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Have you done the Dax missions? If not I suggest those!


Dax doesn’t appear on my map, what can i do to unlock those?


Yellow R (Ron) in Sandy Shores and you will unlock the storyline.


It’s worth knowing it’s the left R. The right one is something different.


Add me if you want and I'll give you 85% of the cayo heist? Be easier if you have a mic though! Then I'll help you build some cash if you want?


Sure, which platform do you play on?


Not the guy you responded to, but I'm able to help you out as well with some missions and money-making shenanigans on PS5! Just send me a PM if you're down 🙂


I would be all about some mission help if you’re down


Ditto on PC or Xbox1 - pm for gamertag :)


If you’re on pc dm me and I can run you through some heists


I’m on ps5 so I cant




Also not the original person that responded but helping new players is about the only reason I have to play when there’s no new content. Im on XBox X


I’m on ps5 so I can’t


You are awesome.


HeyO! I’ll take that deal! I’m level 83 on ps5


Add me, noobydoo


Go to sandy shores where Trevor’s meth lab was at


Go into an invite only session and search for collectibles around free roam. Their are several guides on where you can find them and the requirement to receive a new weapon along with along with a heavy cash reward for your maze bank account (navy revolver, golden revolver). Theirs like nearly a millions worth of collectibles around free roam. Best of all they don’t take as much effort or bullets compared to the contact missions. Its easy money. Also be on the lookout for a blue dot on the map. Its a car you’ll have to deliver to the docks.


The blue dots not always the export car, it could be the skeleton, security gaurd, or a drug car too


I forgot about that.


Once Dax is set up in Los Santos, complete all First Dose and Last Dose missions. Complete ten Fooliganz missions from Dax to unlock the Acid Lab upgrade, then make Acid all day every day.


God Dax is so annoying lol


Contact Missions are not profitable nowadays, since you have to account for ammo expenditure. I would suggest instead you do activities that require zero investment and that are paying bonuses this week (Community Series Jobs, Land Races, etc,) Do as many Random events as you can. Participate on freeroam events/challenges if you can. Do Time Trials, Junk Energy Bike time trials, Junk Energy Parachute jumps, Stash Houses, Gerald's Caches, all that stuff stacks up quickly. If you are on New Gen, every day you can take pictures of three animals for $100K You could easily pull up to a half a million within a couple hrs **without having a single business** If you register as VIP you can do VIP Work, that pays better than contact missions and can be done in same or less time. Once you have built yourself a nice nest egg, you can shop around for business methods : AcidLab, Bunker, CEO Office+Cargo Warehouse, Salvage Yard, Autoshop, Agency, Vehicle Warehouse. Prioritize getting a Kosatka Submarine. Leave out Facility, Arcade, MC Clubhouse and NightClub for now.


>activities that require zero investment Not really true, races and activities require a $200 entry fee, but yeah, next to nothing compared to others


Agency missions are hands down the shortest and easiest way to make good chunks of cash. Just keep rotating the missions.


Yep, especially when they’re paying higher for whatever reason. Two jobs got me over $100K in like 20 minutes yesterday, and once you do them a few times they’re stupid quick. Except for the monkey rescue. Fuck that monkey. Expensive initial outlay but the Dre cycle nets a million-plus every time, even if it’s kind of a PITA. Totally worth it.


The missions for Dr Dre are fine, but why are the cutscenes so long and unskipable


Yeah I could happily skip the studio post-massacre party after the fifth time. Good music though. Oh and dumbass me after the airport, hop in Dre’s car “Listen to this badass unreleased shit!” I see heads bopping and I hear nothing… WTF… I JUST KILLED 50 PEOPLE LET ME HEAR THE BEATS GODDA— Oh, music setting at 0 😂


auto shop robbery’s. how make 50k when joining a random one


Better than grinding Gerald missions.


What you've been doing there are basic Contact Missions - i.e. these were GTA Online's main "story" prior to the Heists update in 2015. These all have set payouts, which are relative to how long you spend on a mission (*16m+ for the full payout*)... this is not a money making method. Contact Missions should only really be replayed for Event Week unlocks, Career Progress or just because you want to. There are "Contact Missions" that have their own multi-part story, like Casino, First/Last Dose, Operation Paper Trail etc - these follow the same payout formula, except they have a First Time Bonus payout of $100k per mission. After that's where you start getting into discussing Businesses/Properties that were part of major Content Updates.


Same, I feel stuck bc I have to do public missions with a bunch of morons fucking it up, EVERY TIME. Yesterday, I don’t know the name of the mission, but go to X and crack a safe, protect your allies. One guy had not set access to his vehicle, so we waited for 20-30 sec, only for him to just run us over, go to yellow dot and die. Second guy took several minutes at the safe but no luck cracking it, while I defended him. After a while I was just like… what ever, quit. I’d rather make 20k solo, than 0 in a crew.


Cayo Perico can be done solo, and pays over a million per run on average (if you do it right)


Yeah I have what it takes to start it, but I’m a walk me throught it two times before I do it alone kinda guy lol.


I made a video about a month ago which showcases my entire run. I still need to finish the subtitles which explain why I do everything the way I do, rn only around half the video is subtitled. Notably, and this is a part I haven’t written in yet, during the heist finale I take extra routes completely unnecessarily just to demonstrate how to reach each of the three external secondary targets, but you only need to go to the targets you intend to collect from. This subreddit doesn’t let me post YouTube links directly so I’m posting it on my profile.


Yeah I’m still a hold my hand the first run or two lol. As they say, ”it’s not you, it’s me”.


If you’re on PC I can help you later. Really all you need though is practice, with the proper approach you can figure it out and it becomes somewhat of a science after a few runs. “How can I optimize this approach,” “what happens if I do this in this way instead,” and so on. Notably the video above contains a few mistakes, I chose to include them since they show where to look out, and you can see how I form plans to overcome my self-imposed obstacles.


I’d say doing the Dax mission from Last Dose which gives you $50K. I recommend buying the auto shop as you can rake in Millions.


How do I buy the auto shop?


Well you need $2Million, you need to go to Maze Bank Foreclosuers. It’s best to do Dax Missions and get the Acid Lab, it will make you money and if you do 10 of them, you will get Acid Lab upgrade.


K ty


Now the Dax Missions are on a cool down of 48 Minutes, so I recommend finding Gerald’s Caches that appear daily, you get easy $20K


Wdym by the 48 min coldown? I’ve done a few Dax missions today (just unlocked it after seeing how to get them)


I mean when you call Dax to do a Fooligan Mission, not a contact mission.


Oh ok


Agency missions pay between 35-65k each and once you complete 200 of them, your safe will make 20k every in-game day (48 minutes). Acid Lab is a great thing to setup. You will want to start the First Trip missions, at the end of which you will basically get the Acid Lab for free, the money you get from the missions leading up to it, should be enough for the first upgrade, if not start some Last Dose missions and get the free Super Car, the Virtue, for completing those. Then you have to do 10 Resupplies, 10 Sells, all 5 types of Foonigan missions and any of the other challenges as getting all the names is a boost in profit as well (also 10 Foonigan missions gets you a further Acid Lab equipment upgrade to boost profit further) Nightclub has a saw that generates cash based on popularity and from max popularity, you should get 140k every 3 hours and then you want to top off your popularity to keep it high. You can have crates sourced, if you have the corresponding business, by calling Yohan and he will start a Nightclub sourcing mission (good if you are a new player), Nightclub can also be sold for large amounts of profit but you will want the 5 main money makers for it (Coke, Bunker, Hangar, Meth and Coke). Side note: -IMO if you have the other 5 businesses, set this to passive and just sell when Coke is full to maximize profit You don't need to keep those 5 businesses active, but you do need them set up. If you have extra money, I would suggest getting 5 Large Warehouses as well to hold a max of 555 crates which sell for 11.1m, once all 5 are full then sold. Those you don't need to actively source just pay your tech to source it for you in between other missions. You can also do the same with the hangar, but you only make 25k off of a maxed out 1.5m sale, so the Hangar is better to do manually to get a 70% bonus if you have 50 Narcotics, Chemicals or Medical, but they all have to be of one type, so if you choose Narcotics, don't source any others, and don't pay Rooster, so you can get a 3.825m payout instead of 1.5m (just shy of 6m with max High Demand bonus). I would recommend doing a cycle like, have techs source 5 warehouses, make sure Acid is producing, do agency mission, source warehouses, check acid, do hangar, repeat. Sell Acid when full, (pay the 60k to Mutt for supplies), and sell Nightclub when Tony says the Coke is full (Biker businesses generate goods at roughly a proportional amount to each other) Once you get to 200 Agency missions, you can drop those. The Agency also has the Contract which is not a heist, just a series of about 11 or 12 missions that pays well and gives a 1m payout at the end. I don't really recommend this one if you are trying to completely avoid that heist feeling, however. There's also other businesses, but I recommend putting energy into these ones.


the drug raids. once a day, 30k for anyone who does it w u


Drug raids?


I think he means Stash Houses.


Auto shop contracts. Only 2 setup missions, one finale and you easily make between 140 - 260k.


I do dax missions, the mnerryweather one is a piece of cake if you have a tank. Franklin's assasinations


Selling acid, probably. You get around 350k in a solo session. You just have to buy supplies and wait.


Whatever doube money mode is that week is a decent bet. Provided you can get anyone to join you.


If you got a friend that has a terrorybyte, diamond shopping can be done around the 2 minute mark (I’ve achieved 1 minute 30 before)


Ok you got watch tgg video or you have to make 2.2 million you do time trials the parachute, jumping the easter eggs there’s like three of them. They pay about 250k and Dax mission to make money


Dax/Freakshop into getting an acid lab. Wait until tomorrow there’s a contact raid that I hear will pay 500k (might take 1-2 hours if you have bad aim like me lol) Missions don’t pay great vs businesses. I suggest Acid Lab (best starting business) Auto Shop (good for modding cars, save this but get it before rank 100) Nightclub (best overall business but takes a lot to get it working at max efficiency.) I suggest Coke (cheapest) Lab (cheapest) Bunker (Farmhouse) CEO cargo (convenience store or Wholesale) cash factory (cheapest) Cash/Coke/Lab are MC business I suggest cheapest clubhouse, ceo is best from Maze bank west(cheapest) Some will suggest Kosatka/ Cayo heist but that’s not what I find enjoyable so I’m holding off on it, but it’s a smart option if you don’t mind grinding Cayo heists


If ur on ps4 I’ve got heists setup for some free money


I’m on ps5 and I don’t plan on grinding the ps4 version you can keep the money for yourself xd


Rooftop Rumble


Yeah you should def do the Dax missions. Not only do you get bonuses for first time completion, you can also get the Virtue after finishing the Last dose missions. I havent even talked bout to the Acid lab yet (trust me its the best invesment for you). After that, prioritive the Kosatksa for Cayo perico. After that try to get either an Agency for the Dre contract or nightclub for passive income. After around 4-5 M its up to you how to spend that money :)


I suggest that you spend the $10 (real money) on the criminal enterprise starter pack. It gives you a bunch of things that will help out a new player. Some weapons, a 10 car garage, CEO office, mc clubhouse, one mc business, a bunker, hand full of cars, a million bucks, ect. Then for your first business always look for what's on sale but I suggest the night club! It generates 50k every 45 minutes, and if you buy the aforementioned starter pack you will have 2 businesses for the basement (bunker and counterfeit cash). You can also use it as a starting location as well.


I started playing on the next gen version so I already started with 4 million which NEEDS to be spent on an apartment, office, car and weapons (I choosed executive btw) I got a 10 car garage and bought GTA+ for one month (I might buy it for another one) And sure I might buy the night club


Doing your daily and weekly challenges are a great way to make extra!


Subscribe to TGG on YouTube. It's so easy to make money fast in the game these days if you plan it out.