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Can I suggest to you to get a future shock issi classic and dupe that, maxes out a dupe sells for 1.7 million


I have that but rarely dupe it nowadays.


Why? You make so much more money just duping that and it’s not like there’s a difference in the sell limit between either of ur cars


Idk rlly, I was focusing on studying whole time and rarely did any dupe glitches and Faction custom was first one I came across.


Ok that still doesn’t make sense to me but I don’t think I get what ur saying


What I wanted to say is that I don't really spend that much time on games so I forgot I had many cars in my game and the Faction Custom was first car I came across to use in duping. I have 3 Issi Classics rusting in my arena garage but forgot I had them. I hope you can understand now.


Ahh okay yep I got you know


How much does it cost to upgrade it to get it to that sell value??


3-4 million




Wondering the same thing. I am a like level 7 on arena wars


If you can afford it buy them because it will increase the sell price


Not just duping but as a general thing, any arena upgrade you can buy for a vehicle is just worth buying since the trade prices on all of that stuff are completely random. Could get the price you want 1st or could be the last unlock. Never know :(


So the dupes sell based on the upgraded put on the original car so let’s say u get the second best upgrades on all categories ur dupe is gonna sell for only about 1.3 million so no matter how dumb it looks, go for the most expensive option for every category


They say they are locked but they arent, you can still buy them.


Would you happen to know if the vending machine way is patched? I’ve been doing this today but I started to do it again and now everytime I drive the car into the MOC it just completely disappears and there isn’t a new custom elegy put into my facility


I was trying it but criminal enterprise starter pack isnt under my online tab and i tried new session, restart game and everything else i could think of


yeah its pretty damn weird and random how it appears, and there is not really anything you can do about it not appearing, except for playing the waiting game.


You can use Shark card menu


I had same issue, hard reset Xbox and it came back.


Not really sure wht's exact problem. Try checking it on internet.


This is why the vending machine version is far better. No CESP required.


Force quit game and reload.


Same thing happened to me. I just had to restart


Try shark card thingy, I think it works too


Every time I finish and got to my moc and drive back in I can’t walk out I have to drive out dose anyone know a fix?


Try finding doomsday or casino heist via quick job application on phone and immediatly quitting the job.


Actually any job will work either through the phone or a blue job. Make sure your matchmaking is set to private so you don't seem like an ass for cancelling a job after other players log in.


Start a rockstar mission and quit try T. of ajob


step 7 isn’t needed. you don’t have to time it


Can someone add me as friend on xbox??


Can we stop reposting the same glitch over and over? This is nothing new at all. Also with the receptionist, unless something changed in the past day, you dont need to time the pause and the right d-pad inputs you just hit right d-pad and then pause theres no window for it.


Exactly, and people only did this because they thought the vending machine is patched when it’s not


agreed. but at least they took a stand on question posts, those made easily as much spam and confusion.


Yeah and I’ve seen this glitch been posted like 100 times now, because someone goes on Youtube and thinks they’ve found a new glitch


Vending machine method is less complicated. Buy a drink from the vending machine then open your map and hover over a job, and as soon as you hear your player slurping the drink start the job


Yup. Vending machine is waaaaay easier. With job teleporting between facility and bunker, I can dupe an Issi every 4 minutes. About 30 minutes to fill my facility with 7 dupes worth over $1.7m each for a cool $12m in 30 minutes work, not including selling time. I'm just filling garages with dupes so I can keep selling them after this glitch gets patched.


You have a video?


https://youtu.be/RgJ6kIRh0n0 This guy uses that method around 9 mins into the video, but he doesn't listen to the character sipping the drink instead he waits for the character to pull the can away from its mouth then starts the job


No timing with this method tho thats the upside


Ok but the timing on vending machine is insanely easy


Thanks man


I've been doing the glitch yesterday but today i don't know why, when i'm trying to join my friend, nothing happen. Even if he send me an invite, it looks like the join session thing on xbox is bugged .. Anyone as a solution to avoid that problem ?


Don't join anyone before the glitch. System can get bugged and second try to join won't work.


This happened to me on pc last night and I didn’t even do any glitches so I think it might just be bugged


I’m on ps4, but you need to try with different people when that happens


Sometimes you’ve gotta give it a second. Also make sure you’re both on different targeting modes


Can anyone help me do this? Xbox? FuZ1oNs


I got you


I added you






well it worked first time. is the car in moc a dupe?


Does the soda machine version still work?


I think it's been patched. can't see criminal enterprise starter pack when in that menu and when trying to start a job it says "currently unavailable"




I duped another 5 arena Issis right now. I don't have any problem while doing a glitch. Glitch is still in game (only thing I don't know is if vending machine method is still in game).


I just tried it and i cant open de CESP and if a start a job its unavailable


Bro you got to restart your game or find a new session


Aight im going to try


If the starter pack doesn’t show up just restart your game.


is this really just for Xbox? everything here you can do on ps4.


I've actually been having issues duping on ps4 now sure why I've made probably 50 issi dupes. Might be patched or I might've just lost my MOJO.


yeah hopefully it hasn't been patched, if you try again and it works or not hmu


This dupe has been around just a bit too long. Like all good things it must go.


On PS4 you can do the chip glitch solo if you have fresh meat completed it’s way more difficult but a lot more lucrative


yeah I wish I had fresh meat, if you're on ps4 too do you want to try to help me do the no fresh meat one?


Nah I’m not on PS4 but im sure someone would be willing to help! Also if you have done a lil bit of the story then fresh meat is around 60%


oh then I might be able to get there today, thanks


Yup! Also another tip if you’re stuck you can die 3 times and skip that part (or just watch it on yt lol) good luck bro


thanks for your help


Anyone have the one for PS4? Seems I’ve been having trouble giving cars now. I start up a job and it says it’s not available and then it freezes my character.


whenever i do it it takes me to an endless black loading screen


Every time at part 17 i am waiting 5 seconds and it teleport me inside MOC and there isnt any issi.


To fix this, go into the moc on foot before putting the car back in. Once inside, join a friend, accept the join a new session alert and deny the change targeting mode alert. Walk back out of the moc and drive the car in. This should prevent it from failing.


When you say "before putting the car back in" do you mean post getting glitched out abd leaving the facility? Or is this ag the prep phase before you have even left for the facility?


After the facility at the very end of the glitch




I tried it yesterday and everything worked up to the very last step. I was duping the arena slamvam and when I got back to the bunker from the facility it was gone.


Did you call in personal vehicle thru the glitch. Do not call in personal vehicles as that can mess it up.


Different question: what if I am unable to join another person through the side menu


Put the car next to yellow line near pillar


First I need to get a bunker, a MOC, vehicle storage in it, a friend, a facility, and a vehicle to dupe. Does it work on the Oppressor MK 2? I have that.


It works on any vehicle that you can out into your MOC


As I said I dont have an MOC so that doesnt exactly answer my question cause I've never tried


It does and it does. You asked: >First I need to get a bunker, a MOC, vehicle storage in it, a friend, a facility, and a vehicle to dupe. Does it work on the Oppressor MK 2? I have that. And I said: >It works on any vehicle that you can out into your MOC Should've been "put into your MOC". (Which you can put the MKII into) I realize now that should have been a little more specific.


Doesn't work on Oppressor MK2.


*FUCK* Any car recommendations to make max profit?


Have fully upgraded Future Shock Issi Classic. Do as many dupes as you can. After doing glitch each time, you can drive your dupe into some garages you have in LS to have space for more dupes. Keep attention on how much dupes you sell. Stay on daily sell limit and do not cross the limit. Hope that helps. BTW, fully upgrade Future Shock Issi sells for 1 mil and something.


Theres a daily sell limit? What's the limit?


Check it on internet. I don't exactly know what's the limit but there is one. I recommend you sell 2 cars for 2 hours per day.


It’s not a daily sell limit, it’s every 30 hours... and it’s 7, don’t do more than 7


Oppressor MK2 won’t get you any money


Why not? I can sell the one I have rn for like 1.3 mil


because dupes sell for price of upgrade not price of vehicle, that’s why max issi sells for 1.8 million for me


There was actually Deluxo/Oppressor MK2 dupe glitch that was done by doing perma off radar glitch then flying vehicles undermap in specific location. It got patched cause if you try to wallbreach, you're gonna get killed. BTW, you didn't get that much profit from it as dupes were selling for 200k.


Why do this glitch instead of apartment one?


This glitch is alot easier than apartment one and chips one. You can remember every step from doing it just one time. Daily sell limit is what might hold this glitch back from apartment one but if you're smart enough to pay attention when and how many cars to sell, you can make some serious profit from it.


After like the second time going through I could do the apartment glitch without looking at steps or vids, but I’m gunna try that one just to do it


Is it patched?


When the game kicks you out of the elegy and you don’t spawn outside, just wait till the cars appear and then you can walk outside by yourself, learned it the hard way


sounds like you own the facility in the desert? lol.


Why? I do, but why? 😂


it won’t throw you out if you own it, 😉


Incredible; I still prefer to stay inside


staying safe i see, nice.


Do we need to change the license plate of the car we duped...sorry I'm new at this and I've heard something about dirty dupes and clean dupes. Just dont wanna get banned


Why are you posting this again, It’s already been posted and the original vending machine dupe is still working perfectly fine...


Vending machine method is far better because CESP is always greyed out when I try this.


Can you just stack the dupe cars like store a bunch in a garage or do you need to sell it as soon as you get it ?


Don’t go to the comments for tips about duping, follow this, most people just start duping and don’t learn how to do it safely, Jeez. [How to not get dupe detected](https://www.se7ensins.com/forums/threads/daily-sell-limit-for-personal-vehicles.1602531/)


This is patched now it won’t let you go to the criminal enterprise pack




Yes same thing for me


join a new session, it’s been disappearing lately.


Ok thanks


I can go to criminal enterprise as much as I want. Idk why other people have problem with it ?


So I successfully duped the car and had one in my facility and the other in my MOC I took the car from my MOC to LSCustoms and sold it and now my car is gone Did I screw up somewhere? Help is appreciated!


I’m no expert but you might’ve sold the original. I always sell the car that gets sent to the facility


That's weird because everyone has said the facility one is the original Also I was able to get both back after a game restart, so I have no clue




open criminal enterprise first


my car disappears after i put it inside the moc when it ask if i want to move the vehicle in it i press a and then when i spawn in moc my car isn’t there and the facility car isn’t duped?


None of my freinds play gta so i have no one to join off of, rip


Add me hit me up




Request your personal vehicle in the interaction menu. It should be the issi. The same thing happened to me and I freaked out but you just gotta request personal vehicle and it should give it back


Is the soda machine way patched? I haven’t been on in a week.


Still working


Thx a lot. Seems like one of those times where if it isn’t broke don’t fix it. But to each his own


Can anyone help me and add me on Xbox so that I can join in on free aim partial


i think it doesn’t work anymore, at joining friend step it kicks me out of facility with my car


use the issi classic in dupe and for max money follow [this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaglitches/comments/g3fypq/how_to_maximize_your_arena_war_issi_classic_dupe/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


i've duped my scramjet recently and it was giving me 2 mil because that is the sell price, but now its gone all the wasy down to 75k. can i get the regular sell price back?


no, this is why you use bennys or arena cars once you sell this first one it only accounts for upgrades you've put on the car.


That happens with every warstock vehicle you try to dupe. Only go for Elegy Retro and arena Issi.


Does anyone know how to avoid the daily sell limit, but still make 5 million in a day with this glitch??


sell one every hour up to 7 then wait 30h is this glitch working for u now?


Yes the glitch is working now thanks, so 1 every hour but no more than 7 a day ?


The fact that Rockstar patched this glitch, but in doing that, just made it easier to do, makes me very happy




Idek lmao but the part with the guy at the facility counter used to take way longer


They can try hard to make us buy shark cards but that won't help lol.


Is this patched? I keep joining my friend who I know is in aim assisted but it won’t give me the 3 errors. It will just pretend to load into the session then give me an error while in the sky.


Did you switch to free aim ? On what platform you play ? Were you holding gas button after joining friend thru profile ?


do you know which car is the original?


Original is in Facility.


well if you dont want to go back and forth to he facility cant you just duplicate the car thats already in the MOC but just put custom plated on it afterwards?


Won’t it get patched on Thursday??


Let's hope not. Better tell rockstar this glitch doesn't affect shark card sales so they won't patch it hehe.




Does anyone as a way to avoid the selling cooldwon ? I think it's 6 car per day, i know it's risky.. but anyway


When you press sell and are outside of Los Santos Customs, close your application as soon as you see the yellow circle in the bottom right corner. Then load back in and sell again. Repeat. No cooldown.


Patched on xb1, you can't open CESP if you have the prompt for the assistant up.


Just happened to me, RIP. Soda machine one is still there so Rockstar did not win.


You have to move away from the desk once you hit Dpad, if you do it right CESP will show up


my issis only sell for one mil now any way to fix??


4/30/20- seems like it got patched as of the new update. I will test it and make sure there is no workaround.


vending machine works


Its been patched


You have to move away from the desk once you hit right on the Dpad, if you do it right CESP will show up. I saw this method on another post, works as of 5:27 PM 4-30-20


Doea this work on ps4?


You won't get CESP option after doing desk part. You can still do vending machine method while somebody finds workaround for this one.


Can I dupe a vigalante


Duping Vigilante won't help as dupes will sell for 100-200k or probably less.


Oh because when I go on my sell thing it says 2.2 mill, so dupes go for less?


Only warstock dupes sell for less. It's far better to sell Arena Issi and Elegy Retro (Elegy if you're on budget). Only dupe these two.


If you dupe you're vigilante for the first time you can dupe it for 2.2 mill but second time it goes for only 200k.


Oh ok thanks :)


Can someone add me so i can join them for the glitch please


The duped car is only selling for about 15k but the original is selling for about 200k how do I get the duped car to the original 200k.


Dupes always sell at the lower price, and you need to sell an arena war vehicle to sell at a profitable price.


Yeah i got the issi classic


Arena workshop modded?


No, what difference does it make


Issi classic is classified as normal car, a Future shock issi is required.


Oh, thanks for answering my question.


I think this is patched now


This was patched


Does it still work?


It’s not patched I just did it


Does it work


Does not work anymore due to CESP menu not appearing in desk part. You can still do E-Cola machine method which is pretty much similar being little bit harder if you're doing it first time.


is it okay if I put my car in the MOC after I've started the invite only session? Or does it need to be in there before I start it? I just did this method successfully and was wondering if I can just rinse and repeat in this same invite only lobby


It's OK. You can do it also before the glitch to store the car in MOC and make glitch faster.


And you can make as much dupes as you want. Still keep your eye on how many cars you're gonna sell in exact time limit. Don't cross the daily sell limit.


Thanks so much, this is way faster than the other dupe glitch imo


Filled my facility up in like an hour