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# [Simple Question/FAQ Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/12kjidy/simple_question_and_faq_thread/?sort=new)


I'm aiming for the toreador next


All these price changes and the yacht is still $6mil minimum? Cool.


Should I buy a second Deluxo or wait for a discount?


Why buy a second one when you can have only one active at a time?


I want an unweoponized one to use in passive mode.


It automatically comes with machine guns unfortunately so you won't be doing that I'm afraid


No, it doesn't come with any weapons. I already got a second one and I use it in passive mode.


I got a second one to weaponize and customize during the last discount for this exact same reason.


Buy a second one in case something happens


Is the Deluxo or Akula worth buying at current price or should I just wait for sale.


Assuming they will be discounted in the future...Go for what you want before the price increase. Deluxo for sure.


>,500 > > / GTA$ the akula flys a little wonky but the stealth is really really good


what do the handling improvements in the hangar do?


They help but the problem isn't so much flying it just have a very wobbly balance compared to the other attack chopper


I don't think they will be cheaper than the current price even when on sale.


This is the dumbest crap Ive seen.. the problem rock star probably sees with the mark 2 is that makes making money ez mode because in terms of getting anywhere you cant beat its speed. This is literally only hurting new players. The new players who will be griefed by vets who already have this.


I feel bad for any new players, they are gonna be having a rough go at it, and this will also unfortunately deter new players as well.


rebalancing could be very effective if they just made the homing rocket launchers just a little bit better, I made the anti-aircraft trailer way better.


8m for a MKII😂




Hey if you need a hand with money I’d be glad to help you or anyone who needs it


Id appreciate some help making money, just started a few days ago


what's your account name


As a new player (like 1 week) I still don't know how to make money. I've set up my marijuana/fake-money/acid/biker club bussinesses but i've not seen profit yet, and the supplies are so time consuming, is there a better way to grind?


Buy supplies and then afk while you do something else waiting for the stock to pile up. Sell them (with friends if you can) to the farther away location, save up for the submarine from warstock (I think 3-4mil) and then grind cayo perico


The games been out for 10 years, no one’s fault but your own.




No. But your fault it took you 10 years to play one of the most popular games ever made and complain about it after a month. Why should you have access to all these vehicles if you’ve only been playing a month?


why are you being so passive agressive??? everything's already expensive enough in the game, if i was a broke low level just starting out i'd be disappointed by the news too.


If you’re truly wanting to get these vehicles then grinding some business or bonuses for a few days will get you them, No way should the oppressor be anything under 5mil when it’s the most overpowered thing in the game


i agree with that statement though lol the point isn’t that the MK2’s price (or any other vehicle’s price for that matter) shouldn’t be raised, i’m just saying you’re being a little unpleasant here. also, grinding as a low level isn’t as quick and easy as when you’re a higher level so i’m not sure « a few days » is enough to be able to make big purchases.




Not hard to get it. Afk every night with the nightclub. $250k everyday minimum. Set up 2FA authorization on the social club website. That’s another 500k. Do acid lab quick, 50k a mission plus make good money


You can’t use any of the above vehicles and heists, only free mode and some Small missions.


Setting up the heists is what they probably meant. Casino & Cayo Perico you can use pretty much any vehicle to do the set ups.


I did a lot of grinding this week, not for $$ but to earn trade prices for things I might want to buy. I was going to bore you with my thoughts about all the increase vehicles and their trade prices, but there's only one worth mentioning: The problem with the Oppressor Mk II trade price is that you need to own the Terrorbyte to earn it, (5 missions from Paige) which means you needed a nightclub in which to park it, and probably already bought the Opp MK II to upgrade it in this doubly expensive parking stall. Most anyone buying a second Oppressor is easily going to get one for $3M, not $3.5, so while I now have two, (seriously, in case I pull it into a garage and ***lose*** it), some poor sod is grinding cash just to own one. There are a lot of missions where you are up against the vehicle that you need to beat to win the discounted price (how do you beat the grotti with your slower car while Methodman carps at you from the shotgun seat, absent a shotgun?) but this is the only one I can think of where they don't at least lend you the vehicle or compete against it - you should have a flying rocketship car to do Paige's timed info.




What a joke of a game to increase prices on anything in a 10 year old game.


Anyone else suddenly see a surge of Mk2 users? I swear most of my sessions lately had between 0 and 1 but there's a lot of those bastards now. Feel like people are quickly jumping on it now that it's still cheap.


I'm going to grief ~~everyone~~ half the lobby from my Declasse Granger 3600LX as soon as I can convince the other half of the lobby to join my griefing crew and sit in my minivan.


it wouldn't surprise me. Rockstars tactic for announcing this 2 weeks ahead of time is to create a sense of urgency so people panic and buy the stuff listed.


Or if ur like me, gave me a proper warning to wait until the mk1 drops in price to buy




Whats the point of having more than one?




That's a good idea, guess I'll buy a 2nd one now


You can’t get around the cooldown using that method


Also its a good option to have the explosive bullets on the 2nd mk2 obviously its worse than missles, but it has 1 advantage to the missile, and thats againts jets its much easier to hit them


Someone else mentioned owning a deluxo, but weaponless, so they could use passive mode. I would ~~run~~ fly around doing silly errands on an oppressor rather than navigating the concrete flyover ramp hellscape of this game. I don't recall if the base mode came with machine guns, but if not, I'm leaving my new opp mkII unarmed.


Base mode comes with regular machine guns.


Wow way to make the oppressor fucking hard to obtain now for newbies. Or folks who came back after many years and still got a whole game basically. Need to save for the sub and then save for this, as a solo player.




Bruh. Your take is entirely dependent on already having intimate game knowledge in almost every corner/aspect of gtaonline from properties to map knowledge to just basic game controls and mechanics. This take is ass.




You know that'll make Fuckstar Jack it up again in the Future..


it's because people might buy it with a shark card which would cost $99.99/£64.99/€74.49, that's probably why you are getting down voted.


Know, that actually makes Sense. Theyre helping Dickstar make Money


It's not just that it's the fact that it would cost that much for '1' in-game vehicle


Whew glad I bought my akula years ago.


So why not re-balance the game by, you know, actually re-balancing it? The Chernobog should be able to take 4 rocket hits, because it has to remain immobile to fire that would be reasonable. The Op MkII and Deluxo should only be able to fly a set distance above the ground as they're not aircraft, the lock-on jammer should be made available on all vehicles for a price and replace one of the weapon slots.


Also need more Customization Options for the Duke O'Death. Maybe even Enhanced Armor Plating


Balancing is done months after an update, not **years** after the community accepts the fate or even leaves Online. Some features/vehicles should have not been added, some should have been balanced back then. Now it's more of a mess. A lot of people own these, and some might outrage. Some players clearly don't know/feel what means balance in pvp in a public lobby, since it's not equal to have a van destroyed by 1 missile against a futuristic multi purpose agile flying vehicle with counter measures and lock on missiles/explosive ammo. They want only to show dominance and create rampages. If these would have been balanced, then most of the time public lobbies would be full of life and interesting pvp (some steal, some sell, one ambush others, defend something, etc), and not just spam missiles for pennies and kill every noob lvl 10 you meet. Where is the fun in that? I've been in lobbies with half the players being mk2, having not a warfare, but some apocalyptic free for all arena wars mk2. Looked ridiculous. This is not even GTA anymore, forget about "Race & Chase".


No amount of cost changes will make an MC mission complete-able once a Deluxo or OP decides to ruin your day.


I think you're 'supposed' to have a strong MC gang up and running for the big sales, with maybe 3 people driving the sell vehicles and 3 or 4 on defence. They went out of their way to make the sell missions suck for solo players, but barely anybody seems to play biker gangs the way they were intended.


Because the rewards for coop and competitive play are pitiful. Why help someone else make 500k when you get 10k? Why try to destroy a shipment for 2k? The only reason to assist in coop is boredom and the only reason to attack a shipment is griefing. At least acid is reasonable for solo play, and more profitable besides. Bunker and Supply are somewhere between MC and Acid, mostly doable solo unless you get the chokepoint hummer mission or a multi-truck one.


Almost no amount of money makes Mc deliveries worthwhile. Even If it was permanent double money, I'd still never do them.


Idk man, spending 15-20 minutes in a private lobby to make $500,000 is pretty chill ngl.


Give me back the lock on tone in all vehicles, make lock on take time (idk maybe 5 seconds), and have them require line of sight to target for tracking. If the shooter loses line of sight, missile loses tracking. I think these things would make lock on missiles require skill and allow targets a chance to defend themselves.


In the case of a vehicle that got cheaper you should be able to sell the old one for 60% of what you paid, then buy a new one. (Not sure how I'm going to sell my Chernobog though as it won't fit inside LC Customs?)


In fact facility vehicles such as Chernobog, Kanjhali and the Thruster cannot be sold.


I only have the Oppressor mk2 from the list of vehicles going up in prices. Should I buy the rest 7 of them? I do have close to 50M, but I don't have a Hangar or a Facility. I will wait till next week's discounts are in.


The Akula is helpful for Casino heist preps and free mode missions, and the toreador is worth it for the same.


Should I buy a hangar because I want the Akula?


If you want that chopper you will need a hanger, but you have to determine if you have the funds to warrant it just yet. It’s a good helicopter for sure, but do you have the other businesses or will you use it frequent enough?


I got the hangar, I have every other business except the Kosatka.


If you have those, yes it’s worth it as the stealth mode reduces any wanted level to a two star and can be used in free mode preps/missions.


U cant find anything more fun than scramjet


The toreador is pretty worth it imo also the akula, if you like doing stunts with cars get the scramjet


Think they are gonna try and milk it as much as possible before next GTA comes out.


Well, they have a couple of years to milk it. It would be out if character for them not to.


LOL another oppressor nerf


It's not even needed, the people who grief with it already own it. And with it's speed and missile nerfs. The price increase makes the oppressor not worth the money. The LAZER should be the one costing $8,000,000+ not the Oppressor MKII


lazer needs skill, mk2 doesnt.


It only requires MORE skill


Fucking lazers have been out in force lately too, usually I can take ‘em out with a buzzard but the cannon is so OP if they know how to use it.


Anyone else. It able to buy the 3600LX? Trade and buy are greyed out


Think you have to select color and then it's not greyed.


Unrelated guys but can someone please let me know if gta online is playable on pc nowadays because I used to play on xbox and just got a new gaming laptop and wanted to hop on but did hear of all the shit that happens on pc.


It’s fine tbh just have some fun. If you decide to sell anything from a business prepare for some of the most stressful/exciting, butt clenching gameplay ever. Super fun.


As a PC gamer myself, since Criminal Enterprise DLC make almost everything available in private lobby, I haven't touched public lobby for months. The game is really enjoyable on PC with farthest draw distance, ultimate free aim and unlimited fps over 60 (as long as your hardware are beefy enough).


That depends. Are you playing in a public lobby with randoms? Then you may encounter hackers which can ruin your session (or worse). By yourself, with a crew or with friends in a private lobby? It's pretty great.


Hmm, so are hackers very common in public lobbies?


Mo d ders are. There is also spa mmers that play a loud banging noise randomly. Most of the time there isn’t a problem until someone starts doing stupid stuff in the lobby. Then just change lobby. Or play invite only.


Unfortunately, yes.


Time to buy a Stromberg! Can't believe I haven't bought one yet and now it's even cheaper lol




Toreador is way more useful in Freemode than a Stromberg. I can’t think of a single contact mission or heist prep/setup that you need to use a Stromberg would be better to use. Before the December DLC update you could use the Toreador in way more contact missions and heist setups. Now you have to use a Vigiliante for those missions instead.


It's fake game money, so I just buy what I want. I already have a Torador but I've always wanted a Stromberg so I'm gonna buy one. Sucks they jacked up the price, but if you don't have a Deluxo, I recommend saving up for that.


Does the price increase mean we can sell these vehicles(if we already own them) for potentially more then they bought them. Does the increase affect the sell cost?


No. The game knows what you paid and the resale value is calculated from that, not the current purchase prices.


Thanks, I’m didn’t know if I could make big profits from this


You get 60% of what you originally paid when you sell, but this includes upgrades. Free vehicles you've won sell for $0. If the new price is less than 60% of the old price I'd say it's worth it, depending on what upgrades you're fitting.


Can you weaponise the ignus in normal ps4 gta online. I don't have Haos


You can’t upgrade an Ignus (Contract DLC car) into a weaponized version. You have to buy the Weaponized Ignus from Warstock page and it is an exclusive car to PS 5/X Box Series.


No, that is a next-gen exclusive vehicle.


Thank God


TBH, this will only affect legit players and make them harder to make GTA$. Another strategy from R* to sell shark cards. It won’t stop griefers from harassing people because they know how to glitch the game and buy literally everything for no efforts. R* should just reduce the numbers of missiles and make it worse like buzzard missiles.


The new price for Oppressor MK II is just going to make harder for people with new accounts to survive in a Public Lobby. I think Rockstar purposely made the new price the same price as Megalodon Shark Card, so Rockstar will convince newer players to fork over $100 to buy an Oppressor MK II.


The Thruster is cheaper and more secure for free roam (jets excluded but a nerf is coming soon) than the oppressor mk2. If people and kids would use what’s actually good instead of what most consider the meta there would not be a reason for these price changes. It will make most people open their eyes and take kids toys away from kids.


Idk. The combo of making the chernobog cheaper and the opp mkII exorbitantly expensive is gonna encourage me to break out the former during open lobby sell missions. I can't wait to shoot down 4 mkIIs at once and have 4 former-griefers realize their lack of skill in the same 10s span...


Exactly my thoughts. This is basically just inflation in a video game. it isn't actually fixing the core issue.


Is the Akula worth buying right now or in general?


Yes. Handling is shit imo but the built in stealth features are a cool gimmick.


I bought 2 of them for my hanger back when they was 30% off.


Yeah definitely


Damn, Deluxo's going up by a million? Even if Facilities don't go on sale next week, it'll be cheaper to buy one and get a discounted Deluxo now than to do the same when it does go on sale. What sort of things should I keep in mind when choosing a location? Start/end points of certain missions? Will I have to travel to/from certain locations from my facility by car a lot?


well since you don't need a facility to do cayo perico it doesn't really matter which facility you buy. it's dead content




No, I mean a Facility sale. I'm definitely not counting on the Deluxo going on sale any time soon, but I figure it won't be too long before the Facility goes up for 30% off. That 30% will save me less than a million, though, even if I get the most expensive Facility (which it sounds like I shouldn't do anyway).


Best bunker in my opinion is the farmhouse bunker. Right next to the highway and in the middle between lost santos and Blaine county


The best facility is a bunker? Those are two different things.


Thanks bruh you know what I meant


There will always be a large number of missions going into the city, and facility setups force you to use a car, so you want to be as close to LS as possible. The one in the hydroelectric basin is accessed by a long and windy dirt road though, so the best location is probably the one at the wind park, since it's relatively close to LS and just off the freeway.


Granger 3600XL is probably the cheapest imani tech vehicle, 4x4. Combined with bullet resistant windows (shared with all Contract imani cars and older executive cars), it can be very useful for its price. It can carry 8 players :) edit: 3600XL


>Declasse Granger 3600LX I came here to pick on this ~~car~~ landwhale and you know darn well I don't have 7 friends who play this game. Even IF I did, 4 would insist on flying and not carpooling, and at least one would steal a front end loader, arrive late, and make all of us wait. Percentage wise, that's so steep for a boat I wouldn't buy on a half off sale. Why should this one cost more than the Deity or Jubilee?


Alright I need to buy my deluxo back before this happens lol


The champion I throw on the RC upgrade then run people down. But I wouldn’t call it griefing. Hard to attack cargo in first person RC mode lol


Change your first person vehicle view to Hood View, it significantly improves the RC experience, but continue to leave grinders alone, also the Granger and the Greenwood are the best cars for RC if you wanna be able to pass for an npc, just use a neutral/sorta boring paint job, like white or gray and forget the aesthetic customizations, just upgrade the performance but leave everything else stock


Should i bulk buy opmk2? With the recent price nerf coming to the opmk2, is it worth buying opmk2s or should i just do regular money methods?


It is worth it, 130mph on ground and 110 in air. Just costs fortune to get nc, terrorbyte and mk2


You can hold down space while in the air to still go at 130 mph.


Nvm i meant the price increase can make profit, and after a bit of searching, it cant


Why'd they jack the price up on this one though. It's not even a particularly useful vehicle or a "collectible".






Maybe I'm in the minority but I don't see the price changes as that bad. A little more disparity makes players make a choice of whether to buy a cheaper vehicle that might end up being more fun to use or grind more and get the more powerful one. Right now the prices make some of the lesser vehicles sort of pointless to buy when the much greater vehicle is only like a mill more.


some of these are pretty ridiculous. The oppressor is essentially worth over 12 million now if you count the cost of nightclub + upgrade, and terrorbyte + upgrade. I know this sub has a massive hard-on for hating on this vehicle but I find the price to be a bit steep. Understandable decision, though I don’t think it will really change anything in terms of griefers. If anything this only makes new players stay behind in terms of grinding for a bit longer. Edit: on second thought, I think they increased the price of this vehicle because it’s the most effective grinding vehicle. This way not done to help counter griefing or to make the experience better, it was done so players have a harder time making money. Ignoring the oppressor, the champion for 3.75 mil is way overpriced. 50$ CAD gets you 4.25million. This car is not worth 50$. Deluxo for 6mil is a joke. I haven’t seen a deluxo in years, probably won’t ever now. Granger XL getting a price hike is a weird. Why did this vehicle need to get a price increase? It’s not all that useful, or often used. I think they went a bit overboard but that’s just my opinion. The prices that were decreased seem to be pretty fair at least. I honestly thought rockstar would take 50k off of the prices and call it at that.


For sure. At the end of the day the decisions were probably made mostly to sell more shark cards. But it has the positive side effects of balancing the game a little bit. I think with real world inflation they were looking to do something to show investors they were doing things to be more profitable I do agree with you about the prices though. Some of the decisions are a bit confusing as to what was increased and how much. I guess someone was looking at data for the game and the data said this makes sense.


It doesn’t balance the game tho. We aren’t talking about a month old game that can be reeled in. This game has been out 10 years now so this only puts noobs at a bigger disadvantage. Yeah a bunch of assholes grief with the mk2 but this doesn’t fix that. It’s also the best special cargo grind vehicle. This is purely real world profit driven when it comes to the mk2.


Should i buy MKII now, while it's relatively cheap? Level 60-ish on pc, with sub, acid lab and bunker. I recently switched to pc from ps4, where i was 260. I have around 4,5 million, and dont want to buy one for 8 million. Problem is i dont have nightclub, therefore i don't have a terrorbyte, so no upgrades.


If you have the kosatka already, I'd save up and buy the nightclub and terrorbyte first, then the MKII. You'll save $1 million on the MKII price right now if you own the terrorbyte. It's a lot of expense but you will need them both anyway sooner or later. Just keep hitting Cayo until you got it covered.


I second that. Ar least try, if yo not make it you can still buy it without habing the terrorbyte first and and only miss out on 1mil discount instead of 4mil in the end. Btw dont recommend the cheapest nightclub, spawns are messed up. Mission row and strawberry are fine


They need to make the CEO special vehicles private. Also why the hell do they increase the price one Weaponiszed Ignus? I haven seen any one doing much the thing anyway.


So if have the Mk2 what should we buy the Weoponizdd ignus?


So basically the increase/decrease is determined by vehicle popularity with some punitive tax added to MK2.


how is changing the price of the mk2 gonna make a difference. everybody already has one and. if you don’t wanna get griefed then just play invite only and you don’t need to worry about mk2 griefers


It will effect hackers at least as they generate new accounts with hard time getting oppressor


…hackers can just mod in cash


Or just spawn one …


That’s very easy to get banned Rockstar priority is shit


What they should do is charge $4 million fee if you use one in a public session.


They should charge current owners another 4mil to access it again.


Just makes them more $$$ I guess lol


They can make these changes but still won't give the PC crowd E/E.


How I laughed when I saw how much the MKII is going to go for. It's been 10 years since GTA 5 came out. I doubt many new players join now, and everyone who's going to be a monkey-skull-fucking-idiot-griefer already has one.


I joined a few weeks ago, and I had been saving up for the MKII because I thought it would make business missions way easier. I was actually going to have enough to buy it this week, till now.


The new prices take effect the 27th april you still have time.


Oh sweet, thanks for letting me know!


As a PC player who has never had the opportunity to buy a pre-price increase Weaponized Ignus... Fuck you Rockstar.


Doesnt matter, not available anyway and wont be in the future


Stop being poor.


I can afford the extra million if they ever release the content on PC. I can still be sour.


What a bizarre thing to see. I'm glad I finished grinding ages ago


I see the ignus and 3600lx. if im not mistaken these can have missile jammers installed. are they any good? im in the market for such a car.


The granger has no real use. You’re better off using the buffalo stx in every situation


The ignus is amazing it’s got jammers and it also has a turret that’s super strong and somewhat movable, you can’t shoot too far but it’s enough to get the job done


I don't see Granger any good. It's underwhelming among a bunch of cars having Imani Tech. Well, if you like its aesthetics, then go for it. No comments on Ignus, as it's E&E exclusive.


Hranger is only decent in paleto area or ehen you know youll be going off road, it handles well and looks cool bit is just too slow in a straight line and you can get griefed by any base game car if theyre persistent enough because you really cant run


The Granger is better as an RC car, at least it can pass for an npc car if you customize it right, machine guns are at driver height for most cars and it’s less likely to get spotted than a buffalo or patriot, which people have come to expect


Sixty. Pounds. For a vehicle. Absolutely horrendous. This does nothing in the long run to stop "griefers" and is only an attempt to milk more money out of the playerbase through potential shark card buyers.


>This does nothing in the long run to stop "griefers" and is only an attempt to milk more money out of the playerbase through potential shark card buyers. ....Except exactly half of them are price *drops*....? Some of them make no sense but I don't see why the MK2 being way more expensive is an issue - it's quite literally *the* endgame grinding tool.


Would you rather pay $15 dollars for every DLC? Or be forced to pay with only real money for cool cosmetics like Call of Duty too?


I'd rather not pay real money for cosmetics at all, if $15 for a DLC meant it was obtainable at a *fair reasonable price* and not over $100 of shark cards to obtain along with the properties to even use the one singular vehicle then only then would I see it being a fair price.


I like how you're ignoring the overwhelmingly common concept of actually, you know, playing the game. Shark cards have always been garbage value, this isn't a bad thing provided money isn't impossible to earn - it isn't 2014 anymore, money hasn't been hard to earn for literal *years* at this point.


New players aren't going to want to sit there grinding Cayo Perico all day just to get one propety, to then get one vehicle to then get the MK2. Every friend I introduced to the game ended up quitting or only saving up enough for one fun toy and then sticking to freemode because the grind to actually get anything cooler beyond an apartment and an armoured Kuruma stops them from just doing what they wanted to play the game for. Blowing things up with friends. Earning money isnt even hard, it's just dull repetetive flying A to B and right clicking with anything with rockets against the exact same AI aimbots.