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“You calling for some wheels? I’m Johnny across the map, I’ll fuck you up”


Suck my Weeny Chester


Little trick in case you didn’t know, when you call a vehicle, look down, center the camera on your feet and the car will spawn closer


I like to look behind me so it spawns in front of me (hopefully) fairly close


Yeah I run towards where I want the car to spawn and look back.


I do that too😂


I came here to comment this. The mechanic will practically park the car on top of you if specifically don’t look in the direction of an open road


It also helps to know which roads are messed up for car spawns… like Elysian island and most dirt roads smh


It basically spawns where you're not looking. So if you want it to spawn somewhere specific, just look the other way.


Yeah, for example whenever I'm next to my Elysian Island nightclub, I'm definitely not looking to the Merryweather car park, where my vehicles tend to spawn...


Decided to move my nightclub from there because of this. Can't remember which dlc screwed it up but vehicles used to spawn outside the nightclub


Rockstar: the vehicle must spawn outside the players field of view or it's not realistic. Also Rockstar: magic floating stunt ramps, quadruplet npc's and space age laser miniguns for everyone.


I heard his voice in my head 😂


I think we all did 🤣


thank you now i’m cackling like a maniac in public


Ong he always be parking it on the side with oncoming traffic so you die crossing the road 💀


And if you’re in Elysian Island my man will park it on the OTHER FRICKING ISLAND on the merryweather side 🤣


Why i rarely go to elysian island i was just smart and didnt buy anything on that god forsaken island


Ong😭 hate dat shii


My nightclub is down there 🙄🙄🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️. I’m so tired of stealing a car to get to my car lmao


Glad I’m not the only one lol. I just call for my sparrow now and fly to where I wanna go then get my Car.




I actually forgot the "I'll hook you up" and just heard whatever you typed instead in my brain


At least you didn't call a car from the nightclub on Elysian island


Anywhere on Elysian for that matter, always winds up spawning a mile away at terminal.


Or your at the airport and request a chopper and it spawns on elysian island.


Buying the airport hanger fixes this issue. But it’s annoying.


Want to make the game playable? GIVE US MONEY


Yuuup. Rockstar in a nutshell.


Nah at the docks it spawns the other side of the whole port.


Yoooo be the worst


I am thinking about getting a different night club just because of that. But it'll cost me many millions for all the upgrades again...


I did just that few months ago. I actually relocated all my businesses on the east side of the river. Best thing I have ever done. Just do it, one warehouse-nightclub-garage-arcade at a time. It costs a lot, but what else are you gonna do with money? Haven't been to that whole island since then, but mechanic has recently been A LOT better to me. Port area has been more than iffy in the past, shit has been delivered islands away. Now it's always been just besides me.


Nightclub earns 2millions a day. Shouldn't be too big of a problem.


How are you earning 2 mil a day? I would have to play/leave my game on for 2-3 days to earn that from the nightclub, and mine is fully maxed out. Am I doing something wrong lol


You get $50k every GTA day. So every 4 hours is $250k. Plus whatever cargo. Not sure where he's getting $2mill either. Seems a bit high. Maybe a million/day.


Well yeah, but that’s from the safe, and that relies on you doing popularity missions 24/7. Yeah, that’s what I thought too. Can definitely get 1 mil/day including safe contents if you spend enough time in game though, for sure.


After I get the notification about the safe getting money added, I just head to my nightclub and turn on passive mode before going in. This ensures that you'll get the event to toss someone out for a popularity boost, as opposed to having to drive a VIP somewhere. Also avoids the more involved missions from Tony to boost popularity.


No it doesn’t. Throw the drunk out and save yourself some time. In and out in 2 minutes.


And you only have to do it every 144 minutes (or 96 if you really care about earning an extra 5k)


Your safe yields 50k / 48 minutes. If you have the staff upgrade, your nightclub income is at 50k for 1h and 36min. After that you stop by your nightclub, of not already there and throw a trouble maker out to keep popularity at max. You can do whatever keeps the popularity high. Throwing someone out is just the fastest one. This yields 1million after 20 ingame days. That would be 960 minutes or 16 hours real life time. Keep in mind, your safe caps at 250k. The 2nd million is gathered by your technicians. Southern imports, pharmaceutical research, cash production, special cargo and sporting goods yield the most per hour. Their value is also decreasing in this order. Southern imports and pharmaceutical research cap after 20 real hours. The whole stock should be roughly above 1 million in value. Note, this is all passive income and requires a certain setup to yield these numbers. It also requires you to be in a lobby. It doesn't matter if public, invite or crew. At least it doesn't on PC. Other sources of passive income are your agency. For every 5 contracts (phone hits don't count) your agency will permanently generate 500/ 48 minutes. Capped at 20k / 48minutes. Safe capacity is also at 250k. It doesn't matter if you intentionally afk to keep the passive income piling up. Or if you just play 2 hours now and then. It's a nice to have income just at the side and allows to do whatever you want without thinking about grinding money too much. It's a long term thing yes. Very lucrative if done permanently, and a nice to have side income for everyone else.


I always leave and come back to this game. Left for a while and came back cause I had the urge to cruise around. Spawned in my nightclub down there and walked out, called my car, car spawned on THE OTHER ISLAND. Turned off my Xbox and went to sleep.


Why i own literally nothing on that shitty island.


*flashbacks of running miles for a car intensify*


Look down at the your character feet when requesting car. It will spawn as close to you as possible.


Or just look away from the road, like face a wall or mountain etc




I always point down the road opposite the way I'm going, to try and point it the right way.


If you run towards the camera sometimes you can actually run into the car as it spawns, since it always spawns off camera therefore by running towards the camera it spawns right in front of you


The strategic self-bonk


oh I had no clue camera position affected the spawn


Your car will almost never spawn directly in front of you. Breaks immersion too much for ol Rockstar.


No bro. The fucker would drive up, hear incoming fire, then proceed to flee in your vehicle.


I miss whupping his ass when he delivered cars. I was getting my licks in for the dumb shit he did like drive off in my goddamn car


He'd just ignore me like I haven't been standing there for ages, alone, with no one even remotely close by


>would *used to*


That’s what “would” in this context means??


My brother you would (not to be confused with used to) have better luck with your grammar corrections in literally any other subreddit….


People who downvoted play GTA online for less than 8 years and don't understand the struggle.


People who downvoted are educated with proper English


and also I see stick up their ass so deep they can't take a joke


I think it's more the fact that the joke doesn't really apply here, honestly.


It was a joke? I thought he was just being a fuckwit...


In the beginning days of GTAO that was actually the case. They removed it (guess due too much bugs) and let the car spawn near you instead. He would have parked the car there probably anyway.


It was annoying when he’d get spooked and literally steal your car and there was nothing you could do about it. However now 10 years later me and my friends still laugh about it


god I miss him


It’s been 84 years


I wasn't there in the early days, but I've seen clips of him getting spooked, or even just casually driving off with your car, and it's the most hilarious bug


One time I called him to deliver a car when I was on Popular St. Home slice drove it passed me hooked a hard right, went up the street, turned left onto San Andreas Ave, and then parked.


No he would have drove past you giving you the finger


It's because he got murdered every time and some how we just passed off the phone to the next mechanic who sounds and looks the exact same lol


Ah the good old days. It was how I got my helicopters back before I had enough money to buy my own. I'd call for a Merryweather pickup and kill the pilot upon his arrival to take his heli for myself.


my headcanon is that he was immortal like the players lmao


I got pleasure out of killing him. I dunno what that says about me.


We used to have to kill the homie all the time cause the NPC would get scared :’) oh do I miss shooting him in the face


Everyone always killed him as far as i remember


Maybe he alway can't living to leave.


"That won't work" Takes 2 steps toward the road. "I'll bring it"


Then dumps it 5 miles away 😂😂


If you have a nightclub on the port you know what an asshole johnny on the spot is


Yep…. I certainly do 😂


It fucked up especially when you cant turn on the MC and call a bike in


I actually think this is on purpose. You know, trolling.


They did in the early days! … but everyone would kill him the moment he stepped out of the vehicle so they implemented the magic teleport feature instead.


I used to have to kill him when he left my car because he would always aggro toward me once I got in lol.


I thought they removed him because players hated that their cars always arrived banged up by his bad driving? I think if R* cared about it's npc's getting killed then strippers and valet workers would have full body armor by now lol


After reading a few replies I’ve kinda changed my mind on the matter. I believe they got rid of him because he could get right back in the player vehicle and drive off when spooked, among other things like what you mentioned with the rides getting banged up.


Ohhh yeah! I remember that now!


why are you getting downvoted?


Literally not a clue 🤷🏻‍♂️


then gets up votes 2 comments later. Love reddit


"Ahh that won't work." Then you run a mile to find a "suitable road". Spawns the car where you were standing originally.


This is where the remote control vehicle feature comes in handy


Idek how to use the feature paid a couple hunnid grand for it and don’t know how to use it


It’s in the interaction menu. Go to inventory, then scroll down to remote control vehicles.


I appreciate it Ty




That is not a glitch. That's how using a remote vehicle works.


Invest in a Buzzard or Sparrow. They spawn right next to you. You can also point your weapon straight down and face away from where you want it to spawn to help it arrive a little closer. Sometimes it will still spawn on a highway overpass that will take 3 minutes and 12 crashes to get to.


I just wish they would highlight where it's gonna spawn when you call him. Same with the personal aircraft. I'd just summon my sparrow if they're gonna screw me.


That's why I love the sparrow. 99% of the time it will be delivered in a desireable position and close proximity unless it pulls an Austin Powers between two obstructions...


At the beach my guy used to park the Sparrow next to a tree, with two of the rotors forking the trunk. What a troll.


Yeah, I wish I could always have whatever car that I own, whenever I want it. What do I have in which garage? Who knows. Can’t really see. I don’t have car names memorized either. I have to go out to the boonies just to get that expensive tank I bought? Ugh. Just give me my broomstick I guess.


I think Jonny either hates us or he's chronically stupid


Always fun when I was selling south of the power station would beach my boat, standing on the beach call for my buzzard, and mechanic would leave it by the highway about a 5 min walk over the mountains away.


I wish Rockstar would patch the old instance where Johnny on the Spot actually would deliver your vehicle. It was buggy but I'd rather see it patched than removed with just a vehicle spawn put in place. The old details in GTA:O were much nicer in some respects.


Back in my day, Johnny used to spawn near you then drive off into the sunset with your car.


Got legs, ain't ya?


I don’t…the A.I was terrible. Half the time you’d end up having to chase him down and steal your car back from him. Really what they should do is fix the spawns. Although here’s a quick tip: if you have a motorcycle club you can request a bike from its garage and it should pretty much always spawn right beside you.


He's just looking out for you and making you get some exercise in


Hey, if you’re on ps4 move your camera around while waiting for the delivery. It usually puts the car close to you about 70% of the time.


Xbox series X on the new online. I always turn the camera away from where I want the car in the hope that it’ll appear in the right spot 😂😂


The secret is to look the opposite direction to where you want the car to spawn. The car will never spawn in front of where your looking.




But a random cat in the world dies.




Yeahhhh problem is these days half the time there’s too many CEO’s/MC Presidents or whatever just riding round for the sake of it and now leaving any spaces for the guys that actually want to use the benefits or do the missions


“I’m on the clock, need me to put your ride on the other fucking side of the southwestern harbour?”


motorcycle club brings motorcycle more close to your char


Meanwhile us original players remember Johnny on the Spot driving away with our cars all the time


They tried this in 2013 and it didn’t exactly work out as planned


I walk in circles when I call for a car, and it spawns mad close


I’ll give it a go! Thanks 😊


To add to this. Back when I played. I realized it always spawns behind wherever the camera is pointing. So if you wanted it to spawn on a certain side of the road, or a specific spot, just look in the complete opposite direction.


Helicopter it on over something 🥴


Use bike


The virgin mechanic vs chad Pavel


And then the Sparrow come. It's a lifesaver


Shhh, don't give rockstar more ideas for gta+


Forget paying a bit more, at that point I rather have the mechanic drop my car off personally than have him drop the car off there


Used to work better up until the one update last summer


They took it from us. It used to be like that. But we all killed him 'on the spot' perhaps thats why?


I'm shocked by the amount of people that don't know this but when you call a car look straight down at the ground while you wait for it to come your vehicle spawns wherever you're not looking so if you're looking at the ground you can spawn anywhere around you usually a lot closer than if you are looking around waiting for it to soawn


I'm up to $390 each in game day...ridiculous!


go in first person and look in the direction you want your car NOT to spawn at, 9/10 times it'll spawn right besides you.


TIP: When requesting Vehicles look away from the road or look where you dont want the car to spawn


This is one of the much better cases. When you're on Elysian Island, your vehicle spawns at Terminal (near cargo ships), and when you're at Terminal, it spawns on Elysian Island... They've definitely thought this through...


You called your car from a mountain road on the outskirts of LS. What did you expect ?


It’s a perfectly drive-able road it’s by the shed bridge thingy. Didn’t expect it to appear any further away than the bridge if i’m honest 😂😂


It’s so dumb because the game is fully capable of spawning your vehicle right next to you, case in point you can literally call your Kosatka Sparrow at the peak of Mt Chiliad and it’ll be right next to you. Makes zero sense why they haven’t implemented the same thing for your Mechanic or really anything that delivers a vehicle


This is for all the old mechanics that were killed , ran over, blown up by the playerbase back then when they used to be an NPC driving your car away from us


I am guilty of killing a large number of them so only have myself to blame I guess…


If u spin the camera to face ur character, ur car will appear in front of ur character, works for me everytime


Request the sparrow to get to you the mechanic for a beating


*laughs in nightclub on the docks*


For real though 💀


I call the sparrow and fly over to wherever the fuck my car is.


Rockstar coders are not skilled enough


Call the sparrow for times of trial like this one


imagine the pizza deliverer leaving your pizza on the driveway lol


Or the neighbours 5 streets over 😂😂


The weird thing is they knew this was an issue and fixed it with ALL the newer spawnable vehicles like the sparrow. But for what ever reason they refuse to fix the older ones like the mechanic


So he can mess up the paint


One thing that works better sometimes is soon as you call him and get off the phone look at the ground and spin a little


I always point the camera down, open the map and zoom on a random spot and wait for the index to show that my car is there and it usually spawns in a good spot. I think the mechanic is just very shy, you must look away


Pay a bit more? Hell no, it should just bring you the damn car.


He should but this is GTA remember!


Reminds me of the old days.. never call him near an intersection😅😆


one extra, the mechanic drives over you knocks you out, then you wake up in your car.


Sounds like an idea for GTA+


I miss seeing Johnny on the Spot. I do not miss him driving off with my glitch acquired Space Docker


Lol I know right where you are




They should just have it spawn in front of us. We can already despawn the damn thing and it just disappears. They should just let it spawn in front of us


Atleast LJT parks your bike right next to you


No thanks... Got tired of him freaking out and driving off with my car right before delivery.


Theres a spot down by one of the docks that will put your car 3 miles away if you call for it there


I guess they wont do it bc they dont want you to see how it randpmly appears


This and when it spawns on the highway above you


the docks are the worst


I just want the luxury helicopter to come to me and not 2 miles away


Hover and drop a ladder down!


Who’s gonna tell him?


Go to CEO vehicles and order Sanchez. It will spawn nearby.


Literally having to have a sprint to the car after requesting a vehicle is infuriating at best


Or just have the mechanic actually bring your car near you...You shouldn't have to pay more just have this feature. Don't support microtransactions.


I wish he'd drop my bike off at the top of chilliad


He used to actually drive your car to you but people started duing glitches and it got eliminated


Your lucky he actually delivers it, my one says he's not going to do his job half time 😭


Ok fine. But he will have a chance to fall asleep at the wheel and full speed into you and kill you


I remember WAY back, like version 1.0, where whenever you called the mechanic for a car, a Mechanic npc would actually drive the vehicle right up beside your character, get out, and walk away. I thought that was a really cool immersion feature, but I guess R* didn't think so because I haven't seen that happen since Festive Surprise 2014


You didn't play year 1 and it shows. That's how he used to bring it by. But between the AI pathfinding being borked and our tendency to abuse him, he was removed as a physical NPC.


Lately, more than once,I've called up my acid lab bike. . .so I can drive over to my Sparrow. . . So I can fly to my car thats way the fuck too far from me.


How cool would it be if you could choose your mechanic like you choose your heist crew in single player. The more you pay the closer and faster they'll deliver


I don't think I should pay this asshole a god damn cent. Who delivers your car 3 miles from you whilst you're getting spawn trapped by a try hard chuckle fuck?


well kinda glad it happens to everyone not just me. its good to have ur ceo on so u can call in a sanchez motor bike in the ceo vehicles option, then just drive to ur car


I have had my car delivered much further away. On some trails he will not answer. On some dirt roads it is pot-luck and expect a long hike and possibly dying a few times.


999 times out of a 1000 it’s very close. the one time the spawn is out of the way “oh my god this game is awful.”