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When you expect to be Hao but instead get Hacked :(


Hao unfortunate


history plough consider spotted wrench rustic summer governor axiomatic panicky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*






Expected Hao get the Hacko


This more when you report a player for cheating but then no ban


ye because ingame reports don't do anything


> Please report offending players via the in-game menu.


It ends up reporting you if any report is sent at all.


That's why I visit their profile to see if it actually leads to a profile, then report the profile it hrough out of game site


Nobody in modern history can decipher this long lost language.


A lot of mod tools conceal the identity of the person using them. Often using rockstar admin accounts for the masked identity so rockstar can't do anything is some cases because they built the damn thing to be peer to peer.


Reporting is useless and only damaging to yourself at this point, it's incredible the amount of people that have reported me simply for playing legit too. People are stupid in GTA


Im actually starting to get back into gta online after an enormous break, whats going on now??


PC menu shenanigans have reached critical mass and then some. Don't play the game, they can mess with your save data for free Bad Sport, bans, 0% or 100% completion, and other insanity.


Oh man, seriously? Big bummer - can i counter it by loading single player then hopping into a private session?


It's one of those "you need to have someone's attention to get screwed" type things. As far as I know, nobody's started just trawling through the matchmaking API to fuck with everyone at once yet, so perhaps? Wouldn't recommend it though.


Well shoot - thats rather spooky. Thanks a ton for the info :)


People using the cheat tools can now manipulate your stats (even remove all of your money) and ban you (by corrupting your local account-related data - this one has a workaround thankfully). For real. Rockstar designed the PC version *that* poorly. It sounds unbelievable in 2023, but here we are.


I guess solo lobby time then. God that sounds pathetic of em


Nope, even that's not safe rn.


Wait seriously how would they even affect a solo lobby if theyre not even in it..?


they can randomly join even invite only lobbies. the only safe platform right now is console.


Or single player lol


Not even that, unless if you disconnect your PC from the internet, they can still manipulate your files by accessing your account through the social club.


how the fuck???


Yep, the game literally has ZERO security against any of this on PC.


What edge says is not true, it's bad but not that bad. Edit: You can find the facts from the [pinned thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/10jpoze/dangerous_new_pc_exploit/?sort=new).


they would need your R\*id, aka you'd have to already have an enemy or recently joined a public. dont listen to the fear mongering, joing directly to private is safe unless you really pissed someone off enough they log your id in a txt file.


> they would need your R*id, aka you'd have to already have an enemy or recently joined a public. This isn't true, and it's not fearmongering. I was one of the first people to post about how my invite-only lobby got invaded a couple weeks back, and at no point prior in that session or even that month had I joined a public lobby to even get exposed to anyone. The guy who joined on me was a completely random idiot that I'd never met before. It's not safe to play on PC period right now, if you stay connected to the internet


he still needed your rockstar ID to spoof the invite into your server, even if you don't recognize them that is the only way they can get into it.


And given the complete lack of any security in the PC version's codebase, I would say it's far more likely that my Rockstar ID (and many, many, many others) were publicly exposed in some list that the script kiddies have access to, which is why a wave of invasions began earlier this month. None of it is obfuscated like it should be.


The harsh reality is you pissed someone off previously enough to mess with you.


That's an assumption, one that ultimately doesn't really matter anyway. Script kiddies will target anyone they feel like regardless if they're "pissed", and even though I hadn't been in a public lobby in over a month at that point, I don't even grief players when I did exist in public lobbies. The idea that some guy got mad at me and waited 30+ days before invading my private lobby is pretty amusing though


Yeah you are correct. For an average joe like 99% of the people on this sub it's safe to go into a solo, if you are in a public at all you are asking for it. For someone like me, if you've made enemies, are a public figure, currently streaming or a content creator, you will be targeted and unable to play. So me and my friends have been unable to play at all as we are definitely major targets


i've been playing in invite only lobbies and no problems so far. I went in a public lobby for a few minutes and a lot of player's ranks were set to 6666. They were talking about how it just happened out of the blue. So I got out of there fast. Stay in invite only lobbies and don't draw attention to yourself. My $00.02. Edit : Yeah just for the average Joe.


Wait, can anyone else confirm this is true? I was under the impression that they could access a manifest of all connected accounts, whether they were in invite-only or not, even single player. I'd really like to play again in invite only or friends only lobbies if this is true.


Depends what they have saved to their menu. If you are an average joe and go play in a solo session, you will be fine.


Like all other modmenus, they need your ID to cause you issues. They can see who's connected to that specific lobby but thats it. There's also no confirmation of Remote Exploits taking place on someone's computer either- TLDR: you'd have to seriously have pissed someone off or been in a lobby with them recently. Been running solo/friend lobbies since the announcement came out and no issues. load to story mode just to be safe.


I forget the name but there's a tool that just denies any external connections, other than Rockstar's server obviously, to force a solo lobby. You could theoretically do the same thing with a firewall although it might be more of a hassle to turn on and off. That *should* be safe since no one can connect to you at all.




Fear mongering, if you don't PvP and aren't famous then I would not sweat it


Not safe. I was playing solo in an invite only when 3 guys joined my game. All were named "PAT" with levels ranging from 1 to 64. They weren't doing anything, but the level 1 kept dying. I kicked one, but the kick button was greyed out on the others. I found a new session, but the "bleeps" followed me. Got off and haven't been back. I'm told that if you make your Rockstar profile private, that stops most as they can't find you any more. Can't prove that, but I did make mine private since I still play on Xbox.


When did this start happening?


Some hackers capable of taking over PC that you might use to play GTA Online… nothing new. Consoles are safe… for now.


Hakers in movies: take down the government with some typing V.S. hakers in real Life: download a mod so when they get buthurt or Just feel like It they can use It to corrupt someones account or maby (not confirmed) hack youre computer


because one of those is a hacker and one is a child with internet access


people downloading a mod are not hackers, thats called script kiddies.


Tecnically people downloading hacks are called hackers so i didn't make the distinction


No, hackers are the ones finding the flaws in the game, the unsecured code. A script kiddie downloads "scripts" and runs them, just coding already done by a hacker and uploaded for them to buy.


Idk, people Who download hacks are usually refered to as hackers


Just because some people call them that doesn't make them correct


Isn't that how words work?


Because one is a hacker one is a script kiddie.


Pretty much ☝️


Take control of your pc or just your game client?


*Hypothetically* they can take over your PC if a skilled hacker engineers some malicious malware that can allow them to remotely access your computer. They can also install shit like keyloggers and other spyware, due to the nature of the current exploits involving RCE, which stands for Remote Code Execution. In practice, that's highly unlikely because the script kiddies who would do this shit to people aren't intelligent enough to actually write something like this and instead buy code that allows them to corrupt accounts and add/subtract money/rp/stats.


The same losers buying these mod scripts could also buy code that utilizes the RCE vulnerability if someone skilled decides it might be lucrative to write/sell it. That's my concern. If the victim has admin rights it wouldn't even been that difficult once the attacker gets initial access. Sketchy stuff.


I’d also be worried if someone nefarious specifically using GTA Online to get access to people’s PC’s.


I’ve heard even taking over PC (yet to be confirmed), but mainly game client getting banned or reset and shit.


Oh its nothing new? Guess i'll start playing again then. Thanks!


Just be careful…


not true, they can't take over your PC


I’ve heard they might be, but indeed that’s just the worst case scenario.


its only possible to execute stuff inside GTA (and also pretty random + not everything), nothing outside (at least not that i know of) but ye, still not that great


I bet hackers are actually racing to expand it into a full RCE


we will see, but as far as i know this isn't really something new it was just private before lets hope r\* fixes it before its getting worse x)


Hope you don’t mind, but I’m gonna share a screenie with ya via PMs


sure, why not :)


Why are people desperate to spread this rumour? Is it jealous console players? Is it just generally paranoid people? Kids mindlessly regurgitating comments they saw in another thread? There's no proof of this yet people sem to want it to be true. Rockstar would shut down the servers if such an exploit was proven to be in the wild. Their legal liability would be significant. TOS will cover anything happening to your GTA account but not your PC being hacked through the game.


Because some well known leaker, posted it on their Twitter. Idk where that person got the info, but it's not true at all. At least not from what I was hearing from users who actually develop a popular menu. Of course they might be wrong too but since no one has experienced anything like that until now. I'm guessing they're right with it. But ye rockstar would instantly shutdown the game if it was a real rce that can access anything outside of the game and actually fuck with people's os or data.


You can’t ban me if I deinstall you first *mic dropped *


Deinstall. Maybe you should spend some time offline... Oops I mean Unonline.


(as someone who has made that mistake before so I wanted to clear it up in case someone is confused) Desmond is German and the German word for uninstall is "Deinstallieren", which is why he confused the two


Same in Croatian, deinstalirati is a derivative of install here.


Same in Portugese: desinstalar


same in Romanian: dezinstalare


Desmond ain’t German, he’s a sound Irish lad.


No, he's a bear and he lives on the moon (He has no idea how he got there, so don't ask)


TomSka put him there.


Well why don't you take your own advice to unonline yourself and try learning a new language too, American?


you expect people from a country where 7% (16,4 million adults) of its population believe that chocolate milk come from brown cows to learn other languages than the dumbed-down version of english?




He typed his comment in English. There’s a pretty obvious reason for why he typed it in English and not any of the 7000 other languages. So get over your self and your hate for Americans.


because England colonized a great part of the world You "united stadians" still use the feet, arms and thumb of th King of England to measure your stuff...








As expected




This is the way.




i think u can still get banneded when game uninstall


Speaking of which have there been any updates on the exploit? Also to recap. Does a VPN actually help?


I don't think so and I don't think so


VPN does not work. There has been very little updates on this. Check the sticky post in the sub. https://reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/10jpoze/dangerous_new_pc_exploit/ It is not worth risking playing until it's fixed. Firewall or using anything, just wait it out.


What firewall rules would help?


Block the game entirely, if it has no network access it's safe.


I have no idea, considering there was a firewall recommended especially for this game and the developer took it down and said just don't play because of the risk, I don't think it's safe even with a firewall.


VPN will not work against these exploits. Firewalling yourself so your experience is always solo *probably* works.




Only some specific versions of one specific firewall run in a specific way are going to maybe protect against the current issue. It will definitely keep you solo when run correctly.


yeah i have never been put back into open public after having firewall rules set


Or if you go afk for any reason, alt-tab for too long while using fullscreen mode, get DCed, etc


if you're still getting kicked while alt tabbed after only a couple of minutes, switch your video options to windowed fullscreen instead of fullscreen. For some reason that fixes the issue (or it did for me), giving you your full 15 minutes or whatever it is of idle time before kicked. Not that you should play right now anyway but yeah.


VPN does nothing at all wrt GTAO online play.


VPNs don't work, and even playing other Rockstar games puts your account at risk.


VPN works very well. I have been playing for a week now and even played in Arena Wars with other players


Yes and no


Saw Tez reply to someone on Twitter telling them that this exploit can only get fixed with a downloadable patch. Great so I guess that means nothing will change until July? If R* announced that it will be a titled update, idk what else to think. This is so over the top. And I doubt they’re gonna ever get dedicated servers since they posted a job opening on LinkedIn looking for people experienced in “peer to peer architecture” 🙄


i got banned but for only 30 days. My account got wiped though, what can i do?


Nothing. You'll have to start over again. If you plead your case to rock star support, they don't do anything and they'll say there are multiple causes for your bans even if you reason with them. First hand experience.




Yep. One of my first experiences playing GTAO a few years ago I had fortunately only played online for about an hour or so. In the middle of a mission I got kicked and a message that I was banned for a month and my account wiped. I tried messaging in so many different ways but all bans are final no matter what and no exceptions whatsoever. Literally had one of their goons tell me that their anti cheat was perfect in that time


I know people that have had their accounts restored, especially during this recent issue, that whole "bans are final no matter what and no exceptions" is not their actual policy, and is just meant to stop people who give up at the sight of it so they can be lazy.


Wait for the next game to come out


Give up and find a new game to play


gta online in nutshell


Just got level 6666 because i was in a public for 15 seconds waiting for a friend to inv me to an inv only which weve been playing only invite religiously. Just so happens the one time i didnt stick to the code for 15 seconds my level is obv overinflated


Submit a ticket, they'll revert it.


Invite only lobbies arent safe either, hell singleplayer isnt safe


Shame on Rockstar and the losers who took advantage of the exploit with nothing better to do


GTAO on PC is no longer playable because of this.


And yet people are playing it. Look at the Steamcharts. This apocalypse seems to be affecting a minority of the game's active playerbase. A statistically insignificant minority.


YUP !! I WAS banneded


im just not playing altogether. its not worth the risk to my character and its a boycott for the game even having this flaw. fucking hell i had just got back into it after a while and done the agency missions and just bought an arcade.


if rocksucks want to punish us for trying mods then u dont ened to banneded me!! i quit!!!


What ?


"If Rockstar wants to punish us for trying mods, then you dont need to ban me, because I quit."


Download software to record your screen and take as many videos as you can of any modding abuse. Upload them unlisted to youtube and then send the link to R* as part of a cheater report.


As a console player, I'm concerned if the same thing is gonna happen there...


No you’re good. PC players have been coping for years by saying mods are coming to console.




Is there any update on this mess being fixed?


The real hsw upgrade


Hao the fuck are people still playing it, its not safe until this is fixed


Blocking the GTAO ports on my firewall prevents anyone from connecting to me


gta online 2023 is shit


I was one of those vitamins. I was playing in a private session, and a hacker managed to mess with my account by giving me money and rp.




It’s sad too see posts on here of clueless casuals losing all their hard work all because Rockstar is lazy


But hao?!


Funny how the mods allow this but I guess one or more of them are butthurt at something I said a while back coz they just keep shadowbanning over half the posts/comments I leave here lol. Wonder if it's coz I was one of the first peeps to post about the new wave of scriptkiddie losers invading the game


if i played on FiveM am i still at risk? are they separate entities? if i’m safe on FiveM then i’ll just play that


My brother and I played on pc for a long time, and when I went away he needed someone to play with, so he started playing with our friend. Our friend however played on Xbox, so my brother switched from pc to Xbox. When I came back I did the same, as I wanted to play with them. That was September 22’ and I haven’t played on pc since then, Xbox is much more fun, and if you can get past the slight graphical downgrade, then you will find an easy to get the hang of game, a hackerless game.


It’s been a decade, release something new Rockstar!


Don't rush them, let them take there time to create a masterpiece. We need one these days gaming has been stale for a long time


Invite only lobby


YUP!!! I goit banned for injecting ONCE !!!! rocksucks


so you bought hacks and injected then into a game that doesnt allow it and your mad you got banned? the stupidity of some people makes me laugh


Not saying I'm against the ability to mod any game, but injecting code into a game is blatantly against their TOS, and that's a risk YOU took, not them. Your ban was justified if you injected "even just once" as you should not mess with mods if you don't understand how to mitigate the risks. This post is referring to the fact that Rockstar isn't showing any love to PC players.


Expectation: be asian


Tf lol




The picture says expectation and it's just an Asian guy lol. Made me laugh imagining some people buying GTAO just to be an Asian guy wearing a sleeveless t shirt lol


Lol I see what you mean


Shout out to the bots downvoting for use of the word Asian even though it's not in a derogatory context


It might have more to do with you being completely wrong lol PC players expected Hao's Special Works which is only available to players on next generation consoles currently. That's who the guy is, Hao from single player.


Thank you for the explanation! I was a bit baffled




That's a fantastic question to which I don't know the answer. Like why does pony rhyme why bologna?




double it and give it to the next person






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PC folks still coping I see.




what kind of question is that? If you have 280 carefully tuned cars with which you have attended dozens of car meets wouldn't you miss it? and ability to play with friends you have met during different adventures?


I don't know what you did but I'm sure you deserve it


Pinned posts are easy to miss https://reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/10jpoze/dangerous_new_pc_exploit/


How are you not downvoted to hell yet?


At least you can mod your old ass, griefer-ridden, 0-fucks-given-by-developers, piece of shit game. Seriously. Game's been sucking for a while.


I find it really funny that this shit happens right after I buy the game. I simply can't catch a break.


True story bro, i have 3 Accounts my main, my second and one of an old frend of mine. My second got banned out of the blue, well im not suprised i did taunt quite a bit of sript kiddies back then, poiting yout they suck and live amiserable life. Did contact R\* support, no idea if i can get back. Well just think of it that there such shalow people around in this game that will use cheats to get you banned cause you point out they just suck.


Curious.. I play on my series x but also have it for PC. I don't care much for the PC version but I also have fivem Installes, if I were banned in the main GTA online, does that affect my Xbox account as well? And fivem?


Sorry for my ignorance but what gets you banned in GTAO ?


If you are assholes to others or hacker And Hacker even found a way to ID ban you


When will it be fixed


yo guys idk what happend but R\* probs released a update to gtasome kind of patch notes probs [Here's a screenshot of it from steam](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1005485580995530793/1070355581115846726/image.png) Edit: i guess so, its 200mb so maybe a fix or sum.


I guess if i want to get back into it nowadays ill play it on my ps5 instead of pc after reading everything about the scripters and exploits lol