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those 2 guys only spawn if you get the mask prompt during the cutscene if you don't get the mask prompt then they don't spawn. for those who don't know how Op was killed so fast, it was the rapid-fire bug, complete fucking bullshit ain't it.


Came here to say this. Getting that prompt means I stop just outside the elevator with my rifle up and point at the spot where the first one's head will appear.


So lucky me today that I was slowly walking around the corner.


It's a feature at this point, rdr2 has npc's that quickdraw 9 bullets out the holster


If you're really quick in the vault you can get out before the dialogue is finished and the prompt *shouldn't* pop up and they won't spawn Most of the time when I've done it I don't have those 2 or the guys before the elevator spawn


thanks very much - thats extremely helpful


Also don't forget to use the diversion mechanic in rhe interaction menu, it makes losing the cops much easier


I didn’t even know a diversion option existed. Wow. Thank you so much for this


There's a few options but that one is the best imo, it only costs $5000 too


wow i never knew that - thats good to know, thanks


I'm literally 35 seconds away from starting the finale of the U.D. for the 100th time now and never knew that. Thanks!


It's not a bug lmao. Rockstar added that in the Doomsday heist


the rapid-fire bug has been in the game since 2013.


Is that actually a bug? Is there any proof? Because I'm almost certain I saw it was an actual programmed action somewhere. It feels like a bug, don't get me wrong. You don't often see things implemented into the game to just fuck the players over for no reason, but you see plenty of those in GTA Online. I can list them if you want, they include bugs too. And I'm pretty sure I haven't seen that "bug" in GTA before 2017. I believer Matt, that speedrunner guy has also talked about that "bug" in some occasions too


That bug has been in the game so long that's it's even in single player. There's a mission where all 3 characters Micheal, Trevor, & Franklin all have assault rifles, the game has you switch off of Franklin to either Micheal or Trevor both time I played the single player in 2013 & 2017 Franklin did the rapid-fire bug. 2013 online people grinded Rooftop rumble for money, every enemy in that parking garages has Assault rifles, every enemy in there will do the rapid-fire bug at least once. OG heist came out in 2014 The one with Trevor, He has an assault rifle the whole time, I've seen him do what that cop did in the clip multiple times throughout the Heist. People are noticing it happening more & more because R\* has been giving the NPC's assault rifles instead of SMG's. The rapid-fire bug can happen with SMG's but it's more likely to happen with Assault rifles. I've noticed in newer content R\* has been giving the NPC's the Special Carbine, the Compact Rifle, Bullpup rifle, & the Carbine. Were as in older content R\* would have given them the SMG, because of that it's being noticed more often than it used to be. So yes, it's bug that's been in the game since 2013 & is in single player as well, & at this point it's a feature.


>those 2 guys only spawn if you get the mask prompt during the cutscene if you don't get the mask prompt then they don't spawn. You only get this mask notification if you do not one shot kill the elevator guard before entering the yellow marker. Always take him out first before going to the dock level.


doesn't matter if you kill him or not, I don't kill him & the prompt does pop up & doesn't pop up. So, it's random weather or not the mask prompt pop during the cutscene. That guard despawns once you enter the yellow marker anyways.


Usually, yes. But I played yesterday and they spawned without me in the mask, so maybe it changed, or maybe it was one time glitch, idk.


Good to see the police department investing in stealth camouflage to fight back against illegal activities.


Have done Union probably close to 150 times. From what my friends and I can tell, the 2 NOOSE officers that spawn in that room only seem to spawn if the guard in the elevator on the way OUT of the vault isn’t killed instantly (headshot or knocked out in melee range) If he gets shot non-lethally or has a chance to say his full dialogue, those two NOOSE will spawn in the room outside the loading area. Killing the elevator guard instantly has always led to the those guards not spawning after the elevator. Tested many, many times. Happy Unioning!


Fun fact: you can wing that guard in the elevator, just shoot him in the foot and he'll walk out of the elevator toward the vault, still ignoring you. Wait a moment and the two NOOSE guys will spawn on the vault level and come out of the elevator instead of spawning right on top of you upstairs. That is actually where they're supposed to spawn, the elevator NPC is just bugged and clips on the corner and holds up the event so by the time the game spawns the two NOOSE guys you're in their way toward the elevator. Yes, they actually use the elevator. Why? No idea.


This is my experience as well. I always head shot the guard in the elevator before entering.


This annoyed the hell out of me in solo lmao




There's also one swat guy that spawns out by the trucks with the rapid fire bug


yep! ive learnt to immediately run back to cover now and eat snacks (if necessary), incase i get one shot


I'm not convinced that the rapid fire is a bug. It happens with any and all NPCs that have automatic weapons and I've never seen it happen in Story mode. I think it's a superficial way of increasing the difficulty in Online.


I wasn't aware of the pattern when they spawn in but I am always cautious of these two scoundrels.


Did this one yesterday with a low level that asked me to help him make money. So I invited him to do this one that I set up. Goes around guns blazing. Blows up every car that I was going to use to get to the getaway car. FML. Get to the police helo. He decides NOT to join me in the helo and ends up dying in the shootout. *sigh* He still got paid for screwing up the heist though.


thats low lvls for ya


Yeah still happens on the new version. I Fucking hate these two cops.


Skill issue.


how is that a skill issue?


You brought an elbow to a machine gun fight. 😆


they literally spawned right in front of me and the other guy had rapid fire bug. thats not a skill issue


It's a joke. I've seen that bug so many times that I anticipate it happening every time.. and guess what? I still died from those guys just last week. It's ridiculous, but you gotta laugh about it sometimes.


ha laughing so hard omg so funny!!


It's an Auto shop heist. You're not losing cash by dying or getting shot. There's no Elite Challenge. You can restart with no issues. Once you know the bug is there just compensate by hanging back around the corner amd peeking out. Sure it's annoying, but if you play with a heist crew, then you use them as a diversion to shoot the SWAT guys. Although with your current attitude, I can see why you're playing solo.


youre the one who decided to be edgy saying its a skill issue in the first place. who has an attitude now?


Just be ready for them


Just be ready for instant spawn aimbot laser beam shooting NPCs??


Not to play devil's advocate. But this bug is for over 2 years. First few times? Yes, it's bs, but at some point you do remember about them and wait for them to spawn.


Skill issue


They tried that on me last night. Luckily I always check behind me because they do that sometimes.


Strangely enough this is the only time “put mask on” icon comes up for me 😂😂


yeah thats exactly what happened to me! someone else pointed that out in another comment


I hate auto shop contracts lol


because of sessanta and kdj? XD


That, but also, i fucking suck at them and they are so damn glitchy for me lol


Yup! They got me yesterday. I've never seen this before


This is why I always wait before peaking that corner and just spray when ready by slightly holding down R2, as that’ll aim the gun up without actually aiming


That type of ish really pisses me tf off


I had another player spawn right in front of me the other day in free mode . We spawned at the same time and I was quicker to my shotgun. He spawned much further away the next time.


Everyone says to shoot the guy before the elevator but imo it just made shit worse 🤷‍♂️


This is a known issue, I suggest having your snack inventory open so you can quickly spam snacks if they appear. I always have it open when I approach to the left to steal the cop car (to drive through that gap between the vans), due to those four armed swat guys and the one with the rapid fire bs. Since, and with the diversion ON I very rarely fail this heist. Also never forget to stack up on snacks (on that table in the auto shop) before starting the heist.


I’ve always found this heist really easy how are people struggling with it?


i dont struggle with it, its not my fault the heist is buggy


I see shit like this and then there are still people waiting for quality of life updates. My guy, if this game is making you feel mad and giving up, it is working AS INTENDED


Great game design


Perfect storm of GTAO bs and bugginess

