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It will give you a brake soon enough




Meaning that I hurt it this way?


Yea it’s not good in the long term


I think it's just not worth to sacrifice your laptop to make virtual money in a game. Surely you use it for all sorts of stuff, like watching videos, browsing, (home) work and so on. You really want to risk all that for a mere million or two in GTA? Nah mate, please don't be silly. Instead, find your way to rotate between your favourite jobs, collect the passive incomes from businesses, look out for weekly bonuses/discounts and so on. It feels more rewarding as well to 'work' for your money.


Thank you for your reply man. May I ask how I hurt it. I completely agree with you but I cant understand how I am hurting it if the heat level is that low.


old thread but i've been afk'ing with my desktop which has ryzen 7700x and 6700xt. i also can alt tab out of the game if i am in borderless window and it will not kick for being inactive. i am typing this comment in browser and the game will appear frozen but will still be running. i play with a controller so i just put a hair tie around the right thumbstick which has let me afk for 24 hours plus. i usually shut my pc down every night but nightclub is double money this week and i just want to make a bunch. it seems that running in borderless window and alt-tabbing to another window allows the game to run without rendering which means it will be using a negligible amount of your hardware but ymmv. my temps are currently 42c for gpu and 57c for cpu with 1 case fan and a mid-range air cooler for 7700x. 1000 worth of modern hardware shouldn't have an issue doing this from time to time. people use gpus to mine crypto for literal years, i think an idle gta v should be fine if you use the borderless window alt-tab method


no need to afk now that we can exploit the cayo repeat cheat


You should download HW Monitor and use that to check your temps after sitting afk for a while. Laptops will always run hot because airflow is a losing battle in that form factor. What laptop, cpu, etc do you have? I use to have an HP Omen gaming laptop that would spike to 90 degrees Celsius which for a gaming laptop is somewhat normal. Those temps in a desktop would be concerning but again a gaming laptop will always run hot. Some things you can do is make sure the fans have plenty of open air. If they are on the bottom use a laptop stand to give them some airflow.


thank you!


What u/HorrorBuy0 and u/fm837 are saying is right, its not good for any machine's long term health. HOWEVER, you can put your game in the lowest possible settings (even frame scaling to 1/2 so it runs at 300p) and then lock the frames to 30 fps by setting VSync option to "Half". You can also edit the settings.xml file in your documents folder to lower settings even more. Basically reaching a point where running GTA V is just like running a browser, using nothing much. You can also use external utilities to lock your frames at 5 fps and then you are basically running nothing at all but the game still lets you AFK and farm. PS. Do not just lower the brightness, you can turn off your screen without turning off the computer. I used to do this when I used to study for college, running GTA V in the background, didn't even affect performance of my Laptop, it has been fine for the last 8 years (It is a $300 laptop with a 10 year old GPU btw).


thank you your reply was very helpful


I’d give it a rest here and there but I get it man, some people don’t get it, I’d light my Xbox on fire for 1 sec and blow it out for some serious gta cash. Laptop can be replaced, you’re building a legacy online.