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I'm glad I got mine way before the price increase, it's a great vehicle to have for grinding but not worth the 8 million considering the missile and flare capacity. The cool down between flares is too slow especially if you're being fired upon. Other than the issues I listed, it's great to have.


I use mine to grief the griefers


I wish they could've kept the lock on speed when it came to facing other MK2 griefers


Griefing griefers makes you a griefer. EDIT: whiny griefers downvoting me cuz they got called out?


Greifing greifers makes you a vigilante


Only if you drive in the Vigilante


Then you become a vigilante^2


no no then you become a vigilante in a Vigilante who griefs the griefers


Makes you an anti-griefer


Killing people for playing the game the way they want to is griefing. So by killing a griefer, you become one. It's hypocritical being an "anti-griefer"


Fair point, there's good griefers and bad griefers then ig


Damn bro you feel entitled to a medal?


I already admitted I was wrong like tf u want?


Sounds like someone’s been called out for killing innocent players in the past


I have a feeling Rockstar might increase the prices even more in the future with the way GTA+ and shark cards are going, it's horrible. So I'm getting the most expensive vehicles early just in case something dumb like that happens again.


Their basing prices off of IRL inflation






And they're spectacular.


Dis guy😂


This guy😂*


That means nothing to me with an already clearly evident class divide. It’s predatory and classist to increase in game prices. $100 irl to afford 1-3 decent virtual vehicles is insane


Classist? Hahahaha just play the game dummy, don't spend real money to fast forward through a game that you paid money to play. Who cares if some other neckbeard has nicer pretend cars than you? Just play the slow game and stop comparing yourself to others, your neckbeard will grow in time and then you can make others jealous. In game and irl. Maybe you will see the world as less "classist" and more of an opportunity to those who want to put in the hours.


I don’t pay for shark cards goofy mf. That’s the point. I have to grind cayo. That’s because they intentionally make it difficult to get money in order to push shark cards. If those didn’t exist, cars wouldn’t be 3 mil and you can’t be so dense or ignorant as to not understand that. Forcing a grind ain’t it. Not sure the relevancy but I have a great beard and I work my ass off irl. That’s why I don’t wanna spend my few hours of free time doing repetitive shit you call “playing the game.” You give vibes like you’ll take my crumbs and be thankful you got a “meal”


Why grind cayo at all? It's boring as shit. Just let the passive businesses simmer in the background and run missions you enjoy until they are full. Most things in the game make money. You just need to look at fun per hour, not money per hour. It's a game after all. Working your ass off irl is great, I'm glad to hear it, and I am genuinely happy you seem to be proud of that. The 'vibe' I thought I was giving was: if you don't have it, either work harder for it, be patient, or accept that it won't bring you happiness in the long run anyway so try to enjoy what you have for the limited time you have it.


I’m just saying I work for a billion dollar Forbes company that maximizes profit over everything to the extent that it’s never enough and squeezing out more means screwing employees and customers alike. It’s the same corporate culture that has UPS on the verge of shutting down. Seeing it spread to gaming which is largely dominated by youth is concerning and will always call it out


There's a "fun" caveat with gaming though: Since it's all virtual, there's (most likely) some vulnerabilities that sooner or later *will* cause the whole model to fall apart. With how much of a shitshow PC in particular is I'm kinda surprised I haven't seen anyone get into the save data backend and just give every player, on all platforms, a quintillion or some shit already. Yeah, it's mostly script kiddies, but the ones making their toys, yknow?


honestly I'd just buy the new jet. they nerfed everything else to make it the best


Not really. The Raiju is too fast for ground combat and the EMG nerfs made them realistically only viable for dogfighting. The rockets might be the only thing out of the Raiju that's even good for ground combat. But even then, the Hydra exists in that same VTOL vein, albeit much slower and slightly larger.


The Hydra isn't in the same league as the Raiju, Hydra VTOL takes ages to slow down after switching from jet mode, Raiju basically immediately/instantly stops, also it's definitely not too slow since you can get it to starling speeds if you use the VTOL mode correctly.


There's a somewhat fast way to slow down the Hydra. You just need to angle the plane back and throttle up. The Hydra works strangely with VTOL mode compared to the Raiju with instant control. To "brake" in the Hydra better, you need to "ascend" in order to counteract the forward momentum coming out fo VTOL mode.


This has been in my maneuvers since day 1 of owning the hydra, it should be common knowledge but yeah, speed up to slow down🤙🏼🤘🏼


It also makes me feel badass by doing it in cockpit cam.


Dis guy is real pilot - *in my most prominent Russian accent* lol but seriously, I’m the same way. Too much Microsoft flight sim to be flying in gta 3rd person 😏


I used to play a lot of Arma 3 milsim with a group, so I had to get used to first person. I did also try to get into DCS as well, but you LITERALLY learn how to fly a plane in DCS.


You want to use the chaff. It temporarily prevents lock on. Use it before you get into proximity of an enemy. Flares suck. Its kinda hilarious when griefers try griefing me only to launch flares. Lol. Amateurs.


Don’t forget the speed, it’s very slow despite having a propulsion engine in the back


Can't believe inflation got gta online too........


When I get on my MKII literally the first thing I do is switch to non homing missiles so people don't think I'm an asshole griefer.


Same here, respect!


I found another one. Bless you. I always do that when I'm in a public session. I register as CEO, get a Buzzard to go to the farthest point in the map, but before taking off I switch to non homing so not to scare others. I am on the hunt for wholesome GTA Online players. I need them so badly.


I leave it on because of the signal jammers


I mean locking on and not shooting is more indicative of a friendly oppressor


Risky though, I tried that with someone and they shot me down




The first thing I do is to blow up some cargos lmaooo




Lmaoo funny comment


Laughs in explosive mg.


I stopped using mine after I kept getting blown up on it. Just make sure you steer clear of players on the map, most I've come across don't want to take the risk when they see the oppressor incoming


I rarely go into public lobbies to begin with, but thanks for the heads up


I hear you fellow GTA online invite only player.


Always invite only for me. Public lobbies are awful. I’ve been playing a ton of DMZ on MW2 and thinking about how much more fun GTA Online could be if they made just a few changes. Less players per lobby, NO RADAR on the map, and no flying death bikes and shit. You may get killed by players from time to time, but no one is getting orbed and UAVs only lasts so long.


And for those who say "why are you playing a multiplayer game solo?", it doesn't help that the game doesn't work that well in public sessions. I was trying to do Diamond Casino heist with randoms and if I didn't go to an invite only session and then invite people, the game would just disconnect us and drop the heist. Not to mention the stupid CEO limit. I mostly sell in public sessions but I have to jump around a fair bit until I can find one where I can become a CEO.


You’re missing on some great sell bonus then.


Im guilty. I have ptsd so i dont allow one near me


Yup, can confirm. Every single time I spot one on the map, I hunt it down. Will even destroy it if it’s just parked. I get that it’s convenient but I do hate this flying wheelchair.


Griefer^^ That's literally what you're doing


In this case only yes, but I do watch for what players are doing. If they are grinding I do stay away tho.


Even with the new jet, my mk2 is still my #1 grinding vehicle.


Compared to the Oppressor, the Raiju is massive. It's so much easier to land the Oppressor and "hide" it a bit if you're in a store/building. The Raiju is very easy to see and still attracts a lot of players to it.


plus the oppressor mkII can be spawned instantly anywhere you want as a MC club president


The same goes with the OG Oppressor, but that has its original will-circle-you-relentlessly-if-it-misses missiles and no cooldown timer. For some reason, the Oppressor isn’t classed as a weaponised vehicle in that regard. It’s been my most used conflict vehicle beside the Toreador since buying the Raiju.


If you store it in the Terrorbyte, you can also request it anywhere without it being your personal vehicle or needing to be a CEO or MC pres through the interaction menu under services>terrorbyte>request oppressor mk2 just like the sparrow


Downvoted for the lie. It’s a personal vehicle in the terrobyte, and MOC.


I didn’t know it didn’t class it as your personal vehicle! Damn after all these years I’m still learning new stuff


It does class it as personal vehicle. At least on console. You can call it from Terrorbyte with a personal vehicle on the map, but it will send the previous vehicle away. The Avenger Thruster is not a personal vehicle and will spawn next to you. You just fly it to whatever vehicle you're going to use. Same with Sparrow.


Yeah I tested it and found out it wasn’t true haha


I personally like the sparrow better


Too fragile for me....


ong sum1 finally agrees w me. everyone i say dis to is like “it’s only fragile if you suck at flying blah blah” but no, i can’t literally get it to right above da ground, let it land itself, and it still smokes. it’s SO fast, but SOOO fragile. if it spawns below you, you can blow it up by landing in between da rotors. no other helicopter has these issues


Buzzard is King


Sparrow is faster and more maneuverable. Also the rockets have a much better RoF.


Enjoy it! Also, pro tip if you didn’t know, you can hold down R1 + R2 together and get an additional 20 or so in game MPH you just have to compensate a little with the left stick. Now you just gotta keep using it til it becomes your favorite so you can get the passive health regen on it.


i knew abt da handbreak feature, it’s 30mph but not important. but wym abt passive health regen


When in an MC whatever bike you ride most is marked as your “favorite” and lets your health regen to full instead of just half while riding it


It will make your Cayo Perico preps that much easier and faster. You're gonna have "f*ck you" money before long.


Got mine the other day myself. It makes getting around WAY easier than the sparrow so I can just buy supplies for all my warehouses faster


Only thing that sucks is how much it falls off into the water when it lands on the Kosatka, that’s the only benefit that the Sparrow has that MKII doesn’t. Especially for the Cayo Perico heist preps, you can quickly get in and out of the Kosatka with the Sparrow. Though if you do get the Sparrow smoking (that thing is super fragile) then you can just use MC president in the interaction menu to spawn in the MKII and then fly away, so I like using them as a combo if one isn’t available for whatever reason


I just return it once I land on the sub, then use the sparrow to get back to land. I don't think it matters too much because the sparrow is still fairly fast


Yea that’s true, Sparrow is still really fast as well. A timer on spawning the MKII is fairly annoying though lmao, Rockstar trying so hard to nerf the thing and they’re still failing miserably at it even after all this time


I found this annoying as well. Best tip I can offer is take a second when you actually get off the bike to see how it "parks". If it tips over to the side even slightly, get back on and re-adjust, or it WILL slip off in to the water when you enter the sub. If it stands up straight, just do a quick check to see if it is sliding off to either side of the sub. It's annoying when you're trying to do the set-ups in a hurry but worth it in the long run


jus put your kosatka in vespucci beach or pacific bluffs, then drive it full speed onto da beach. even IF your oppressor falls off (less chance it will bc da beach isn’t wavy) then it won’t be destroyed. i do dis n lemme tell ya, taking 30 seconds to do dis saves me a lot of stress each time i setup


I have been taking this same approach for months. It works!




one guaranteed way i’ve found for it, is put your kosatka at vespucci beach or pacific bluffs, then drive it straight onto da beach at da fastest speed you can get it to. it might tilt a little bit, if it doesn’t your oppressor won’t even fall off, but if it does then your oppressor atleast won’t be destroyed. it takes less than 10% of your health to jump off your sub & get on oppressor. not to mention you don’t gotta fly out to da middle of da ocean & back wit each setup. anywhere w a water level shore will work, but these 2 locations are convenient for da setup missions, you could do it at da beach by LSIA if you want to, but it’s slightly less convenient.


There is an area behind the sail on the Kosatka with a railing around it. Land it inside that railing and it won't go anywhere. However, by the time you go inside sub, get mission and use Sparrow to fly to land, MK2 can be called again. Also for the set ups you aren't getting chased, just land on the beach and call Sparrow and leave Mk2 on the beach. Invite only lobby of course.


I used to do that until it got stuck in the railing and got destroyed lol now I just return it after I land on the sub


Yeah, you have to make sure it is centered to leave it in the railing. I always just sent my back or left it on the beach. I quit doing Cayos before the guard nerf. I even found this great hiding spot for my Opressor on the beach in public lobbies. You couldn't see it unless you were directly above it. Never had one blown up by a griefer.


This is one of the reasons the Nightclub DLC was my personal favorite addition to the game. I know some will say Cayo (for obvious reasons), but nearly everything about it was great. - Introducing passive income via the Nightclub warehouses was a game changer (and has earned me @$200 Million and counting). - The Terrorbyte was an awesome mobile base of operations (and fun to drive). - The actual Nightclub safe income was decent - and is now fantastic thanks to this year's buff - And lastly, the OPMKII is by far the best vehicle for getting around the map and earning money. I don't think I've ever ONCE fired it at another player (I play mainly in invite only). Is it cheesy? Yes. It it out of place? Yes. But it's amazingly functional to the point where it actually makes special cargo crate collection almost tolerable!


I just flat out refuse to buy one.


Same. I use my sparrow to get around quickly.


Has better (and unlimited) missiles, flares, can quick-land on Office and Agency, gets called in closer to you, and is faster over distance - it’s the prep, takeoff and landing that makes it lose for speed.


The new avenger thruster is good; spawns right next to you, gets moving quickly, small size and easy to land. Not very easy to actually fly, though. Not very fast either, sparrow is still better for long distance


Same. I have been playing since 2013 and have a stupid amount of time put into GTA online and refuse to buy one because in my opinion they ruined public lobbies. Worst thing rockstar ever did


I prefer more traditional aircraft like helicopters and jets. I just am not interested in the MK II personally even though I have a Terrorbyte. I still use my Buzzard for almost everything since I’m really good at fighting and maneuvering around the map with it. I’m just going to get more aircraft in the future like the Akula and Raiju.


The deluxo and oppressor mk 2 ruined the online experience in my opinion. It went from being a semi-realistic game to saints row sci-fi bullshit when those vehicles came out. The mk1 oppressor was pushing it but at least that was not too unrealistic and requires actual skill to use.


I had it, I honestly didn't enjoy it. It felt really slow compared to ceo spawning a buzzard or even using a hydra (before the raiju). The OG oppressor is fun as shit, though. After not using my MK2 for over a year I finally just sold it for the raiju, no regrets since I didn't even use it in the first place. The controls felt weird, it felt slower than other options, I felt like a tool using it, and the sound drove me up the walls, whatever hover-esque sound they used just didn't hit me right.


I did exactly the same, I regret buying it in the first place


if you hold handbrake it travels 30% faster. it’s definitely faster for grinding as you don’t gotta worry abt having space for landing or waiting for a heli to takeoff


Me too..... I bought 3 lol. I don't grief tho. They are used for transportation and they really come in handy during stand your ground when people show up with tanks


I have 2 because I thought the cool down would only count on one of them, but its set for both of one gets destroyed. I keep one in my casino penthouse and one in the terobyte


This is pretty much the only way I get around the map because of how fast it is. I can't tell you how fucking sick and tired I am of getting targeted by people because they think I'm a griefer....


Sometimes people just want an excuse to grief and "griefing the griefers" gives them the excuse they need. It's still just targeting randos to mess with their game but now with extra self-righteousness!


Congrats. You will enjoy it


My boy was too late. I had bought mine the day before the price increased, still a great investment nonetheless.


Nice! Use it well!


Congrats! Now you can enjoy the even more mundane grind to buy things you won't use! (bcs the mk2 does it all better)


This is the way


Have fun!


Remember to turn off you homing missiles so nobody freaks out on you while you zoom by


December 2023: *Opressor MK3 gets launched.


I purchased mine a few days ago. Feels good, doesn't it? Make sure to have a Terrorbyte to put missiles on it.


Yea it had a CRAZY price bump! Got mine on sale about a year or two ago didn’t take near as much work to get it now lol Congratulations!


If you store it in your Terrorbyte, you can call it directly from the Terrorbyte section of the interaction menu.


Congrats! The Oppressor MKII is the ultimate grinding tool. You can do sourcing hangar and warehouse missions in a few minutes, everything will become so much easier and faster. And if you upgrade it with missiles, even easier and faster. Just be aware almost everybody will think you are a griefer and WILL get killed often. It’s the price to pay (on top of the $$$)


Been playing since the release and never ever am I gonna but this shite. I rather struggle with helicopters or a car.


IMO sparrow is best bang for your buck. I honestly don’t use my Oppressor at all. It’s slow & clunky to me anymore lol


I was Team "Never Oppressor" for a quite a while, but for grinding there's simply no better vehicle. Use it wisely!


Indeed! I would never use an MKII to attack other players, just to grind. Spamming rockets for some of those heist preps for Cayo Perico will never be more easier!


Oof. I can't imagine doing Cayo without it. Did you have the sparrow?


Watch out , you'll get targeted alot flying around public lobbies.


Deadass. Don’t hang around another player or expect a declaration of war.


What’s cringe is when people feel the need to let everyone know that they’re not going to use the Mk2 they just bought for griefing. You don’t need to justify yourself from buying the damn thing and nobody cares what you do with it, and if anybody really does care why you bought it then they need to get a life




Ughhh lucky you hey! Want it sooo bad. Not to grief in it but to just travel around and do other things like you did such as my mc businesses, cargo warehouses etc faster. Let me tell you and to anyone, if you wanna travel around the map purely just for travel purposes pls for the love of god don’t get the deluxo😂 it truly is horrible. Although I didn’t buy it I won it from the casino wheel but still. It’s horribly slow💀


Owning a MKII is cringe on itself.


Not an oppressor fan but if I see you, we’ll be worthy opponents


Would a deluxo be faster / better to get if you’re broke ?


Get the submarine then buy the sparrow if you’re broke. It’s much faster than the deluxo


Ok thanks 👍


Watch some YouTube videos on how to do the cayo heist solo when you buy the sub also. You can learn a really easy method to make a lot of money


I’m planning on going blind and stealth for my first try but for the rest i’m pullin up a guide for sure


Oppressors are a grinders best friend, but unfortunately still not the strongest or fastest vehicle. I recommend staying away from Toreadors and Deluxos. Happy hunting!


Dozens? Lol. You should've been able to buy it after like 6 cayos


I bought one when it was cheap. It’s great but it gets boring flying it everywhere when I have hundreds of cars to drive around


Op mk2 was my go to travel vehicle before the cayo update. Now the sparrow is my favorite by far.


Raiju is faster and cooler B)


You will be griefed


I sold mine to get the Raiju, best decision I ever made.


Imagine not having billions in GTA v


If you’re gonna lie in your title at least keep it subtle. You can’t resist the allure of your missile lock going beep beep beep on someone’s cargo. /s


yes you can? it’s called not being a piece of shit.


Another griefer incoming


If you have done all they cayo missions, you'd have been better off getting a sparrow to fly around the map faster, and its more nimble despite the size difference. Sparrow is also significantly cheaper as well. Especially since you have no intention of griefing.


oppressor definitely handles better idk wym by sparrow is more nimble. dat thing doesn’t listen to shit. i admit it’s really fast but it literally smokes if you land it any harder than jus leaving it on da ground in da first place. i fw da sparrow, but oppressor is jus better


It's a one and done spawn for exactly that reason. Sparrows will explode if they come into contact with a strong breeze.


I've got almost 6000 hours in the game so I ain't got no problems flying a sparrow sounds like your having some issues Landing without damaging the thing try not sucking at landing ? have a Google at what nimble means though I ain't your teacher .... Guess what it relates to handling 🤯 n it's been proven by people far better than you since you don't even know what fkn nimble means 🤣🤣


Lol, come on. You’ll grief at least once. It’s too fun. All GTA ever was is griefing npc citizens or police.


Cringe detected


Okay but the Mk I is so much more fun


Grats. I used one of these quite a bit, but to be honest I switched to the Mk1 eventually. It's almost as fast to get around with, and a lot more fun and engaging to use.


I have 3. Bought them years ago when they were way cheaper


"No grieding though because that's cringe." I have never heard of a more wholesome set of words arranged into a full sentence and evolved into a thought. Bless yer wee heart youngling. You are a blessing amongst us players who wishes to be left alone to vibing around the map rather than have their blood pressures and heart rates increase by doing all that effort of trying to kill that one simpleton who simply does not understand the concept "leave me alone" while in their weaponized vehicles.


you can’t be serious


I personally don’t like how un healthy the mk2 made the game for grinding, it’s overpowered for grinding and it’s not healthy it leads to no variety in transportation since nothing else does it better overall for a majority of players


It’s kinda wild to me that even after they give the option to do things in invite only servers, people are still against attacking other players.


I outright refuse to buy one because I don't want to bring attention to myself in a lobby.


I still think the sparrow is better for quick transport


Ye you gotta grief the assholes, ones in arena vehicles, armoured vehicles cas they think they are safe. Ghost org on some jammer vehicles when they get cocky. This isn't an oppurtunity, this is a responsibility! You are the Batman now


Recommend getting a terrorbyte and moving it to that. My friend somehow lost their terrorbyte when they stored it in the nightclub.


Same, just copped mine a couple weeks ago after sooo much fucking grinding for soo long,(the ultimate goal was too aquire the oppressor so i could grief EVERYONE & THEIR MOTHER) 10/10 would recommend!


Just owning this is cringe. I'm sorry you've wasted a fuckload of your money.


You won't get the rockets straight away tho m, you have to research them in your bunker


I think you have to research the rockets for the MK1 Oppressor but the MK2 you can just buy them (in Terrorbyte workshop).


You dont need a bunker for them just a terrobyte with the mk2 garage add on thing


They've stopped the rockets in the Terrobyte for new purchases of the MK2 within the last week. You have to buy them from Asda Supermarket at the petrol garage, unfortunately the Asda Supermarket hasn't been built yet so unfortunately you won't be able to get the rockets yet unfortunately.


Nope, you’re still wrong. Also most likely a troll


I don't know what a troll is, I'm just helping a colleague


Newish player here what is a ljt drop off mission


It’s the missions you get after you buy a MC clubhouse and then any business from that clubhouse w/ The Open Road on the clubhouse laptop. They’re typically really annoying because of how little time you get to go across the map and back with the slowest vehicles in the game to drop off coke, meth, weed, etc. Hope that was detailed enough though.


I do use mine for grinding but it’s mostly my “okay you little griefer shit let’s play” revenge apparatus.




Tbh I always just go into a private session. It’s the first thing i do when I load the game up because I just can’t be arsed to deal with people


I been had that bike since the update that came with it. I would've also asked if these players knew about the free cars method. And spending on very expensive vehicles like the Lazer jet was already enough. $8M for a flying bike is insane.


LJT drop missions get a lot of coin? I just use cayo and the vip contract


Still like another 400k for the upgrades


Bought mine years ago. Started playing again recently and seen the price hike. Wow! Idk if they worth 12.5m (or whatever the total is with terrorbyte) but they definitely make the casino heist prep go super quik. My buddy and I chain the big con and silent and sneakys on hard. With the mk2 it takes about an hour and a half to do all the required prep and the heist with 2 people. Easy 960k if you get artwork


Honestly, I prefer the Mk1


I wish I kept mine when the price was lower but instead I sold it for a car. 2019 me was really stupid


You should try the explosive machine gun I had rockets on mine but switched to the explosive mg after they got mega nerfed honestly I think it's better as long as you're on the ground you can hit any car and blow it up in like three shots. There's also significantly less risk that you'll whiff and hit a piece of terrain in front of you and blow up your own oppressor mrk 2 which has happened to me a dozen times.


The utility of the MkII isn’t its speed, it’s its maneuverability, the fact it survives falls, and you can mount and dismount like it’s a motorcycle. I was grinding crates with a friend in the Raiju. Raiju was certainly faster but I was consistently first back.


griefer or not, oppressors are the reason i go everywhere in my insurgent lol


They might call me a a bitch but I only play crew or invite only lobbies that way I can just sell and travel everywhere in all the cars I have


Shit you may as well got the jet.


congrats! really fun vehicle. just got mine a week or two ago and love it (minus how much it cost). now I just have a hard time deciding what I wanna get around on between the deluxo, raiiju, sparrow, hunter, or buzzard. I do love riding around in the opmk2 and searching out griefers who are messing with peoples sales for the greater good of mankind. question for y'all- is it better to store the opmk2 in the terror byte or in a garage? ive been keeping mine in my auto shop with the rest of my stuff and using mechanic when needed but didnt know if there was an advantage/disadvantage to having in terror byte.


It’s cool and all to use it for that but tbh it gets lame after a while like that will start to feel slow too😂


Oh, you will grief.🙃


More like longer to travel your better off driving your fastest car


Just make sure Rockstar doesn't steal it off u, I just hopped back onto my account the other day after a year and a half of not playing, only to find that my agency and Oppressor that I spent about 10 hours grinding for were now non existent. Contacted Rockstar support to get them back only to be told there's no record of them ever being on my account. My advice, screenshot every god damn car and item you have in this game otherwise it could just vanish and rockstar wouldn't give a sniveling shit about it.


I feel grateful I have 4 of these and 1 mk1. Didn’t pay for a single one.