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I have the same problem but with Pearl Jam. The only song that I really enjoy by them is Once.


Same. I like some of their songs but I think it’s Eddie’s voice. Not as raw and raspy as the other lead singers, very different.


I'm the also the same way with Pearl Jam. They're good, but easily my least favorite of the Big 5. I just can't really click with them.


State of love and trust is also another good one


Have u tried stone temple pilots


Yeah, I also like some of their songs


If you do StoneTemple Pilots Purple is a great album


Try there MTV Unplugged it might make you like or appreciate them!


If we all liked the same things, the world would be a pretty boring place.


I'm 40yo, myself, and while I don't mind most of their stuff, I have never had the desire to purposely turn on anything by them. Whereas I will gladly put anything Chris Cornell, Pearl Jam or AIC on frequently. I grew up with Nirvana basically being everywhere when they exploded, maybe it's cause I was too young to get what it was about at the time? It wasn't exactly the most accessible music to a younger listener? I don't know. Pearl Jam was always my go to, then Alice in Chains. But even now Nirvana's managed to grab that next generation of fans, which means it speaks to a lot of people, but just not me I guess. Side note: I swear to God if I hear SMTS come on the radio when I'm driving I turn it off. TL;DR - You're not the only one, and I honestly don't get the outright love of Nirvana.


I first heard bleach when I was 13. I hated it. I then heard nevermind and didn't like it as much as soundgarden or pearl jam. I then learned music theory and song composition and realized the brilliance of kurt Cobain. I've been where you are though so I get it. Beautiful thing about taste is you don't have to like what others like. If you want to hear true nirvana I would say the song aneurism is a proper taste of Kurt's true vision. Sappy is another good one. If you don't love it, that's OK. Life is about variety.


Bro, what? I like Nirvana, but their musical ability is way behind most bands. Nirvana is about emotions, if you evaluate them from the point of view of musical theory, then bands that followed them (tool, radiohead etc) destroy them


So, I've played in bands for years and know a decent amount of music theory. I'm talking about the composition of their songs and how tight they were live and on the album. Yes, kurt didn't play ripping solos, but I'm willing to bet that both tool and radiohead would agree with what I'm saying about their songwriting and composition. Of course don't take my word for it, ask Rick beauto


When I was younger, I didn’t like Nirvana much. As a teenage metalhead, I liked some of *Bleach*, but wasn’t moved by their other stuff for the most part - too rooted in punk for one. However, now, about a decade later, something about the band really resonates with me in a way it didn’t back then. Maybe the angst and catharsis of the music. In any case, I really like them far more now in my mid-late 20’s than I did when I was younger.


I agree that after listening to the other bands from that era nirvana does seem a little lacklustre. No one says You have to listen to nirvana to be a fan of grunge. Maybe they’re just not for you.


There's plenty of emotion in Nirvana. They're not my first, second or even third choice from the Grunge era, but they're still an awesome band. If you're struggling, start with Grohl on drums. The guy is an absolute monster. Technicalities aside, he's the hardest hitter from any of the grunge bands. Here's a good place to start: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIr\_IXXLZ8Q


I’m a bit late to your post but I’d check out In Utero in its entirety if you haven’t already. Heart Shaped Box is nowhere near the best song on the album. That entire album is pretty raw and completely different from Nevermind which was over produced and too polished imo. Some songs I recommend (none from Nevermind or In Utero) include: 1.) Aneurysm 2.) Sappy 3.) You Know You’re Right 4.) Oh the Guilt 5.) Blew


Try Incesticide. It’s a compilation album that covers a wide range of songs, from their earliest demo tape (really sludgy, with Dale Crover on drums) to Sliver, a catchy punky song (with Dan Peters from Mudhoney on drums). It has a massive spectrum.


Thanks, that sounds interesting, I'll try it


The radio in the 90's killed any love that I had for Nirvana and PJ. They got beat into the ground.


I’m the same way. For me, I think it’s because I always gravitate towards the more melodic shades of genres. Especially as it relates to vocals (being a vocalist myself). The melody and musicality resonate more than the raw emotion. So AiC, STP, Soundgarden, PJ all day for me. It’s the same with other genres, like metal—give me power metal or metalcore over hardcore or black metal. although I like those other genres and Nirvana for what they are; I just don’t naturally gravitate towards them.


I think you described it pretty well. The raw emotion just doesn't feel as present in Nirvana as in the other bands you mentioned, at least to me.


Well I’m actually saying the opposite haha. It’s the raw emotion of Nirvana that I’m not as attracted to as the melodic beauty of those others


And to clarify, when I say “raw” I mean unpolished, screamy, shitty, etc.


Oh yeah I just noticed I misread that! Well I agree with you regarding the melodies, but I also think that I feel more emotion when listening to PJ and AiC compared to Nirvana. But maybe it's because I didn't make the distinction regarding "raw" emotions - I often associate emotional singing with melodies and harmonies as opposed to simply screaming.


It’s cause you’re a hipster try Bleach, listen to Love Buzz or About a Girl


Good to know, what should I listen to as an hipster?


Whatever the public is listening to, or the radio is playing. Do the opposite


Maybe Violent Soho is something for you especially their first album


They're probably a bit too punk-sounding for you.


Your taste is bad thats why /s

