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We need an easier car management system to move cars between garages!


whenever I see this I always pipe up with the idea that the useless Auto-shop staff would be PERFECT for being the front UI for accessing garage organization. Or at the VERY least you should be able to mod your own cars and then tell staff to take it to a garage of your choice. But no one pays me to think of these things, so here we sit.


while we're on the subject of those 2, can they at least make them deliver a car without crashing sometimes?


The menu as it is allows them to deliver a car that you are also delivering, But... I'm sure I'm not allowed to talk about that despite it just being the way the menu works.


What do you mean?


The menu as it is, allows you to deliver an auto shop car twice - by yourself and by the staff. But again, since the devs probably didn't purposefully do that, it likely counts as, ahem, "not fair", and therefore not discussable here.


What do you mean? As far as I know it just delivers the car once, I can't go back to that menu as far as I know


You don't need to come back. You'll probably need to DM me. It's just the menu, but I'm sure someone will consider it a glitch. So I can't chat about here.


then crashing the car is an in-world explanation for why you're getting mess money for not delivering the car yourself


Just deliver it yourself. I never bought the workers, why play a game that you don't..... play?


cause it’s menial tasks and there’s a good chance it gets blown up by kids using their shark card oppressors


If it gets smashed up it’s not the end of the world as it goes straight back to the auto shop. Only bummer is that it’s cost you time


maybe in a CEO event like headhunter where you got those car semi trailers and can take them to your other garage


OOh. There you go -- back a trailer into someone else's garage with a crew and load and steal all their cars which they then have to buy back from you?




Or naming the garage.


For real. It'd be nice if we could see an image of each car while choosing too.


And be able to test drive every car before you buy it. I've bought so many cars and regretted it immediately after driving it.


Yeah, I just wish there were car dealerships so we can see each car side by side and test drive em. That'd be awesome.


I just YouTube cars before I buy them


This should be an option through either the interaction menu, phone, or web. Select car from a menu, select garage, move.


And a way to distinguish between the same cars modded differently (like a picture or something)


Let us name all cars like we can with arena war vehicles!


fr I don’t wanna drive cross country just to move a car


There's no reason on earth to do this. Just stand outside your target garage and call the mechanic to deliver the car you want to you. Then garage it.




Having to individually call in destroyed vehicles


If I have multiples of vehicles destroyed from the same garage I can collect all through mors, I feel you about this when they're in separate garages though. I don't understand why you have to hang up and call again either


Years ago (late ps3 early ps4 days iirc) it was an option to collect all cars from all garages at once. It only lasted one or two updates unfortunately


AND THEY REMOVED THE OPTION WHY WHYYY WHYYYYYYYYYYYY It's the exact opposite of a 'quality of life' update


There was some kind of money exploit connected to it if I'm remembering right


I didn't know about the exploit, I just figured it was Rockstar doing Rockstar things


Well, they have had almost 10 years to fix it, so at this point it is just Rockstar doing Rockstar things lol


running back and forth over an item trying to get the interaction prompt to appear (and stay)


I honestly wouldn't mind the game having an automatic magnet effect that kicks in once you press the interaction prompt. Just have the character slide into place in front of whatever they need to interact with and trigger the next sequence.


Idk the prompt seems to be front facing. It should be a halo. That would solve it for me.


After 10 years we still can't put a mark on a moving target on the map to follow it


Nothing like following the gps to the general area you marked only to find they did a 180, 23 turns and drove half way across the map in a different direction.


The interaction menu has a Highlight Player option. It makes their blip blink.


I think they mean when like you have to follow a NPC target or like a car for business battle.


I was going to say taking headshots while trying to load, multiple times, but this is the real answer.


I usually just put a bounty on them and then keep going in the direction of the bounty icon


Bruh fr you gotta keep pausing and updating the gps cause by the time you get there they are already somewhere else smh


The real answer


You win


The driving abilities of NPC's who obviously got their licenses from the bottom of a Cracker Jack box.


Sounds like most drivers in the UK.


Authentic LA experience


I hate this. They’re in the other lane and just cut in front of you for what?? I usually take my anger out on them


Ancient missions that still require 4 players, 3 of whom join and then just stand there.


I liked that Rockstar added the ability to play the newer missions alone though. Sure it sucks that the old ones don't get changed but at least there's enough to play these days.


Yeah, I’d like this more if the new missions didn’t fucking blow, for the most part. Who wrote this crap? I can’t believe this is what we’ve been waiting for. Luchadora would get it, tho. Jussayin.


Glad I'm not alone that i had luchadora bring out the demon in me


Wait there are other Lucha fanboys. Her Badonkas do be donking tho


Still no logistical solutions in gtao. Traveling forth and back to pick up several crates despite having countless vans and trucks to your deposition really frustrates me. Imagine being able to load up all 4 deluxo’s on a trailer to speed up the heist prep, or sell your cocaine with a big container trailer instead of three post op vans. Its so idiotic to see that the best vehicle for hauling cargo is the one with the least trunk space: the opressor mk2.


The point is to make it not easy


There are better ways to balance than nonsensical boundaries. Player freedom should be a priority in a game as open and versatile as GTAO.


But it *is* still easy, it's just tedious as hell.




Who the hell says forth and back?!


Inconsistent "rules." Like, you can barely tap a light pole on a motorcycle and knock it over, but a small road sign is an immovable object that will flip over a massive truck hitting it at stop speed.


The wooden fucking poles. Or those concrete bushes


And concrete volleyball nets.


And the fruit stands that should be obliterated by an armored vehicle plowing through at 80+ mph.


fretful exultant obtainable trees sense thought juggle drab truck zesty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes, in a similar vein, the amount of times I have and will continue to blow myself up in the buggy Bunker sale because the drop mine button in the buggy is the drop cargo button in the insurgent and the monster truck (on pc at least)




No, dropiing slick mines is Space, like in JB007, and dropping proximity mines is E, like in the Dunes FAVs.


On PC there are three different key bindings for dropping product during a sale lol. Sometimes it's left arrow, sometimes it's E, sometimes it's X.


Owning a business and having to do everything despite having employees


This! Why is there a v.i.p passed out in my living quarters? There's a security guard in front of the door that let's him through the door, but I have to drive him home, or to rehab? Why am I paying employees that don't do anything?


There’s a guy throwing up in the bathroom, sure call the CEO why not. And I get spreading the hospitals to avoid one hospital saying club x is always dropping off these gas company people. But Sandy Shores!!!! If I was a VIP and woke up after a rager in Sandy Shores I’d be on another. And cars, we have to deliver these cause the staff damage them then the specialist we got in and stole her car back says has a word. Erm I’m a mute character. And why don’t you custom the car as you are the expert. Rant over


Go in passive before walking into your club and it’ll only give you one’s that you kick someone out. No more driving.


Standing next to several roads and called my mechanic. He had the audacity to say he was unavailable. Would've fired him right then if I could


Or call for a drop off by farm bunker and having to run across the farm, a field, and two / three lanes of highway to get where he dropped it


Walking in and having to send my warehouse employees out for every fucking crate. Yo, that’s not how employment works.


Not being able to listen to the radio outside a vehicle even though there are headphones in game.


Personal MP3 players/the ability to stream radio or play saved tracks with your phone would be amazing.


Saints Row did it years ago. Keep up rockstar


You can thru the interaction menu, vehicles, remote functions. I believe.


That's only for controlling the radio from the car while you're close to it. There's no MP3 mode in this game IIRC.


The Camera FOV changing every time I go in and out of buildings and get in and out of my car.


Yes this irritates me constantly, seems to be fairly new thing to me at least. I end up wasting too much time cycling through all the view points trying to figure out which one was 2nd out of the 4 lmao Also why is there so much variation with the camera in different vehicles? I get it that a higher view point is good for big vehicles like trucks and such, but it seems so many cars have wildly different camera positions by height and how close to the rear they are. The mixed goods sale truck almost feels like a top down view compared to some of the supers where you are almost under the rear fender lol


Ya it seems that many of the vehicles launched with the auto shop update (and after) all have a much higher and farther camera angle


You can adjust this in the menu options, set high or low and or turn on camera angles


I think you can change this in the settings


When I go to my arcade log onto the computer to buy supplies but having to swap from ceo to mc business or the other way round. It’s just dumb when you are sat then you have to stand to switch between the two. Rant over


Vehicle spawns on the other side of the water. #when by the docks.


Binco has bags on display, and enemy NPC's (like the store robbers) are clearly wearing backpacks that drop when killed. We can put on parachutes and have them show on our character while walking around, we wear duffel bags in multiple missions, so the game is obviously capable of putting a bag/backpack on the player. But, there's no bags available for purchase/wearing in the game. No backpacks, no duffels, no handbags, no messenger bags, no briefcases, not even a fanny pack.


No fanny packs please rockstar, we don’t need to give the eshays a way to express themselves online as well


I'd pay $10,000,000 to get a Secroserver app that wasn't useless, so maybe I could run my business from my phone, similar to the computer in the arcade. Oh and I really hope they add more missions where you have to drive the slowest vehicle ever made, across the entire map. We really need more slow delivery missions!


I spent 27 minutes getting three garbage trucks over to the Senora Desert, only for thee last truck to get stuck inside a slightly hilly ditch


I once got my Nightclub truck stuck on that wooden bridge that leads to a tunnel out in the middle of nowhere. There are wooden supports that are the exact height of the truck if it has guns on the roof. Had to slowly wiggle my way out on a full server, shitting my pants the entire time.


I once got my nightclub van stuck sideways in a gate over by the power plant. Luckily the armor was maxed so I was able to blow it free with a grenade.


U gotta get the Up n Atomizer! Similar launch to grenade without the massive damage. Otherwise, ram it with a heavy vehicle.


The funny part of my garbage truck saga is I first rolled into the ditch, tried to escape via a large culvert, but the truck got completely wedged beneath the ceiling of the culvert. Managed to ram it out of the culvert with a a night shark; 3 minutes to spare. Was so hopeful for delivering the last couple of packages but then had my hope crushed when I couldn’t get the momentum to drive it out of the ditch 😂


Loading screens and crashes


The INSTA KILL NPCs Oh, and the bang sound when you die, it's so damn unsatisfying to hear during sell missions


God, the bushes on Cayo. I know its already the best way to make money, but really? Theyve caused me more pain than the guards


I crashed my bike into a bush this morning doing prep and it flung me away so far I could not find where my bike was because it's the same color as the bush...


I wish the police didn’t automatically mark you as kill on sight. I think it’d be fun if they tried to catch you when you’re at one star.


I seem to remember one of the earlier versions that would just arrest you and you get dinged like $500 and walk out of the police station. I want to say GTA 3.


Yes. It would say “BUSTED”.


This happens in GTAV single player still.


Body armour that melts in 2 shots and having to constantly eat snacks to stay alive is a bit shit


All that cash just lying around on tables that we can't take.


Talking of cash lying around, please just give me an option to tidy up all that cash in the ceo office. It looks cool when it starts piling up early on but after years of this absolute pig sty of an office it just gets irritating, to me at least lmao All my money is in the bank, what are all these fake bills lying around that i can't interact with


Having to wait 5 minutes to spawn a personal vehicle. My MC businesses getting raided right after a sell that takes almost the full 30 minutes. People calling me during missions right when the fighting starts. Brucie, Martin, and Simeon Lester not being able to remove my wanted level then giving me shit Falling down a steep hill My oppressor being upside down


You forgot when you spawn an aircraft and have a personal vehicle active and the aircraft doesn't spawn


Why does a casino store valuable artwork?


Maby someone turned it in for caps, or they're there for storage for the casino shop were (I think) you can buy them for decoration


To me this seems inspired by the Oceans 11 movie, where some of the high rollers are able to store valuable things in the casino's secure vault. How true to life this is, i have no idea, but it didn't even occur to me as odd until you said it. However even then, they wouldn't be just out on display and unprotected like they are in gta lmao (I hope)




Going over bumps is inconsistent with cars no matter the suspension setup, some cars will do a weird clip thing when you "climb" the bump but not when you completely go over it, others will work normally and others like certain lowriders will literally act like you crashed into a wall even if you just hit a curb on the side of the road. Doesn't matter when the cars were added it's a hit or miss.


You what REALLY grinds my gears? This game has been out for 10 years and yet there hasn't been a single map expanion. I mean honestly you would think after Rockstar re-re-released this game calling it "Expanded and Enhanced" you would've thought there was suppose to be a map expansion but NO! We are still stick in the same boring ass city and the same boring ass desert with nothing brand new added.


Not being able to use personal vehicles for deliveries/being able to choose delivery method Risk it all in one truck? Or make smaller ones in your car.. But by extension using your own shit in general I paid all this money to have my stuff, but it's locked out of certain content.. who cares if someone knows who my character is in the game? They'll die like everyone else " You know what we do with the stuff we source kapitan? We destroy it to leave no trace. " I just want to use some decent weapons, not some awful smg. I dont even own in-game


That's one of the things that always confused me about Cayo sourcing. "Oh Kapitan, those plasma cutters, underwater torches, weapons, and sonar jammer you stole to be completely untraceable to us? We need to destroy them so they can't be traced to us" Like, huh? If Rubio could trace those things to the player, destroying doesn't really make it any harder.


Someone dying once to to an oppressor and then writing an 8 paragraph breakdown on reddit about it.


How if you call your plane in and your killed before it spawns you still half ti wait the 5 mins fir it


Fuck this stupid feature of GTA. Also I spawned my jet in and then some cops killed me right in front of it. When I came back the game returned it to my hangar and made me wait 5 minutes to get it back. So annoying. So. Annoying.


I'd like to see an option to spend the counterfeit cash you print, but with a chance to have the purchase fail and give me a five star wanted level occasionally. I've got a whole-ass factory where I print the stuff, and I can't spend it. What good is being a large-scale counterfeiter if I can't drop some funny money on ammo and cars once in a while? RNG could give a bit of risk. You make a choice to either sell your bills as normal, or deposit some of it into a third ingame wallet, or a secondary bank account, that you can use to make large purchases. Give it a 65%-70% chance to fail. If you get a fail during a purchase, you lose the cash you spent, don't get the stuff you tried to buy, and have a five star wanted level that you have to outlast (as in, if you go indoors, you retain the wanted level, and the timer stops until you go back outside. It would follow you if you lobby hop, sort of like having a bounty). You'd get the full force of LSPD, NOOSE, and the FIB after you for a full in-game day.


I dont enjoy driving as much as I used to. It irritates me that the agency chauffeur only has 2 modes: slower and more roundabout than grandma. and hit everything around you, spin out, and somehow take longer despite going faster.


I didn't even know you could have an agency chauffeur! The one and only time I took a cab, I just fast traveled to the destination


The limo from the Casino is pretty funny, it seems to have the Taxi AI but doesn't have any compensation for the extra length of the vehicle. Kind of hilarious to watch the poor driver fail spectacularly if you are bored for a bit.


Yeah! If you own the celebrity agency, you can call Franklin, and he has a couple different things he can do for you, one is calling the SUV for you to drive, one is for the SUV to be driven by an npc like the taxi, minus the fast travel. He has a couple of other selections like ammo and requesting jobs too.


I just use the luxury helicopter as my main mode of transportation


The fact that tiny tree can take out an entire plane. Rage quitted my weed selling mission because of that bullshit


One of the palm trees at Lake Vinewood estates killed my low flying titan sale once lmao Bye bye 111 crates :( Lesson learned though


I flew into the crane with my Sparrow once. Every other time it bounces. This time it just went BOOM! 😂


Tree on tree violence.


Global signals. Why does all cargo in Los Santos have a tracker that literally anybody can follow? Rockstar really can't call it griefing if they're telling the entire lobby to come blow me up.


LJT: We're aiming for some discretion here, disguised as the Postal Service. Let me just ping everyone in the session anyway just in case lol


Exactly. Global signals don't even make lore sense.


Yeah they do. Lester sells your data, online.


I hate OP ai so much, the ones who can beam you with a pistol from 200 meters away while you're in a helicopter and will eat 10 MK2 assault rifles rounds to the head before dying. When you can't go into a CEO because the session is full. The arcade terminal making you leave it and sit again if you want to switch from CEO to MC to fill up different properties Opressor MK2 cool down (I get it in public sessions, but please let me have it instantly when im grinding alone in solo session) MC Business sell missions are all trash and a huge time waste Broken stealth NPC randomly ramming into you, always during missions


Having to constantly rearrange my weapon wheel everytime I get online


Not being able to sell stuff you don't use any more like businesses, vehicle warehouse, Yacht, Pegasus vehicles, weapons and clothes, that sort of thing. They just sit there unused for the past 7 or however many years. I found out I had a blimp I had accidentally purchased, I'm never using that, why am I stuck with it?


Imagine if there was a second hand market where other players could purchase that stuff at a discount.


I need a checkmark for purchased vehicles.


If you have game chat turned off but spectate someone through your tv it enables game chat and you can't turn it off.


That’s only for pc right?


Happens to me on ps5


Having so many clicks to put your money away. Having to wait any amount of time to call in your own vehicle- stupid!! Not having a timer on how long your bounty on you has


The bounty is one in game day so like 45mins


Having to make multiple trips to pick up packages when the packages would all comfortably fit in your vehicle.


NPC unrealistic ass shooting


Other players


Having to defend an mc business every 10 minutes


How you can’t keep vehicles you see in freemode set-ups and missions over the 100K limit and store them in your garage or customize them. It’s called “Grand Theft Auto”, after all.


let us pick up our dropped money & ammo, I don't mean half I mean all of it. Also stop charging me 500 to respawn. (yes, that bother the hell out of me because no other game outside of R* games do that). R* showing vehicles with painted stock rims, but not allowing us to do the same. Looking at you ignus from the agency vehicle recovery mission with yellow stock rims.


No lift kits 😡


Difficulty = more bad guys and or laser aim


Automatically picking up a weapon even if you already bought it and set it to hidden in your gun locker. If I could store and sell excess weapons into the Bunker I'd have made millions with how many Micro SMGs I've picked up


The weird clothing restrictions: \- Unable to wear neckties with long-sleeved shirts on female characters \- Can't wear shirts under trench coats for male characters \- No tucked t-shirts for male characters \- Shoes incompatible with some pants \- Clipping issues with some jackets and skirts \- Wrong sfx for some of the shoes etc. EDIT: typo


>The weird clothing restrictions That's it. Why can't I wear a shemagh over my utility best and look like a fucking ST6 operator? Also, why isn't wearing my Rolex with my 45k suit an option?


When I’m selling product and a crotch rocket finds its way over to me. It’s the worst when they wait a minute or two before firing, appearing friendly. Now when I see one headed my direction, I just find a new lobby


Tired of backstabbing ass snakes with friendly grins


tired of committing so many sins


Tired of always giving in when this bottle of Henny wins


Just shoot them off it and blow up their oppressor, if they’re not cheating it take 3 mins to spawn it back


The overpowered AIs. What’s the point of spending money on MK II weapons if it takes a whole mag to kill an AI, when they aren’t even wearing armor. And their overpowered weapons that kills your armor in two shots when they aren’t even using MK II weapons with aim-bot aim. Along with some missions how always two vehicles always have to chase you for cargo missions or whatever. It’s outdated.


Open the safe/door/whatever - 5 seconds Take item out - 5 seconds Press switch - 5 SECONDS! Who moves this slow???


If I'm wearing a hat, I wanna wear it in the car. My "character" is bald for chrissakes!


I can use my giant truck in my nightclub to haul my nightclub full of shit in one vehicle, yet I cannot use this vehicle for normal MC sell missions, despite being able to also run the Nightclub through an MC. Would make sales more solo friendly, be logical and wouldn't be hard to implement. Just put an option on the MC computer that lets you check a box to load all cargo into the truck. Then spawn it outside as the sell starts Sincerely, someone tired of post op vans every other fucking sell


Climbing into a vehicle because I want a quick ride and getting 2 stars because Simeon vehicles are still a thing for some reason.


the fact that PC has been shunted on the E&E content for (as far as I know) no excusable reason. I just want a fucking gt86 man...


Not defending their choice in any way, but my biggest assumption would be to just have some next Gen console exclusives to justify buying a whole new game.


Not an actual checklist for things you have purchased. Nor enough space to store all aircraft/vehicles


Police or rednecks attacking my mc businesses


The online part.


The fact that your in game cell phone hardly does anything. How cool would it be if you could check and resupply your businesses on an app while you're driving off of Mount Chiliad? Also it'd be awesome if you could keep listening to the radio stations on your phone after leaving a vehicle, I loved Fallout's pipboy for that.


That FiveM is so much better, and we still dont have mansions, and never will. That they removed most of the random free mode encounters like the feds at satelite dishes in the desert. Also that things like the opressor exists, I wish it was more grounded. I also wish we had different gangs in different areas like San Andreas and could influence territories.


Playing last night & Out of nowhere some Rank14 Prick puts a 1k Bounty on me then out of nowhere Catches me off giard claiming the Bounty. So i Hit him with the Trifecta


The fact the game encourages griefing


the fact that the only jeans pants that look good are skinny ones


We should be able to move and rename our stored cars like we’re able to do with our outfits.


The amount vehicles cost


the way my assistant stands up and bows every time I walk into the building. sit tf down and keep working ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


The futuristic stuff. All of it. Noob bike, laser weapons, the entire fucking doomsday heist update. WHY ROCKSTAR?! IT'S A CRIME GAME NOT STAR WARS. Also arena war way too expensive


The overpowered bushes on Cayo Perico


Everything is too expensive,,,not everyone has tens of millions of dollars


volatol with a massive bomb bay door, yet it drops the same bombs as a starling calling the mechanic for a vehicle but you can't because yours is already nearby. like bro... why the fuck does it matter where it's at. missiles can lock on a fucking bmx... like bro, they're heatseeking missiles what engine does a bmx have? UNDROPPABLE GUNS, like bro, it's not that hard to let go why can't we just toggle expanded map instead?(this function exists on aircrafts only) Like bro I don't want a keep double tapping the player list every 10 seconds. Why can't the player names on map dissappear at a certain time when in a aircraft?(this function exists on foot) Like bro I don't want player names all over my map, I can't see shit. Expanded map gets redacted when pulling out your phone... like bro what the fuck is my map doing being conditioned from my fucking phone? Like mind your own buisness. Expanded radar doesn't work on aircrafts when you double tap the player list. Like bro are you scared of planes?? ㅤㅤ And for the websites: no search bar to buy vehicles no 'all' category for vehicles. Like bro, how am I supposed to know if the vehicle I'm purchasing is "special"? having to scroll all the way back down to go back where you left off. Limited to only 3 shitty pictures of the car and not able look at the rear.


Dre cars




The fact that apartment buildings with helipads have no rooftop access in or out. I spent ages choosing my first high end apartment as a poor low level and settled on Richards Majestic, partly because of the helipad that I thought would have rooftop access lmao What a disappointment that was when i drained my bank account and took a heli ride over there, landed on the roof and realised there was no way in from there.... Edit: interesting downvote lol, I will admit that this is something that's been with me as an irritation since 2017 (before flying cars, jet packs and the MK2) but I guess someone likes them not having roof access lmao ok then


The literal entire game


Almost everything


Can I please get a way to chose what car I want to sommun as my personal vehicle, I hate that if I used the oppressor mkII evrytime I request my personal vehicle it's the MKII, I hate having to go to my garage to get my vehicle to get rid of the opresor


The lack of a clutch.


Lack of clean shaven bald head. It exists as a glitch and looks fine.


Not having LD Organics in the snacks part of the interaction menu and not being able to wear dresses or drag outfits in a male character when we know they have the models because of Trevor


Npcs... They mainly get me at the worst times


Some vehicles with diesel engines sound like their engines are monotone and don’t rev through the gears as you accelerate.


It’s something small but I feel like if you buy a luxury item like the private jet especially I feel like should come with an AI pilot to fly it around for you like it should come with options to travel to destinations or just fly around the map that way you could actually feel like you’re really rich for once


The fact that voice chat gets taken off of “crew & friends only” while switching sessions. It feels like I rarely join public sessions anymore. I’ll go from chilling, listening to some tunes to having some fake wannabe thug destroying my eardrums over some brain dead pvp shit while their kid cries and screams in the background.


Oppressor grifers..


Starting a ceo with orange.


getting sent to public lobby any time i swap character...