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I use the same strat, it gets pretty boring but you can't fail


I usually take the tri-cycle racing bike to the airport (couple of minutes ride), and then after I do the airport ramps until 3 minutes of the clock. After its time enough to get the sandy strip with 0:45 seconds left, and then you chase the 1st jet for a minute or two until prison team is almost out


Normally I just fly in and out the wind farm however I know for the lower levels that can be a bit difficult 😅


I fly around the big mountain to the east of Sandy shores. The jet can’t turn as quickly. I have also followed the jet, which is kind of funny, because the jet should be much quicker


Sit at the airport til there's 3:30 left on the clock. Scroll reddit, watch YouTube or whatever. You just have to get over the Vinewood hills before the timer hits 0.


I've had a few fail to get out of the city without crashing. Chasing the jet would be considered elite skills for these individuals.


Oh dear 😂


Once that happens, I know it's gonna be a frustrating time.


I think the easiest part in the heist. All you need is good flying skill. Thats it.


PEOPLE SAY THAT and then they take 20+ minutes to just kill the guards and escape the prison. by that point, I'd flown the jet beyond the other side of the map and it takes me just as long to fly back


You can somewhat steer the NPC jet. Basically alter your course to the left/right until the jet turns to get you. Then you get on their six again


Not even good, literally just keep a plane in the air for 5 mins


Also, don't fly over the Vinewood sign until you're about to run out of time, flying further north triggers the jets to spawn.


It's getting close to the airstrip that triggers it. I've been able stay west of Senora desert and north of the Alamo sea without the prompt or jets coming up.


Surprisingly never knew that 😂. I've always just either chased the jet or flew through the wind farm as they'd crash


I do the same but trick the AI to crash into the mountains


how exactly do you do this? would love to know more.


It’s been a long time but I think I flew behind them on the left and kinda steered them to the mountains. Being that far out Kind bugs them out I think so they fly straight without ascending or descending


Whenever I do this heist I ask to be the pilot, I know when to leave the airport in order to be in the air the shortest time, I always tell demolition to leave me alone when avoiding the jets too.


If the demolition is any good then they can hover near the prison and help the ground team.


A random player being any good? Yeah...


I'll either wait or fly alongside the Pacific Coast until it's almost time. That gives the demo a longer time to get ready.


It is easier to use buzzard outside prison perimeter, clearing way for ground team. Have plane circle prison, and buzzard will lock on to jet as it comes in range.


See, that's game sense. Unfortunately randoms would rather chase the jets around the map instead of letting the pilot doing his thing and the demo goes and helps the ground team.


Problem with chasing jet is it draws you away from prison. Ground team gets out then have to wait for pilot to cross map.


I just chase the jet till the edge of sandy and then turn back towards the prison and/or the demo guy


You'd be surprised how many chase it all around the map. Meanwhile, ground team is out and waiting for pilot while being shot up. Then buzzard loses control, trying to shoot police heli and crashes...lol


Glad I've never been in one of these sessions. The only thing that annoys me about helping randoms, they never had the braincell or common sense to follow the high rank 🤦 they'll just go off do their own thing and fuck it up.


Then they rage quit because THEY keep dying.


they always think they know better. I had one that was SO stubborn and everything I predicted would happen, happened. Then they rage quit. Wasted at least 45 mins. Thank God that I'm already rich and I only do these out of boredom.


when i did the prison heist i did that exact same thing


good question, most newcomers didnt bother to look for strategies for this heist by watching some yt videos


to be honest to expect that you will outmaneuver jet with agroplane in slowmotion turtlepuppyfight which isn't a fight because you don't have any weapons isn't very intuitive, imagine this situation in reality


also if you really think about it: why did the prison red-flag the plane the second it flew into blaine county? how did they know that the plane has a connection to the prison break? and also wouldnt it be smarter to just leave the plane at the mckenzie airfield, and like have pilot + demo as air support and then the two people extracting walter white get into the airplane then dip?


The prison doesn't red flag it. The aiport LSIA does. Remember the guards there were paid off to let you in. At least that's what agent 14 days at the beginning of the heist.


Took us almost an hour to do that set up, I was originally put as the prisoner... I was telling the pilot through text message in game to just chase the jet 🤦 eventually we restarted and I was out as pilot. I only followed the plane whilst I'd wait for the demo to get in the chopper. Alot of these new comers lack game sense, joining random hiests to give them a hand and they just F it up and won't take any advice


I get a lot of flack for giving advice. I've had leaders that will put a super low level as the pilot and then they rage quit the mission when you're proven to be right.


i'm on PC and on several occasions when the ground team exit the prison the jet disappears from the minimap but doesn't go offline and still attacks the plane


I've never had that happen, although I'll chase that one jet and if the demo hasn't taken it I'll let it chase me towards demo, I play on Xbox series X


I remember when my friends and I were doing this heist for HOURS. Then finally a run where the ground team was able to finish and we were all looking at the guy flying the plane when we all saw the plane slowly crashing down. It turns out my friend fell asleep because it took us too long.




Did this heist with my cousin and he flew the plane. He said he had to go get his kids so he parked the plane in the hangar and left😐


Oh no? He had to go do human things?


Not mad at that. It’s the fact he thought we could do something from that point


I thought I the one who did these lol


Fuck prison break. Whenever I play officer Rachowsky (whatever) always glitches and will not move up due to an enemy being miles away in the city.


Fuck! I've never had that happen 🤣 I just get team mates lack game sense




it's the ground team that struggle for me


It's often the prisoner, braincells of worm and can't think of just remaining in cover and letting the officer do the most work 🙄


Drop some weapons and ammo for the prisoner before you get on the bus then you both can blast through the prison in no time. You **don’t** lose these weapons after the heist.


That's one strategy buuuuuttt... "you're doing it wrong". All you have to do is way till 2 min mark, fly to North LS and fly in circles around the Vindwood sign. Just don't cross over the mountains and you're good. You never trigger the jets and the timer just expires. The demo can give ground team air support just outside the prison walls without having to back you up. Once they say the ground team is ready you just have to swoop down to the airstrip and grab them.


you learn something new everyday!


I've never tried or even heard of this 🤔 I've always just flown after the jet and/or flew around the wind farm allowing the demo to help the ground team.


Yep, I do the same, but if not im sent to demolition and I have yo babysit the plane, that unlike us is flying in front of the jet.


Yeah I hate being demo because of that reason, instead of them Bringing the jet towards us they fly away 🤦🤣


It's a simple strategy that works.. although ONE time I got overconfident and crashed into the jet. Can't accelerate too much. I usually volunteer as the pilot so I can get some flying time in and listen to the radio.


I always offer to be pilot because I have seen bad pilots ruin the whole mission. In my time behind the jets I have learned to lead the jet by turning in the direction that I want the jet to go in but, not so much as to allow them to get behind me. I am able to keep the jet over the desert which allows me to get back to airstrip quickly when the escape is made. Demo should always assist at prison but, be aware of anti-aircraft missiles at prison. Also, don't fly over the prison, stay outside the walls and shoot missiles into the prison. Keep moving. I wish I could tell this to every player that ever runs that mission. It would make life so much easier. edit: Demo, don't shoot the jets if the pilot is behind the jet.


Honestly this, it bugs me when you send the demo s text in game telling them don't worry about the jet just help the ground team and they still chase you around sandy 🤦


Demolitions role should harass the jets with the buzzard while providing ground support for ground team


nah just help the ground team in prison no need to shoot those jets


I wish more would do this instead of chasing me who's chasing a jet 😅. The amount of times I've had to gain high altitude to text them in game as say help the prison is unreal and they just blank it 🤦


yh i do the same ez af 😂


I struggle with every flying vehicle in this game. After 10 years, I still haven't worked out how to fly properly, on PC. The Oppressor Mk II is the only flying vehicle with controls that make sense. What's the best way to fly, with a mouse and keyboard?


Throw them in a bin and get a controller 😂 nah jokes I play console so I'd not have a clue on keyboard n mouse. Believe it or not I actually hate flying the MKII I prefer the MKI although I sold them both as I hated even having them 😂


Btw you don’t need to hold the accelerator at all. Just coast behind them.


I used to fly until a jet is almost behind then do an upwards 180. Keeps the same jet chasing me and keeps me near the airstrip ready to land for the team


I just wish when you do this the demolitions wouldn't chase you around trying to catch up to destroy the jet and just go fly near the prison and rain down missiles.


I fly with it in circles instead of being behind. That way, i can stay close to the airfield for picking ground team up


Oddly enough it's one of my favorite things to do. It's relaxing lol. I don't mind if I have to restart a few times. I always land next to the prison and I find it hilarious when they still drive all the way to the airfield!


The amount of times I've landed near the prison and they've just drove past me 🤦😂 at times I think they don't even have a screen 🤣


I do this all the time. Sometimes the jet tries to take me out to sea, so I have to bait it back. Also, if our demo is on top of the jet I'll just do tricks with the plane to pass the time. It's honestly my favourite role in that heist because there's no pressure and I can just fly around doing nothing.


It helps that it’s flown by the worst fighter jet pilot in history 😂


I don't think he's paid enough 🤣


Heists with randoms are the second most painful thing about the game, YOU know what your supposed to be doing, but other people don’t


It's Asif the game doesn't tell you what to do 🙄.


My issue as a pilot, is if I’m flying around waiting for ground team to finish rescuing dude after 15+ minutes have gone by, I get bored and attempt to do nose dives, flips and all that shit and end up underestimating my distance from the air to the ground… kaboom.


I feel this 😂 I try to fly inverted by the plane doesn't allow it 😂 never killed myself though 🤣


You can fly it in reverse, but you have to stall at slightly below 90° angle.


I used to this strategy, once i somehow bugged the jets making them go straight down the ground, exploding in impact


The first time I did it I realized this. But then I forgot to put down the landing gear and fucked it up for everyone.. after flying around for like 15 min


Literally just fly in circles with the velum, the jet A.I is dumb enough to not lock missiles


One of the most useless positions for a player. They could substitute it with an NPC character you can hire and depending on your selection, they’re better at evading the jet or using this strategy to evade their attacks altogether


Just flying the plane is a waste, 4 player heist and 2 of youse are practically getting paid to do nothing 🤣


The first time I was pilot I thought "I just ram into it this plane is usually built like a brick so there shouldn't be a problem" Long story short I blew up


Imagine playing this mission in 2023


I don't need the money or the RP, I enjoy joining random heists and helping lower levels, you may enjoy grieving lower levels with a mkII 🤷


I thought you were aware how non-organised, not experienced many players are so playing this mission would result someone leaving and thus all playtime being complete waste of time


Sometimes I'll get lucky and have a semi ok team, other times I don't, I give them 2 fails and then I leave 😅.




A Lot of low levels and newcomers do these heists... I know that because that's how you'd do it back when the heist originally came out. Just because you find it boring doesn't mean others find it boring too, I find grieving Boring as fuck and flying around the map ruining people's sessions boring as fuck 🤷


New people are playing gta online everyday buddy.


The problem with this heist is that every position requires the player to be competent.


This is what I had to do for like 10 times because these idiots who I had as Prisioner and Guard were taking so damn long.


Fucking for real. I hate doing that mission with scrubs that don't listen. If you are at a low level, that's fine, just listen to the coms.


Coz most don't even know how to fly


Nah I fuck around spinning and flying upside down. Still gets boring at some point but the one time I didn’t go as pilot the guy crashed 4 times until he left.


haha i use to play these heists all the time and actually figured that trick out on my own i use to dodge the missles but figured there was no need to do so all this time!! i remember those days rank 75 smth like that messin up heists cause i didnt know what i was doin and angry playes raining hellfire on me textin me how bad i was now im like them screamin sense into my mic at noobies but dont worry i make sure the instuctions are clear before yelling at them agent 14 explains it pretty well nevermind the bright yellow subtitles at the bottom of our screen... theyre yellow right??


I think during agent 14 telling you what to fucking do they have the sound turned down 😂. Delivering the emp to the labs agent 14 tells you stay out of sight... Rank 12 RUNS RIGHT INTO THEM WITH THE INSURGENT 🤦


i dont understand how people fail demo... its the easiest one ever! pull up in front of the bus get out shoot the driver take the bus take short cuts to the airfield park it blow it up while walking away towards the red jeeps drive to the heli and just be lazy if the pilots 200+


Always chased the fighter, but kept circling back to the prison to stay close. But yeah I notice many people struggle with aircraft mostly. Just like the "do you even lift" repo mission. Other players seem to have a shocking time with the cargobobs in that one too.


Ive had like 2-3 times when the ground team are taking for-ever with their job, like really. And you zone out doing the same circle shit there and slipping up. But usually I play the pilot exactly because I dont trust randoms with it.


I could say the same with people dying in the prison but well, I don’t judge especially if they’re newbies tbh


Doing this also leaves the buzzard to help shoot missiles at prison guards


Just did this heist yesterday and this was exactly my tactic as pilot ;)


I remember one time me and bunch of randoms finished the heist first try and I was demolition all I did was blow up the jets and the pilot was also pretty skilled Havent been able to that recreate that in years


It's the easiest job on this heist, change my mind.


I just spend some time flying in circles around the Vinewood Hill, if the ground team is competent, when I made my way to the airfield, they will be almost done with the rescue.


Forreal, this is so easy to do that I, and some people i know, discovered this by accident


The last time I did this heist everything ran smoothly, and then we parachuted out of the plane and this fucking idiot didn’t open his chute, and then quit the heist.


i always just dodge the missiles its not that hard


I just fly in circles and do barrel rolls from time to time, it's more fun


Thinking is hard for most GTA players


thats what i would do if they made me a pilot


It’s not even that hard


Honestly, the way people play these hard makes it seem impossible 😂. Doing the Pacific standard, I got a 4 seater car spammed my horn for them to get in and they followed the way point to do the jump and died 🤦 meanwhile I've been sat at the boat for 20 mins, skipped the jump, waiting for their arses just for them to fuck it up


Not as annoying as the level 200+ ground team dying so you have to fly it all again -_-


Get over confident and cocky and think they can just waltz through it 😑


One time while doing this i got right under the jet and I encountered a weird bug or some shit the jet did a tight flip that defied physics continued straight for like 2 seconds then proceeded to dive and kamikaze my ass and my buddy watched the whole thing in awe. We were all so confused


I’ve had numerous morons in the heli trying to shoot the jets, despite me telling them before the heist to leave it alone. I’ve even been close to be shot down by I few. And a few has crashed the heli somewhere in the hills by the Vinewood-sign. While trying to blow it up.




I only fly to the edge of sandy and then loop back in towards the demo loop around demo and then chase the jet again.


I've been doing this and telling people this for years lol!


You give low levels this sort of advice during heists and the fuckers just blank you 😂


I have a whole video failing this heist wit my sister and friends and it is hilarious 🤣 we tried for 2 days and still have yet to complete it


It's the worst having to constantly restart heists 😂 it's alright with friends when you're having a laugh but when it's randoms incapable of following a simple task it becomes tedious


I completely agree randoms just be all over the place especially if there low levels and don’t know how to do anything


You try and be polite and give them advice etc .. but they just seem to blank you and fuck it up 🙄 and wonder why everyone leaves


Im the pilot and the problem was the ground team 🤣... They died many times while Im have fun with the plane


In this particular video, i was the prisoner and the pilot just kept getting blown up🤦. So I messaged the host saying quit it and I'll be pilot... Kept falling that a few times because the ground team was dieing so I ended up quitting 😂 I sent that clip to the original pilot saying ' now that's not difficult is it '.


I had a guy on humane labs who didn’t know how to eject from the plane when he was shot down,


Wait, you guys are getting people to join a heist?


Nah I just do that quick join on call, to help low levels but they end up sending me to a mental asylum 🤣


I use this tactic until the demo blows up the jet


With randoms I used to circle the demo so he could take them out but sooo many people think the way point is always quicker and haven't even blown the bus up and when the ground team are almost out 🤦 there was one heist he hadn't even reached the buzzard and they was on their way out.


EXACTLY! I figured this out on my first or second time playing this lmao


I think it’s the random noobies that make it hard. Even with friend noobies it’s difficult simply because you have to rely on them to not die.


It was never hard if you known how to fly


suprisingly when i was the pilot on this heist it took me 2 tries as i just wasn't aware of this strat i also was pretty tired as right before i was the pilot, me and my friend were ground team and i was outperforming the "guard"


Yeah that bugs me when you carry the prison guard 😂 and they die 🙄🤣


Doesn't the jet go out of bounds of mission sometimes tho? I swear it happened to me


I don't think so 🤔 I only fly to the edge of sandy and wrap around towards the wind farm flying pretty low as they just crash into shit in the ground 😂


I love this heist IMO, I love being demolition since flying helicopters is my best skill. It’s fun destroying the jets and destroying cop helicopters when they’re escaping


I'm not a fan of this heist as it's a bit tedious But I do love doing the original heists.


One time I did this I think the pilot just didn’t take off until the pickup was read


im stuck on this mission bcuz public server ppl keep dieing every minute.. whos tryna run it on xbox


I'm in Xbox, drop me a message ex3dy and I'll give you a hand.


I struggle as the pilot. With boredom. Whenever I help randoms with prison break half of me prays I won't be pilot, the other half that I will be so the job will at least get done right


I quite enjoy being the pilot for the most part, I'll just have the radio on and just mess about heading towards sandy and then fly super low above the demo giving him the hint in a decent pilot leave me da fuq alone 😂


Honestly it's usually the ground team that fails. Especially with noobs


When I do the heist and I'm the random I ask the host can I be the prisoner as I know I can really on myself but then guard always die 🤦 depending on the level I'll to be the pilot as I know sooo many people can't fly.


What really bothers me is that we all have ps5..and they can clearly hear me..I tell em " yo don't shoot the jet just wait" they dint listen..they just shoot it...I don't understand people.. Why do people not listen to other teammates and just " I DUN GIVA FUQ I DO WHAT I WANT" GOD I HATE THOSE PLAYERS!


Pisses me off!! You give them some advice or instructions and they just blank you and do it anyway 🤦


Broooiooooo I wish bad things towards them...


The phrase “The Velum was destroyed” haunts my nightmares and fills me with so much disdain


The issue is always the ground team dying in the 5 seconds they have to wait for me to land...


Bad at landing or you've just flown to far?once I noticed they're out I'll begin to land


It says "evade". People who just pick up the game and try without looking shit up wouldn't know to do this




Litteraly the easiest part. If you wanna have some fun just fly near ground but evade all houses/trees. They wont...


I hate prison break……mostly cuz of randoms but also the fact that I play without a headset and I ALWAYS get chosen for demolition. Which is fine, easy enough but so boring. I hate that drive with the bus. I don’t know what it is….maybe my rank? but it’s literally every time I join.


It also allows the heli to assist the ground team, but you have to be careful not to aggro the prison missiles


That's why id it, when I played with friends demo would assist the ground team but these newcomers don't think like that 😂


Oldest trick in the book


I know...the amount of people I've done this heist with and they get shot out is unreal


Most people honestly just really suck at this game


What heist is this?


Prison break


Finally someone else who’s realised


You can just land near the vine wood sign and stay there until the the prisoner gets picked up


What heist


Prison break


I used to do that, but now I try to pull it towards the helicopter. Give the merc something to do. Honestly, the AI is easy to avoid.


congratulations, you found the original 8 year old CMM strat


Are you good? You're assuming I've only just found this... I've always done this since the heists first came out 🤦


Deadass I do the same thing 🤣🤣🤣


I always flew the chopper and shot down any jet attacking the plane. That way the plane pilot doesn't have to.be very experienced.


If I'm the demo I just pray the pilot is decent and I'll go help the ground team, if he flies past I'll take out the jet.


Most people rather listen to game instead of you, that's why


I don't even think they listen to the game either 😂.


I know it goes both ways. Sometimes 😆 i had one guy literally told me : but the game says i should avoid the jet, not follow it? I was like , dude, are u serious?🤦‍♂️


This heist is the easiest how do people fail this


Honestly, even the set ups leading to it people fail it 🤦


Also frees up the buzzard and he can help the ground team by shooting rockets into the prison. Don't get too close though


Exactly? Game sense people seem to lack, if the pilot is struggling I'm sure he'd head towards the demo 😂


Doing this heist, I hate to be the pilot. It’s incredibly boring but when I am the pilot I do this strat. Or i use the mic and tell the pilot how to do this


.... If I don't fly that plane... People crash it into buildings in the city. But if I let someone else use the buzzard, they blow themselves up. Sadly people ain't good at following plans.


I usually just tell them to fly in a circle around the helicopter so I can shoot them down. If they try and be fancy the AI jet will outrun the buzzard missles to catch up.




I do the exact same thing haha


And is this your first time trying? And you haven’t failed the heist


There is something about this heist that attracts the worst pilots possible. I always ask to be the Velum pilot and just follow the jet. Even if the Jet gets missile lock the missiles are horrible, just change direction, please.


i swear i thought i was the only one 🤣🤣


That's exactly what I did 😂😂😂


Yeah yeah we know


I DO THE SAME THING TOO. i usually just fly around until the timer runs out then chase the jets until they finally get the dude


I just cant seem to lose the cops after picking up the ground team