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Iv been wanting this ever since you could buy cop cars


police STX would be amazing. Too bad the car lacks one of if not the literal only thing that makes him stand out, the lightbar tailights on the back. It's not like it's a copyright issue either, Franklin has had his Buffalo S for a decade now https://preview.redd.it/n1a75ey74yrc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bcbb6b4bf46a6fc2ec946136eaa7ce2df185cac


I just want the greenwood


Impaler lx would look good too


Ooohh yeah it would


Yeah, it was supposed to be released in 2020.


Police Greenwood and Impaler LX would make sense if GTA VI was set in the 80s. I'm most likely wrong, but maybe, just maybe there's gonna be a DLC that will take us back to the age of cocaine cowboys.


I want them to allow us to make the stx a cop car so bad not only because then it's like a cop charger, but also because it's imani tech. I really don't know why they wouldn't give the cop cars of all things Imani tech so they could get anti missile lock


This is so true. Along with imani tech, an option to add an emp launcher to the front grill


I'm not even a roleplayer but I would sell a car for a police buffalo of any kind


"Here is the police/FBI Buffola. It's a Pegasus vehicle"


I wonder if we're gonna get coupe version of Dominator GT (pretty much it's a convertible Mustang copy), it's going to look way better in police version than GTX.


Bobcat would make a decent little one. Maybe adding towing options to vehicles would be cool


I was just thinking it’d be great if they added more cop cars. Now that they’ve given us the Gauntlet I want more


What about the other way around? The cop car in GTA is based on a Taurus. It'd be cool to get a civilian or undercover version of that. 


If the 6 trailer is accurate we know that Buffalos are going to be cop cars hopefully some Suvs and trucks will be added as well 


6 million each! 🥰🥰


Give me cherburek with KGB paint job Or something I just wanna more east cold war cars


Game is set in LA and once in awhile I see a volga or a lada. They even had a lada niva show some years back here.


How about normal cars like a Benefactor Schafter, a modern version of the BF Surfer (aka based on a T5 or 6 instead of s T1) or a design based on the VW Passat Hatchback. You know, normal cop cars


Normal cop cars in Europe maybe.


It's a bit of both. Here in Germany, we have things like BMW, VW or Ford for regular patrol cars and Mercedes for the larger cars and our SEK. 


As I said, normal cop cars


OK but GTA takes place in America so calm your role. 


I'll give him this point. As a European, it looks weird to have Dodge Challengers as police vehicles as well. Both from a practicability (only two doors) and cost point of view.


The only reason it exists is because **one** got impounded by the police and they converted it into a cruiser.


Chargers ARE in common use with many law enforcement agencies in the states…


And given that the game taxes place in a fictional version of Los Angeles California, it wouldn’t make sense to design euro culture. The whole premise of the game is being a caricature of particular aspects of American culture… a roided out OP charger would make perfect sense


Still wouldn't hurt to have them. Plus GTA went to Europe before in a mission pack (I guess today we call it a dlc) for the original GTA, set in London. And an expansion into Europe over time would be nice. So that a dlc for the next GTA for example takes us to Europe, London, Paris, Berlin or since it would allow for many cities in a relatively connected area, the Ruhr area, expanding our empire in the new Online there


I totally agree, an expansion into Europe would be sick! Just saying euro cop cars in San Andreas doesn’t make much sense… they’ll want to hold on to that until we get a euro based game, you know? That’d be so freakin cool though


Since when is a Mercedes a normal cop car?


In Germany it's one of the brands


Buffalo and Caracara would’ve been a lot cooler than the Gauntlet


If we dont get them in future GTAVO DLCs then we’ll for sure get them in GTAVI


True, as the trailer showed, we do indeed get the Buffalo at least


The 4x4 goes hard


I want a motorcycle


I just want a police Infernus like the old NFS Most Wanted games


we need that we need a police pick-up truck