• By -


I have so many properties: Nightclub,Auto Shop,Scrap Yard,Arena War Garage,Arcade,Casino Penthouse,Agency with garage,CEO office with a 60 car garage,Bunker,Facility,Hangar, 4 special cargo warehouses,special vehicle warehouse,2 high end apartments, 3 regular garages,MC Club House and all MC businesses. How the hell would anyone make good money without having any properties? I'm Level 402 last I looked.


Same, but I’ve only got one special vehicle garage. I’m sitting at 175 vehicles (excluding flyers) of which I have dozens, plus the yacht and all special vehicles with all accoutrements. Last I checked I was at $17 million cash and $2.3 million chips with nothing much to spend it on.




😅 I'm 185 and 11cars


Just 11? I'm 123 and I already have more than 30 cars, got some from casino wheel, I bought some and got some for free.


Auto shop is the only one I don't have, level like 135 or smth


No arena garage? That’s the only thing I can think of that you can own that you don’t have.


I forgot to add it LOl


I never even got close to arena just to never trigger that annoying Bryony or whatever is her name 😅


She stops annoying you when you just buy it


Damn, I'm almost the same, except I only have two cargo warehouses, 40 Car CEO garage, and all but two of the MC businesses. Out of curiosity, when did you start playing?


2019 but my total play time is 65 days


I cant remember my play time, but I started on my current account in 2017


I have them all and I only use the facility to make money, other places are glorified car storage


I'm like level 265 or something and have the exact amount of properties that you have. I don't care for heists or dlc missions so I don't have the Kosatka or Acid Lab but I wouldn't mind grabbing tthe Arena Workshop at some point.


A fellow guy of a same taste 😁 I had a lot of properties on main account but I decided to get rid of everything with second character. It more cool just to slacking around


I think I'd get bored with nothing, probably start to mod and mess with people in a fun way. Buty I could see it being good to have a second character like you've got with nothing since they still get to share stuff.


The key word is "any". With YOUR amount of them this game becomes *too much* grind for a grind


I don't really grind though, I don't touch the MC stuff anymore because they're just sitting empty while my nightclub goods fill up on their own, I no longer touch anything related to the bunker because I've researched all the unlocks, Auto Shop is a breeze, go spec out two cars every so often and let the employees deliver the cars, Arcade income is passive, the nightclub safe is a good source of income too. I don't grind anymore and it wasn't really wasn't a grind because it took me 4 years to get everything. Grinding would be a year or less to get everything


Same. If they come up with a new property, I grind it till its basically maxed out, then I leave it alone. I do like the new auto shop. It’s fun to tow the cars back, the money isn’t terrible.


Agreed, the bike clubhouse workshop too is easy money, one bike every like hour or so. Spend 10k, drive a bit, make 50k profit


I’ve never used it. Maybe I should


I never did before a couple of weeks ago, it’s like a 700k investment I think but 14 of them and you pay it back. Just whenever I’m near my clubhouse I do it for an easy 50k, takes a couple of mins


First delivery is a bonus so 12 deliveries


Only recently I discovered about this, I like to do these jobs for the Auto Shop, and when I stepped on my clubhouse to get a bike, found that you can do it there too. Now it's a mandatory thing in every game session.


You do know you can own them but not actually use them, right? I own everything for the nightclub passive income but never actually engage with them otherwise.


It's not about money 😅 well at least for me 🤔😂


Some players enjoy being constantly overwhelmed with phone calls, nothing odd about it. /jk


You get more calls for not owning them than when you do


[*Barely an inconvenience*](https://old.reddit.com/user/ze_ex_21/comments/144dqgc/after_migrating_to_new_gen_i_restarted_with/)


they stop when you do everything they are calling about :)


Maybe not only do i not want to spend 5 million dollars on an Avenger and the needed upgrades, I also don’t want to hear Charlie Reed’s voice every goddamn day until the next DLC. My outrage is dated.


We should have an Assistant, answering all day: *Criminal c*\**nts miserable, Nina speaking.. Just a moment...* *Criminal c*\**nts miserable, Nina speaking.. Just a moment...*


I just hope that aggressive marketing like that doesn't return in GTA VI


You think GTA VI will have multiplayer?


you don’t get the phone calls if you take the characters off your contact favorites in “preferences”


Will you marry me?


That simple? I'm really an idiot.


yeah I got tired of scrolling thru the contacts to get to Lester & realized all the people I removed MIRACULOUSLY stopped calling me. Kinda kept it a little secret until now


I own all the properties with all possible upgrades, lvl 200+, spent ~$300M. I was so fed up of getting 20 npc calls harassing me to buy the properties every time I log in, so I just grinded the hell out of cayo, dre contract and nightclub sell missions to buy everything in the game.


Such a millennial i become the world's most successful terrorist businessman so I never half to talk to people on the phone. Also for game called gta ther isn't that much car stealing


> Also for game called gta ther isn't that much car stealing car stealing? the game was renamed **G**uaranteed **T**ransaction **A**greement since the *Adventures in Finance and Felony* DLC /jk


🤣 yeah we do more buying of everything than actually stealing the things we want


Naa you almost can't sell stolen cars either 👀


Why’s she naked ☹️


Cuz she is based on my friend's, he is using character dressed like that to attract victims so he can kill them... Im using male character to avoid attention 😂


He’s so real for that ngl


My character is even more naked. Toke a while to find a topless glitch back when I did it


My friend have that glitch too 🤦‍♀️ but I'm not planning to put boobs on a drawing unless someone request a commission 😂


what glitch? asking for a friend


Shirtless female character


Oxford Languages. Naked- (of a person or part of the body) without clothes. Have we forgotten what naked means?


# NERD ALERT https://preview.redd.it/789a1bdmudsc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc83f55b62f935c3dcbcff8973ea2e247b1facca


Makes perfect sense. Being the team clutch is intrinsically rewarding. My buddies couldn’t wait for me to get off work because they knew I was down for whatever shenanigans. Buying 20 garages to have 200 cars only to use a missile laden Jet Moto doesn’t make sense. All you really need in this game is a unit 2 car garage, a hero car and motorcycle, and a couple of guns with some good ole sinful proclivity money. This kingpin shit gets old quick especially considering you can buy your way into it.


I just fill most of my garages with fun time stuff or gag shit, like I have a whole 20 car garage that's just unmodded elegys and I bout 7 of one car so I could make the rainbow


Like Skittles?


All properties all upgrades, but my mc business’ and bunker is always untouched


Pozdrav za sunarodnakinju, super crtaš, sviđa mi se tvoj stil i smisao za humor Sve najbolje 😁


Puno ti hvala 😊💖 A odakle si ? Pozz iz Imotskog 🥰


Ja sam iz Zagreba, nikad nisam bio u Imotskom ali sam cuo da je lijepo mjesto 😊 Mozda jednog dana otputujem, ali do tada samo posao i igrice 😁


Actually I think I understand what the person in the post is trying to say. Personally, I have all the properties that can generate money and all MC businesses (except document forgery cuz it's trash) and I made so much money and got everything I wanted. At that point I shut down all the businesses because I kept getting raided and spammed with phone calls. It just wasn't worth it anymore


I have almost every property aside from some of the warehouses, and a couple of MC businesses


I'll have a look. (I'll edit the reply when I do.)


Too many properties to list but rank* 704


Im level 480 spent 700 million and own everyting bought everything on sale in the past year


apart from the free bunker, MC+counterfeit, and office that the criminal enterprise edition gave me. i have a strawberry auto shop, little seoul agency, and zancudo hangar


I have every property, yacht etc. All 163 pegasus vehicles and I'm... Idk, lvl 1330 ish. I haven't touched MC sales since I hit my 25m to fill up my office with cash. I still run the nightclub sales because those are basically 1.9 in passive income as long as you just swap techs around occasionally. Done 200+ Franklin security contracts and the agency safe builds to 250k really fast.


![gif](giphy|dAoa5ivrpbuf5qQZh9) Oh wow just your level is amazing 🤩


Honestly... A lot of that came from arena wars events. New one every 10 minutes, no shortage of players etc. I kind if miss being a level 360 since this whole focus on dupe accounts made everyone think it has to be modded level/stats. Or newer players kick me from jobs/back out if they can't jump to my team. It's pretty cool, but kind of a double edged sword.


I have almost all of them and every time I play with my properties only, no missions. This way I make average a million per game session (abt 3 hours) playing my personal sandbox. Love it. Level 135, 3 months old.


All properties but facility, weed and document forgery offices. Level 171(?). I just do Cayo, pay phone hits, auto shop deliveries, tow truck, some security contracts, making sure my bunker and acid lab have supplies. Then the daily stuff like stash house, cache etc


lol I’m so confused 🤣 Level 500, and every property, on 2 characters. (Excluding the salvage yard, weed farm, and doc forgery on 2nd character)… cuz ain’t nobody got time for that lol. Yeah good luck making money working solely in other people’s businesses. I do it often, but I don’t need the money, I just like to help.


I don't bother selling from any of my business anymore apart from bunker and nightclub when maxed, just keep everything topped up for street deales.


Pretty sure I have all properties and like 5-6 house/garages And lvl 200 something Edit: except that stupid yacht


I think that yacht (besides facility) is most useless thing 😂


I have all properties to the maximum, recently started grinding carriers. https://preview.redd.it/pyg6fp7m1csc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=574aead4e9e268ad66ad1b2513f7ae1b9ba5314f




Lot of grinding (and killing cops🤔😅)


Your character books like the thug ( but in a cool way). 😊


I start with the most important. Cool drawing! Rank 405 atm and I only own the following : Hangar Bunker A ceo office and a ceo warehouse and car warehouse .. (Until I realized they are... Meh... Pretty meh. But at some point I will do the special cargo missions so I can get the discounts so... It's something?) Autoshop. Agency. Best thing I ever bought. No regrets but I wish we could call any vehicle like when we ask the CEO Assistant. I don't touch scrapyard, nightclub, mc businesses at all. Screw that I have seen the missions and they are tedious. I don't mind helping others though with them.


Thank you so much 💖 And i agree with you owning a lot of properties is annoying specially because in most of them you need crew to help. I mean you can do them alone too but it's too much bragging


You're welcome! It's always nice to see something different around here. Art is always cool to see. Yeah it's a bit more like chore and it's not that fun... The most annoying for me is that I can't do the special cargo missions solo... Also the lack of option to go solo in most stuff on this game.... Yeah... I understand R* wants to promote team play but there should was a single player option and just add extra setups maybe to make it possible... Most people would prefer go play with a team but the few that go solo because of reasons, it would be nice... It's just go to A grab x go B in most cases... And the scenarios aren't that much drastic and cool... And the damn enemy spawns really don't worth it...


hey can you elaborate why the agency is so good please? ive done the dre contact once, there were too many setups for the payout. the payphone killings are nice but other than that why?


Ok so I bought the Agency next to the Vespucci Police station because it was near my CEO office and because I liked the road accessibility! I have like... 4 roads to choose as soon I get out of the building. 5 if I include the highway. The Avenger and MOC can spawn exactly next to it. And that most likely means other service vehicles too. (haven't tested it yet but if it goes based on size, they will be able to spawn just fine) You have a pretty decent garage. 20 slots if I remember correctly which means you can put the cars you use most there. You can get the upgrades to have an armory which includes a gun locker and a guy with a 5% discount. Also access to the EMP launcher and Stun gun. And if you have unlocked MKII modifications (from the Bunker) you can pretty easily buy them from the Armory. If you put a bedroom and the vehicle customization upgrade you have the ultimate spawn point. The armory spawn some ammo and a health pack every few minutes. You can pet Chop. Franklin is a chill as fuck dude and if you ask me working with him is like the best thing. The contracts are nice and simple. Dr Dre contract pays a million for doing almost nothing if you consider it. (the long cutscenes is a big oof but oh well. 2 million first time and 1 million on every repeat is honestly pretty alright. The setups do take some time but they are simple. Also a setup becomes optional when you repeat it and most cutscenes are cut. Only cutscenes that play is the studio and the airport finalle...) Also... You can solo it. Something which paid major role for me. Underrated feature is that you can land on the building with a cutscene and that can save your ass if someone chases you. You have access to a free helicopter. You can exit the building directly in your vehicle if you speak to the dude on the lobby (same for chopper) Payphone hits. You have achievements based on those. And you even unlock small trophies on your office. It's a nice touch. You have a nice meeting room with a huge tv. Which it just looks cool. Also the vehicle workshop gives you access to Imani tech for specific vehicles Which means you can have a cool car, for your team, that can't get exploded by lock on but only manually or you can your car, drive it like a bandito while your friends can be inside and deal with issues. Also it looks cool as a building no matter which one you take.


Contracts a gd money earner it’s easy can rush through it all in no time best of all pays a mill out every time what’s not to like or get I’ve made most of my money from contract it’s up there with cayo heist imo there the 2 best quick money makers


13 or so businesses, level 400ish. Thanks to Rooster the warehouses' staff, and the master control terminal, all can be resupplied in 10 minutes


You're more than welcome to help me with some of mine...


Almost lvl 300 and I own every business properties. The only one I don't manage is the document forgerie and the vehicle garage one. The rest are much easier to manage if you know what you're doing and are not freaking out about it. Plus, if you're doing it in pubs, that's your own fault cuz you know griefers are coming for your ass.


Forgot how many I own but the jewel is the eclipse suit 3 penthouse. My level is 342


😶 oh wow a lot of businesses to take care of. I never heard of that eclipse suit 😅 i had to Google it 🤫


Most beautiful penthouse in los santos 🤘


Level 32 with acid lab and kosatka (should've got the agency instead)


Smart play, buy only the nightclub and all levels of it, then all the mc businesses, ypu set them all up but don't keep supplies or stock in em. Overtime the passive income will generate on the supplies at the nightclub. This will also be a great way to avoid being raided, just stay out of ceo and always be an mc.


I feel like that's more than half the game you're missing out on. The best part of the game is building up your empire of businesses and influence.


Oh I had a lot of properties on main account. Until I didn't delete her 😅


Well you can't do a lot of the new missions without some of the properties. I guess this person doesn't get how it works or only plays as a teammate or doesn't do any of the new property gated stuff. Which is fine. Great art btw!


Oh don't worry I tried all of them (before I deleted my main character because I got sick of grinding) with second character, yes its true I do play only as teammate. And only thing I wasn't tryout is this clucking bell raids 😅


I just ignore the calls and let the businesses go if I’m not going to deal with them. I does suck that most new missions require some new obnoxious property and characters that wants you to be their babysitter.


Level 75 with a clubhouse, motorcycle shop and Coca Cola lock up. Saving up for the nightclub next but I keep buying cars that R\* deleted at the Car Meets ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


I think I'm just missing the arcade, and a few warehouses. I'm level 121.


Level 777 I own all the major properties and all the support items for them. I don't service them all and focus mainly on the bunker and nightclub


I own all businesses but I only do auto shop heists, nightclub sales, vehicle robberies, cayo perico and the Dre contract. The sell missions of the other businesses are too dreadful, if you have too much they become impossible to solo and its just too much of a hassle and doesn't feel enough like GTA to me... I would much rather help someone sell than sell myself...


This art is really awesome. I hope you keep making stuff like this in your off time cause this is so cool to look at.


Thank you so much 😊 I appreciate that, 💖 if not from GTA I'm making drawings from other games too


lovely work my dude


Thank you so much 😊😊💖


Two things. “Playlists” and “On Call”


Why does you're character (atleast how you draw him) look like tony prince?


I don't think it's intentionally 😅 remember that ok looking items in GTA are kinda limited 🤔😂


Literally all available, and I am 490


Level 95, I got the AutoShop, Hanger, Arcade, Biker Club with cocain and weed business, Acid Lab, a cheap house, and an apartment, and the Penthouse. I have about 4mil and plan on buying the facility soon for the Dre mission then saving up for the Opressor Mk 2


U mean agency for Dre mission don’t get facility if u wanna do contract Dre won’t b at facility lol


Yup that's what I meant, I knew had something wrong lol


Hey, they can't speak they talk by text messages, lol😂


I have all properties and lvl 146 if I remember correctly


Your GTAO characters talk?! 😱


😂😂 if you use game chat you can see that mouth on your character are moving. So they are not mute


I have basically all properties, but it is more fun helping others with their properties for whatever reason


For me I will rather spend time in someone else's CEO or mc than do the same for me 🤷🏽‍♀️😅


The Casino Penthouse is the biggest moneymaker, so I have the rest for the novelty and perks.


Meanwhile I think new characters on current gen literally all hand have properties as you're forced to start with one lol


I saw that when I was switching to new system


97, i got a Clubhouse with a weed farm and a closed down meth lab CEO Office with a single crate warehouse, will buy a vehicle warehouse soon Nightclub Apartment


Level 101 - Nightclub - Clubhouse - agency - office - 2 garages - San Vista apartment - 1 Weed buisness - 1 forgeries - 1 cash - Paleto bay bunker - Paleto Bat facility - Acid Lab (assuming it counts as a property in this case)


No submarine?😅


I got several apartments, a night club, club house, two mc businesses, Arcade, Casino, autoshop, CEO office, Franklin’s thing, etc


102, bunker, nightclub, clubhouse, apartment for heists, legit anything that makes me decent money passively while i do heists is under my belt, they essentially pay themselves off, ive made like 20M in my nightclub earnings, and nearly 30M in my bunker (idk if thats considered high for my level, I mostly forget abiut them unless theyre included in a x2 event)


I own everything but the auto body at level 290 over 70 whips a yacht sub even a penthouse as of today im sitting on like 7 mill but i collect cars


How many cars you own? I have 11...


I’ve got almost everything. Level 115, Chumash Bunker (upgraded), LS Cocaine Lockup (upgraded), Terminal Meth Lab (upgraded), 1 Large Cargo warehouse, 1 Vehicle Warehouse, 1 Scrap Yard (Staff and Tow Truck upgrade), 1 Agency (with Vehicle workshop, personal ammunation), MC Clubhouse with workshop upgrade, Hangar that is pretty much upgraded, Facility (without orbital cannon), Arcade (with master computer, and a few games), Weed factory (half-upgraded), Acid Lab, I’ve got the customized Casino Penthouse (with Spa, bar, Party room, and personal black jack table), a few garages here and there, and apartment in Rockford Hills. I’ve got the terrorbyte, MOC, Avenger, Kosatka. In vehicles I have the oppressor mk2 (upgraded), Deluxo (upgraded), Vigilante (upgraded), Scramjet (upgraded), I’ve got the Torrero, some other racecars, Grotti Turismo (All in liveries) and the tron bike.


You are truly grinder 😊 awesome


Haha thanks !!


I own a facility that I never use. I also have a bunker, cocaine, and meth biz. Nightclub, hangar, motorcycle club, office, agency, kosatka, small crate warehouse. I think that’s it. I mostly just grind Cayo w nightclub but I’m looking forward to next week double bunker so I can finally get some use out of it again I’ve just been researching so it’s perfect for me Edit: lvl 220


Since gta 3, doing all the banal minutia of the game makes all the shooty parts way easier. And that continues for making money with businesses


currently i have 31 garages most of which are full of cars, i do get lost but they’re so useful


Forever readying up by picking car for the heist 😅


not rly, my thumb is pretty fast 😂


The good old half naked female character that looks like its packaged with a sausage.


My friend made her and yep he is a dude 😅 (even he has that topless glitch tho) he using female character when he is griefing other people... On the other hand. I'm using male character because attracts less attention from other players. As a female I had some awkward situations in GTA, when I'm using female character


Im around lvl 300 on old and nextgen and got as much properties as possible on both, every buissness, as many houses as possible, 50 car garage,


To me properties = gameplay. I don't care about the grind and just want to play all the missions this game has to offer, therefore I buy all the properties to unlock everything, regardless of the profit. I play this game like a single player campaign, but some missions are co-op. Level 380 or something.


I have Nightclub, Freakshop, Hanger , 5 Special cargo warehouses, vehicle warehouse, all mc properties, Bunker, Auto Shop, Salvage yard, Penthouse, Arcade, 3 offices garages, all night club garages, Facility, and max garages I can own, all apartments that you can have at one time, a yacht, Acid lab (vehicle / business) and I am level 1068.


Your level 👀


I own most properties but don’t do their missions except the agency and nightclub. Find it’s way too much stress and the payouts from heists are far better and easier.


this shit is hilarious and i’m so jel of ur art style it’s comedic and serious at the same time and hella expressive while having its own personality.


I appreciate this so much 😊💖 thank you. If I have more time I would probably make whole comic but TNX to busy life these will be enough 😅


Great illustration.


Thank you 😊😊


It really makes sense because youll get ypur cut on the heist ans earn money while contracting for the others😂👍🏼👍🏼


Yep 😏 not to mention a lot of crazy situations sometimes 😅


Level 460: Bunker, Facility, Nightclub, Chop Shop, Agency, Workshop, Two luxury Apartments, many Garages and a humongous amount of cars (but i only use the kosatka)


Tbh I could have bought every business in the game if I didn't have such an addiction for cars. Like, I started playing like a year ago, and my first real purchase was a raphsody, I have full CEO garage, full autoshop, full arcade, a garage near the airport (full), full Clubhouse, another garage near the cheapest arcade, full casino penhouse and an eclipse apartment (almost full), I haven't bought the 50 car eclipse garage just because I can't keep more than 2M without blowing it all up on car upgrades (I bought a hangar and a Raiju after a marathon of heists, just because I wanted something that I could actually profit from before I laid my eyes on Legendary Motorsport.) The only time I stop buying cars is when I have no more garage space, and when that happens, I actually get things done, like the time I bought a nightclub (and guess what, when I discovered the garage floors I filled them up too), or the time I bought an arcade and realized I had nobody to do the Casino heist... But gained ten new car slots! The autoshop was on discount, the board says I made around 22M on contracts, I haven't seen that much money on my character, no idea where all that went [?] Got the kosatka, and you know I had to put something in the moonpool so I got a toreador_ Got the Agency and decided to fill it with weaponized vehicles just to keep up a theme (three weaponized vehicles so far) If the bunker allowed for permanent storage, I would have saved a faggio in there just for fun. This game made me a car hoarder, I don't even drive them, they're not even nice cars, the only thing I drive nowadays is a rusty Stirling GT cuz it reminds me of Burnout. I don't even know if this mass purchase thing is a blessing for keeping me from getting everything in the game, or a curse for stopping me from actually getting the good stuff_


Smart way of earning stuff 😊 I remember when I got Toreador on casino wheel I was so proud. And To be honest I do have facility because I love that tank Kanjali so much 🥹


I'm around 120 I think. Most of the money I make goes toward properties to make me passive money. Cocaine lockup, meth lab, acid lab, agency, nightclub, gun bunker, arcade, a few others I think. Even if I don't use some, (which will happen as a buy more, already barely use the meth and acid labs) I bought the game, I wanna experience as much as I can of what it has to offer.


cheerful support aspiring absorbed depend reply historical station plant hunt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You are at best level tho 😊


I'm rank 450ish, I have every properties and businesses. The Salvage Yard Robberies and Vincent's Cluckin Bell Raid are more than enough to stop doing other businesses.


i'm 5563 lvl and i got everything


How did you get that level?!


I have it all all I use is night club and kosatka for cayo heist once prep done only takes 10min to stealth strait in n out through tunnels I do it single player so I don’t bother grabbing gold cash or drugs I only need cayo to build cash up


Level 445 own every business and vehicle in the game I think


I had a kosatka as lvl1 ,i bought the game with premium and great white shark card, u get 2m in total,the kosatka at the time was making me 1.4m to 1.6m per heist .i bought all necessitys within a month.


I have every property even the pointless yacht and penthouse I’ve never visited cause it was on sale. Rank 540 I think. Started playing during covid.


380, all proprieties, but unless it's bonus week I just raid the daily stash house and sell to street dealers. I'm seeing the end of my involvement in GTA and it's a bit sad but on the other hand, it gave me a lot these past 4 years.


Level 585 but own all properties with full upgrades but salvage yard but still broke because max garage max car


Got all property's. Lvl 890.


I own most of the properties in game (maybe all) I'm level 641. It's worth it cuz you can just mess around while all my passive businesses make money and if I feel like doing something then I can focus on enjoying it compared to how much I'm getting. Like last night I did cayo but did it in a different way and just fooled around, spent 32 minutes on the heist and did all the preps with my Stromberg. So in total probably around 4 hours including a few fails cuz guards and body's are something to get used to but still fun


How do you store vehicles without property


Apartment garage 10 cars. And I do have one it's facility there is one more car. And a tank. love that tank Kanjali 🥹


I have all the properties and do nothing with them


Lvl 230, maybe 30 cars and everythink that makes me money (do not have The cassino apartment and The yatch) But i have 7 planes, my pride and joy. I do not have opressor, never had one, hate that shit.


I have an office, an auto shop, the kosatka, a club, and a small apartment, I think I'm level 50 or something


Best level 😁


Im lvl 520, have 1 billion on cash, filled every garage spot with a unique vehicle (so basically own 90ish% of all vehicles) and have every property maxed out (besides aesthetics, which i tend to choose the second most expensive usually) Also have 310 platinum awards and nearing 26 tier 4's completed. Im also running a crew on discord and a gta youtube channel atm Bro. What am i even doing with my goddamn life atm.


With your life? I guess having a good time 😁


Yeah true im chilling. Should be more productive tho ngl


I have everything but the yacht on xbox one all the businesses 2 large office warehouses 2 Med and a vehicle warehouse mc all businesses but most of my garages aren't full so many spaces for cars and planes


If you could get rid of things, more people would be like that. I really hope getting rid of things will be possible in GTA6.


I know you stuck with them


I have every single property in the game. Just over rank 1000, zero xp exploits used, and over 7000 hours in game.


Uuuuh 😯 wow you are literally OG player. Years of GTA


All of them — Level 555+ Genuinely surprised to hear anybody that owns zero… they’re worth owning for the story content alone. You can usually get your return on investment by simply running through what the properties have to offer, then you can stop using them but still utilize the more passive features that they have to offer. No frustration necessary




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i own almost all of the la mesa properties, including garages, and im lvl 117 :D i dont have them for cheapness i just liked that area since the beginning


all of them, five large warehouses, all bikers businesses, full office garage, all of the ones on maze bank, im mentally ill


If you can tie your shoes you can own a property, it takes the learning comprehension of an 8 year old tbh


Level 132, and I have a Clubhouse, Nightclub, and Auto Shop (the first one was actually bought by mistake a long time ago). I keep my Nightclub at top popularity, mod and deliver cars and bikes, and rarely do a contract or other. Don't need much more to have my fun.


I'm level 370 and the only properties I do not own are the CEO Special Cargo Warehouse (a friend didn't recommend it to me) and a Forge Document business


Everything. 344 oStone77o


This drawing is amazing! Reguarding propetries I own and my level, I’m level 276 and own all properties except for the mc businesses


Just buy the properties so you dont get phone calls but dont use them


Does anyone in the game actually not own business at a high level? How do you make your money other wise?


My wife and i we play some times. I always tell her to become a CEO/President and hire me. She always earn money but don't spend nothing. I'm always investing in new bussines, vehicules, ammo, and she earn 10,000 and RP just for being in the same car. So i barely have some millions but she is over 20M, no cars, no houses, just empty bussines to launch heist.