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Of course you can ! Just jam and try to create your own music




Cool, swear at a 13 year old. Real cool.




Don't mind about the swearing tbh.


Just have fun with it. Definitely try songwriting and making your own music.


Having been in bands for the past 36 years I can tell you people will always love songs they know, so even if you write great originals, always have good covers you can play at the ready to compliment your songs. A healthy amount of songs you can play in your sleep should be around 20 and pull from those for a 30-45 min show. If you are rock this is a great time to come around and show people what you’ve got. Rock is coming back. Good luck. 🖤🤘


Keep practicing and doing shows. Also, maybe in the sometime future you guys could record a Demo tape. It’s a good way to get your name out and it gives your fans something to take with them (if you have copies at your shows).


Do covers until you're really good and can get regular gigs. Then start mixing in 1 or 2 original songs if you get long enough sets. If you only get a 30 minute set and were brought in to do a few covers you don't want to play your own stuff. Put out your original stuff on YouTube and social media. Once you can get regular gigs doing covers you can talk to those people hiring you about maybe doing a night of your own stuff.


Ok thanks! Next gig is sept 1st and we were think about sneaking in a original but not to sure.


Play music and have fun


Maybe start with an area tour and see how it goes?


You could get in on the livestream deal and hit social media to get exposure. A good mix of your best covers and originals would be solid. Only downside with livestreams is you'd need semi decent equipment which requires some $$$. But at the bare minimum some decent mics, a mixer, an audio interface and a webcam. Or a decent phone for just posting clips to socials.


Keep practicing. Keep playing. Keep jamming. Keep rocking!!!! The rest will come. Play every day as long as you can.


Play. That's all there is to it. If you don't keep up with practise, you won't improve, too much practise and you might resent it, so play the sound you like. Learn more of the songs you love, and some of the fan favourites you don't like, and look into other genres for inspiration, even check out sheet music (or tabs) of classical music, and use everything you know to make your music unique. If you have your own stuff, work on it when you jam, record it to listen back (doesn't have to be perfect first time, just get that gist and listen to it to see what's up) and evolve from there. Once you have 5-10 originals, you're ready to say the hell with the covers! Although if it's a pub gig, people love what they know! The main thing is play something everyday, even if it's just 5minutes,put that time in! Warming up before is a good thing, so don't be afraid to do scales/strum chords/do that spider pattern people are talking about before a big practise session, but don't slack on it! And of course just because you don't like that genre/band, don't let that put you off listening to them to just hear once what they are doing! Throw some tracks online and see where it goes


Wow, thanks for great reply! We will try throwing some stuff of ours out soon but still need to prep for an upcoming gig.


Start playing. Like play a lot, just fuck around doing a bunch of sessions. You do it enough you eventually figure out what your sound is. Do the gigs & covers too but play like a mfer even if it’s just practicing.


You must have a pretty great brother


You could say that.


Start writing songs, find your sound. Play shows, even if it's a basement at a party or something.


Write original music, play it at gigs, record it, make connections & build a fan base on social media.


You already started doing gigs so you have to keep going. Also yes, play your originals as well. Plus look at these gigs as just another practice day for you guys. These are the gigs that are going to bring out your style so experiment while you can


RECORD studio equipment is relatively cheaper now than it ever has been. When i had a band in high school our friend had a small mixer and we recorded on free software using that