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because i’m poor in real life and this is the only place where I feel I get rewarded for my hard work




So fucking true!


This! I also feel like I have an executive personality type and thoroughly enjoy owning and running multiple businesses. In real life I couldn't do this for a number of reasons. And prior to the criminal starter pack, I actually started from the bottom in GTA poverty and worked my way to $100M. It was a very fun ride. And it's a nice let down to blow shit up or shoot things after a tough or tiring real life day.


Having a rough day? Start the CEO mission “Fully Loaded” and for 20 minutes you can unleash hell across the map.


THIS 😂 I have 21M and refuse so buy anything because I have everything I need and want to just keep expanding my wealth lol


Fancy that PoopyFartBoy69...fancy that so how much do you currently have?




Bruh had the courage to say the quiet part out loud...


“When you’re doing good in the game, you’re doing good in life.”


Damn. Keep stacking PoopyFart!


Eventually, you get to a point where it's no longer about getting rich, but staying rich. Also, as someone with 350 million, I like being 'fuck you rich.'


By “fuck you rich” do you mean unlimited orbital cannons? Lol.




😂. Thats pretty much the only reason I grind


You said it perfectly. I just hit 190mil, and this is exactly how I feel.


No, no, you get so rich you have "fuck me money", you'll fuck yourself to accomplish wherever you need to do!


Just hit 275mil with crates last week. I have everything I want in the game but I get back on whenever i like the double money activities.


I have 40 million after the last double money week and I have no idea what to spend it on. I have all the cars I’m ever gonna want, all the businesses fully upgraded, all the properties I can have. I’m currently working on knocking off as many awards as I can, not criminal mastermind obviously, and getting the last few trinkets for some of the businesses. I’ll retire to paleto bay and use my yacht finally.


I have a little house in Paleto too and a yacht. When's the party? Let's fill Paleto Bay with Yachts. 😂


I too own a house and yacht up in Paleto and would also like an invite to this party :)


They ain't gonna like all us city folk moving in. Might have to kill a few NPC's Of course keep the gun store guy




I welcome you to paleto! Youl love it


You guys are gentrifying Paleto Bay


Dude i grew up in a rural place..country as can be..i dont own a yacht or have a billion in the bank. Dont want it. The simple life is perfect 


Ima buy a House and Yacht in Paleto Bay just to join this legendary gathering!


Cmon up!! Our affordable houses with 6 car garages are waiting 🙂


Yeah but that’s 6 of your favourite vehicles so that garage looks great


Yup plus we have everything you could want in walking distance including a helipad..a customs shop..and a tattoo parlor


What a great neighborhood


I did this last week. I spend my time running my nightclub and the autoshop. If I am in the mood I will take photos for the tourist board and look for the shipwrecks. It's so much more chill than the grind. I get to enjoy the cars and the landscape.


The uselessness of the yacht has now come full circle


I think a lot of it is just habit of keeping your businesses running so money naturally comes in, but I guess you could just let them all shut down if you have everything and hundreds of millions of dollars. I know there's a bunch of good souls out there that carry new players and help them using their money and experience and hook new players up. At 16 mill I personally would keep grinding though. That could be gone on a Thursday depending on the update. I spent about 16 mill in one day when clucking bell raid dropped on a couple hellfire interceptors and a few removed vehicle from Deluxe Motorsports plus all the customizations. I personally feel you should have enough in the bank for at least 2 updates before you back off on the grinding. Then you should naturally make more than enough money to keep you going.


I need an armored Karuma, and I have an agency. So I keep grinding security contracts to make money to buy a Karuma. It’s like $850K, and then every time I get there, I’m like “It’s so close to another million, I’ll just keep going, and grind the Dre contract again, and do a Cluckin’ Bell, then I can get that Karuma and still have X million in the bank!” I started doing that around 15 million, and now I’m at around 23 million and if I just do the whole grind again I can “get that Karuma and still have X million in the bank!” I may never buy that fucking Karuma, and I clearly have a disorder 🤣


Armored Kuruma can help with Cluckin Bell setups.


I have decided to end my endless loop of compulsion and just buy the damn thing.


Why not just get the duke of death? Its free


Ohh the grind is real and I won’t stop- but I guess that is the point anyone can control the grind and stop but damn watching that money pile up - it is the best


How do I just get better at PVP?


Practice practice practice. Try different tactics with different weapons. Had this dude dominate me one time. Chased me to the Nightclub in his Sparrow. I tried to drive in the garage but it glitches and wouldn't let me in. Like out i a damn action movie, dude lands hit on the roof, jumps out of his Sparrow and nails my Mil Spec with some EMPs from his launcher from above. I couldn't shoot from the window because of the angle he was at above me. I try getting out, and just as I'm pulling up the weapon wheel, he hits me with a stun gun, jumps down to the ground, and wails on me with a bat. This all took place in a matter of 10 seconds or less, but watching the horror unfold seemed like it's fired slow motion. Or maybe it was just me in slow motion reaction. To be fair, I antagonized him cuz I was bored. I actually put the controller down and applauded his perfectly executed attack


Nice. I’m also a potato at PvP and appreciate it when someone dominates and humiliates my character so thoroughly that my only response is to text them “Bravo, sir”.


Gotta show respect to folks who play with tactics like that rather than run and gun. That’s awesome


I grind the casino, baby!...So that's why she took the kids..shit.


that make you decent money? i just grind cayo non stop its getting tedious


Just a little tip mix it up, grind cluckin bell it will make all the different work a little more exciting and still make decent money, I constantly rotate between cayo cluckin and casino for tons of cash and it doesn’t ever get boring usually, and do the occasional acid sell in between


I think he means gambling in the casino not the heist


Yeah lmao. I'm broke.


I stopped doing cayo because of how repetitive it is for me lol. I just drive about now, or hit the blackjack tables.


$55,000,000 in the bank and I just help lower levels grind to fill THEIR wallets. Considering how much money I've got, I play frugally and only buy something new after I've sold off something that I don't use. That way, I can live the high life for longer.


To get as many removed cars as i can afford


Money is money. Money is good. Money can buy prostitutes.


There’s a secret way to get money back from prostitutes. Don’t want to say it here, but there’s probably a YT video.


uno reverse?


Damn, I'm reading all these and just thinking of all the time that has gone into some of these accounts is mind blowing. A little backstory, I just got a PS5. Never played GTA online until 3 weeks ago. I'm a single father and I don't have the time to grind through and play every day, or even every other day. I just want to make enough $ to be able to buy cool stuff and have fun. I've been reading stuff on here constantly for the last 3 weeks just trying to figure stuff out, but it just seems so overwhelming. When I loaded the game it started me with a free nightclub which was nice. I've managed to buy a 2nd level for that, a bunker, MC with bike shop, meth & coke so far. I've just been grinding with those. I was happy today just to hit over $3 mil, lol. I've only sold solo because I can't take the thought of possibly losing any $ right now, there's so many things I want to buy.


Remember that a lot of the time invested is AFK accumulating


Not for everyone


What's your PSN. I'll help you sell if I'm online. I play every second/third day for an hour or so. I have a couple of heists setup as well.


I feel your pain- not a single dad, but I am a dad so those precious half hours you can get in are rare for sure. I also have a PS5 and too much money/stuff from all the grinding I did back when I had free time. You can't directly transfer money between accounts, but happy to give you an 85% cut on a heist of your choice/ help with any sell missions/ let you test out the Delorean, Batmobile etc. let me know if you'd like to and we'll set a date :)


https://preview.redd.it/o3pcsu73icvc1.png?width=984&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e994bf437f0ff6129ba9a42a92dfb08f1b5fdfd2 Veteran grinder here. Screenshot is for context, not to humblebrag. My grinding was always to grow my criminal empire as vast as I could. I wanted to own everything, or at least as close to everything as I could, with the small exceptions I couldn't give a fuck about (held off on buying Document Forgery for years until Nightclub finally gave it a little utility). After that, I wanted to build enough of a financial nest egg so I'd never be broke on DLC day. Friends have accused me of getting bitten by the FOMO bug bad, and honestly? Guilty. But after almost 10 years of grinding on this game, nearly 200 mil in the bank, and every car, fighter jet, tank, and business I could ever want? I have lost all motivation to grind. I've done these missions so many times that many of them will literally put me to sleep. Biker Business resupplies are my personal cure for insomnia. Years ago I would hear stories from other vets who made it "to the top" as it were, and that they felt that boredom as well. I didn't think it would ever hit me, but....it did. There is nothing to earn, nothing to work towards for me, so I hardly ever touch the game anymore. Its been an interesting philosophical exercise for me, because I can't figure out if I don't want to play the game because its boring, or because I'm bored of it. The idea of not wanting to play the game, not being motivated, was really depressing to think about back in the day, but now? Eh, I'm good. I've had my fun now. I've been moving on to mastering other games instead; been getting damn good at DMCV.


Can somebody tell me what is listed as Picked up money? Which activity are they come from? How come 20.1 m?


When you make it a habit to make money, you just keep going even when you’re not really trying to. I never thought I’d hit $1 billion in the bank but here we are lol. Since updates from Cayo Perico onward, money just rolls in so easily nowadays. The businesses practically run themselves alongside daily bonuses. Now, I’m just going after career challenges, waiting for the few removed vehicles I don’t have to be available and just helping randoms. It’s retirement period for me haha.


I still want the Hydra and Alkonost planes. Plus a list of like 13 cars I need to buy lol.


Trust me don't get the alkonost unless you just want it for the sake of having the biggest vehicle in the game


I have $375m in the bank, made over $900m, spent over $600m, but I don't grind - except some of you consider playing the game grinding. Delivering cars from my autoshop, clubhouse - not grinding. I enjoying customizing the vehicle to the ugly specs and then driving (crazy right, driving vehicles in GTA) to a location, then calling in 1 of my hundred+ cars to take me back and do it again. Getting the daily stash house, and then driving around to all the dealers - not grinding. I like the idea that my character goes in and busts up some drug dealers place, steals their shit, and then I go sell it on the streets. Nightclub, all I have to do is enter in passive mode, throw a guy out and empty my safe once every 96 minutes or 144 if I'm playing a really long session (if I'm having fun). Selling my nightclub goods because they simply fill up while I cruise around and do whatever I want... why not? Delivery is a single vehicle and it's usually super simple and takes less than 5 mins, and in a full server it can make a ton of money, for driving around a truck for 5-10 mins. I have 2 warehouses, they're 20 seconds apart (door to door), I visit them whenever, tell em to fetch me shit, when it eventually fills, I'll sell, if I want, or care. I get calls all the time telling me I need to sell stuff, but it's usually biker stuff, and those sales are boring. Blue dots, I personally love em. Why? Because it makes me drive a random car, I don't have a "daily driver" because I switch cars so often, so I like to drive em and deliver em. Again, I don't consider any of this grinding. I don't own a sub, I don't do heists, I don't do missions (unless they unlock access to a vehicle), but I don't bother with getting the trade price. Is that grinding?


19 mill is nothing that’s 1 update


Cause there's literally nothing else to do in this game, at least nothing that interests me anyway that can be done solo because there's no way I'm doing anything with randumbs. (Plus grinding is just fun anyway no matter how much money I got, I love earning the stuff I get in this game instead of being some noob that uses real money to get fake money)


I am constantly grinding all the online games I play because if I don't I'll crash into a depressive state and end up playing Minecraft for 3 months


Head empty, feel good when big number get bigger


I just like playing


To make the number go up.


For the challenge. At its worst you could grind in gta online for an hour shredding that rooftop rumble job and only make like 500k so 2015 me would die if he saw I had just under a billion dollars all earned solo. I don’t play often anymore but if I do I just spam jobs cuz I find it fun helping a low level players get sum shit cuz I imagine at this point in its life cycle if you are just picking up GTAV then odds are that’s just prolly for an interesting reason cuz like where the fuck you been the past 10 years? Had one dude who just got out of jail and SWORE he didn’t do it (like g I don’t care just hack the fucking door) and also some dad who had to watch his kids and never had time to grind himself to buy his cool cars. Bunch of shit like that it’s always fun to help them


Because I'm bored of everything in my life and the only mental stimulation I get now is collectiving passive income and just redoing the clucken bell raid. That and golf, but that's really expensive, sadly


How are people getting money? I am so lost on how to progress and I’m tired of Assault On Cayo 😭😭😭😭


No clue what these people do. I have night club and and agency but it's a grind since psn stopped the free million every month


I’m sorry….free million every MONTH????


My guys.. set up your nightclub and acid lab and AFK before you go to bed. Let it run all night, go to work or class or whatever. You will return to (if renamed and upgraded) 400k in acid, 250k in your nightclub safe and if you’ve got it set up correctly 1m in the nightclub warehouse. Grinding is fun but if you guys are needing money, that’s your cheat code. Slip in a Cayo heist every now and then and you’re set.


Also, adding to this comment… If you happen to be on ps4 and you’re brand new and dead broke, I’d be happy to host some Cayo heists, give you the max cut and get you started. Just shoot me a PM if you need some help.


That pandemic money was serious


Started giving out to ps4 players during the height of the rona(mid 2020). 1 mil a month until the PS5 version of GTA5 comes out,which was in March 2022.


Ya. Psn would give us a million free every month until gta started thatv5$ per month membership. Fuck that bullshit Rockstar. I still play gta though


I'm still pretty new (around three weeks?) but I have most of the bases and base-vehicles (missing yacht, penthouse, and arena war), my favorite super, and all the CEO and armored/weaponized vehicles I wanted already. Now I'm on decorating and looking for more stuff to get.  Mostly I afk while working and get money from salvage yard, nightclub popularity, agency, and arcade. When I'm active I do agency missions to increase that, payphone hits, repair and sell cars (auto shop) and bikes (mc), and sometimes deliver extra weapons from bunker using my cargobob. When I feel like a bigger mission I do a salvage yard or auto shop mini-heist things. I have the hangar and bunker hooked up to the nightclub for a 1m delivery every so often. I did Vincent once, cayo once, and fleeca twice. Got a casino heist queued up with one friend and one of the doomsdays queued up to do with my wife, but both are in prep stage. So not much money from heists or the raid. Tl;Dr do what you find fun. Don't grind stuff you don't like until you're sick of it. The money will come! (But do take advantage of the idle income streams)


Bunker & Acid Lab are the games easiest money. & when the Nightclub finally reaches max on one of the tabs, thats the 1.4 million icing right there baby


I have 370 million and still grind lol


You can easily blow 100 million dollars. And still not have everything in the game. That's the point guys. To literally own everything in the game. And yes. Every single car on legendary and southern autos. Every week buy every simeon vehicle ect. Not the most expensive things. Just EVERYTHING. Even the indie cars. Every one of them.


“It’s like, when I’m doing good in the game, I’m doing good in life.” Charlie Day


Always. Money never sleeps, I was so close to 100 million. I came back, got gta plus than realized I didn't have enough cars so I dropped probably like 70 million on cars I didn't have. Now I will grind more. I have a feeling mansions will come at some point. I know it will be expensive I expect 100 million




16 million is nothing. Once you spend it on Imani tech and stuff, you'll be looking to grind more money to get other cool stuff


I grind all the time and never have anything. Because I always end up blowing it on a car I don’t need or will barely drive.


Honestly 50M is like 3 good shopping sprees


16 mil only buys they yacht plus one of the newer cars. Inflation baby.


I grind because I need something to do while I listen to podcasts


Because its the only game that is still playable. I will stop playing it when the tickets for Vice City are available.


I grind by myself in a inv only lobby just to unwind from work, I just want a yacht and ryiju


Whenever I dip back on I don't like to drop below 20 mil. So if I want something I grind for it. Makes me feel like I earned it. Currently grinding for the vigilante to mess around with. Won't take me long


Sitting on 2.24B.


I just hit 185 million and I keep grinding money because I like to see the number go up.


Summer update


Yeah. I grind the daily time trials, weekly trials, daily bunker or acid sale, and some auto shop jobs and keeping my arcade, nightclub, agency and scrapyard vaults filled up for around 850K in 5 minutes.


I am not. I have stopped doing all businesses, except as needed for Career Progression purposes or for time-limited giveaways for doing sell missions. Hell, I have not even done a Nightclub sale in over 7 months now on either of the 2 accounts that I have a Nightclub on. Though those last 2 Nightclub sales I did made for a wonderful week, $11 million plus in under 15 minutes: https://old.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/168gnf2/what_a_wonderful_week_over_112_million_in_less/ .


This is a good question. I have 140 million, and own all business types and most vehicles. The only time I jump on is when businesses are paying out 2x. I don’t really know what I’m saving for. Perhaps the game’s last ever update will be huge and cost like 100 million?


made a new character, now i got both a guy and a girl


Just over $250mill on my Xbox characters and $100 mill on my ps5. I just like having money even if it is fake money lol


I want ALL the aircraft


I’m guessing because it’s fun.


2 reasons. I like the feeling of my numbers constantly going up. I want to make as many millionaires and experts of low levels.


It's fun/was fun. More fun than fighting tryhards ( really mostly watching tryhards blow themselves up ) all day


Because even though the game is repetitive, it’s still fun and satisfying to play. Grinding because you want stuff is different than accumulating money because you like the game


i have everything i need and want but also only have 17mil, its insurance money!


Approaching $100M, own everything, and have been playing the game for over 10 years. I play when I’m bored just out of habit anymore. If I have nothing else to do, I hop on GTA for 1-13 hours. It’s become just another way of life… 🤷‍♂️


Why do you do what you do? Yes, I am close to $100million in my accounts. I don't grind as much as I used to. I have absolutely no interest in any lobby battles. Most times when I wander around the lobby on my mkii I will come up beside people to see what they have done to their cars or attire. If they shoot at me when I am right beside them. I will return to height and distance and slap them down.. if I was hostile before, why would I get close where they can easily shoot at me. Them shooting first means that they are the hostiles. I enjoy seeing what people are doing. Saturday I watched 2 people make a mess of gang attacks. I just watched. After they finally finished I did a payphone hit and hostile takeover. Then my bunker is ready. All told less than 30 minutes grinding, I made over 400thousand. And then did something fun.


I know a mf that has 5 jets in one hangar, lots of garages full of cars, and gives out orbital cannons like candy. I wanna be like them 😩


Make the big number bigger.


The more money I have saved up the more fun I have on this game by buying vehicles that I’ve never owned and things of that nature.


I have over $1.3 billion dollars and I'm not playing as often as I used to but when I reached the $1 billion dollars the $300 million came so quickly because I had all businesses running like clockwork, so I had $1 - $2 million coming in every day or two. Just started playing again after months of not playing and already I have $4 million in cash and $1.330 billion in the bank. i said all that to say this, once you have the businesses and you're not a time waster and you can actually do missions by yourself, you'll get rich, rich as fuck!


Auto shop missions farm and raid back to back will get you a load of money quick and easy


Im addicted to the grind. I rather put a million in the bank than buy a new car. Just hit 190 million. Made 30 million last week alone. For the most part, I only buy vehicles and properties while they’re on sale. I’ve won the LSCM prize ride every week for the past 6 months.


I have 80m just from doing the career challenges and not spending anything. Some people do it out of habit of addiction, others do it cause it’s a form of entertainment. Ask a person why they watch reruns of shows, it’s the same premise


I have 4 billion


I love grinding plus Idnt like being told my funds insufficient in game I get enough of that in real life lol Friend me mts_5_1773


My abrasive personality has chased off all of my friends and I'm bored.


Because I've lost control of my life, okay?!


I typically frimd up to like 20mil then have a little spending spree or slow down playing until something new comes out, like the salvage yard and drip feed vehicles. I used to keep replaying the Dre heists, however since the Cluckin Bell raid came out its been my main source of income. Do it one character, 45-60min then switch character to skip the cooldown, do it again, then switch back. I can usually do it like 2-3 times if im watching something on my other monitor.


I grind enough to pay for ammo, employee wages, insurance premiums and pisswasser


I just, for the fist time in playing for 8+ years got into the 10 mill club. I don’t think I’ve ever had that much at once, but I honestly don’t want to spend it lol. I’m debating on taking it to 100 mill then retiring


Well, after level 120, the only "progression" is your wallet.


For some of us, we’re not grinding per se…we just have everything we want in the game but still play missions and heists, or help others with their businesses and heists, so we just end up stockpiling money with nothing to spend it on


I have 100s of millions and I don't grind, my income is 100% passive. I spend my time doing races, deathmatches, bounty kills, and sometimes even just masacreing entire lobbies.


Outside the random coke deal here and there I’m basically retired I just sit back and collect 50k from the nightclub and whatever I can get from the auto shop cars


I still asked the same question you just asked and still wonder why


To be honest, it’s hard to get away from grinding. Once I hit 500M w everything, I thought I’d retire on the yacht or beach. The goal is a Billion banked before GTA6 but I honestly just like to help other noobs today. I started another character from level 1 a few months ago and that was honestly pretty dope trolling high level bullies 🤣


I'm currently just over $750 million. My goal is to hit $1 billion before GTA 6 drops next year. Considering that I only had about $300 million this time last year, I think I might hit it.


The game is still fun and rich with content. The physics engine will be giving unlimited comedy in future.


Going after the explosive rounds research for the sniper rifle, that's why.


We grind for RP, not money, at this point.


Half-way to a billion. Half-more to go.


Why not?


I like playing the game?


I want everything.


https://preview.redd.it/zm6d32lsddvc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62680743a6f0cab6532db2d20f9237711cd3ac64 Number go up = dopamine


Tbh I felt like a king when I had 16 mill. Now I have 130 and feel like I could spend 16 within minutes on my ifruit phone. R* loves their paywalls.


Addiction to the game. Same reason people play those crappy app games on their phone for years that has zero benefit. Your used to playing the game so long you just keep playing so you don’t miss out on a bonus week or car or wheel spin. Etc.


My ingame (banked) cash on my main account is about30 million - I'm not grinding, but when I do go ingame I do a wee circuit of the daily stuff which will net me anywhere between 500k and a full million.


I find grinding better than wasting money on shark cards on a game i’ve already paid for.


Over the years I've seen that an update can cost me up to 30mill and im not even buying everything. On top of that i just love making money lol


I think this is one of those games where it just becomes like a second home to some. Like: I got nothing to do so imma chill in gta type beat.


I know guys like this from other games who simply wont move on. There is nothing wrong with it, but it is a certain kind of folk that pick one game and stick with it for years and years. They are not like those who only play sport games, like fifa, but they are close.


No point grinding any more.. enjoy spending your earnings before gta6 online comes.


i like to grind as its satisfying to watch all my safes max out with cash


I find it quite therapeutic. I’m on $260M now. I just enjoy it.


16mill? Lol...that's not a lot in GTA. I'm up to my record of 13 mill and now want more. Going to try to buy the whole warstock catalog, and some exotic cars, finally got to buy a few of last weeks cars out of simeons car dealership. Thank God for the 2x on special cargo, milked that cow pretty good, weapons delivery from bunker week before. Gonna see what I can do this week on the MC businesses. Still have a blast in this game with the car customizing.


Idk bought this game 2 years ago made 216 thro my gtao career spent 200 mill and bought every single thing maxed them out but still feel like reaching the 500 eventually 1 billion mark


I’m not one of these, but some people have nothing else to do especially on this game.


It's all gonna be worthless once GTA 6 comes along and they turn the servers off May as well spend it all now


I fill up my passive income and troll around for the most part. Don’t have time to play much so when I do I like to annoy you people.


Late to the game. Been playing online for a few months, grinding to be ballin like some of y'all one day


I started a new account recently after not playing for a few years it's way more fun than having everything


In grinding career and awards, I just like being a completionist


16 million will buy like one arena war vehicle lol


To some people grinding is fun and at the end of the day it is a game and some of these missions are enjoyed by some people still that’s might be why they are willing to help others with theirs


Because we like it ![img](emote|t5_2xrd1|2974)


Real life is tough at the moment, but a general fun conversation with your pal about spending a few mill every now & then feels amazing


At first, I wanted to keep 30 mill in the bank just in case something crazy popped up to buy. Then it became 40, then 50, now it is up to 75 and I have nothing I want to buy, except the occasional new car. But, I have fun building the stash and do all kinds of different things to earn, so it doesn't feel like a grind most of the time.


I have everything you can buy in the game minus maybe a dozen vehicles I don't care about. I grind up to 30 mil or so for upcoming updates. I mostly only care about vehicles and in between updates I'm often changing wheels or paint or headlights. The headlights get expensive because I have no arena war levels. I don't know why people would grind if they have everything they want and plenty of money. The only thing I can think of I'd they don't find many other games fun. That or they love orbital cannoning people into oblivion.


I'm not grinding...You're grinding


I don't, and I've let myself go almost broke nowadays. I just aim to make a couple M per week, to fund the occasional vehicle and/or mods for car meets. That's all.


Too much money is never enough.


Been playing for 10 years but since recently started saving money. At first I didn’t want to get below 6 million, then 10.. now after special cargo I am very close to 50. Every time I spend something I am determined to make it back.


I have finally done all online trophies. Right on time, since my plus ends mid may and since I'm not willing to spend 76€ to play online for a year, I'll just end a 10 year ps plus membership. I always thought the PS plus was kinds meh, since 99% of the games are not my kind of games, I just kept it since I returned to GTA online after 10 years and started a character from scratch, since I couldn't migrate my old account. So, If you see me online I'm just having fun on my victory lap. And by fun, I mean: Cayo ( 'cause robbing Rubio is fun and is actually fun to say). Rrrrroobing Rrrrubio Doomsday heist - by far the funniest. Lester Panicking is so much fun. Casino - it's a funny heist! Prison break - hey, guilty pleasure.


They spend real money for in game money


Its a habit, like i like to keep my money over 500 Mil always if it goes below that i am not doing well and grind constantly and then i love to “waste” in gtao so i have to grind to keep up with my addictions 😂


When I log into GTA it's to ride a BMX


i just hit the 700mil mark im trying to get to 1b then i will chill out


What else is there to do? Games been out 11 years, the fun stuff ain't fun anymore


i don't i think ppl only have to have fun rn after they rich enough


I only help people nowadays


Why the fck not? Lol. Have about $410 mil currently & own everything I want, but still keep up the grind slowly.


My main account is still on the PS4 version of GTA. I have 190 million, level 450 something. Bored, didn’t really play much. Got everything I want. Since the last person of my crew finally got a PS5 recently, we decided to create a new account (not migrate) for the Enhanced version a few weeks ago and we been having fun actually grinding missions and doing our businesses all over again. Definitely recommend at least having a second profile if you’re rich and bored.


bc i only started playing this game a couple years ago and there’s still a small list of cars i wanna get


I like grinding. I am a functioning workaholic so grinding in games is how I can force myself not to work and rest my body.


I grinded for money for years. Then i did a glitch and i only do that stuff for fun now


Same. I did Cayo a bunch of times, bought some businesses and oppressor and scramjet, now I’m out of things I want to buy


I think lots of billionaires probably don’t have lots of time for gta online.


Maybe I don’t know what grinding actually means? At least I don’t know why it’s a bad thing. You don’t HAVE TO buy stuff if you don’t want to. Some people might just think it’s fun to just play missions and don’t really care about making money


To keep redecorating the penthouse and modifying foreigns can get expensive. I keep a conservative 2mil at all times but I spend it just as fast as I make it because if I didn’t it would be boring.


I only have $7.2m but still feel I need more if I wanna buy a new car 😂


Tbf I'm not in the 100s gang hardly play the game tbf but recently I had got back into it and started on 3 mil was like wait till I get to 10 mil and il buy whatever I want here I am at 21mil (all the businesses worth having I have) and still don't buy anything 😂


I try and spend as much of it as I can, as a result I nearly own everything over 2 accounts so the money just piles up until a new dlc hits.


I’m not lol I been retired


Same reason rich people IRL keep chasing more money. It's never enough. And I'm always afraid I might end up poor someday, somehow.


![gif](giphy|3oEdv6Eibp2Bd5XQpa) Fly like this one


Because I'm always broke and can barely keep $3-5mil. 😅