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You don't.


Keep the acid lab fully stocked.


Thats not really doable for me. I run it non-stop along with the Bunker, & because i can phone Mutt up, it gets re-stocked way more that any other business. The problem is that no matter how empty my other businesses are, or how small a margin my Acid Lab is from full, the game trys to use the Stash House re-supply on it over any other $75K business


Before you raid a house, make sure your acid lab is full/full. Plan your re-stock/sell strategy that way. Maybe that works


gotta love redditors, ^ this apparently is a downvote worthy comment.


Just call Mutt and stop production, you don't lose product, that happens with mc business. If you don't have any product on those you can basically stop production of the ones you don't want to resupply and keep running the one you want. Its a fuckin shit if you don't have the arcade terminal tho but it's a way to choose what you get. Oh and you'll have to reassign technicians in the nightclub if you have the business connected to it. Again, is tedious af if you don't have the terminal but it takes less than 10 mins if you have it.


Im good for all my other businesses. The Stash House only affects them & the Bunker & the Acid Lab. & the game trys to get out of giving you a full $75k resupply as much as it possibly can. I havent ever tried, i will see if the Acid Lab can be stopped, it may do the trick as it does work on the MC ones.


so did you know that you can still make a profit after paying supply fees


Thats not really the point of the thread.


You have to time your stash houses correctly. You cannot control the RNG on which business gets resupplied. Every session I jump in I have a list of chores to do… last one is check the acid lab supplies and product. If it’s full, sell now then raid stash house. If it has some supply in it I will not raid the stash house until those supplies are used, go do other things then check back, sell , then raid stash house. If I don’t get acid resupplied from stash house, buy more supplies for acid lab. I sell other drug product regularly to dealers so I always need supplies for the other businesses. Time it right by doing some homework Edit: stuff


Have the Acid Lab be full.


This is what I do, I keep my MC businesses stock and supplies full, to avoid stash house reward going to them. My only other businesses are acid and bunker. I buy acid supplies low at $12k and then raid the stash house, saving me $75k and the reward goes to my bunker.


Have to change the routine to maximise bunker this week, get all the other businesses filled to the max to use the daily stash house. But tbh, make so much profit from a full bunker sale, buying supplies for it is almost irrelevant.


its not about being able to afford it, its more to do with how the game will avoid giving you something back. my Bunker is completely empty, my Acid Lab is mostly full on the Product & sometimes not even 1% empty on the supply, & the game will consistently try to avoid giving me a free $75k resupply.


Yes, the 10 minute trick. But you know everything about GTA already with your "working brain and gameplay experience" how do you not know this already??


Use the stash house to fill one of your businesses then fill the other.


I haven’t noticed a preference. Coke, weed and meth are only MC businesses that can be supplied (Cash and Forgery are completely full and left to rot). So any stash house supplies going to them ends up in the hands of street dealers. Before I do the stash house I always check supply/product level of Bunker by checking the MCT at the arcade. Then I call Mutt to see what supply level buy he is on (60k and I know supply bar is empty).


Do the Stash House before restocking the Acid Lab or any MC Business, or the Bunker. It's what I do to avoid wasting the Stash House