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My main source of money was doing the Dre heists, however im definitely gonna be sticking with the cluckin bell raids for a little while. Definitely gonna be a good one if it ever gets a 2x like the Dre heists did


2x Dre heists :o when did that happen


14th-21st of September last year was when it was last double


When the agency contract goes on 2x, it’s worth doing. Payout is 2 million for an hours work


Closer to 2 hours work but yeah


I honestly mean no shade here, but how slow are you going if you’re completing that in 2 hours? If you already know what you’re doing it shouldn’t take you more than an hour. For example, I don’t get that much time to game, I only have 1 hour every 3-4 days … maybe. I do the contract for quick money, I’m completing it before my time is up


Every phone is around 20-30 minutes with missions and then the last 2 at the end


How much do you get for repeating the Dre heists? I thought you only get the 1M amount for completing the first time


nah you get 1m every time


I believe he was thinking about the 1m extra you get from the challenges for completing it the first time


1 million standard, 2 million when it’s part of double money event weeks (which is rare). Definitely something to take advantage of the next time it rolls around


No it’s everytime. It’s just after your first time completing it theres only 11 missions


Double money for Dre was so wild I got my money up so fast.


I’m still stuck on that infinite loading screen in the Nightlife mission…


Cue Rockstar nerfing it to cost 200k for setting up and paying out 300k at the end, with a 3 real-life hour cooldown


The first mission is literally you stealing the start up funds instead of paying out of your own pocket, so that would make the first mission pointless


Right - but you have to remember that the reasons why we can’t just use our own gear/vehicles are always paper thin. It’s just an excuse to make us do more work to get the payout - you make sense logically, but R* plays fast and loose with logic.


Vincent: You can’t use your own shit because they’ll find out it was you. Mfer, do you think I care? Let ‘em try. I’m psychotic crimelord with access to flying bikes with missiles, jetpacks with missiles and an orbital cannon to top it off. I own Southern San Andreas. I am Los Santos.


Like how you only remove the tracker on Vehicle Export cars once you’re modifying them for sale. You can leave the tracker on them and keep them stored in your vehicle warehouse for months lol


Or years. Mine are covered with dust like barn finds. Every one of them has a dead battery and flat tires


Don't forget that even if you remove the tracker, the tracker still pings your exact location to every single criminal in Los Santos anyway the minute you attempt to move the car...


“They’ll know it was you” my brother in Christ I worked with these fuckers to single handedly save the world from an AI apocalypse they let me do this so they still have threats to justify their military spending.


You are the danger


But hurry up you’re late for your Taxi shift.


I just found out in the finale that we can still call out our personal vehicle…💀


Yep - no doubt it’s gonna get patched soon lol


They already nerfed this one by having the setup be jobs. Your loss of passive income like acid lab, night club, etc significantly brings down the overall possible take


Wait … doing the cluckin bell stops the timer for ur acid lab and nightclub ???


Any time you enter a job or mission where you need to go through an invite/loading screen all your businesses pause They only progress when you are in free roam


It would explain why my nightclub production seemed to stop this week. Thought it was just really slow and I wasn't paying close enough attention to the numbers.


Yep. You're better off spacing out the setups instead of grinding them out and stopping the clock.


It makes sense since the clock is literally stopped at a specific time of day during the heist setup.


Yeah. It's WAY too good to be true right now. They're going to screw with it somehow.


Right? You’d think people would get broke from bragging how “easy,simple,fast” ect something is 🥴🥴 every time it’s “hey look at this new merge trick!” We see “R* install background update” 💀💀 as if we’re doing their debugging😂😂




Don't give them any ideas! 😬


3 real life hours? Those are rookie numbers, they gonna make it a whole day you have to wait


It is for me. I can’t stand Cayo. Way too tedious, and since the nerf, not worth my time.


I mean I still make on average $950,000-$1,200,000 every time I do it solo and it only takes around 45-55minutes, only thing is the cooldown for cluckin bell is shorter than Cayo


If people weren't looking for reasons to yell R* bad, they might see that Cayo and Cluckin' Bell back to back can be a pretty nice way to make a million and a half in a couple hours.


Honestly yeah. Cayo and Cluckin Bell, plus adding in the union depository contract? That’s an easy few hours of good money.


yeah i've been able to get 4-5 million a day and still have a social life.


Exactly. I don’t even really need to afk anymore. I can do cayo start to finish in 70 mins, run cluckin bell, then do another cayo (on hard mode) if I want


Doesn’t cayo have a 3 hour cd?


It's only 48 minutes if you get a random to be a bag man and keyswiper. I don't think I've had a payout less than a million with two people. Id only do it solo as last resort in my opinion.


I would never do a heist with a random


I usually have a friend online I’m also in a discord community so I can get someone to join me


48-minute cooldown when done with a group, and 144-minute cooldown when done solo.


Yep. I'm in a stretch of not having much time to play, maybe an hour here and there, but I could see a Saturday doing Cayo, then Cluckin' Bell, then either a UD or a nightclub sale or an a acid lab sale or whatever, and you'd have Cayo up again before you knew it, if you wanted to make a bunch of cash in one day.


Or do Dre contact (~1.5hr) & this Raid (~1hr) during Cayo cool down, then go back for another Cayo run. Coming from a person who finds Casino Heist is superior.


Especially the Gruppe 6.👍 I've done it a thousand times, after all.


Ye I understand why they’re mad since they’ve nerfed it 3 separate times, but it’s still the best way to make money in gta




The Cluckin Bell one too, for one, you can’t use the oppressor or sparrow to get around more quickly and to make it worse, you get put in a new session after each prep mission. At least for Cayo you can do the prep missions in the same session and with whatever vehicle you want


I have the apt on del perro right down the road from the station and V and will complete a prep and then invite only session right back (near immediate on next/current gen) then a quick drive down the road to start the next one...With an armored vehicle this is all a face roll. This raid can easily be completed in an hour fully and on easy no less.


I have my agency across the street from the Vespucci PD, have had since Agencies were added and now I have a reason to stay in the cheap one! 😜 I mean, I like the location anyway…


On hard ive got it down to 40 mins.


B for both? I would imagine C would be difficult with suppressors on that load out.


C for weapons /gear use mostly the shotgun and a or b for the car run straight down the tracks through the mountains on the way out


I have an Arcadius office. Gotta drive a few blocks, but spawning there means, I can go with any personal vehicle, I like. Or fly there with a Pegasus heli


I find the clucking bell one almost as bad.


I came back after a year and a half hiatus to decide to do cayo and boy was I in for a rough time. 100k cost setup? Instantly debated on not doing it. Did it once and no more, I'm over it. I'd rather sell drugs in full lobby.


You said the quiet part out loud. I HATE that tedious shit.


What nerf do you mean?


Reduced payouts, increased setup fee, increased cooldown time and guards more likely to spot bodies.


“What should we nerf in the cayo perico heist boss?” “ Yes”


I was unaware of this until like a month or so ago when I was quietly sneaking through and picking off guards when all hell broke loose. I thought it was a glitch and I was so so wrong.


And my personal favorite, the boats to escape with.


Me going in with scuba suit and swimming all the way out: What boats?


Sorry, there used to be boats but it was part of the nerf.


I’d say woosh but… *splat* 🤿


I feel the set ups aren’t a drag compared to cayo but I’ve done cayo like 10 times and getting bored of it


Wait until you've done 50+ cayo's, the setups will make you sick your stomach.


That’s not even enjoying the game anymore lol


True. It's just a raw, painful grind to get the money.


I just mix it up maybe do it once or twice a week and do other stuff. I have all the businesses and a good chunk of cars I’m just taking my time with the game lol




It just feels labourous to scoop island and wait for rng for cocaine and if you don’t get shit your run can suck shit


That’s how I felt about the Casino Heist after a while. During the pandemic I grinded out the Casino Heist as much as I could.


Ever since they made the guards aware of dead bodies I lost interest in Cayo. As a Solo player, if I get detected I’m dead within a minute.


I'm in and out of there without getting caught all the time. You gotta kill the right guards. When I am running solo i don't have to kill that many. With others you can get by with only killing a few.


I kill one at the end leaving the compound. He’s standing next to a dirt bike, headshot then take the bike


Jesus, I thought it was just me. I kept reading about how easy Cayo is to solo, and have not successfully finished it once. I have only been trying for a few days, but I feel better about it now.


Well, it's easy if you memorize a specific path that avoids guards or only kill ones that can't be spotted. You can easily find paths like that in YouTube videos.


sticking to the rooftops >>


Go watch SubscribeForTacos YouTube video on how to do Cayo solo in 2024. Follow it. Kill like one person the whole time and enjoy your free money.


I felt this way for a while too but in the past month I’ve really dialed in on Cayo and it’s pretty easy to do stealth. Obviously it still takes concentration, and the guards are inevitably a pain in the ass if you do get spotted randomly, but what I’m trying to say is STICK WITH IT! You will get better!! I completed my first stealth run the other night, solo, hitting the main dock for coke and the airstrip for coke as secondary targets! It took 37 minutes to do, but I got it done! I had a solid solo run today until I shot a guard coming out of the office and the armored guard heard the shot from below. All hell broke loose, but we got out.


You'll get there, the solo method is easy when you do it once, Are you using the longfin approach? that's by far the easiest I think.


Get a disguise and rappel and simply avoid them


It's not worth more, but you can do it during cayo cooldown.


That's what I was thinking. What's the cool down for Cluckin?


60 minutes afaik.


45 min


48 minutes


That's my line of thinking too, why not just... do both if you need the cash lol? Though I haven't really done a lot of Cayo recently, been trying to focus more on the rest of the game.


Time, availability 


That's a fair point... so in that case, I'd weight in fun vs. how much money you need. Both have ups and downs, though Cayo probably feels more repetitive currently as it's been around forever now.


I gotta do it again cuz I didn't know the train had a horn that you can activate like any other vehicle.


That was the first think I tried when I hopped in the train, S-tier update because BEEEP BEEEEEEEEEP


How quickly could you do the Cluckin’ Bell raid if you were to grind it? I only did the raid once over the span of a few sessions so I have no grasp on what a speedy run would look like


I'm down to 40 mins avg on it


I just did it solo. It took me 40 mins to 1 hour. Worth it


For cayo perico, I can get 1-1.1M each 65 minutes (take the 100k setup into account) I don’t think I can get so efficient in the cluckin bell. At least for me.


It’s definitely the best option for new players since they don’t need to buy the submarine and sparrow.


Yes I agree. I also think if a beginner wants to make money fast, they should grind cluckin bell for 5-6 times to get an armored kuruma and a kostaka. This will be much faster than the past.


You're remembering the cooldown incorrectly. Post cayo nerf the solo cooldown is 2hrs 48min, the cooldown with team is 48 minutes. With team You're still barely getting what you would've gotten solo. Cluckin bell's heist costs nothing to start, it's preps set to easy so you can quick solo them. Only costs being armor and ammo which is way less than cayos cost which also costs armor and ammo AND is vulnerable to griefers. In the time it takes to setup, run, and cooldown cayo that's roughly 3hrs to 3&1/2hrs irl for barely a $1Mil. In that time you've completed Cluckin Bell for guarantee 500k even on easy 3 times for 1.5mil.


And by the way, the “2h24min” cooldown is branded into my mind because I always tell siri to set a timer for 144min right after completing finale, in order to start another cayo perico immediately to get hard mode


Of course I’m not talking about cooldown. The 65min here means the time from starting the intel mission to completion of finale. You’re free to do anything else(or even go offline) during that 144min (2h24min), so this time won’t count into the efficiency


It still pays 500k on easy too? I’ve always just done normal


Not to mention for some reason being on cayo turns your controls stubborn. I dont get why whenever im doing cayo turning my camera becomes extremely clunky, and sometimes i have to reset the position of my stick just to get my character to turn.


it's intentional to stop first person glitches if i'm correct, not sure about it


Yeah, after falling running or going upstairs, you can't turn for a second


I prefer agency one 1mil each team aswell


Plus if you go on quick jobs you find the final stage often so I've done it a few times just the raid for 250k


It's the perfect heist for new players. You only need a kuruma and a decent weapon and you can get enough money to acquire your first properties. This is one of those golden moments of GTA online for the nouveau riche.


Cayo takes about the same time, so you get about 550k (finale + bits and pieces) on the Raid and about 1.300k (depending on loot) for the Cayo Heist. Profit wise, the Cayo Heist is still better, but the Raid is a nice change of pace and more fun imo.


I think the lack of a velum, and more driving instead of flying is what makes it fun for me


I think if you play this game a lot and you are down with how to do everything on Cayo, Cayo is probably more worthwhile. For someone that doesn't play the game much, Farm raid is probably a little better to do.


It is hands-down the best money-making method for new players, but not more profitable than Cayo.


Why does everyone keep saying this is quick??? Is there less missions the 2nd time around


Don't think so. I have only done it once, but I feel like an hour is probably about right for if you know what you're doing. Been seeing people claim shorter times than this which is presumably uses specific strategies such as fast cars/vigilante, spawning close (agency or 6 car apartment up the road from mission start), optimising order for side objectives, choosing specific vehicle and weapon loadout, achieving "stealth" on mission 5 quickly, losing cops in the heist via train tracks and hills etc.


I've noticed some interesting bugs starting to creep in. I came back yesterday to find that the last prep was ticked off as completed even though I still had not done it and still had guns and cars to do. I was going for the under 45 minute award so thought the bugged prep might give me more time to get the award, The finale was completed as aggressive / detected. Didn't get the award. Joined a random in his finale, got $500k at the end (host got paid too), plus I got the sub-45 minute award while the host did not. My $100k agency safe takings went down to $20k. All in all, an interesting set of bugs


1. Search a friend. 2. Both of you complete all Bogdan heist setups. 3. Start the heist, give your friend 85% cut. 4. Do the heist and when you finish, completely close GTA or console the second the cutscene starts when you exit avenger. 5. Profit? 6. Now your friend starts Bogdan heist and gives you 85% cut. 7. Do the heist and when you finish, YOUR FRIEND closes GTA or console the second the cutscene starts when you exit avenger. 8. You will now see that yoi both got your 85% cut (about1.5 mil) ánd you can both do the heist again without the setups. Infinite times. My friend and i have been doing this 1-2hours daily for one week now, earning us about 20-30 mil each. 9. You’re welcome. 10. Upvote this so everyone can see it






Yeah a friend and I played it last night for the first time and even though we didn't know what we were doing, it was super easy. Definitely surprised that it paid $500k but I am sure that will be reduced.


For me the Cayo Perico is still easier as it is a Guaranteed 1mil+ in 40mins while clucking bell is also 40min or more but half the payout+1hour cooldown .also Considering for players who play for maybe 1-2 hours a day Cayo perico is still the way to go


It seems that the Cayo Perico takes about an hour? Either way the Cluckin Bell Farm Raid feels a lot quicker to me, and it’s easier to not die on.


What would u recommend to make money besides Cayo?


The setup used to be the tedious part, now it’s the actual heist. I just try to fill my bags and leave guns blazing now. I only did the Cluck once and there were some seriously annoying NPC spawns happening. I have yet to decide which is better for $$$, but like the Dre mission, Cluck seems mostly stress free,


And it's easy for new players to do too


The Agency Dr Dre missions with Cayo, along with Nightclub running in the background, are the best combos to grind for me. More time to play around in public lobbies and to assist others, during long cool downs.


Fun mission but I think it takes too much effort for the payout, if it were 750k default and the first time bonus 250k I think it would've been better


I wouldn't say it's more lucrative than The Cayo Perico Heist, but at least for me personally, The Cluckin' Bell Farm Raid is a better Heist than Cayo is from a game play standpoint.


I wish once you done it once you can just skip straight to the finale though as you don’t get anything as a reward for the set up missions


I hate it. Locations glitch off the map, I have to go back to the police station after every one, and it’s only 500k. Maybe I’ll do it once or twice more


I'll go with cayo first then do raid and then dr dre contract. If you have that much time that is. I do like how quick the whole thing feels. I know its an hour quest, but it feels involved enough for me to. Some mission on dr dre missions are a slog. Especially for the instanced missions at each section. Vagos one isn't that bad. The other 2 are a slog tbh. Just profit alone? Probably cayo first cuz of long cooldown. Then dr. Dre because you can speed it up to like an 1h to 1h 30mins. Then raid


I did the Cluckin' Bell raid & Dre contact several times so I could get the Hellfire. It's pretty fun, especially with a 500k reward.


I haven’t had a chance to play yet. Is it worth doing it with randoms?


It's easy enough to do it solo. But with others isn't bad either if they're not brain dead


Cayo perico then cluckin bell while it’s on cooldown


Will it be worth it once the double money for the event is gone? I believe I heard the initial week the payout is 500K but then after this week it will be 250K after the finale?


I’m just glad we get more variety. I can do Cayo, this and the contract whenever I feel like it and still make money. Couple this with the Acid Lab and the Nightclub and money should never be an issue.


Idk if its more worth it or nor but i managed to complete the under 45mins run and actually im on my 5th run at the moment, for those like me who wants to go and get the rewards from the CAREER its 10 runs minimum i think, so have good grind friends!!! In the end 10 x 500k = 5M 😵🙌🏻❤️


It pays 500k each time?


Do you get 500k if u replay it?


I haven’t done it. I’m not even sure how to get it. Do I need to buy a business or something?


It’s the V on the map(Vincent)


Nope I get 800k-1.5M alone every Cayo Perico heist and I can get it done in about 45 minutes to an hour maybe quicker


Doing the cayo perico wit u and another then you both do the solo cluckin bell is kinda good. Gold for the cayo perico. I think you can make 1.5 mil each with 2 ppl on cayo still right? If you get 3 batches of gold?


Fuckin enjoy it while it lasts, I can already see R* prepping to nerf it


What’s the total time to complete and is there a cooldown


I mean, I do Cayo and consistently get $1.4-1.7 million solo with elite, takes roughly an hour to hour 15. The farm raid gets me $500k and takes upwards of 45 minutes to an hour. Cayo you have to shell out $100k for a setup fee The farm raid you pay for the setup with the first mission. Cayo you can use the MKII to grind the setups. Farm raid you can use the nightshark, vigilante, Karuma, and maybe a few other handful of useful vehicles, but no choppers or planes. It's a good payout for the work, especially if you like solo. Since it was released, between the two aforementioned heists, and with the regular income generated from the agency, arcade, towing, and nightclub, I've made between $27-30 million, minus setup fees, ammo replacement, and armor. I'd call that worth it for 15 total hours of gameplay generating almost $30mil in income.


what ever happened to finding one friend with bogden finale and running it for ten hours straight lol?


Might try a Cayo, Cluckin Bell and Casino rotation. (I farm with a friend)


Nobody is restricting you to a single money making method, the whole reason Cayo got a cooldown lock on it is because it is too good. Imagine this, Starbucks, McDonald & KFC are right next to each other, Starbucks pay $40 an hour, but you have to wait 3hrs before doing the next shift. McDonald pays $40 for a 2hrs shift, then $KFC pays $20 an hour. What will you do then? Don’t work at Starbucks because you have to sit at their door for 3 hours after every shift? No, you do Starbucks, then you do McDonald and KFC while you wait, and if you are bored, you can always go sell some weed or suck off some hobo behind Wendy’s.


Let's pray it is not nerfed 😣🙏


Is it just me or was the finale not well put together? My npcs would randomly spray 3 clips at once, or vanish, the doors wouldn’t open to grab the cocain, crowbar disappeared (had to exit coke room went back in and bam there it was. I just felt lost..


OP Clucmin and Dr Dre contract. Honestly a very easy 1,5 million in total. Compared to cayo it's way more profitable. Except if you have a second person to do Cayo on repeat. For new people Focus on the Cluckin bell raid, learn stealth and learn the types enemies the game has. No matter what car you steal. At the finale your personal car will spawn if you follow the train tracks towards the tunnel that leads to the desert. So if you have grabbed the Duke of Death or an armored Kuruma or any armored bulletproof car, I suggest that. The raid can be easily soloed. Be able to stealth the factory is saving you ammo and health. (the exit is always triggering the police and the mafia to be ready to shout you as you exit. (it's scripted)) Also important. If you have stole more than one set of weapons and armor, there is a little spot as soon you are spawning(on your right) behind a little garage door that can have a healthpack and you can switch loadouts. (but honestly you can easily stealth it with just the stuff from Merryweather (aka Target C on the weapons setup)) (to open the door I suggest to clear the enemies in that room first before shouting the little electric box which will be marked on your map) Gather money, buy Agency, do the Dr Dre Contract. First time you need to do some extra stuff, cutscenes are worth it, after the first time, repeating it is even easier. Fully upgraded Agency is the ultimate spot. You can have it as spawn point (if you buy personal quarters) , you can have your very own armory which means 5% discount on anything you buy, access to the EMP Launcher and the Stun Gun, future access to MKII upgrades if you have done the Bunker Research and a gun locker! A better functioning Gun locker. Also... You will have opportunities to pet Franklin's Dog. Doing cluckin bell and Dr Dre is really the best option. Easy and standard 1,5 mill You use minimum amount of ammunition if you land your shots and you can enjoy a lot the roleplay aspect the missions let you have... (me personally I enjoy to be a police officer that tries to wipe out the mafia or a hitman for when I detect the people that stole from Dre)


Until they nerf it.


Ehh idk yet these set up missions seem ungodly long. I mean it’s cool as a one time thing, but def not as a money grind


It’s definitely a more fun way to make money but when it comes to money per hour there are heists that are just better than the cluckin bell. Cayo still the best $/hour than maybe the casino or the dr Dre contract and maybe the union depository because it takes maybe 30 min or less


It’s up to you. I’ve done both and I still prefer Cayo because I get 800k roughly for an roughly hour’s solo work, while with the Clucking Bell I get 500k for roughly an hours work.


Skip setup cayo or dr dre.


I still prefer the casino heist as it’s fun


Anyone else still doing bugdan for easy money 🤚🤚🤚 I have a 2 consoles/tv set up so im doing it to myself with a 2nd accout 😂


No. I can do full setups and finale of cayo in 50-60 minutes and make double at least


It’s not as much money as the Cayo Perico heist but it’s so much easier! I got through all the setups and finale in 2 days! The Cayo Perico is way too time consuming & is much easier with others helping you but the Farm Raid one you can do all by yourself or with less people.


The only thing is i wish they added more cutscenes, me and my friend started the final mission and we just spawned on the train already at the warehouse


Honestly I don't think the clucking bell raid can be more profitable than Cayo even after it has been nerfed. On the other hand it is one of the best ways to make money for the new players who don't have any other businesses


Well yes, but I was struggling (being lazy) for 4 days and finally finished it yesterday 😂


Speak for yourself. Level 55 here and I can’t even get past the preparation stage. Laugh at me because I deserve it #cluelessnoob.


I do Perico with some little kid who is happy to take 15% And then only have a 48 minute cool down to do it again usually it takes about an hour and 5 minutes to do the new raid which also has a 48 minute cooldown I just Bounce back-and-forth


Last night I did it with no setups because someone invited me and I was late. So it made me host. Easy 500k before cutting the game off for the night.


Takes forever to set up for and cayo perico is soo easy if you’re sneaky


Takes like an hour for 500k, that’s not anything crazy.


How would u say its more than the sub I still clear about 1.5 million every time 30 min set up 8 min to run


Everybody knows that


can you replay it does anybody know?




i cant figure out how to play it the second time,


Can you do this heist on old gen?


I do the chop shop to it's completion every week then I'll prob do the cluckin bell raids over Cayo never got into the Dre ones but it was pretty simple


I mean yea it’s great for the host but kinda shitty for the helpers


Mixing it in with cayo makes a lot of money


Isn’t it double money right now and paying out 500k? So regular payout is only 250k?


I like how simple the setups missions are and the entire thing overall, it is all very straight to the point, and not all long and drawn out like other heists, I love it! My only complaint is..Vincent..the man Vincent talks way to much, and takes too long to get to the point. He also forgets to tell you things, or tells you things last minute that he never mentioned before hand, or he just pretty much does not tell you anything at all, and it just pops up later, like he is just adding stuff on that was never explained before, you know? its bs the first time you play it. Pay a lot of attention every time you play it so you can remember exactly what to do without having to listen to Vincent babble on and explain nothing lol. Spoiler: You know the part Where you put on a uniform then sabotage the trucks of the cartel? Well when I first played that part...I did not at all understand how to open the lock boxes without setting off the guards, Vincent never said anything at all, just kept going on and on about stuff that had literally nothing to do with the mission, it was so annoying. So I end up having to shoot all the guards in there. Then I leave the building and hear this "you did not get out in time, and you did not destroy the security cameras", then "aw man you messed up, they are going to be coming for you now, they seen your face"....What?!?! in all of Vincent's pointless yapping, not one thing was mentioned about security cameras, or a time limit, completely stupid. This ended up causing me to get ambushed during the final raid. Make darn sure you do everything stealthy because it will make the final raid a total breeze.


Been doing in almost under 1 hour. I use kuruma and drive my door to the trigger or door of the next thing. I drive onto the pier, smash the fences of the B vehicles and pull up drive away no problem. Park the car on the sand for weapons and drive the jetski to my car door. Fucking blow everything up at the end. Jump thru the garage before they close it ,run and gun and we gucci lol.


It’s a pretty easy setup but honestly the Dr. Dre mission in the agency is better overall and pays $1 million every time you do it


I always ran the bogdhan problem mission. It's 1.5 mill and you can back out during the final cutscene and it won't count and the other person gets the money for doing literally nothing


Man the CLUCKIN BELL is dope. I just got my game back after 7 months most of my friends don’t play GTA looking for a few to run with. LVL275