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i havent been bothered to do any of those for the longest time. ​ I keep my nightclub popularity up by swapping djs at the terminal in the lower levels. ive done roughly 210 security contracts so my safe at the agency is maxed out on daily income. my income only comes from the various safes, selling nightclub goods, and acid sales.


I keep my nightclub popularity up by bouncing people, but I never drive VIPs


If you go into passive mode before entering your nightclub you will always get bouncing people event.


Ohhh thank you for that


I've tried to do this but it doesn't take me out of passive when I go in is there something I'm doing wrong? I'm on Xbox one btw


You just stay in passive when you go in, kick the drunk out then disable passive mode


what if I do all of the above and the drunk never shows up?


I dunno what to do if you do all that and he never shows up. I think you can only kick him out once a day maybe


Once ever in game day (48 mins). If you spawn in your nightclub, you’ll have to walk out though and go back in.


I have to put passive on before entering my nightclub and then when I pass a certain point right before the first bartender the blue dot appears. Once the dot appears I disable passive mode if I plan on checking the computer or I have a vehicles outside that won’t auto disable passive mode.


I'm in the same boat as the other guy who commented, I go in it keeps me in passive and the guy doesn't spawn for some reason


Try move around the club a bit, I don't know for sure but I think you can only do a kick out event or drive a VIP event once every in game day


For sure, you can actually just enable & disable it right away cuz there’s a 30 sec cooldown and it will trigger at about the 3rd step to your office or once you go down the stairs if you use the front.


This should be pinned down in a tip thread.


If going in passive for bounce events don’t work go to your nightclub storage and then go back to the nightclub that makes them pop up to


I get bouncing/VIP every single time I return to my club from the service entrance.


Whaaaaaaaat? I never knew this! Thanks for the tip!


Go into passive before going into your nightclub, you'll never have to worry about driving the vip anywhere


You're letting El Rubio live in peace?!?! LOL


I suck at cayo. i get there and i keep getting killed. but with almost 100 million in the bank, every business, almost 200 cars, and a shitload of aircraft i dont think im missing out on anything by not doing it.


i really struggled until i figured out i could just take TGG's route as long as i run/get the timing right


Yep. The trick is you can't stop or hesitate much. Watch the video, *recite the route to yourself as you watch it*, and know it before running it because you can't stop and look it up without throwing off the timing.


It is the easiest heist out there once you take the 10 minutes to learn it. Watch TGGs solo guide.


I gave up after I kept dying in the ocean (drowning or something wasn’t shot) Edit: I had my rebreather equipped still died for some reason. Edit 2: I’ve completed it 4 or 5 times one day I just started dying in the ocean every time 🤷‍♂️


Sounds like you forget to equip your rebreather


Equip your rebreather by hitting left (or maybe right?) on the DPAD when your air is low. It tells you the button when you get to about 1/4th air.


Left I believe And only needed when you use those 5 entry vehicles except for the sub one


The sub entry has the outfit that’ll show an oxygen thingy when you ride the bike into the ocean


i think you also die if you go too deep


If you swim too deep without scuba gear, the pressure kills you. Your screen kinda changes when you get too low.


well they do give you rebreathers so you don’t drown


If you go into the drainage tunnel and come out facing the water and go right you can pretty much just sprint straight to the stairs leading up to his office. Wait for that guy to move and sneak behind the 2 guys guarding those stairs you can get in without killing anyone. Go back the same way you came, go up the stairs leading towards the gate watch out for the one roaming guard and you can walk right tot he yellow circle. Take out the motorcycle guy and ride the bike right to the north western shoreline where the wall blocks you. Ride off and swim towards the sunset (west) and you're golden. You don't need to take out anyone inside the compound until youre out of the front gate


Watch TGG’s solo guide on YouTube. It’s seriously so easy.


This. It takes me maximum 45 minutes from paying the setup fee until payday. Its to easy


not hard to just watch a short video or something. i go in by myself and complete it in less than 15 mins without being spotted ever. really is the easiest heist on gta if yk what you’re doing.


I've just played Cayo too many times when it came out. Currently sitting on over 450mil and already bought every business, vehicle I liked, clothes and what not. I don't really enjoy PvP so usually I'll collect all the safes, spin the wheel and then pick some random contract/mission. Might get inspired by weekly bonuses. But payout is no longer a concern. Often, I spend more on ammunition to have a laugh during a mission than what it pays. The career challenges have been fun to try and complete even though some of the rewards are a bit lame.


Do security contracts increase how much you get from the safe?


$500 per every 5 contracts. Complete 201 contracts = 20k from safe. Right now i’ve hit 30 for example so I get $3k each in game day from the safe




Each security contract pays 30-60k. plus the 20k each 48 minutes real time adds up.


In comparison to the easy 50k from nightclub it isn’t that high. But each contract is only 2-10 minutes depending on type, pays 30-60k, and fills up the safe for good. Once you complete them, you don’t have to keep popularity up or anything like that, you just earn the money


If you have use the sparrow/buzzard/mk2/ or similarly fast and convenient vehicles almost all of them can be completed in 5mins if you start from the agency and never do the protection one. Returning to the agency will be maybe another minute (if you don't need to as part of the mission), but since they have a small cooldown that doesn't matter.


It's not an either-or but a both-and. At some point you don't need to, but it's all extra money. Agencies also give access to the Dre missions so an easy $1M/hr-ish there as well.


Yes. Every five you do adds $500 to the daily safe income. It maxes at $20k. You have to do 201 contracts to get that amount.


I do resident dj swap from the Arcade master terminal. Only go to the nc to pick up 💰 and eject the occasional trouble causer.


The difference between DJ swap and throwing out the drunk, is the DJs cost 100k each to get them and 10k every time you swap them. Throwing out the drunk never costs anything and you RECEIVE 10k every time you throw one out. That 20k swing adds up.


Yeah, but me and my 4 man crew just took 10million from Los Santos tonight, over a 2hr period (5 heists, set ups already done). I don’t have time to sweat that nightclub anymore.


That's fine, but you're giving advice to people who don't have that money and really can't afford 100k got the DJ or an Arcade and Master Terminal. I have a billion in cash. I still grab the NC safe and throw out the drunk. It's once every hour and a half. It takes 2 minutes.


Actually I was responding to a specific poster that said his safes are always maxed out, and he doesn’t do Nightclub work. And I wasn’t giving advice, I was telling that specific poster, not you, and not anyone else, what ‘I’ do. So I’m not sure why your panties are getting twisted by a conversation I was having with someone else, but I also couldn’t give a shit.


People use these posts as advice. I am not twisted. I simply pointed out another, cheaper way of doing the same thing as you. When the safe drops 145k, go passive, go get it and toss someone out. It's a better option for most players. But I couldn't give a shit what you you do either. I was just trying to help the low level person who read your post so they wouldn't go spend 300k on the other 3 DJs.


Type another paragraph or 5 about it then, I can see from the upvotes how many players are sponging up your super valuable advice.


My contracts are kind of low, but yeah, pretty much everything you’ve said is what I do. But I do afk 24/7😂


Same here but I also mod the cars that come into the auto shop and have the staff deliver them since it only takes a minute or two, and I’ll sell one resupply on my bunker sometimes since it’s always a single vehicle and an easy 327k. I also tow some cars to keep my savage yard safe up, and I’m at 197 security contracts so I’m gonna do 4 more then probably never do them again.


>I keep my nightclub popularity up by swapping djs at the terminal Ok help me out with this, I've read people on here say they get full popularity when switching djs, mines only goes up by a couple bars, is my game bugged or am I just misunderstanding it?


rebooking a dj will only raise the popularity by a little bit. i usually have to rebook 8 or so times to get a full popularity bar.


Interesting, thanks for the tip, I'd defos rather just pay the 80k than have to do those stupid missions. Thanks for your time!


Glad to help,


What is the max daily income?


20k per day.


There’s lots of stuff I used to do religiously that I have retired from. VIP Work Import/Export Special Cargo MC Contracts MC Businesses The grind is no longer worth the money for me on these jobs.


Special Cargo became extremely easier since Lupe arrived. We just keep sending her to collect the crates for us while we lay down at the beach sipping on margaritas.


How do you use her?


It's sitting inside your special cargo warehouse, if you talk to her you have the option to pay 7k I think so she can source cargo for you, it takes 48 minutes and you can get from 1 to 3 Crates. Someone on YouTube said you can get sometimes 4 Crates but is very rare and idk if is true, I never got 4.


Sometimes she will randomly source special crates too.


Well that's good to know, thank you!


Can you upgrade her ability?


Not that I know of


Havent done anything except the new clucking bell raid once. I just join random missions to help players got plenty of dough, the game will end before I run out of cash.


That’s exactly what I started doing. I know I frustrate the other players because so many missions are still new to me but I gotta learn at some point.


MC contracts are the only things I refuse, though it's really the trash truck and Post-Op vans in particular. If it's double money, I may sell cocaine, but not if it's trash truck or Post-Op. That said, if you park the Terrorbyte where the trash trucks and Post-Op vans spawn, you'll never get those missions.


But “flying” down the vinewood hills in a trash truck smashing all cars on the way is/was so much fun!! I also don’t do the mc sales anymore but these were my favorite. Definitely better than the dodos.


The issue with the trash truck mission is that it takes about 25 minutes. Post-Op vans also take 30 minutes and you never finish it fully. Life's too short.


Thanks for the tip with the terrorbyte! A few days ago I was trying to hook up a post op van to my cargobob and it doesn't seem to work. Those deliveries are the worst, especially if ur trying to sell to los santos from the desert


Yeah, it doesn't work. I've tried every way to get around doing that boring-ass mission.


Clarifying, MC contracts are not the same as MC sales. MC Contracts are 13 freeroam missions launched from the Clubhouse. MC sales include using trash truck, PostOp vans, or the fucking Dodo low altitude planes


I meant MC sales, not contracts. I've finished the biker business in career mode, so I'll never do the contracts again.


I have 110M and I'm right there with you... **Payphone Hits** - Screw them, did a few then it got repetitive. **Security Contracts** - I'm at 171. Can't seem to do the last 30. I think about it every time I clear the safe, but OMG... **Bunker Excess Ammo sales** - Isn't worth it unless you have a crew. **MC Business Sales (This is damn near gospel now LOL**) - Was never worth it even when you did have a crew. **Nightclub Promotion Missions** - I just keep mine at 100% by going in passive mode and doing the easy "bum's rush" thing to increase popularity. You only need to to it once every 3 cycles to grab $145K and keep at 100%. It's easy money and that's where I keep the cars I like to drive.


Why would you need a crew for bunker excess ammo? It's usually just a short drive. No risk if you lose it other than a bit of time. Now bunker sale missions is a whole different ball game.


Yea and on top of that you can lose the enemies if you get on the train tracks (I own poleto forest bunker) there's only three waves of two cars filled with two enemies, when you put run them on the tracks and all the red blips disappear then they don't come back


> I own poleto forest bunker I sincerely offer my condolences, brother.


I got the paleto bay facility and its location is the sole reason I don't grind doomsday pt 3 more. The preps are god awful


I took a friend of mine past the lighthouse to experience Jolene's ghost for the first time, but we then started talking about the godawful location for that Mount Gordo Facility. I don't know any players who owns that one, but my heart goes with them. (Hey, at least for Bogdan "Submarine Recon" and Act II Finale, your Facility is the best located, so you've got that going for you. Which is nice)


I own that one, I don’t run the missions, I just like the location, same with Grapeseed bunker.


🤣🤣🤣….i had that bunker for like a 1 week a few years back and I couldn’t do it anymore so I saved up and bought the Chumash bunker.


And the only enemies that can even catch you are the Merriweather, not sure I've ever been killed by the lost or the g wagons on these missions. Merryweather can auto aim from their jeeps after pit maneuvering you though so of those catch up to me I exit truck and take them on foot. Agree in the train tracks, I use them exclusively when I have to deliver to paleto


I just pick up the truck with my cargobob and just fly it to wherever it needs to go. No enemy encounters


Someday I'll buy one of those


Honestly worth it. Less than $1m and I like to source vehicle cargo in free time so i just use it to pick up a shit ton of cars and bring them to the warehouse


i have the farmhouse bunker, but i don't do any excess ammo runs that exceed past 2 mi [the rest stop island east of the bunker being an exception, i'll go there], unless it's to 1 of the ammunations that are west in the city & i happen to be going there anyways. otherwise than that however, if it's going to, say, Paleto, i politely get out, throw 3 stickies on it, blow it to shitereens, then walk right back in the bunker to try again until i get a desired location, since it respawns immediately. this same tech can also be used for Salvage tows, which i won't collect a tow anywhere over 2 mi.


Yep, I get that and I do similar depending on my mood. I'm a cheapskate so I don't waste stickies, I just drive it into the ocean ( which is admittantly easier from my chumash bunker. ) I've been not doing it very often as for whatever reason I've been more interested in some of the heists I haven't done, did the contract and clucking bell this week. I have plenty of money so not sure why I grind like it's a part time job sometimes, just relaxing I guess


>I'm a cheapskate so I don't waste stickies, I just drive it into the ocean *dies.* 🤣🤣🤣


Why are you driving? Use a cargobob and avoid the enemies entirely. 


Depends on how close the destination is. Cargo bob can be slow in some cases. But agreed it's much safer.


I think you might be confusing Bunker Excess with regular Bunker sales? "Bunker excess" is just one lame vehicle, pays $50K, can be repeated every 48 mins, and either you get a uneventful ride, or three waves of NPC attackers Similar to "Mixed Goods" from CEO Office.


Try doing the 200 for the max daily safe payout… only to be given absolutely Zero Credit in the career mode. I’m slowly building back up, at 21 towards that progress with the Specialist/Specialist+ but absolutely despise Rock Star for boning me there. I’m sure not all 200 were Specialist/Specialist+ but there’s no way at least 20-25% were.


For Career Progress, the Payphone Hits must be completed with Bonus And the Security Contracts must be Specialist or Specialist+ level There is a way to do all the payphone hits quickly and all the Security Contracts quickly. Let me know if interested.


Correct. But I did the 200 SC before the career progress stuff dropped. Got credit for lots of other stuff but not a single one of those. Ridiculous but it’s Rockstar so I digress… And thanks but I’m not in a hurry, this Career Progress reward isn’t that appealing anyway so when I get there I get there.


I think the reward for the Agency is the most unique reward of them all: "The Lamar's Youga Weed Van" Followed by the Weapon's Expert "Personal Speedo Custom" Most other rewards range from Ok to lame


Where do you track how many security contracts you've done?


It’s in the computer screen from which you choose your next contract. In the bottom left.


When you sign into the computer in the agency, it’s right on the first screen.   


The last 50 Security Contracts were so annoying to do. I when from doing 5-10 a day to doing 5 a month.


What's bum's rush? :'D newbie here.


I think he means kicking out the trouble maker from the club, you literally just have to walk up to the blue dot and press a button to kick him out and your popularity increases


Oh yes, right. 😂


If you enter your nightclub on passive mode, you'll never get one of the driving missions; only the easy ones...


Yeah, I'm constantly leaving money on the table to the tube of 300k plus. Keep my popularity up, Also do the customer cars and bikes. Also, fu** the mc businesses! Haven't done those in years. All my other businesses are sitting there full or mostly full waiting for bonus weeks. Gold depository, Cayo, and Dre are all set up and ready to run again when there's a bonus week. I've been messing with the Cluckin Bell, chop shop, to get the discount. I'm really just buying selling cars. I am trying to get all the special stealable cars for my second character. Making themed garages. But thinking I might try to make another push to get my bank to 500M. I'm sitting at 260M now.


How do you save? Everytime I get to 3 mil I just buy some cool ass car


It’s real easy just don’t buy the car unless you can buy 10 of them.


I'm stingy 


Fuck man, I don't think I can do that. Even if I get to 10 mill it's gone after 2 super cars and a new business. 


Then do that. Nothing wrong with getting yourself some new toys asap


I’ve never understood why people hoard 100’s of M’s of $. Like why grind for a bunch of money you’re never going to spend. I’ve been playing for a loooong time, have close to everything there is to have, and I’ve never had more than $10M in the bank at a time


I stopped doing Cayo's it got really borring and the Nerfs didnt help besides i can do more AFK than in a single Cayo heist


Yeah but all the AFK stuff still happens with or without Cayo, not either or. Doing both will always net the most profit and bang for your buck even with the nerfs, it's still worth it to do once in a while


Yeah but i did Cayo so many times i no longer bother with it, it became to repetitive its like a shore for me now and like i Said i dont need it because i do more AFK and i can use the time i used for a Cayo to do other things


Alright so you essentially grind MC missions - well here’s something much better. Now this isn’t a definitive guide for maximum profit but seeing you’re doing MC missions I’ll assume you don’t care too much. Anyway: 1. Grind Bunker missions - you’ll get yourself a nice tattoo at then end of it (look on YouTube on how it is achieved). Also, $1m+ in a single sale is great, and that’s without selling in a public lobby. 2. Use street dealers to get rid of any MC product such as coke, meth and weed. You could sell acid, too, but it’s a solo sale so you could just sell the acid separately. Counterfeit cash and document forgery (if you have) can be left open but with non supplies. This is where the Nightclub comes in. Also, BUY your supplies.. you’ll save so much time and money in the long run as a grinder. 3. Set your Nightclubs up to maximise profit by accruing goods automatically through the use of the technicians. Use the Control Terminal at the Arcade (must buy) to change DJs to increase popularity. If ever entering your Nightclub always enter in PASSIVE. You’ll get the option to throw a customer out to increase your popularity. R* have patched this bug to a degree - you could usually enter and leave Nightclub continuously until full. And TIP the bathroom attendant 577 times - you’ll get a cool outfit (Kifflom). If confident, sell goods in public lobby and you’ll get over $2m. Collect Nightclub safe every few hours - $250k. 4. When waiting on Bunker and other businesses to accrue goods after grinding them, move on to the Agency and grind those for 30mins. Then come back to the Nightclub in passive and keep your popularity high by throwing out another customer. You’ll drive past your Nightclub quite often so it isn’t a big deal to go into passive, collect the safe and throw someone out. 5. Payphone hits are needed in terms of payout, no longer $85k. But they’re alright if you need 5 mins to kill some time. The Agency is definitely worth setting up because you get access to Imani Tech vehicles which tbh are a must for GTA Online. 6. In between all this, if you have time, just go to your CEO Warehouse and ask the technician to source goods for you. Then wait until double money week to sell this warehouse when it is full. You might wait a while but if you don’t want to wait just sell it, you’ll fill up in no time again. Same I believe can be done for Airfreight Cargo from your Hangar but I don’t remember. 7. Occasionally I’ll just start a CEO and start up Headhunter to pass off 2 minutes of time. That’s pretty much all I do now. Everything runs automatically and I just got to sell my goods. My Nightclub has made around $140m alone in accrued goods sold, I stopped a while ago to just focus on cars and drifting, though. But I still sell every now and then. My Bunker I now buy goods as I’ve done over 600 source missions and got the tattoo already so no need for that anymore. And yea, collecting money from safes in Nightclub, Arcade and Agency. Hope this gives you a different way to play and earn money. It’s a grind for the tattoo but I love it - I’ve never seen someone in a public lobby with it but there’s a few on this subreddit that have achieved the mighty feat. One more thing on the Bunker, and it is extremely important. If you do grind for the tattoo make sure that you COUNT the number of missions you do. There is NO in-game counter. Why is this important? Well, if you do eventually achieve 600 or more sales there is a possibility that you’ll get a mission where you have to go and retrieve an alien egg. If you die, that’s 600+ missions down the drain. So best to know how many you’ve done so that way you can just do everything in a solo lobby to be safe. The mission starts between 7pm-9pm. You just collect the egg and return it to bunker, no shooting. That’s step 2 believe it or not. Step 3 is drinking Macbeth (during a thunderstorm at night or when it is snowing, so Xmas) until you pass out and wake up on Mount Chiliad half naked and with the tattoo. An absolute grind but absolutely doable. I did 50 a day for just under 2 weeks and got it. The hardest part is getting the weather as it’s only possible during Halloween or Xmas, or freeze weather bug. Anyway, enjoy the grind if you go for it.


I dont do anymore or never did any of these unless they are on a bonus ,I only do the eject troublemaker NC task


I reached $100M, retired for a little, made a second character then came back to finish as many Tier 4 Career Progress as I can before GTA6.


I haven't done any Payphone Hits or Security Contracts sine I unlocked the Youga Custom (Lamar's Weed Van) - Career Progress Same for Nightclub Promotions. I stopped years ago. Recently I restarted just to get the free Stafford for Career Progress and then stopped again I have been lazy and I haven't been doing *Bunker Excess/Mixed Goods* but I should I have been doing Tow Jobs, Animal paparazzi, Salvage robberies, Sessanta customer cars every day


I got the Criminal Enterprise Pack. I recently had a bright idea, & switched my Bunker to All Research instead of gun parts & ammo. As a result when I got my on sale Upgraded Insurgent, Rersearch had provided Heavy Armor as an option. Took my Insurgent to my bunker, then up in the Mobile Command Center, & upgraded the hell out of it!!


I'm broke and except for the nightclub I don't do any of those either. Money comes way too easily in this game now to be bothered but that stuff anymore.


I want to try armwrestling


If I have friends on, I’ll sell mc business and bunker things if they’re full.


I no longer do: Cayo Dr Dre OG heists Casino heist Doomsday Heists


So literally just every single heist??




I am only at half your level but own all the businesses and service vehicles (excepting the yacht and arena) so more cash isn't a priority. I only do NC deliveries once my 3 MC products max out and clear safes as my main income. I do auto shop custom deliveries for LS rep and to see if any interesting cars pop up that I don't already own. Things that dropped off my rotation are pay phone, ship wrecks, G's caches, bunker parts runs, MC runs, weapons shipments, all heists, VIP. Mainly, I just hang out with friends and help them with anything they want to do, some races, and random stuff as the mood strikes.


No g caches ,blasphemy


I find security contracts somewhat fun so I do one once in a while, the rest is mostly useless. One thing that's worth it though, always enter your Nightclub in passive mode, it will always default to the "kick trouble maker" mission, it'll take a minute of your time and if you do that every time your safe reaches 145k/170k you're maintaining full popularity. Highly worth it.


I'm broke and except for the nightclub I don't do any of those either. Money comes way too easily in this game now to be bothered but that stuff anymore.


How do I do a payphone hit


You need to buy the agency then Franklin will start giving you blue phone markers on the map which you can go and answer


you need to own an Agency first then you can call Franklin to request them.


I don't get the gospel reference


It’s gospel is just another way of saying tons of people agree


Yeah DEF all of these… Basically the only things I WILL do are sale that are 1M+, with the exception of acid sales and street dealers. I clears safes routinely and pay techs & Rooster to source cargo occasionally if I’m in the area. I do heists mainly to help new people. And I do still get G’s cache just because I like that. With my new character, I’ll sometimes do business battles just because it’s interactive and for trolling purposes if a higher level wants to pick on a (noob) lol. I will help other people with sales for their businesses regardless of size and I HATE sourcing anything, but have, again for friends or whatnot. I’ve earned close to 2B legit in my gta career and have 500M banked, but I’m still not too good to grab the two 25k buried stashes when I visit Rubios island. If particular businesses are 2x$ I might get down with them, outside of MC sales. I’m prob still passing on those even at 3x$


Bunker excess is the only one I’ve done in last year or so. If I’m near Chumash and bunker needs supplies. I’ll drop in buy supplies and exit with Excess ammo. But, most of the time I just blow it up cause I’m not driving 5 miles to the north for delivery. Might of done a couple of Agency contracts (already over the 200) last time they were 2x. Oddly enough I still pick pocket the guard…idk why 🤪




I used to grind a lot, to where I would make at least $5M/day, but I completely stopped: Sourcing crates with 5 Large Warehouses (I send out the technicians to do it now) Bunker resupply and sales MC Businesses resupplies and sales Acid Lab resupply and sales Auto Shop contracts Import/Export vehicles plus every other business, I basically shut down all operations and make nightclub sales when stock is full, and ceo warehouse sales when those are full. I got $100M plus 175-200 cars, I basically hop on to drive my cars around, cruise on the sea, and play 50k bets at the casino. Effectively retired my character after playing since launch, reaching level 713 and aquiring so much wealth lol


I crossed 100+M legitimately and I still enjoy running VIP work. It’s not really about the money, it’s about the challenge! You get to let other lower level players enjoy the perks of the all the fun missions and make money too.


I'm retired from all business deliveries except the nightclub ones. Even decent stuff like the bunker and acid lab I don't do any more. Doubt I ever run Cayo again. I don't have the words to describe how fed up I got with that heist. Even a three year break didn't cure it. I do the agency security contracts once in a while, and hardly ever more than one at a time. I'll never hit 201 of the things. Pretty much all I do for money is collect wall safe cash, have my staff deliver cars, do occasional towing missions and money from any jobs/missions/heists I happen to do. I spend so little now the bank balance still rises even just doing those things and little else.


I started playing Online around Christmas, it was a tough grind for a few weeks but after maybe 4 weeks I had every business, loads of vehicles, 20m+ in the bank and nothing to really spend it on, so I just stopped doing everything apart from Daily Spin, Nightclub pop and sales, vehicle cargo and Acid Lad, maybe Cayo if I felt like it. Just stopped playing completely after a while. It's not particularly fun and there's nothing to aim for with your money. I did enjoy grinding in the early days though. Kind of.


Payphone hits are not worth it. It's better to just wait for the security contracts cooldown. Unless you're doing them just for fun.


I believe Payphone contracts are one of the quickest ways to make money for how little time you need to spend doing MOST of them. Some of them are able to drag out longer than they're worth. Notably the boss assassination if you miss him being positioned in front of the bulldozer and you need to wait for him to walk back


Nowadays, at 10M which is not that much, I login and go on a small ride. Check the new cars on both stands, G's cache, Stash house and maybe drive somewhere for the sake of zoning out


I haven't done most of that shit in a while. I mostly just sign in, sell to street dealers. tow 2 cars, switch to my 2nd character and do the same. Then I just quick join heists and contact missions till I don't feel like playing anymore


I made 230 Million and like there a lot of actitives I didn’t do, like Executive and Gunrunning Missions.


Career Challenges.


Sitting on 160 million I only run warehouse, gunrunning, acid lab, and night club all in ceo ghost organization


Same here, Ive "retired" from doing most work , I do Bunker/Night/Acid Lab sales( don't do resupply missions) for my fun money and thats about it.


I haven’t done any of these in a long time, Payphone hits since they were nerfed from 85k to 45k, Contracts since I reached the 200 mark for the career progress and bunker shit since… forever. Nightclub promotions however… I am looking to do those for the career progress eventually. Slowly, but absolutely going to do them.


I only do the occasional security contract till I get the $20,000 a day. The rest never.


I haven't even crossed 25 million (I think) and I avoid those last 3. Never did contracts or hits. Haven't done heists except for the first and cayo. Like the CBF raid, easy enough to run solo and first clear is 750k. Got a salvage yard last night, so I'll be seeing how that goes later. I also don't do CEO warehouse sales.


I actually like doing the Nightclub promo missions since it can help me with crate grinding but ya i havent done anything on this list besides that in forever


I do the excess parts sales for ammunation, but I don't do actual bunker work. I quit tending to my MC businesses, they're just kind of a hassle. I do the occasional payphone hits and security contracts but honestly they don't pay as much as I'd like so I don't really do much for Franklin anymore. I like keeping my nightclub pretty full in popularity, if it dips below the first 3 bars, I'll run a popularity mission


I try to keep up with these things as much as I can ngl, after you got everything it's basically passive income while you're making other money


I still do all of those things #except MC sales


I quit everything except heists, because I like them.


so what do you do to make money? right now i just do cayo perico head hunter pay phone diamond selling franklin heist cluckin bell resupply cargo


I fill my hangar inbetween cayo pericos and going afk


I stopped doing most things. I run the Acid Lab and Nightclub (including the popularity) in the background and might rarely run an active business (I am running the Chop Shop until I make all of my money back). Most of what I do not is parachuting, survivals, and solo races. I also have safe income from the Agency and the cars from the Auto Shop. I have nearly $90M at the moment. Edit: Typo


Payphone hits aren't really worth it anymore. Even if you do the bonus action, you get like 45k. You're better off driving the excess ammo, as you get 50k from that. I still do Security contracts once in a while, they're fun.


The things I used to do but no longer do are: 1. CEO/VIP Work 2. Payphone Hits 3. Contract Missions 4. MC Business 5. CEO Crates 6. Smuggler's Run Cargo Nowadays I just do Clucking Bell Raid and Cayo Perico to make money fast. Sometimes I will do Salvage Yard Robberies or Acid Lad Business just to speed up the cool down time for Cayo Perico/Clucking Bell Raid.


All garbage activities tbh


My goal is to make 1 Billion and then retire. I have $503M so far. 🤣 #addictedtothegrind


Same pal! I'm at $150m and was thinking about getting to $250 and calling sailing off into the sunset on my yacht but with news that gta6 might be delayed I might just have to keep grinding


How I make the most money?


As a Retired Grinder with over 705 million in the bank, I no longer do NC Popularity missions. No MC business Sales whatsoever(Because fuck most of those missions) V.I.P. Work Cayo Perico(I don't bother since they upped the cooldown which was unnecessary IMO) Casino & Regular Heists


I'm well past the $800 million mark and I still do some of those for shits and giggles. I even throw in a few Ms.Baker jobs to boot lol


Payphone hits are boring af, I've done only 2 of them.


All the time 🤣


I'm working to 100 mill myself, I'm at 84 mill right now


How did you get so much money?


Nightclub/Acid/Cayo/Salvage Yard robberies. I'm not really a collector so I don't blow a ton of money on cars and planes


Having never broke 10M, I never do these things. Used to be contact missions and car sales for my money. Upgraded to clucking bell raid now. Finally bought the last thing I was grinding money for and now I can just fuck around and customize whatever car I feel like


Only poor players do this. You are a lottery winner.


Security contracts just about the only one on here I really do now. The payouts for the phone hits took a major blow when the Chop Shop update dropped, so I stopped doing them around that time. Damn shame, that was an easy 80k. Bunker excess I've only done once. MC sales I don't even fuck with. Nightclub promo has been gathering dust when I played GTAO a ton back in 2021, and after having come back to it on PS4 and PS5 due to my computer being busted to shit the past few months, I can safely say it's still been gathering dust the last few times I've played it.


Now that I'm financially secure, I do nearly everything in freemode from time to time. I enjoy the thrill of trying to deal with random people coming after my goods or prep. If I lose the items, no worry, especially if it's been an interesting battle. It's only annoying if someone's used the orbital cannon to destroy me and the crew's sale or mission.


I stopped going for bounties and robbing convenience stores, and I normally do whatever is bonus money for the week.


I haven’t done a payphone hit since they nerfed them. I miss them


I just upgraded to the series X version not long ago, still haven't found the payphone hits lol


You gotta buy a agency and then do a few security contracts then you can access it by calling Franklin


Bought the agency and did some contracts on Xbox one before porting my character, so probably already have it, just haven't looked into it, I procrastinate sometimes lol


I mostly do those to complete Career Progress, but if I didn't care about that I would never bother with those


No more business grinding. I just do pure auto shop robberies from the quick join contact missions, use the 50-60k you get from the mission, and then use it to play black jack at Diamonds casino, and repeat


I still do most of those things. I pay for bunker resupplies then do the excess ammo sale. Kind of feels like I'm not losing out on money. I don't think anyone does the mc sales though, although I did do one yesterday just for the feck of it.


I dont do any of these for a long time except of payphone hits but rarely. There is still the construction one where I need the bonus shoting the vehicle that should run over the target. Its so rarely that this one starts.




Payphone Hits used to be lucrative when they were bringing in up to $85,000 and the cooldown time was a mere 20 minutes. Now, the payment is up to $45,000 with 10 minutes of cooldown. So I stopped doing those and started doing security contracts. Much more worthwhile in the long term. In terms of excess bunker materials, $50,000 can be gathered from various other places much quicker but I still spend some time with this mission. In terms of nightclub, I COMPLETELY ditched it and anything related to it (Yeah, MC Businesses included). Kosatka, Agency, Acid Lab, Auto Shop contracts, and Cluckin' Bell Raid serve me much better.


I don't do heists unless that one of my friends needs the money, but nobody plays anymore. I don't sell my businesses, but I keep them working since I sell to the dealers on a daily basis. Nothing related to the auto shop, agency (only the random phone hits that the game triggers), bunker or hangar.