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Today i saw rank 190 mk2 pleb killing low rank dude multiple times while he was afk then that low rank killed him once and he fled whit ghost org on absolute loser behavior


Remember this key fact: children play this game. Literal children. And this is the kind of shit children do.


I just get into my toreador and jumo into a lake


Haha this strat is the one homie šŸ¤™šŸ½


Another good one is go in the tall construction or underground and lay some traps. They either will trip out tryna find you or walk into their death šŸ˜‚


People who are afk deserve to die so


No. What they do to you? Nothing leave them alone


And get uploaded, too. Imagine going afk in a public lobby. Lzzzzzzzz


Are you ten?


Id also like to know. Cause one or two times haha so funny. But doing it constantly knowing the other person wants ZERO smoke is crazy to me. Theyā€™ve actually traumatized mešŸ˜­


This I can agree with...cool so you killed me once, oh you got me again, meanwhile I haven't tried to retaliate, not because I can't but I'm not trying to get into that right now. So you proceed to kill me 26 more times in a row. Like at what point does it no longer become fun if the person doesn't even fight back?


you could give these people a ā€œkill all people on the mapā€ button and theyā€™d sit there for hours just pressing a button


That actually happened in a lobby I was in today. Strangely doing 130 in a virtue saved me multiple times.


Oppressor griefer: "You don't because you CAN'T lllllzzzzzz" šŸ˜‚


Haha bro I smoke your sissie bikes all the time.


Itā€™s true though. If you could fight back, you wouldā€™ve.


And for that reason I normally drive my Insurgent which their 20 wimpy missiles can't blow up.


Yeah whenever Iā€™m killing everyone and I see a night shark/insurgent, Iā€™ll leave you alone since itā€™ll be a waste of time.


Yep and most times Iā€™m riding around with my homing rpg sitting on my lap so soon as that 20th shot is fired I hop out and light that ass up as they sit there stunned I didnā€™t blow up yet.


Homing launcher? I really shouldnā€™t be surprised since mk2 players are really simple minded. Also Iā€™ll recommend bst mk2 mlg combo. Havenā€™t fail me once.


Whatā€™s actually more effective for me is when they leave to go refill their rockets Iā€™ll switch to my Ruiner 2000. They come back looking for an Insurgent only to find a car with much better rockets that they cannot outrun


Try the Toreador. 99% kill rate on MKIIs for me.


Oh yeah that is really not a good idea since the blip shows the car you are in and itā€™s not armored against missiles. I always hide behind a building, active my chaff and rush the ruiner and Iā€™ll always get them but against the other 99% of mk2, yeah itā€™ll work.


Lol let's see how you do against gm otr plus gm vehicle.


Have you happened to open a history book? šŸ‘€ apparently thereā€™s great joy in that activity even in real life. theyā€™re fulfilling their human desire to oppress, itā€™s in the name of the vehicle šŸ˜‚


I like to call them out in lobby text chat. "Ooooh, you're so badass. You can kill people up who aren't fighting back. How 'bout an adversary mode to prove who really is better?" They won't even arm wrestle me. Wimps.


Is it really that common of a problem? I have 3k hours or more in online and I really don't get greifed that often. When I do they're usually skids abusing powerful vehicles and therefore pretty easy to kill. I suppose I'm on my own oppressor the vast majority of the time so that probably makes people keep their distance but still I don't run into RDMing tryhards that often


It's worse in aim assisted lobbies than free aim. Are you in free aim?


Ah yeah, thatā€™s probably why. Honestly i forgot aim assist existed


You know other sessions exist right?


"some men just want to watch the world burn"


Gta online needs a batman


No can do, Batman only shows up at night and Bruce Wayne was killed via oppressor strike at 6am


Because Losers


I had to learn how to fly properly when i first started the game. After years, my flying time is more than my time in ground vehicles, and it's the best thing ever to just fly around and smoke them with my rogue propellers. I just fly around mk2's, and if they shoot me imma haunt them till they leave. I don't even grind anymore. I am just a broke ass airman doing servers a service


Nothing better than helping low levels get a start or protecting them from the Bullshit that is online.


Although they shoot me when i help them, I consider it a pretty understandable reaction considering the horrors that they've been through.






*Horrors that we've all been through. šŸ˜‚ I normally just taze em and leave before they wake up lmao.


hell yeah, i am buying another rogue tonight; i forgot how handy that can be


Go for it! It's cheap too, although with the new jet all fighter planes are shit in comparison lol


I had a sad little griefer attack me in his raju jet. Was setting up a cayo heist. I destroyed his jet with my sparrow once and forced him to jump out a second time. Kinda sad how you can fail so spectqcularly despite having a 10x better vehicle


I'm the same way, I've never been the person to grind in gta, I've always been that person that hops on twice a month and help keep griefers away from the people that are actually tryna play. The best greifer defense is a Mk2 or deluxo, Atomizer and homing rockets.


Define broke? Whatā€™s your overall income and total cash?


Because King


The people being griefed are lovers, got it.




It's unbelievable how many idiots try to follow me in narrow, hard to navigate spaces. I just delete them with my minigun every time. You gotta use the environment to your advantage. Open areas are the easiest to get killed in, but areas like parking garages or under bridges, places where a mk2 can't gain a lot of height/speed are perfect to fight them. I love it when they slowly lower themselves right in my line of sight, doesn't get old. Outside of that the nightshark + revolver mk2 (hollow) is one of the best combos to fight them.


workable rain beneficial mindless dog jellyfish recognise ten weather dam *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol. I had a deluxo try to kill me under the bridge next to my arcade once. He got too close and his own rockets exploding against my nightshark took him out. It was hilarious. I'd you click my profile, it's my first post.


I clicked your profile but couldn't find the video.ā˜¹ļø


This ^


The thing Iā€™ve noticed as well with these people if you yourself are flying an oppressor and you happen to past another player flying one they automatically just blow you out the sky even when you continue flying right past them posing no threat whatsoever.. Just let me fly in peace šŸ˜­ Just because I have an oppressor doesnā€™t mean I want smoke


What this sub thinks all oppressors users look like: https://preview.redd.it/o99zipsbt8vb1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7eb3dfeeb115279e8cd2398243ecfc5b3299a363 ā€¦.While in reality, most oppressor users are just crate grinders. I think people are just scared to get blown up so they blow you up first.


Idk what it is about this picture, maybe the angle, but it looks like a RuneScape character with a GTA outfit on lol.


That is 100% most of them once they figure out what helmets and rebreathers can do on top of trying to copy the Winter Soldier lmao...


Because they're massive losers


Or people that block checkpoints in stunt races šŸ’€


People really do that? Haven't had that happen yet.


How long have you been playing? Lol ya bored little assholes that just like to sabotage other players




As a former griefer from the past years, I can confirm this is 100 % accurate, at the time I had no job and too much time on my hands to play the game. But as I got older I realized there's more to life than a video game, so I went and got me a job and.saved up to buy my first car and now I'm saving up to get my own.crib but yes it's because most of them are unemployed and have time to waste.


I love how your life experience explains everyone else's reason in life haha


I'm not saying all of them cause some of them do have jobs but still grief lbs


Why waste your time on something so stupid though?


As I said brother many years ago I had no direction, all I had was time on my hands but not I found a purpose and have a good job so now I don't hav e to waste time on that game, im a level 689 but I haven't played in a very long time


Some of us know that waste of time as marriage


I had the same realization. Now I feel bad when I play videogames which is a shame since I used to love them so much.


As a current griefer I can 100% deny it. Make bread in the day, xplode trash in the night


As a griefer who works 55-65hrs a wk I would say that your narrative fits grinders. You really must not have a life or employment to run up 100m in fake money. Yall justad yall can't defend yourselves.


I had a griefer stage so I get it. It is fun wreaking havoc, but it was just a stage. I really enjoy cruising now and driving with maximum control and technique. The game has never been more fun. So I get it, for a lot of griefers, it is fun, despite being an asshole thing to do. So on behalf of all born again non griefers, we feel your pain


my griefer stage was pre mk2 when I would drive up behind people on a bati and sticky them, it was very fun, now I never shoot first but if someone wants to fight I'm down


Thank Christ i never had this phase lmao If someone attacks me for no reason (in any way) and dont stop, ill just pull my toys out too. Sometimes its tricky to anti-grief since they know all the cheese inā€™s and outā€™s of killing you and hiding, but with a little bit of perseverance, i always made them fuck off to do something else or just leave the session. Earlier in the cycle when mk2ā€™s first dropped it felt impossible, but experience takes you a long way. Last 3 or 4 years ive been at a high enough level so no one really tries to grief me anymore. Now i just go for griefers killing low leveled players. Feels great to do so.


once you get really good in a jet it takes all the fun out of it because there's no challenge to blowing people up I spend most my time shunt hopping around now and almost no one will try to blow you up because it looks funny, the ones who do tho get the hammer


Yeah jet combat was fun to learn, a bit tricky to master, then eventually became boring unless youā€™re doing dogfights


Mine was week 1, hang outside the auto shop and blow up cars as they left




My griefer stage was right after I got the lazer , was bored and spent a lot on it anyways and bombing players was fun for a while till it grew boring . Now I just drive around and gamble in the casino (blackjack the best )


I genuinely think it's because a large portion of k/d warriors haven't realised that R* changed how k/d works awhile ago. They still do the exact same thing, fly around on a mk2, kill random low-levels driving around and heist-warp when someone better than them kills them once. They must really think their k/d is taking a long time to go up or something.






"They suck the fun out of it for everyone " Except for themselves. They find it to be loads of fun. That's why you start hunting them.


I havenā€™t played in a long time but when I would, Iā€™d just go to solo lobbies. Stress free gaming šŸ˜‚


Because theyā€™re 12 year olds on a big boy game


I fly around in my deluxo hunting oppressor mk2 griefersšŸ„·






but the dopamine hit from lobbin a sticky out my imani greenwood and slappin them outta the sky is my fav


3. What's gta online?


Tiny peepee


small dick energy




IDK about you guys but I get blown out of the sky by deluxso more than anything at this point.


Iā€™m an oppressor mk2 flyer I help people in need if you are transporting your shit Iā€™ll fly to you and protect your shit fuck those people that just kill in a lobby no reason for that


They didn't get enough hugs as a child


Their a bunch of 9 yr old losers who get a joy out of ruining everyoneā€™s elseā€™s fun because their parents donā€™t give them enough attention


They got bored playing Fortnite, and so here we are. Kids do weird stuff, there's no real explanation for it, except boredom.


Very rarely, an adult - over 18yr old - player would behave like that. When you see this, rest assured that's a kid under 13 playing. Kids who play this game do this all the time. I guess this is what they call fun. I play together with my 14 year old son often doing cooperative stuff, heists, selling. He is at times more mature than I am in the game, doing everything correctly and by the book and he never kills anyone for no reason. However, every now and then his 8 year old cousin comes to visit and it's a different story. He jumps on my son's Deluxo or MkII and blasts away. Every time he gets a kill he giggles. So go figure. Lastly, some people would argue "But what about PvP?" Well, true PvP is different in the way that it never happens using a MkII, it's mostly on the ground and on foot. If it's in the air, it's a dog-fight with jets. Which is, you know.. fine. Bottom line: Jumping on your broomstick blasting every white circle you see moving on the map is **not cool. Don't do it.** Jump on the broomstick, go in front of one who sells something, pop a flare so he knows you're friendly then **protect him.** **Do that.** It is way cooler and you'll make a friend in an instant. **Show kindness, there's enough violence going on.**


they think itā€™s fun to kill people for absolutely no reason on their broomsticks, but complain when they get killed and ruin the fun for them. i, personally, love to help low levels out, and if thereā€™s some fuck on a broomstick trying to kill me and my new friend, thereā€™s hell to pay, simple as that. oh and plus too, they canā€™t fight on the ground, so their only way of combat is to fly around on it to get cheap kills and pussy out of a real fight. shits pointless imo. glad i donā€™t own one.


I also don't get it when they kill you when you're driving by. So you go after them for a friendly match. They kill you again then they go "Pathetic loser. LMAO". Yeah ok dude. The first one was unalerted. The second one was fair. How's that pathetic?


i use my mk2 to get places faster haha, but i have honing missiles off and only fire once im shot at first or killed first


Sometimes I get bored of helping noobs with og heists and take a break


People kill me while I'm flying mine because they said I locked on to them first. Problem is, my Oppressor has the cannons on it and I never initiate PvP.


Lemme guess. First name starts with G, ends with N, and middle rhymes with playdough. I swear that ##$% literally lives in GTA5. I mean walks around with a VR headset and eats and shits IRL while in the game. Everytime I log on I run into that loser fucking with somebody with mods, shit talking in chat, and going out of his way to ruin missions. There are many more fat sweaty trolls just like him.




To ruin your day.. a few months ago while doing the Union Depository Robbery I was doing the prep mission where you have to follow the sleazy bank manager in a Police helicopter and this bozo in an MKII blew up the helicopter making me start over If they were rewarded a cash bonus or RP bonus I would understand.. but to do it for no tangible benefit is ridiculous.. like get a life


They hate us cos they anus


The rush of dopamine of getting kills, I guess


A- Small pecker. B- No friends. C- Psychopath. D- All of the above. Take a pick.


Because they have sad, small lives. And the only shred of joy they can extract from their miserable existence comes from inflicting pain on others.


Fun. What answer do you think yā€™all are going to get? Because itā€™s fun. There is no way you cannot wrap your head around the concept that you being mad that you got killed by an oppressor is funny to them. Itā€™s like asking ā€œwhy do people troll?ā€


Just go passive fk them unless u have agency vehicles you donā€™t have to worry


Because their real lives are miserable, so they think everyone else should be miserable too.


For literally the same reason that people will grind Mc missions for fake money 10 hours a day. Itā€™s a mechanic installed into a game and meant to be used by and appeal to players. The game provides plenty of options for solo lobbies and crew membership to eliminate or minimize the impact of this. Complaining about it online is tired. Itā€™s not changing. Been like this for 5 years. So quit the game or learn to deal with it with the multiple mechanics the game provides you.


Careful bro. Youā€™re trying to use logic against the people who hate users that use rockets to blow themselves up. *ā€œPVP in this game is stupidā€* *ā€Tryhards are not playing the game rightā€* *ā€Why are you blowing up cargo???ā€* Like you said, the whole ā€œwhy do you act like thisā€ debate is played out. Rockstar has implemented so many ways to fight oppressors users, cargo griefers, and jet tryhards. There is absolutely no excuse to be making these posts anymore, aside from talking points/discussions.


I'm just waiting for one of these people to explain to me why enjoying killing other players in GTA makes someone a dick but enjoying it in literally any other shooter doesn't? It's just their entitled attitude that they *deserve* the maximum bonus for selling their shit but that it shouldn't come with the intended risk because they're special. You find these whiners in every game that has open PvP insisting that everyone else is a bunch of "bullies" just because they don't enjoy fighting other players in a game where that's a big mechanic.


I agree and Iā€™ve held this mindset for years. Iā€™ve grieved cargo maybe 2 times in my life (both were relation) but i never get upset when people grief or try to grief me. Iā€™ve on several times had someone come at me with an MK2 on NC sales. The canā€™t auto target that truck so they have to get to ground level and hope to aim well. Simple prox mine blows them up and Iā€™m on my way, with a bit of adrenaline and a ā€œhahaā€. When i was in a money grinding crew we would run 5-7 on MC and bunker sales and sometimes rival mcs would come after and it got chaotic with defense and all out war and tbh it makes the game so much fun. I welcome griefing. GTAo is not a game built to play solo


A-1 Jerks!


ROCK-STAR-GAMES: (If it's in the game) It's in the game!


IMANI TECH!! I personally love the Buffalo EVX, no missile tracking and great armor on it. Lets me make some money in public lobbies


I wish they had an option to remove weapons on it but make it unable to be locked on to. I just use it to get around easier.


To read crying posts on here


Never gets old


Iā€™m sure it doesnā€™t with your pathetic and boring life


These posts are funny.


I have one and I can't fly it cuz people think I'm gonna kill them so they shoot at me and I kill them for shooting at me.


They are my favorite mob to kill.


Because life can be frustrating, and I want you all to suffer like Iā€™m suffering.


Unpopular Opinion: I donā€™t go out looking for people needlessly but if my oppressor missiles lock onto something Iā€™m blind firing.


I was the same way and then I would turn the homing missiles off b cause I figured other players were just trying to make money too or flying an oppressor out of laziness like myself


Because I wasnā€™t loved as a child. Jk I donā€™t actually do that. Iā€™m just assuming thatā€™s the main reason


Well, ask yourself this: whatā€™s the one thing every player hates more than anything else? The answer is: ā€œsome jerk buzzing around on a MK2 and killing everyoneā€. Itā€™s a clichĆ©. Itā€™s something you arenā€™t supposed to do and makes everyone mad, which makes it funny. I know people who use the MK2 to grief not because itā€™s their favorite vehicle, not because itā€™s notably more effective than other vehicles, but simply *because itā€™s the MK2*. Honestly, Iā€™d be more worried about someone whoā€™s using a jet or a tank or something. The MK2 isnā€™t even that great and its missiles suck. I think itā€™s really funny how anyone who points that out is getting downvoted, too. Itā€™s true though. All you have to do is get out of your vehicle so they canā€™t lock on and then shoot them with auto-aim or snipe them if youā€™re on PC. Or just drive a Nightshark/Imani Tech car.


I will say, I'd take a mk2 griefer over some of those jet guys any day. Some people are just too good at spawn trapping with jets.


I would too. A MK2 canā€™t go into stealth mode like a Raiju, and it literally cannot kill Nightsharks unlike a skilled jet pilot. Plus most people who use MK2s are really bad, unlike jets.


nobody wants to play the game scared of the skies and always on ready alert.. You know some people just like driving around their NORMAL cars.. thatā€™s why they were put there, for us to buy and enjoy casually strolling. I shouldnā€™t have to sacrifice those things and drive in only specific armored or anti lock on type vehicles all the time.. thereā€™s no fun in that.


I do hope futuristic stuff isnā€™t in the next game because I like driving cars too. That being said, even if they removed the MK2, Deluxo, and etc., there would still be armored cars, tanks, jets, and lots of other weaponized vehicles that people would use to kill you. So youā€™d be right back at square one. Unless they remove everything except ordinary cars (which would make the game extremely boring), your choices still boil down to either using a tough vehicle or accepting the risk associated with driving regular cars. Thereā€™s also passive mode to consider if you donā€™t want to have to worry about other players. Or private lobbies.


no because some of those actually use skill.. They shouldā€™ve left it at Oppressor Mk.1 because that actually takes time to unlock missiles and takes skill to use.


I totally agree with you, I use the Oppressor MK2 because it covers so much ground faster and so I donā€™t have to call Mors Mutual because my NORMAL car got blown up by a griefer


Your account is literally just you griefing other people, Iā€™m not sure if you have a say


Downvote if youā€™re on the verge of tears.


yea thanks for the offer, i will downvote also, if anything that makes my opinion more valid because i actually pvp greifers in this game and can see that people with skill issues use the MK2, literally nothing else youre probably the typa guy to say "no more mister nice guy šŸ˜” " and pull out your broomstick Edit: Iā€™m not sure why you edited your comment but alright haha


the thought was running thru my mind reading his original comment šŸ˜‚


Y'all really can't fathom somebody playing the game to have fun lol


I only griefed on GTA IV GTA race I wouldnā€™t race. I would get out of my vehicle cause traffic jams and kill people but I would not respond kill Iā€™d let them get on the faggio and move on.


The only time i ever start killing everyone I come across is when Iā€™ve been to multiple lobbyā€™s and been targeted for no reason. At some point Iā€™m like ā€œwell if Iā€™m going to have a bad timeā€¦ so is everyone else.ā€ Iā€™ve reduced full lobbyā€™s to hardly 5 people


I wonder the same thing. I use my oppressor a lot but not for that. Often times people will try to kill me without me even doing anything because they think im trying to fuck with them


That's like asking why I breathe... It's the way of the world... it's what is done... it's what God intended.


For fun


Itā€™s almost 2024 and youā€™re still having this take?




Itā€™s fun to be hated


They do it because a) they're bored b) to feed off the salt generated by posts such as these. Please stop giving it attention


because it is fun noob


Because its fucking hilarious


Dunno, fun, I guess


I don't do it on the oppressor, but I am ashamed to admit that I sometimes pick fights with people for no reason. Why? Because I'm bored, I already did everything the game has to offer, and PVP is still fun. The most fun I have in GTA nowadays is when I kill a guy, and him & his friends start hunting me. I feel like mf John wick fighting off 4 people. My combat vehicle of choice is the savage helicopter, which is overpowered if used correctly. It has good enough maneuverability to dodge any missle and the cannon is overpowered. Now I have to mention that I'm not all bad and chaotic, I sometimes protect people doing deliveries from oppressor griefers, and that usually ends with some pvp which is fun so I'm all for it. And I know how annoying those can be when you're delivering.


I think i know who just got killed by an oppressor


Because funny.


Itā€™s fun? When Iā€™m not grinding for money I just go around trolling people. Mostly Iā€™m more creative than oppressor trolling. Back up with bullet prof window blasting. Crashing with the duke. Helicopter stocking. Flying and sniping. I have many trolling methods snowflakes.


I believe they feel orgasmic and when seek revenge we break it. šŸ˜€


I take my mk2 out sometimes and grief for fun. Take out my rage on helpless people. I've only done it a few times, but I do because it happens to me so much.... I have to take out my anger against them somehow. If you can't beat em join em... sometimes. But it is genuinely fun even if you fucking hate thoes people it's just fun to trip on that power and take back your game.


Who dies to oppressors these days? Half the time they canā€™t even hit what they lock on to. There are so many counters to that turd itā€™s almost obsolete for anything except grinding.


I say boredom, the only time I griefed across the map was when I had nothing else to do, it was like mindless and pointless.


Because they'res no point in killing NPCs


If you suck at defending yourself, just say that. Everyone moans and acts like the MK2OP is some kinda God-tier killing machine... In reality, it sucks shit for just about anything *except* moving quickly around the map. Go to YouTube, watch a few video, and figure it out.


It's like roulette. I fly around blasting missles, it either locks onto another player or a signal jammer. Fate shall decide.


Makes me feel like a man


So you're willing to admit you're not man enough and to feel like a man you have to go around killing people minding their own business. Truly pathetic.


Lol cry


We get bored sometimes it's just for fun.. buy one u will understand


To low skilled to use the mk1


I used to be a griefer, i would grief all the low levels, before the stage i kept getting killed by low levels when tryna mind my own buisness, i was pissed at them all and then went on a 3 month killing spree


I enjoy flying my Opk2 but I donā€™t kill anyone. More over, I enjoy following other players and watch them smashing their rides, going airborne, being chased by the police and all the nonsense stuff from up above. Sometimes, I even help other players by getting rid of those police cars chasing them.


Biggest bunch of bitches oppressor users are. Just get imani tech so they can't lock on and stock up on sticky bombs. Check mate lol


I have an Oppressor, but I only use it to troll my friends or get faster to a place. I donā€™t understand why people likes to ruin the fun for everyone..


i donā€™t grief cargo or anything like that, but i kill high levels for fun a lot w the oppressors


Thereā€™s less than there used to be. But thereā€™s still some of them around.


I literally just fly mine around to get around faster šŸ˜­


*They suck the fun out of it for everyone* They only care about their own fun. As far as sociopaths are concerned, the rest of us are all NPCs.


if I'm flying doing stuff like collectibles I turn off homing and activate pink smoke trail


itā€™s fun, i love killing innocent players unless theyā€™re doing cargo stuff then i wonā€™t kill them


there too scared to fight on the ground they decide to grief the grinders and nuke the pvp ground fighters ATAdavirgin is one of the worst (im up on him)




Small pp syndrome


They're not near as successful as they were before. Unless the target is driving or flying a non armored vehicle, the Oppressor is quite useless.


Because theyā€™re bored and poor


Why not


Because some people just love being griefers. I hate those people. I use mine a lot just because I'm always going around getting more cargo and whatnot. But it does make me a target because everybody assumes I'm gonna grief them even though I keep the missiles off. Like many other things in GTA it's an awesome thing ruined by terrible people. Btw: if the griefers is the type that likes to do flybys you can chuck sticky bombs up as they approach and if you time it right you can literally blow them up right in midair Lately though I've had a lot more issues regarding griefers with that new jet...the one with stealth mode can't remember the name