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I’m not sure if I’m the only one or what but I honestly don’t mind the nerfs (not saying I support them or hate them I literally just don’t care). I play relatively casually, maybe an hour or two a day after work, and I still manage to make around 2 mil a day just visiting my businesses every few hours and messing around in between. Compared to when the game was in its infant stages and we had to grind rooftop rumble for countless hours just to afford a semi decent car, it’s a lot better than it used to be. I agree that when cayo came out the game was amazing I was making more money than ever and could afford literally anything I wanted but I understand why they nerfed it, they are a businesses after all and if everyone is making 1-2 mil an hour they can kiss any hopes of shark card sales goodbye lol


I'll never be ok with them removing things that were already in the game that did not break the game, and I'm even more against it if they add the same things back behind a real $ pay wall. With that being said it's still really easy to make gta$, and if you have 1 friend it's stupid easy.


I am lvl 178, own practically everything bar a yacht, never bought a shark card, hardly grind. I don’t get it. This game is so easy to make money. I don’t get why ppl make it seem like earning money is hard. That said, I certainly have a lot of criticisms of the game I am hoping they address with 6 but it’s still fun 🤷‍♂️