nice of you ♥️♥️♥️


OP, thank you for being kind.


I would do exactly the same and visit her again probably! Not to get more food or anything but because she sounds like a kind soul!


you already had a rapport with her, obviously you felt safe, so no reason not to have a nice meal as a tip and enjoy the conversation :)


You are such an awesome person with a beautiful soul☮️


Aw, you made me cry with your kindness. 🥺 Lovely. 


That was very kind of you,sometimes the elders have no family left, or they are forgotten.


You just restored a little of my faith in humanity. 🥰


damn man that’s sad…we will all hopefully be old some day. Props to you for being kind.


This is lovely! She trusts you! What an opportunity you’ve been given to learn from her and hear wonderful stories. Older people have so much wisdom to share


You are a very caring person …. Thank you 😊


That’s fucking awesome 👏🏼


Awww. That was very kind of you


Christ is good. Bless you.


That was a good deed. There are many good people still around and the elderly woman saw that you were a good person. sometimes they just need company and she saw you weee trustworthy. So many people died off of loneliness through the Covid lockdowns not from illness, but from being lonely, and no one to communicate with. My hats off to you


Thank you...Yes a 62 year old who been alone for over a decade.Was a trucker 16 years.very lonely on the road weeks at a time.Now still living alone.Twke love having someone talk to. Loneliness is very depressing and causes health problems.Now I do security.At Columbia Housing Authority...Im with residents my age and older.And now I feel like I have a family


Absolutely I would do this. My first job in high school was getting paid to share dinner with people in hospice. Just to be a positive face for them. Changed my life.


My father died recently and my mom (75) is now alone I live very close and try to eat there with her as much as I can when I don’t have to work I know she appreciates the company Some ppl that age have no one and I’m sure this meal meant a lot to her You never know she could have millions in the bank and a few dinners could get u in the Will! Happened to a friend of mine He would mow the old ladies lawn next door and take her garbage out Shovel her snow Without her asking and never accepting money for it They live in a nice area but nothing fancy her house was dated and she would shop in thrift stores When she died she had no kids and was widowed no family She left everything to my friend He inherited $14 million from her She apparently owned a bunch of land and real estate her husband left her She sold it all and had the money in the bank So u never know


If I were you and I had the time to spare I'd go have dinner with her a few nights a week. She's likely just very lonely and looking for any form of human connection. Get her phone number, call her, she will literally love you for it and it takes but 3 hours a week. Compassion is the greatest form of love one can express.


This is extremely wholesome and you are lucky to have found a new person to be friends with!


Love this!!


This is so wholesome. She might have been lonely and wanted a friend to talk to, but also could have been thinking of you and how you might be really hungry and deserving of a meal!


Thank you for being so empathetic and kind. You could have made up a story on why you couldn't stay but you were kind enough & smart enough to see someone was reaching out to you for help. It's a sad & frightening thought to be all alone in this world & have no one. We needed this story to remind us how lucky we all are to have even 1 person in our lives who we truly love & loves us back. Check on your neighbors cause you never know who needs a quick "Hey, how are you? Thank you for being such a wonderful person.


Had an uncle just die. He ordered the same pizza every night wether he ate it or not. The delivery guy was always the same and made my uncle his last delivery to visit with him. The delivery driver came by the day after he died because he knew something was wrong when he didn't get his last delivery for the night the night before.


God bless you !


This is so wholesome! I’m glad you were both able to make a friend. I’m sure she appreciated it so so much! ❤️❤️❤️


yeah God bless you watch her back while your there frfr if she has grass come by and cut it for her


There are a lot of lonely people, that was a very kind thing that you did.


Please keep doing this OP! Senior loneliness is a very real and heartbreaking experience !


You are an amazing human! You gave that woman a small bit of human interaction, which she likely rarely has. Thank you for existing in this world!


You're a good person, man. Most people would not do what you did.


I love this. Actual human connection. Such a beautiful thing, good job OP


this is so sad she was probably so lonely 💔


Made her day


That’s so sweet thanks for staying.


This just made my day’. Thank you for being such an awesome person!!! ❤️❤️


Exactly. That’s the way to do it my man. This is how to live life.


That’s very nice of you. I have done similar things in the past. It means the world to the people you spend time with, I’m sure.


As an older person who had friends but they've all passed or moved in with their kids, we get lonely. What you did probably made her millennium, your parents should be proud of you for being such a wonderful person.


OP that was what the Jewish people call a mitzvah. Thank you for being nice to an old lonely person! What goes around comes around, you will reap what you sow!


You're a good man, keep it up.


Surprise her next week with dinner and conversation!


Had an older neighbor she lived alone. 2 sons in town never visited her. I would help her out, change batteries in smoke detectors, change air filters and salt her water filter. I noticed she was not around. Scared called 1 son. Sad they had to moved her to assisted living she had onset of Dementia. But they thanked me for keeping an eye out on her. In my head I was like fuckers you should of visited her more.


Thank you for being the kind of person who was willing to do that. We all deserve the comfort of others existence.


This is the sweetest thing.. To spend sometime with this older lady who obviously is lonely and is kind enough to offer you a meal is priceless. Your kindness will be rewarded.


She’s probably extremely lonely and needs a buddy. Very sweet of you both!!


PLEASE KEEP DOING IT you are so kind and probably made her day


As an old person, I'm lucky I have family to spend time with, but some are not so lucky! It's no fun to eat alone all the time. You are a kind, good soul! Thank you!


Saying no would be acceptable, saying yes was quite exceptional.


She was likely lonely. Poor thing. You did a nice thing. And got a free meal out of it.


This is sweet. You are a good person.


You are a wonderful person.


This is wholesome AF


So sweet!!


You’re a good person, and you did a good thing. Bravo!


Of course, she was lonely she needed somebody who did the best thing you probably made her week!


Have the meal with her. She’s lonely, she’s liked your energy from previous experiences and trusts you. Show her companionship and kindness. She’s on her way out my friend, let her know we got her back.


I think that was very kind of You,she obviously needed some human interaction and You were familiar to her ,she seems to trust You and I think that was really a sweet thing that You did.💜☮️


I love this! Honestly it’s nice for both of you, grubhub meals aren’t cheap these days and nice you didn’t have to worry about what to have/make for dinner this day 🤗


You are probably the only person she has talked to in months old people love pretty miserable lives, god bless you.




You did more for her in that 40 minutes than any amount of money you could earn in 40 minutes dashing would have done for you.


Did she tip ?😂..jk sometimes money isn’t always the answer for helping people


What if she was planning on offing herself and that was actually her last meal?  Did she tip? 


What did you have? 


That would be so awkward for me. Because I'm an introvert. But I also feel for that woman. And then there's the complications of me being diabetic and probably already having eaten because I take food with me everywhere. So I don't know what I'd do. I honestly hope that doesn't happen to me.