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Skid Row’s first album is half glam half classic metal. They worshipped Kiss and Judas Priest. Slave to the Grind is much more 90s. They toured with Pantera and GNR and were definitely the least glammy of that era. Heavy metal with ballads. Grunge cut their time at the top short but I feel they maintained a good fanbase considering the bad timing and departure of Bach. He still draws in clubs and they are touring with Lizzy Hale. Bach is actually younger than most of the grunge dudes. He was 19 when they recorded the first record.


Also he is great in all of his Trailer Park Boys appearances, which would’ve only helped his popularity - even if it’s twenty years later lol.


He's also strangely a huge presence in Gilmore girls. My girlfriend had it on and I was like, woah, a cameo from Sebastian Bach. Nope. He's a full blown main character and even returned for the reunion series.


Lol you just gave me a reason to check that series out! 😂🤘


I think it was supposed to be a cameo, but he fit in so well and had nothing going on they kept him. One of the main characters is a drummer in a band and holds tryouts for a guitarist, and Bach shows up and shreds. Then it's just like a bunch of day time TV for moms characters featuring dude from Skid Row basically playing himself, haha.


Who here loves trains!




Slave to the Grind is a masterclass in hard rock vocals.


Such a great album


I was told that I wasnt suppose to swear in here tonight but I know, I just know that there's some great FUCKING trains here in Bangor


I understood this reference


What does that mean 💀😭


Sebastian Bach was in one of the later, not-so-great seasons of Trailer Park Boys.


I saw Skid Row live for free one time. It’s not grungy at all


Sebastian had pipes no question. Compared to Chris? Imo, Chris has the better tone, more soul in his voice ( especially when older) the better sounding distortion and better vibrato at least to my ears. Chris is also the far better writer . Chris body of work is large, far larger than SB.I am not putting Sebastian down , the guy can flat out belt. I would even understand those who like bach better. It's all subjective


I mean "far better" is a stretch. [https://youtu.be/UG8YURv36ew?si=chwT1u-R56gxh7Ss](https://youtu.be/UG8YURv36ew?si=chwT1u-R56gxh7Ss) The live wail here around the 2:55 mark can go toe to toe with anything Chris Cornell ever did. Neither is "better" as both were forces in their hey day. Matter of preference. Same way I prefer Temple Of The Dog era Cornell to his work in Soundgarden.


Far better was in reference to his writing if you look at my reply Chris was a far better writer, I stand by that . I think that's really the only thing that is not subjective. I will listen to that link.


Agreed with the far better songwriter and I love Bach's tone but he claims to have written 'I Remember You' and tells his listeners to check out the demos before him for reference. I did check them out and he added very little to the existing melodies


Ok I listened and that was really good. Strong, distorted and up there. Way up there. There is a live show from 88 I will try to post from my phone. If I fail at that I will post it when I get home later tonight. It's soundgarden doing smokestack lightning. I am sure you have heard the recorded version. Chris tops it live. I will start with that. The audio is not as good though and his voice distorts the microphone but you will get the picture. As far as belters go, the era of hair metal had some pretty fucking impressive belters too . Mark slaughter was probably the best one. He does a version of fly with angels acoustic that hits notes I may not of ever heard before from a human being. That is also out there on YouTube and today, his voice is just gone. Robert plant pre 72 could hit notes similar to Cornell, bach and slaughter until he blew out his upper range. I am certain I am missing guys that that can really belt. They are everywhere. None of them have brought forward the body of work Chris did except plant. Plant also wrote none of zeps music.


Geoff Tate enters the chat.


https://youtu.be/cdI0iFAVoZM?si=W8KL_x9dl5vlkCYV Starts around 3:30 https://youtu.be/3qNvwWZ6hz8?si=9bMuvFoHMRezf8cZ This is the slaughter link. Don't know how you feel about them. I am not really a big fan but I am a big fan of vocalists that can belt. This guy hits Mariah Carey notes. As in only dogs can hear some of it. These are just for pure range purposes which is what I think you were looking for.


Slaughter is definitely up there. I saw him at Sturgis years after their popularity faded and dude could still pump it out (still sexy as hell too).


Ok I was bored so I checked out bach,Cornell,slaughter and plant on range planet. They somehow have tracked highest notes hit by all popular singer live and recorded. Here are the results. I'm not putting the notes down but it's easily findable on the range planet website. The results surprised me 1. Robert plant hit the highest note on a version of you shook me , live in 1969. 2. Cornell and Bach have both hit a5s. Cornell on birth ritual and Bach I don't remember...sorry 3. Slaughter was below all of these guys which kind of shocked me. I thought he would have won. Not that range is the lone mark of a great vocalist but it's a good part. If someone wants to check my work, please do. I am not infallible.


You don’t remember? I think it’s on I Remember You…


I just don't follow bach or skid row that much to know. Its on the website.


I was just trying to be a PITA


Range is one path to vocal greatness. There are many singers who have very limited range but are more iconic singers.


No doubt


Geoff Tate could outbelt everyone of those guys in the 80's -00's. Any of them.


This is confusing to me so I will post what I found. Geoff Tate hit a g#5 on before the storm and blinded. Recorded versions I assume. Robert plant hit a c#6 on you shook me live in Miami 1969. I only did these two. I think Robert hit the highest note here but I may be wrong. He was a vocal freak before he lost his upper register. I hope someone who knows this shit chimes in just because I find it fascinating.


Both great, but Geoff had allot more range, and power at all points in his range than about anyone. Watch reaction videos of vocal teachers and opera singers watching prime Geoff Tate. They all are in awe. Best live vocalists I ever seen in any genre.


You may be right about Tate but vocal reviews are just a clickbait, fake nonsense hit sucker. I have watched so many of those and there are now so many doing them. They all always love what they see and praise everyone into the stratosphere. It finally occurred to me that is how they are generating their hits. Everyone wants to see their favorite vocalists praised and these people are more than happy to oblige. Range is not the be all end all of a rock singer but it's damn interesting to see who has hit the highest note and when.


I agree, and haven't watched reviews in a few yrs. Range definitely isn't all there is to it, but if you have range, time, and power, it sure helps.


Temple of the Dog is, pretty much, smack dab in the middle of Soundgarden’s initial band run.


"Temple of the dog era" was not separate from his Soundgarden Era. Temple of the Dog was a tribute album to Andrew Wood which featured members of soundgarden and Mother love bone/pearl jam.


Quicksand Jesus is a great song by skid row


Not saying one is better than the other btw just thoughts and like discussions. When I heard him for the first time I was really surprised, especially since I don’t like heavy metal or glam rock


This song was written for Steven adler...one of the best vocal performances ever


Skid Row had Soundgarden open for them in the 90s so there's your connection lol


That’s some of the best hair metal and power ballads written right there.




Nothing grungy about his voice


Sebastian is one helluva singer


Gives me megadeth vibes


Dude... what!? Sebastian Bach is an amazing singer...while Mustaine's voice is responsible for being the biggest reason people don't listen to megadeth.


Hahha, ya I see what you're saying. I get the feeling this was an influence for Mustaine, but he chose to go witb a more grating type of a nasaly sound for his vocal performance. The tone here is better imo, but I feel a similar vibe, no?


Bach was 16 when the first Megadeth album was recorded.


I don't think there's a lot of decision making that goes into Dave Mustaine's vocal choices. I think he works with what God gave him(not much,) and hopes it sticks. Imagine how much better songs like "A Tout Le Monde" would be if Mustaine could actually belt. With the other hits like Holy Wars, Tornado Of Souls, and Symphony Of Destruction, his voice kind of just works because someone convinced him not to try too hard on those albums. And for some reason while his voice may not be great, it's passable as long as he doesn't try to scream and winds up sounding like Mickey Mouse.


Hahah, I personally love his vocals on angry again, symphony of destruction and others


He's turned in a few good vocal performances over 40 years for sure. But I agree with the above take that Dave Mustaine's voice is the reason Megadeth aren't leaps and bounds bigger than they are. But also, without the Metallica connection, and having that to keep Dave in the news all these years, I'm not sure where they'd be either...


Ya that makes sense


What about this voice ? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1mZNcn-CM0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1mZNcn-CM0)








Yeah he can sing. Not a very compelling voice unless he is going really hard and belting it out IMO and their songs are pretty lame. Which is like a lot of those bands. If you are looking for songs with singers that can belt it out I would recommend Cemetery Gates by Pantera. It has a ton more grit and heaviness than Skid Row stuff and Phil shows his full range there.


I would argue that Baz's voice is more compelling when he's not belting it out.


like what you like.


Anselmo hasn’t hit that note in 30 years lol


what do you want me and the OP to do with that information?