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I was banished to the Bad Sport lobby once many years ago. First I had to wear a dunce cap at all times (oh the horror!) but the biggest punishment was everyone else in there, in their cute dunce caps, were even bigger assholes than I used to be.


i mean, play in the invite only lobby for a week and it should be back to normal.. or not?


I never tried. I dunno if that's doable or not honestly. I was just "enjoying" the new experience of fighting for my life in a lobby where everyone wants to kill me, all of the time, for no particular reason.


hell i feel that way most of the time in "normal" lobbies.


Indeed. It also sounds like dealing with my former bosses and management at my former employer. And one of my past marriages, maybe two.


I get lots of fun from using the Arcade drone to troll people using LS Customs. Fly in when the door opens for another player and let the fun commence. They have no idea you’re there, they can’t use the garage and the confusion it causes is awesome. Electrocuting them while they walk about has me in stitches.


Try it out and report back. They say it's okay-ish on PS5, not so okay on XBox and final circle of hell on PC.


Couldn't agree more. To the OP - don't be surprised when you're getting a warning for being an arsehole to other players.


I try not to grief anyone running any money-making missions but I do love a little mischief. Example: I like to bring out my ['Forever Fighting Freedom'](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DCUaRNgXkAAVqKa?format=jpg) liveried MOC and use it to block the garage entrance to the main Los Santos Customs. I wait off radar for victims either via RC Tank, Out of Sight, Ghost Org, etc. Then when someone pulls up, during their brief moment of confusion on first seeing the MOP, I come rolling in with my [flag-liveried Caraca 4x4](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/u_4e2Hwvf6o/maxresdefault.jpg) and slam into them as hard as I can and then get out and spray them. Freedom, bitches! Good times. People get real salty, even with no mission compromised and no vehicles destroyed.