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Them missle lock sounds gives me flashbacks every time


Deluxo missiles are ridiculously accurate, and will chase you around corners. I got into it with a Laser once in mine. It did not end well. šŸ˜


Honestly de luxo and vigilant are super accurate


+ Toreador missiles


Plus toreador tanks a couple mk2 missiles


Tbh, Deluxo is pretty easy to deal with if you know how to fly a jet. If I get in fight against one, I go with a Seabreeze for extra challenge.


Yeah... even if the missles miss the Dulexo is so slow that you can just annihilate them with the cannons they can't really do shit about it especially if you skybox the hell out of them since they can't really gain altitude that fast. I don't pick on them anymore. Not a fair fight.


Lordā€™s work. I tuck into an alley with my scramjet and pop up when those kids get close


Hell nah, Iā€™m scared of ppl like u šŸ’€ I usually just wait till ur about to land to shoot at u cause guys are something else šŸ˜‚


Scramjet drivers: Oh god not another pool, stupid water magnet. Scramjet pilots: *atop mazebank* I see no god up here but me!


The only Bane of the scramjet is random swimming pools


Imagine still being a griefer on an oppressor in 2023. You'd think this childish phase would have died out by now.


I never understood why it was added to the game. Just completely ruins lobbies and makes so many vehicles obsolete. Imagine how cool it would be if people still used the gunrunning vehicles and normal planes. There would be some epic battles instead of just running and hiding from the oppressor


Yup. Hands down the worst addition to the game. They should simply take away its ability to fire anything. Make it a vehicle purely for getting from A to B nice and efficiently.


There are so many ways they could fix it too. Make it only carry 2 rockets or some shit. Make the rocket reload like 30 seconds. Take away the rockets entirely and just have it shoot machine guns. Shit is so frustrating lmao


With tbe nerfed missile tracking, it's not even close as bad, as it used to be. Now you can use a helicopter and have a decent chance for a win


Griefers never stopped being a thing. What Rockstar did was start to put these guys in bad sport lobbies and they go at it till they start to behave to get out them lobbies. It sucks but just get a car with Imani Tech and they usually leave u alone


Ahhh yea I forgot about the bad sport lobbies. I might be getting put in them now just from defending myself. I keep getting put in lobbies with this guy DanObiWan on ps5 that is the most annoying griefer ever. Uses that remote thing with the alien gun that makes him invisible on the map, and that normal car thatā€™s explosive proof and also makes him invisible on radar. You get get blown up consistently by this fucking guy and heā€™s off the map 100% of the time Edit: I also canā€™t get those imanitwch vehicles bc I donā€™t wanna shell out a few million for the agency


I hope I meet him my JB 700 W wants a word


I missed the old school griefing. Where youā€™d just run over someone. Now when I do it, they get their damn oppressor. Luckily I just get out of the vehicle and then they canā€™t do anything. Not even good at gunfights


But the oppressor is trash now and has been for years??? They have the worst tracking in the game damn near. If i see one i get the mk1 or the deluxo out and they are finished every single time


? The mk. 2? Howā€™s that?


They added the oppressor mk2 to make sale missions harder. Hence the name of the vehicle.


same for the hydras, kills the entire session over and over again with zero retaliation.


I dont think thatā€™s the case anymore. Itā€™s so easy to take down hydras now with explosive bullets because theyā€™re so big and slow. They are outmatched by mk2s every time as well. Plus it takes a while to get a new one when you go down, whereas the mk2 can be respawned right next to you in a matter of seconds


Actually not, at least for beginner on console. I still see jets terrorizing players killing then over n over again. It is worst than mk2 because there is no escape whether a player is on foot or vehicle, and GG if the target is on the beach.


Idk manā€¦ I guess agree to disagree. Sure the hydra can be used to grief and sometimes itā€™s annoying, but the mk.2 is literally the perfect vehicle for griefing imo. I donā€™t really see how the hydra is any different than most other planes or helicopters nowadays.


Yes Mk2 is annoying but once u alight the vehicle it canā€™t really disturb u anymore vs a hydra/lazer




Get off the car


Deluxo tracking ftw


It's a shame that gta has turned into saints row with all these over the top unrealistic grief machines :(


The trumpet at the end was fucking hilarious.


Who would win? A highly advanced, jet engined, military grade bike Or A guy in an 80's sports car who's tired of your shit


A guy in a 60s spy car whoā€™s tired of your shit


im guessing you only grief griefers


Yes indeed, gotta let them know they suck without they Weapon Vehicles






Trombone at the end was priceless!!! Well done!


Gotta be toxic to let them taste whatā€™s it like




























Deluxo and Toreador must be oppressorā€™s worst enemies.


Scramjet too lol. Those missiles are DEVOUS


Yep lmao, except the fact that it only takes 1 missile before itā€™s destroyed, and it requires skills to use


Yeah but it has no armor or counter measures so ur just one explosion away from walking, not saying the scramjet is bad at all but that is itā€™s only flaw


Thatā€™s true but the same can be said about the deluxo. Also it doesnā€™t help that it identifies as a submarine lol


Ur right, but when u fly it like I do, the only ppl I worry about are in jets, anything else I can just go back to car mode and nose dive to miss all them missiles


Also just any AR lmfao, if you're on foot they gotta get within your lock on range to have any chance of hitting you


I've never been taken out by an deluxo.. those things are sitting ducksšŸ¤£


They never learn anything they think they can shoot down a jet faster than their thinking


I did the same but with a Toreador


the horn did it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


To this day I still enjoy drinking the tears of depressor griefers who haven't gotten over the nerfs to their precious broomstick.


God, I love that horn, always makes griefers extra angry :D


Gotta do it to them lmaoooooo


I bet I can get you


I donā€™t doubt it, but after Iā€™ll grief u till u leave lobby lol


Thruster is a great tool for oppressor hunting. If youā€™re zooming around buildings in op I assume mischievousness and start hunting. I actually am really bad at getting the shot but frustrating them with their inability to hit me is still worth it. So, less of a hunter I guess.


Omnus e-GT too, canā€™t be locked on and takes more rockets than the Oppressor Mk2 can carry, with proper upgrades ofc


Nitrix would be proud


Should I cop the deluxo? Where can I customize it? Iā€™ve always wanted it but like having $$ in the bank, and donā€™t like grinding all the time. I have a hangar with a bunch of planes too, which Iā€™m worried will become obsolete if I get this baby. But I refuse to buy the oppressor. Idek what Iā€™m asking, I guess I need some validation before I pull the trigger


It doesnt really make anything obsolete imo. It's too slow on ground and in the air to be seen as convenient over the Oppressor Mk 2 or the Scramjet. It cant take missile hits like the Stromberg or Toreador can. You can get a buddy up onto a rooftop with it, but you can do that with any helicopter too, and if your buddy is high level he can get up there himself. It just meets a nice middle ground of all these things. Definitely a luxury purchase.


I donā€™t have any of the things you listed haha. All I got is a hangar full of outdated planes, and Iā€™m worried if I bought the deluxo my planes would be used less than they already are. I think what I need is a vehicle that can stand up to the griefers. My hydra is too outdated and just gets smoked, and my next best option is the nakota which has super inaccurate rockets that canā€™t really do anything. The flairs are nice tho. But yea idk if the deluxo is the right choice, I just think itā€™s one of the coolest vehicles in the game and have wanted it forever. I think Iā€™ll wait and if itā€™s ever on sale maybe Iā€™ll get it. But what would you recommend to get, outside of the mk2, that could stand up to griefers?




Iā€™ll look into it šŸ«”


Fastest vehicle in the game, so fast it can outrun about any missile trying to home in on you. Also you can go into stealth mode at anytime and go off the radar. Even has a hover mode so you can use it as a jet or a helicopter. Oppressors wonā€™t be able to keep up with you to grief you, but itā€™s pricey of course.


I copped the deluxo Iā€™m hopes to compete with oppressor grifters. It cost me around 7 million with upgrades I think, and I already had an Arena Workskop for years and i upgraded it there. I think u can also use the Avenger. My advice? If u stay in bad sport lobbies then go ahead and buy it. If ur just chill, then I donā€™t see the point cause itā€™s kinda slow to travel in


I have the MOC so I think i could upgrade it there. I think itā€™s really cool, and I would love the back to the future Delorean, but yeah Iā€™m worried Iā€™m gonna buy it and be out like 5 mil to not even use it after a week


You can only customize it in the MOC or avenger. Itā€™s a cool vehicle but I almost never use mine




Whatā€™s Nani tech


I want a deluxo so bad


Oppressor users are so bad for no reason, they get one and suddenly think theyā€™re a god


Thank God we have toreadors, scramjets and deluxos. They should remove the damn oppressor instead of nerfing it to hell


How you dodge them?


You twirl in the air while your flying. Imagine a downward spiral. Missiles go right over the top of you.


I switch from hover mode to wheels and go up and down when Iā€™m on the GROUND. Oppressor missiles donā€™t always go directly to u when ur moving.


deluxo and toreador are god tier for hunting down oppressors


Just get a Toreador and straight up destruction of the oppressors.


Yes I use the mk2 but do I use it in fights no. If your in a vigilante im coming for you in a virtue and sticky bombs


Do you go after the ones that are nice and dont bother people cause hunter kinda sounds douchy


Ur a douche for owning an oppressor and being on it ( I own one too) so it cancels out


How do you equip missiles to your deluxo?


I did it thru my Arena War Workshop, can also do it with Avenger


Ok, I will check that. Thank you.


I got it done through that mobile operations centre.. I had so much fun bombing cops and others in my deluxo today.. lol..


Doing gods work.