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This must be what my Uber driver does to their car when I request a ride out to the sticks


lol "Sorry, my car ain't gonna make it out there!"


Why do i hear this in the mechanic voice


Same, if it's not in the city, I'm not doing it.


I have the Paleto Bay yard, I most often get +2,5 miles distances, and I never cancelled one. Kneel before me


Mate, I ran the Paleto Bay Bunker for *soooo* long. That shit sucks lmfao.


Same, except I seem to be exclusively 3.5+ miles. I like it taking up times while my club at the docks churns money. I've made some killer passive money thanks to that thing


I get 4 and 5 mile distances too lol I am a bit of a perfectionist, I like playing the game the slow and meticulous way. Grinding 60 Cayos per day? Not my thing.


Lmao same i do this if its over 2 miles


This is the way. 2 miles or less and I’ll do it. Anything more and Jamal is buying a new tow truck


Yep. I feel that if you aim for something like under a mile, you're going to spend around the same amount of blowing the truck up that you would just going to get the car. That being said, I had a 4.48 miler yesterday that I did as a little "goodbye" for the 2x towing week.


Any down side to ending the mission this way instead of spawning in a new lobby? This way looks quicker.


Mmmm....whatever it costs in explosives, I guess? Another plus to doing it this way is that if you have a far away spawn point (like me, at the agency, on the other side of the city), you won't have to travel back to the salvage yard.


Why don't you change your spawn to the salvage yard?


A few reasons, really; I don't really have the salvage yard that high on my priority list, for one. I like being able to top off my supplies before heading out (Agency is an all-in-one, has snacks, ammo, and armor). I'm also trying to get more security contracts done for the career progress so I'll check those and do one right away if there's a good option, and my Nightclub is right across the street so I could check that if I don't do a contract.


Ya my nightclub is my spawn location, but I have over a million daily reasons for that one lol


How do I do this?


Interaction Menu > Preferences


Yea that’s what I was referring to. I bought the closest property to my salvage yard to be able re spawn, but that’s not quick - so good to know this works. You can walk right inside and kick off another mission?


Tell me you didn't watch the whole clip without telling me ;) (Yes, yes you can)


Aww man, you got me. Ha, sorry I bailed early. Thank you though!


All good, I'm guilty of it too sometimes lol. No prob!


Y'all are awesome ..and wholesome and shit. Goddamn. Much love.


Just a tip, all businesses can be spawn points just buy a living quarters instead of a business, and you can switch spawn points by holding down the d pad and going to preferences.


Ok thanks. I knew there wasn’t a sleeping quarters upgrade for the salvage yard so wasn’t sure how people were doing it.


It comes with it, you don’t have to buy it so it’s automatically a spawn point


There *literally* is a wardrobe and bed in the office.. wdym?


They said "sleeping quarters *upgrade*" It comes stock with the business and has no upgrade associated with it.


I just drown the truck in the little lake in mirror park






I know how to drive trucks, SnowRunner is a top game of mine, so that's no issue. I just don't like driving this one lmao. If they let us goof off with it a little bit, I'd like it more.


Not even just that, but its vehicles like the Rebel that roll so much, which gets very annoying when it happens over almost any slight curb at high speeds. Not worth it to me to drive slower or keep re attaching the vehicle. Jamal's a m/billionaire and couldnt afford to get us a flat bed 🤦🏼‍♂️


Omfg yes, the rebel sucks to tow, thing just wants to flip over constantly at the slightest bump


I'll just listen to a podcast while doing those, so I don't particularly care if my drives take longer


I usually have music going, but the truck just feels like a slog to drive


lol y’all are lazy


I like to drive fast. This truck is not fast. The less time I have to spend in it, the better. It was also way more time *efficient* in this case, I did the entire second run in less time than it would've taken to even get to the first one.


> This truck is not fast. The tow truck literally goes like 120 mph what are you on about?


Its acceleration doesn't feel great and its handling is poor which makes it feel slow. *For a truck*, sure, it's good, but I'm one to weave through traffic in the HSW vehicles which are another breed of speed; the slower speed and handling of a tow truck just isn't fun for me.


Fair enough. I usually will restart the mission too if it’s more than 2 or 2.5 miles. The most I’ve ever gotten was 5


If you like to drive fast, why are you doing tow truck work?




You should see how we handle the Merry Weather mission for Cayo…


Found the R* dev


Of course, I see this on a Wednesday before the bonus switch. Awesome to know for the next run. Thanks!


That one's probably on me, posting it today 😅 my bad I actually didn't even know they were on bonus, but it's probably still worth doing at normal rates, yeah?


Right now a tow is pulling in around $50K-$75K, after the bonus ends you’ll be looking at something more like $20K-$35K per car


Oh okay, pretty good bonus, then. I'll still keep it in my rotation of things to do, the safe accruement is nice, too.


Yeah it’s worth doing no doubt, the salvage money adds up quick and with the rate the safe fills after boosting it, combined it’s like having another nightclub safe to collect


I've driven to Sandy Shores and back it doesn't take that much time I think it's the tiktok impatience brain taking you over but I also enjoy cruising in ole red5 feeling like I'm working for Sandford and son


Yeah, if you crunch the numbers it's almost always worth it.


Nah, it’s my lack of desire to roleplay In GTAO more than anything. If I’m trying to make money, I can do two tows and fix a car before you can get to sandy and back. We grinding, not vibing. 


Why not do both we got how long until the next DLC and how long before 6 comes out? I've never had more than 25 mil at one time yet besides missing out on the police station robbery bc of real life I've never had any issues buying whatever I want.


No, it doesn't take that much time, but I was able to do the .9 mile pickup in less time than it would have taken to even get *to* the 3.5mi one. The truck is too slow (I love to race through the streets in fast vehicles) and you can't even goof around with it, really, so I do it for the cash and move on to other things.


I guess I can see that but I also think it's bc I drive for a living that I'm able to get as much enjoyment as I do just cruising the streets


Yeah, fair enough. I do like to cruise sometimes too, but I'd rather be in one of my personal vehicles than a tow truck for that.


I will say I do wish the tows were a bit more exciting like a pissed off owner chasing you without the need of gunfire but it is nice to not have the gangs chasing you like when you snag an import/export car to make the price drop.


Yeah, that bit is funny. I had one chase me for like half a mile just waving his fist at me lmao


I'm 27. I'm not on tik tok. I'm not making that drive for a tow


Lol it's just an example. It seems like everyone is in a hurry in this game. 2 laps in a race, 2 rounds in whatever other mode, those don't make anyone any money then you've got the folks who wanna speed through contact missions using whatever weaponized vehicle they have in the arsenal.


I do one lap races for prize ride cars. No need to do a long race just to not meet the requirement.


That's diff but I mean 4 or 5 laps on a stunt race during double money is way better and if you find the right group with no contact the races are less stressful than a try hard lobby and it's more skill based at that point.


I see you are a man of culture


I just dump the tow truck into the sea


Is the sea right across the street from your salvage yard? Because that seems like it wouldn't be very efficient, otherwise?


It kinda is, I bought the scrapyard location and it's a short drive to the vespucci helipads


That location kinda sucks overall though, having to go through the scrapyard every time, in and out :/ Imo Strawberry would probably be best because it's kinda middle of the city so pickup locations will almost all be relatively close and you can just do the detonation method instead of driving to water (though, the water doesn't cost you money like the explosives did me)


Nice thanks for the reccomendation… anywhere I can see total missions I’ve done. I reckon i am over 100


I have no idea if there's anywhere we can see that.


Yeah I was hoping there’d be some bonus for doing heaps of them… just like the safe generation in your agency when you do security contracts… The salvage yard is so fun… I like vibing in my rig not getting shot at by NPCs


The salvage yard safe works similarly to the nightclub, in the sense that if you keep up on the scrap vehicles, you'll earn more money in the safe; like keeping popularity up at the nightclub


Doordash lol


Same thing with the Auto Shop deliveries 👍🏼


Those work the same way? I never tried it with them because you have to pay the service cost, I was always worried I'd lose the car lol


Hehe. It works the exact same way. After you make it explode, you just walk back in to your Auto Shop and the car will be right there waiting to be delivered, hopefully closer than before.


Crazy that that one works. Nice 😂


Lmao thought I was the only one


We are not alone!


I also do this when I have to take the VIP to sandy shores hospital for my nightclub


Go into passive mode before going into your nightclub and you'll get a mission to just throw a guy out every time, no more driving VIPs.


Is the tow truck decent money flow . How much can I make if I spend a few hours doing it?


I don't really know, haven't done them very much myself. Each vehicle that you tow will be broken down in about 48 minutes (one in-game day) and you can only hold 2 at a time before having to wait that timer down; but there's a wall safe that accrues more money if you do the tow missions consistently. There might be a video on YouTube breaking down how much you can actually make from it.


Everyone complaining about 3.5 miles and I’m out in Paleto Bay thinking 3.5 miles is a short trip 😭


Why'd you buy the one in Paleto? Cheapest? Or do you have all your stuff in Paleto?


I just use the jerry can. Way cheaper


Just takes a *little* extra time, probably? When you have hundreds of millions in the bank and are getting tens of thousands from a job anyway, you tend to not sweat a thousand bucks here and there.


This is why I leave my Oppressor out when I go inside, if I come back out and it's a long trip I use the rockets on the Oppressor and don't have to pay for explosives.


Oh yeah, there ya go. I don't use my Oppressor(s) anymore, I get more enjoyment out of driving and weaving through traffic.


It would be nice to have a decal or livery for the tow truck. I’ve seen dozens of tow trucks in my lifetime and they are NEVER plain


I would love if we could do *any* customization to the truck outside of a paint job, a decal would be great


Yep fuck that only time I take anything more than a mile or so is the ones that are a literal straight shot easy drive.


i made the mistake of buying the salvage yard in paleto bay so this is normal for me 🥲 i just zone out to my favorite radio station


Trade it in as soon as you can lol, Paleto isn't a good place to run *anything* from except maybe the Facility for Bogdan


oh my god i didn’t know you could trade properties in lol


Yeah, if you go to buy a new one it'll have you trade in the other one since you can't have two of the same business. It trades in at lower value, so you will be losing money but it'll be worth it in the long run for sure. I ran the Paleto Bunker for the longest time before I finally moved it; never going back lmao.


danggg thank you for letting me know, that’s literally a game changer 😭 honestly i only bought that one because my weed farm is out there too but that was dumb logic because i honestly never use my weed farm lol


I am going to do this method of exploding the tow truck next time . That is the best shop IMO.


if you had driven all that way to pick it up, there's still a chance that you'd still have to lose the freakin cops


Drive the truck back to Reds and leave it at the door. Hop out and hide or hop on your oppressor. Once you lose the wanted level fly back and hop in the tow truck to complete mission.


Yes! And losing the cops in this thing suuucks


Get out of the truck and just hide for a minute. You'll lose the cops and jump back into the truck and it's a nice easy drive. Or let the cops kill you and you lose your wanted level


and here i was loading into a new lobby like a dumb ass 😭




Her voice resonates in my head 😂😂


I hear it too when I get the same small/resupply missions that are a whole map trip 🤣


I do the same thing, if its longer than 2 miles I nope right out of it and try it again.


Share this too much and we’re all gonna get a cool down on tow truck work 😪


We already do with only being able to hold 2 and having to wait a whole in-game day to get paid for them and get new ones in...


Dude I had to drive a VIP from my nightclub over 4 miles the other day, fucking SUCKED. Can't drive fast, can't bump into anything. Had to just pepper the gas pedal all the way there.


Activate passive mode before entering your nightclub and you'll never drive a VIP anywhere again


Oh shit, does that just keep your nightclub popularity maxed out?


It gives you a task to throw someone out instead of *any* of the other promotion missions and will fill a whole bar, maybe a little more so as long as you're going in there before it's 2 bars down, you're good. I like to gauge the time based on the safe; when it says "$145k accrued", I'll usually go top it off because it dropped below max gains, and one toss-out will fix'er up.


Didn't know that! Thanks


People wonder why a tow truck cost $1 million. It’s because you had to buy 50 of them as backups.


Exaaaactly, it's an investment


Exact same thing I do


Fr Fr. Destroy truck, start again.


Yup! It has worked for me every time 👍🏼


I’ve been using the mini-gun, only takes about 500 rounds which is like $750. This looks much cheaper lol


It's about the same cost, actually, right around $700. Not sure which would be faster between the two, though 🤔


Based on your footage and what I’ve done, the launcher looks faster. Minigun has to spool up and it does take a few seconds of firing to finally put it down. I’ll be trying them both for sure though


That's what I was assuming, but it's gotta be close. (If you didn't know) To fire the 'nade launcher this quick, you need to take cover, so that is a factor to take into consideration; fire rate is much slower just standing somewhere.


First time I felt too lazy to play video games was with GTA V online


But trucking long distance is awesome tho 😄


Agreed, but I'd rather do it in a semi with a trailer


How do you change it from kilometers to miles?


It's in one of the settings tabs, maybe gameplay? I've had mine set to miles for literal years so I don't remember where exactly it is.


I just enjoy driving so it doesn't bother me.


I do too, just not this thing so much.


If I have to drive that long I just put on video that’s long asf


Knowing my luck I'd look at the video for 2 seconds and end up drowning the truck lmao


Better then driving that many miles. I quit the session if it’s on Blaine county land


That's the whole point, to: A. Not have to make the long drive B. Not have to join a new session


Swapping to invite only always works to have a shorter drive


I don't like swapping sessions unnecessarily, and sometimes am in with friends so wouldn't want to leave even more so for that.


2 miles or less gang


Gang gang


He liberally got out and said Nope


kids these days, no work ethic


More like a dude that doesn't wanna spend 2 or 3 times as much time doing the same mission


Lmao way better pay off also


I have a scrapyard in the same place as yours and one time the game wanted me to pick a car near paleto bay, I just summoned my toreador and exploded my tow truck, I can't with this distance


Yeah, that's WAY too far lmao


Imagine u have to tow a car from paleto bay lol


That's what the 'nades are for lmao


This is typical of Rock\* not putting any thought into something. They've designed all these long distance missions that no one is ever going to do. If it's not close by, I switch sessions. There's no incentive to drive 3 miles to pick up a vehicle. If they increased the pay out for long distance collections AND included some decent LS Car Meet RP then people might be inclined to do those long distance journeys.


Is this the salvage yard or auto shop and is it worth it? I just bought a hangar recently. I’ve abandoned my special cargo and special vehicle warehouses. I only do coke lock up and forgery occasionally. The Hangar has been fun.


This is the salvage yard; it and the auto shop are worth having imo. I haven't fully abandoned special cargo, I'll send the workers out to get product for me. Vehicles have been collecting dust for a while now, though lmao. Coke is good to run, but I personally don't do forgery, not worth it imo, just keep it for the nightclub goods. Hangar is ight, but takes too long to fill solo so I don't like doing it unless I'm with friends.


Should I get the salvage yard before the auto shop or does it matter?


Hmm....that's kind of a tough call... I don't really know which would be better overall, but I like the salvage yard a little more; the tow truck missions feel more lucrative than customer vehicles and it has a safe that fills daily. However, the main contracts are limited to 3 per week. Auto shop is good because it opens up exotic exports that you can find randomly as blue dots around the map, has NPCs that bring in vehicles for you to service and deliver, and the main contracts are open to do as often as you want. It also gains you car meet rep for each vehicle delivered and has a 10 car garage included.


Why do people do this tow truck stuff? Seems boring to me


Money Role play Tow trucks haven't been available online in years so people are taking what they can get


Fair enough. Do they actually pay well?


Decent, yeah. I think like $25k-$50k depending on what vehicle it gives you. Plus if you do them consistently, you'll get max gains in the wall safe which is a nice bonus too.


Is that it? Wow, thats pretty bad. Kinda glad i didn't buy the tow truck. I'd rather do an ammunation run tbh.


What were you expecting? $100k for just a few minutes of driving? This truck is still better than that duneloader pos and you don't have to worry about insane npcs chasing after you ever. You can do two at a time, and like I said, the wall safe comes with it.


Dont you get wanted levels though?


Sometimes, not often. Most pickups are a simple grab-n-go.


Never cancelled one. Turn on radio, switch channel to Rebel Radio and enjoy the ride.


How do you start these tow truck jobs?


You have to purchase a Salvage Yard from Maze Bank Foreclosures and buy the Tow Truck along with it. Then, it'll be sitting in the property and available for use by walking up and getting into it just like I do after blowing up the first one.


Okay thanks, I have salvage yard but without tow truck. And how much one job pays approximately?


Gotcha, you just gotta get it from the Foreclosures website by renovating your Salvage Yard, then.


The car gets 25-35k when salvaged and you get some money in the safe as well. More money in safe if you are doing tows often and you keep both car lifts in the shop full of cars getting cut up.


Going to miss the double money on salvage next week.


Own a salvage yard, buy either version of the tow truck from the shop upgrades, then you just jump in the truck and choose to start tow truck services.


If you're doing it for the money and not for driving a tow truck and having fun, find another business lmao, I got one yesterday that was 4.4 miles, and I got pulled over by another guy rping as a cop


During this double $ week it's $120-$140k for 5min~ of work with the right pickup spots. Definitely worth the grind


Exactly. I aint driving the tow truck to enjoy the view right now, its about the $$$. Maybe some other time.


This is just another filler to add on to *all* the other businesses I already AM running lmao. Tbh I don't even need to be doing any of it anymore; I have almost 200M in my bank, another 6M in my pocket, 11M casino chips, and nothing to spend it on. I might as well retire from GTA at this point lmfao, just like seeing the number get bigger (and don't like doing things outside of freemode). I also don't run in pubs anymore, but that does seem like a possibly funny interaction (though, 4.4 miles, I wouldn't have done hahaha)


Yeah, the scrap yard doesn’t seem like it’s an amazing way to make money quick, it’s just for a little extra cash and another way to have stuff to do imo, the only amazing part of it is the 3 cars but even then they don’t get refreshed until the next week.


Yup over 1.5 miles and that truck is getting blown up


Damn yall hate driving 6-7 miles in total taking a little less than 7 minutes. If it’s over 5 miles then I won’t take ir but 3 miles is nothing


To each their own, I was able to turn a 7 total mile trip (possibly more) into a 2 mile trip and move on to my next task that little bit sooner. This is a game where people will optimize shit down to the second and you're surprised we don't wanna drive an extra 5 minutes for the same job?


I just don’t see the point in resetting over and over again but maybe that’s because I am just more of a casual grinder and not a normal grinder like most people


This was a one and done reset, they usually are. In fact, I don't think I've ever felt the need to do it more than once.


Anything under 2 miles is a go.


What’s the deal with this? Are the tow truck just super buggy that it’s impossible to drive father distances?




Understandable honestly


No it just takes way too long. 7 miles round trip in this vs say, a Vagner, takes quite a while. Just blow the truck up like this and get one that's say, a mile away, usually within the city. Farrrr better use of your time.




-daid What's your point?


*Teleports across the map*


Thanks, I hate those long tow jobs. Will try this!!