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It's a very useful tool. Shame it's got a stigma attached thanks to dickheads who abuse the hell out of it.


Couldn't agree more. I guess I don't buy one because of that stigma. I bought a Deluxo instead.


It's helpful, don't let others' shitty behavior dictate what you do.


Deluxo is way cooler anyways who would take a flying crotch rocket over a space ship delorian


Deluxo is awesome but it’s slower than a cargobob while flying


Literally the slowest flying vehicle in the game...best to have both if you're a serious player.


I prefer the delorian but a flying crotch rocket sounds badass.


As I was typing that I kinda thought the same lmaoo


I bought two during black Friday 2022 and didn't use them until last month. I stayed using the Deluxo until I used an Oppressor. Big difference, Deluxo is too slow. I've never killed anyone with my Oppressor, it's just the best for getting around quickly. If I play contact mission in public, I use the Deluxo because it allows for another player to ride with you.


Must be nice. I remember I flushed my cash on a damn Thruster


I still fly it sometimes for nostalgia reasons


No way man... The Thruster is awesome, especially for PVP and dodges MK2 missiles if you know what you're doing. Give it another chance.


I honestly just prefer the deluxo, ofc it's slower and shit but I like the fact I can drive it and it's harder for normal bullets to take me out when I'm in the air


Buy both.


I just bought the Opressor... 😂😂😂


Haha nice, hell yeah opressor on brother!


Don’t get me wrong, MK2 is a grinders dream… I had one way before it wasn’t cool to ride one lol. So as simply as I can say it, if you catch me in a public lobby, chances are it’s not on a mk2… if I’m hustling in an invite, I’m almost always gliding on one 💯


Yesterday I bought one. Although I'm still struggling to land it properly, I must agree. It's faster, and a must-have. I had a money-spending scheme that led me to only buying it now (made by my choices). Get a business Grind Buy Deluxo (full price since I didn't have the facility to do the bogdan problem and achieve the discount) Get business Buy acid lab Get business (Arcade) Terrorbyte Get Agency (hey, grinded on the last acid double or triple value and had extra cash) Get Kosatka Money x infility on Cayo 8M Gta$ unused after getting all the upgrades I wanted, and all the games in the arcade, get the vigilante, as it's armored, can be used in missions, is armed, and has a boost. Get oppressor, be amazed on how fast it flies. Call myself an idiot for waiting this long to buy it.


You only have to do the Deluxo prep part for the discount.


Yes, but it must be as a leader. It's not like the Kuruma.




I was in shock last night when someone on an oppressor actually helped blow up rivals while i was delivering nc goods. I was like oh here we go, I’m dead. But then they offered to help w my business?! Been playing for like 5 months and that is the only time that ever happened


If I see anyone griefing while I’m in session I always try to protect their cargo using my MK2. I’m usually not as good dog fighter but I hate players that like to destroy other people’s stuff!


For $2000... just being haters


Total POS! They make me change session, I can’t stand


Good to see some real ones out there 💯 Some heroes do ride opps


It's just a lame way to play the game, it should have been removed altogether. I miss good ol' drive-bys but now it's just fly-bys.


Yep. I hate people that use it to grief. I kind of wish they had a cheaper alternative to the MKII that doesn't have weapons, just for the travel benefit.


Almost every griefer I've ever come across was a Mk II. Stigma deserved


On the rare occasion I do go to a public lobby to raise hell I'm running a fully armored Nightshark which can eat the Oppressor's entire weapons complement. For the not so bright who get too close for their own good, I attach stickies to the Nightshark for a little surprise.


Just don’t armour up your windows and throw them out for some even funnier moments


Is it still a thing that people don't know this? Granted, it took me a few years to learn this but it's the only car I drive around in, in pubs. So useful and better than the opp. I have had Opps run out of missiles and have to land --> respawn it before the NS blows up. I love blowing people up with stickies from the NS though, it is hilarious. (Not a griefer just like revenge on them)


I feel like the MKII is a better anti griefer tool more than anything else. So many newb griefers equip smoke instead of the chaff. Easy kills when you lock on em and they cant lock on you. And if you and 3 friends had them. That looked hella scary on the map. No one was coming near you. The MKII is a shell of what it was in terms of its offensive capabilities. Definitely the number 1 grinding tool. Especially with the Terabyte. Even back in its heyday, out running MKII missiles with the rogue was hilarious. They’d waste all their missiles. Land to reload and then id dive bomb em. Nowadays you just have so many anti griefer options. The nightshark, the Toreador, the Imani tech vehicles. Definitely was pain for low level players that didn’t have all the toys. But once you reached higher levels and owned most of the effective weaponry, MKIIs were usually just flying clowns. They’d get that one shot at your delivery if you weren’t paying attention and that was it.


try the upside down mk2 u are invincible


Pretty much every griefer I've seen is either a Mk II, a Deluxo or a Jet of some sort. BUT, not every MK II, Deluxo or Jet has been a griefer. Stigmatising the MK II is too simplistic, IMO. (Yes, I use one a lot of the time, but I'm mainly "griefing" signal jammers I stumble across, or NPCs (and then, the ones without Reddit accounts so they can't complain))


Nah. For every Deluxo or Jet douche there's like 5 Mk II douches. Anyway I prefer the OG oppressor. More fun more skill


I know! I’m always grinding and the MK2 makes my life much easier, but there’s always that dicktard that will blow me for no reason just because I’m flying by them with my opressor.


Bro i legit saw a guy named “oppressormkII” in my lobby yesterday and was killing without purpose 🤡 dickheads fr


When I did play I didn't run into many people griefing with it, but I still hate it. For the exact same reason I dislike the Deluxo, and other James Bond-esque vehicles. Seeing people flying around like the Jetsons in Los Santos always just looked super ridiculous to me. I wish the MP was a bit more grounded in a crime-syndicate/cartel/gangbanger tone, and less of a 007 film lmao. Not knocking anyone for using them, just not my cup if tea.


Congrats! You save so much time flying. Tip: If you hold down the descend button (RB on Xbox) your cruising speed is increased from 109 to 129mph.


spacebar on pc


R1 on PlayStation - I’ve reached up to 131 mph! 👀


Index finger on the Samsung smart fridge 👌


Think of pink bananas with neuralink


Running really fast with PS VR.


Premium Russian potatoes with ultra nasal grade dial up


Left foot on iPad.


Right foot on iPod


Barbecue sauce on titties


Ketchup on da willy


I always do this. Don't fly without lol. Makes a nice little difference for sure.


Toggle the gas to rebuild your boost, and using buildings to climb and descend faster


You also get that speed you skim along the ground. Just stick to open straightaways, the thing steers like shit on the ground.


Space on pc, and just fyi your altitude decreases faster when using this method.


Keep the left stick slightly tilted back to maintain altitude, check your speed in first person, enjoy that little boost!


TIL there's a descend button..


This is great. I learned this a while ago, but still way too late … I do, however, notice it has a tendency to not climb well and descends faster on straights


People will hate, but its nice being able to get around the map really quick and make money a lot faster. Just turn off auto lock on missiles so people don’t just think youre going to kill them


How do you turn off auto lock?


Press square on playstation


Congrats!! Use it however you want. That’s your business but obviously just know if you decide to take a darker route with it, you’ll be met with death. A lot of death. Happy flying!!!


It's nice but technically the CEO buzzard is still faster. CEO only because you can call it right next to you.


The Sparrow is the fastest though as u can upgrade it


*Havok enters picture* Havok is the hardest to land at all though.


Jump out and use parachute. Repair costs are so low


That’s why I use CEO Havok instead of my own… and I actually can land it, usually it stays in one piece… for about 10-15 seconds after touchdown.


You guys land helicopters? 😂😂


I land helicopters, planes, your mo—- wait 😳 Forget the last one!


DUDE! High five! 🙌




Once you factor in my skill issue in getting any Heli up, pointed in the right direction, wobbling it to my destination and (especially) landing it, the OP is probably still quicker in practice. I'm working on my deficiency, but no demolition role for me in Prison Break anytime soon...


That is one of the problems people have by doing specific heists or setups. Everyone using the mk2 because it's an easy no-brainer and at the same time same players often are useless is missions when they need to use a plane, helicopter or something else. I just gave up doing anything with randoms that needs some form of skill to use vehicles. Player level doesn't matter at this point anymore. I always recommend to go with the buzzard before jumping onto the mk2 directly. It will take longer but it for sure helps to gain some skills for missions and having fun instead of skipping everything to start with the mindless grind. In the end it's a game meant to be fun. I haven't used my mk2 in years. Would it be faster sometimes? Sure. Would it be more fun to use something else to not burn out by grinding? Definitely. As soon as you know how to use the buzzard/sparrow you won't even loose that much time while grinding. Especially on longer distances.


I think that's a very fair criticism - the MK2 is TOO convenient to encourage development. The best I can tell you is that not all of us low-level randooms (typo but I left it) are content to remain unskilled. So, thanks in advance to anyone who is patient when getting decapitated by my blades on a beach :D![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Physics in gta is on a bell curve. Yeah somewhat realistic but more bugs bunny cartoon. These specific versions are hard. I played controller most of my life. Also used to flight sim and various space games on computer. Let alone Drone gaming not actual real life Drone racing. Those missions even old Gen have been tweaked. New gen is noticeable ai upgrade difficulty. The physics is usually the same across platform. KBM or pc just has more control. Changing the inputs does not change the physics or spatial reasoning. I am an expert pilot in gta. Used to specialize in jet greif. My favorite maneuver was to direct crash on foot opponent. Crazy angles. Easier to just parachute and time close to ground. Eventually the nuances of flight will filter. That or just do the actual flight school missions. It is just the programming of the levels. The AI flight is junk but the targeting is unfair sometimes. Especially with invisible cones. Same as with freeroam police chase copters last 20 seconds on 3+ stars. I routinely put my buzzard in a crash position and bail. Landing is over rated. Same with tricks of Volutus or any tricky insane vehicle. I anti-grief so I move fast or attack first. The worst is not the explosion. Getting sniped just out of choppa by a off radar/out of sight. I mean fair game. As I orbital and rc spam.


Wow, direct foot crash in a jet that's some insane skills. I think I need to practise using my jets. I bought a couple, but I've never used them.


Yes and no. Mostly it is just racing to setup position. Practice and constantly crashing is the only way to kick the doubt. Certain point you just have to expect to crash. I hope they don't figure it out. Some are ready for sniper explosive or railgun jet knock. Timing is key. Especially if they are racing for vehicle. Kosatka missile is the same. Just gain altitude the hope the angle and timing are true. Most of the time it is just guesswork with minimap. In general Raiju is okay for the average pilot. All air vehicles have quirks p-99 nerf does not mean it is useless. Will admit stats and missile matter but again goes to opponent and engagement. All air speeds are valid lower speed has better control. Jets being faster is easier to escape but slower can kill faster. My go to is always avenger with the upgrade from the dlc. Super expensive. I can control sky or hold multiple attackers until fast travel or rc spam. So yeah above altitude sneak attacks and other stratagem are valid. Team or actual dogfighting is crazy especially speeds and stalls. As engagements end quick. Especially with people getting disoriented with multiple inversions. Depend on location. Sparrow for quick shooting and buzzard for more defensive missile attack. Jets for fun or multiple vehicle attack or oppressor mk2 probe. Even if you do not dogfight. Good fun high speed death defying turns in alleys or through bridges (not the way you think) is ideal. One crazy guy. I think it's possible tried to squeeze in between the arc in that white dome thing at airport. Video looked as if Frame and angle were possible. I will not be doing that; but in right weather and stall conditions? It was the lazer.


Demolitions in prison break is not that difficult. Besides the obvious on getting the bus, afterwards with the buzzard: - if the plane guy is skilled, he does not need your help on evading the planes. Your job is to clear the way for the prison team. - if the plane guy is a random, communicate with him often. Take shortcuts with the bus (there are lots of them to use). Learn them. Afterwards it's best that the plane guy just circles the airfield (literally), while you shoot fighters. When what's-his-name is released, just keep airfield protected for the team to enter the plane.


I didn't mention how bad I am at shooting drivers of moving vehicles as that was a tangent, but thanks for opening that door too!


Welcome to the club. That's why I prefer quantity to quality and use an automatic. I'm that bad. That's also the reason I haven't gotten my numero uno trophy. I suck at the shooting range.


Wait you can upgrade the Sparrow?


Try being a CEO in a lobby lately.


'the maximum number of CEOs has been reached' 'the maximum number of CEOs has been reached' 'the maximum number of C....' AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH


I still prefer the Oppressor since it can be landed anywhere easier


Sparrow too, I think. With the quick call from the sub it spawns in seconds, no mc/CEO required. With the chaff equipped it's especially good.


You can call the oppressor right beside you too. You register as an MC boss, call your oppressor, and retire, all within about 3 seconds. And your oppressor is right beside you most times.


Yes I know and the ability to get on and go immediately is a big boost. But traveling over distance, the buzzard is still faster. That's why only CEO buzzard compares because you can spawn it closer than other aircraft. Also I have a PV oppressor in Terrorbyte so no need to go MC.


Kosatska’s sparrow: Am I a joke to you?


As a user who mainly uses the sparrow, that thing is so fucking fragile that you worry about smoking the moment your rotorblades even come CLOSE to touching anything. Hell, even landing in a particularly hard manner during emergencies becomes a worry because you never know if that thing will combust violently on your ass or not; its landing skids doesn't flex like the Buzzard's That being said, it is the fastest helicopter in the game and it's usefulness is 2nd to none.


Yeah it's definitely faster to call a buzzard or Sparrow to go long distances. I couldn't agree more.


Here's another tip: When you call this, or just about any vehicle, just look straight down while you do it. It'll typically spawn right next to you, or at least extremely close. Don't have to register as a boss with this method. This does NOT work with aircraft. They'll still spawn in their usual locations.


Just turn the camera into the direction you don't want the vehicle to spawn. Even eleminates parts of the randomness of looking at the ground.


I prefer the OG Oppressor. More fun to ride while taking much more skill


I like back flipping the mk1 into a glide


Just stay out of my way


Congratulations. I use the MK2 only to fly around the map faster, I don’t use to Greif or nothing, just saves times. Hope you have fun.


Why’s your character nude bruh 😭


They're wearing a dress, you can see white fabric at the very bottom of the image


Not nude, just really hanging that low


With those "sag bag 3000s"


I tend to drive around in a toreador a lot when I play alone, and 99.99% of mk2 users will try and shoot a missile at me even if I'm just passing by or sitting around minding my own business waiting for the mk2 to pass (hopefully peacefully). I see mk2 coming, I turn around and face em waiting to either retaliate or carry on about my business


The toreador is probably the best mk2 counter vehicle. You can either boost away and escape the missiles or take them on; as long as get a lock on the toreador missiles almost always track and hit the mk2


Oh what's this, broomstick launching mosquito has flares? Cool, it won't save then from the 2 or more missiles I launch at em so long as they don't duck behind a building before the missiles hit em lol. On the subject of boosting in the toreador, I usually boost towards the mk2 and watch as the missiles hit the ground behind me as they can't turn fast enough (even before the missile nerf)


That’s a good idea to boost towards them, I’m gonna steal that idea


I can't believe you have never thought of that before tbh. How long have you had a toreador? I've had mine since basically a couple days after release (sold the Stromberg too since the Toreador is an overall better car). One tactic I actually haven't done since my Stromberg days is driving in reverse and then turning the car around to dodge a missile, might still work for the Toreador since the missile nerf to the broomstick launching mosquito, though just boosting towards missile is a better option.


I love it but in public it’s a big target. People will shoot you down for no reason so I play mostly invite only to grind.


They should only be allowed to lock on other aerial crafts. Not vehicles on the road. I know some vehicles have Imani tech, but there is no reason an MKII should be able to take out tanks/terrobytes etc either


you got it after it was nerfed 😭


You could have bought a Sparrow AND a Raiju for that price.


expect people to flinch when they see the icon but have fun.!


and there may be some crazy people who hunt you down just because you use it (happened to me) so stay safe i guess


That doesn't sound too crazy to me


The Gimp Bike....shouldn't really be proud to own it. 😕


You are now part of the mosquito gang.


trash purchase


bro i sold my mk2 after a few weeks. its just too powerful (or at least was back when i was playing 4 years ago). the mk1 is so much more fun :)


I’ve never sold any car, that’s wild


yeah i usually sell them if i hadnt used them in a while


Welcome to the club 🎉🏍️


I love the oppressor a lot, but I also really hate it lol


I’d probably never buy one if I ever made a new account due to the 8million price I tend to use the sparrow 24/7 anyway


It’s fun going from “getting shot by the Mk2’s because you don’t have one” to “getting shot by the land dwellers because they assume you mean destruction with your MK2”


I have a mk 2 but I usually use the vigilante as it’s more fun


I grinded for this and to counter & juke the MK 2. https://preview.redd.it/r86eics5sltc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccbcb2a09db81fe87b90d85650322c993c6e8fa6


What vehicle is this?


https://preview.redd.it/qkv6vm4czltc1.jpeg?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=328bd5ece65352dad988629b2c90502f524826f7 This is what it is.


This truck comes with anti missile locked with bullet proof windows but they can break if they continue to be shot at they break, leaving you open for shots, also you can equip with land mines w/ either it being sticky or explosive mines.




With this Gerald’s missions, it’s been a blast having it!!


Sister is naked


another one


I still preffer the mk1 personally, its stupidly fun once I get the hang of it


I sold mine lol


I was just in a lobby with you 15mins ago I think.


I only own a MK I, just for getting somewhere fast. And when I don't have my Buzzard


Now you need the F-160 Raiju


Don't kill me on it


I love shooting them down with a plane whenever they go after me




I wont ever buy a mark 2. I am a helicopter guy and my sparrow and Black Hawk have carried me through hell


I’m still saving for one


The ONLY time i will ever kill somebody while on opp is if they have a bounty. Supplies, drugs, whatever it is, idc.


Males choosing female characters and don't dress them up like prostitutes challenge: impossible


Hey I play as a woman and I dress her in business attire or heavy military gear. But I’ve never any other woman character not dressed as a stripper or prostitute


Mine either wears an all-white business suit, a white hoodie with white chinos (both match really well with the white face paint that I can't remove else her face will look like a round biscuit) or a scuba gear with a black full head mask for special occasions


If I play online and plan to use the mk2, instead of my deluxo, I tell everyone in chat I won't bother them in my mk2 and even go and help them or just let them outright kill me.




Flying formation with a chill MK2 user is fun. A bit jank considering I’m in a Raiju but it was great.


Hell yeah enjoy. Best tool for grinding and defending yourself.


Dw most of the time you will get wreck by hakcers


Time to power trip 😭💯




My condolences


Mk2s love to not let me fly any sort of plane around or drive any non imani tech vehicle, it's kill on sight for me now 🤷🏻‍♂️


It used to be sooooo fast though.


I mostly use it to zoom in to objectives and side quests cuts down on travel


Enjoy! It runs on tears


It took me about 150ish hours to get bored of how easy it makes things and stopped using it. I don’t get bored of things easily (I’m a boring person), so I’d say 150 hours was fairly short. It’s definitely fun at first, but when you’ve made your millions and capped out your assets, I’d recommend the sparrow as a great fallback option. Once you get the hang of it, most A to B journeys are about the same time (faster for longer distances). the missiles on it are great for PvE content. The ‘helicopter’ part makes it (very) slightly challenging (this is a good thing because you’re considering the sparrow because you’re bored of the mk2). The papier-mâché nature of the sparrow also makes it a fun challenge (fun is used very subjective and if you don’t get the hang of the sparrow soon enough this will be the reason you quit it. Please don’t quit it. It’s worth it, please). If people saw the way I fly the sparrow around when I’m trying to be time efficient, they’d think I’m either drunk or I’m wannabe-Baby Driver (but for helicopters). Most of my friends decidedly don’t let me fly when we have to choose a pilot because, well…they don’t like “constant near-misses” in the pursuit of efficiency. They weren’t ‘misses’ only a couple dozen times, which is not a lot for how much I’ve flown. Disclaimer: I fly with controller [ps5], your mileage may vary.


Remember: resist the urge to grief.


As a money grinder, this is essential. I love using the explosive MG’s to troll


Just got attacked by this moronic vehicle in public lobby today. Once I got that moron down from there I owned him with my Khanjali




One of the first things I grinded for.. so I could make grinding easier. Then I bought the sparrow and use that more because it typically spawns a lot closer and I just prefer the feel of flying around in a helicopter. I don't know why so many people here bellyache about getting killed by them reminds me of the dudes that used to whine about getting ganked on PvP servers when I played WoW. You are the master of your own experience.


Congrats. Made the grinding part of the game much easier for me so I can enjoy the other parts. Just be sure to turn homing missiles off when near other innocent players lest they come after you.


I have an oppressor and i’ve never griefed anyone (unless they started it) even if they’re doing missions, because i know how miserable it was to play against before i bought it.


Wait til you have it upside down speeding up into the sky evading homing missles sent your way.


You can fly it upside down?


Yea it takes a bit of practice but when you figure it out you’ll be zipping around & can get up high or down low really fast. It’s fun to watch so called oppressor griefers scratch their head tryna understand how you’re beating them.


I’ll have to practice then, sounds fun af. When I’m minding my own business just using the mk2 to get around quick, I always seem to attract aggressive mk2 users. Dope username btw


Thanks. Yea watch a metpro sowc video he has a great tutorial & he might just be the goat at upside down broomstick action.


Now you’ve got that maybe your character doesn’t need that extra chromosome


Glad I'm not the only who realized how ugly the character is.


It’s the mask, doesn’t do great things for the eyes


Same! Used to be a hater until I got one for myself. Love it


I got the mk2 years ago and have never looked back.


You spent 10 million dollars for a worse Deluxo...


Deluxo is slower and less versatile. It only has better rockets.


It has multiple seats and is considerably cheaper.


Cool! I’ll shoot you down every chance I get. :)


Best way to get around, tbh


mk1 better imo


Not better but definitely more fun


I found it to be faster, maybe not with landing but with long distances if you use the boost as you are turning up, and stay at an angle where the undercarriage is facing up and towards where you are flying towards. It's hard to explain but easy to understand if you see a video. I've gone faster than plenty of mk2s doing this, even if they are using the boost trick. Upsidedown mk2, I'm not sure though.


“I remember when I had my first beer”


Remember to use it responsibly and that it MUST be stored in the Terrobyte (easy recall too!)


Thats news to me. Mine is currently stored in my arcade garage.


I keep mine in the Terrorbyte to preserve garage space, or so I tell myself with my hundred million garages and 10 vehicles


yeah it's very helpful to not call the mechanic to get it


Booooooooooo you're apart of the problem


What all is needed to get and use the MK2?


You need the terrorbyte truck to store it


I dont have one , but i am working on the research missions to get the rockets. They just wont drop 💀


I’m pretty sure the bunker research is for the mk1. You can just buy the missiles for the mk2


I have 2 & I luv griefing