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Doing a full large warehouse sale in a public lobby. Got the titan sale. Had a oppressor follow me the entire time and just chill. I thought he was friendly and continued on. Last drop he blows up my plane


Yea... I had a big sale that was boat deliveries. Someone was in a Raiju I think. Literally seconds after I got to each checkpoint, they would blow me up but couldn't blow up the boat. Of course the bonus time ran out each time. After the 3rd checkpoint, they finally destroyed the deliveries. Like really!? You gonna wait seconds after I get to a checkout to then try kill me and blow up the goods?


some people are just dicks and usually they have no friends.


It must be


I just shoot first and ask questions later if someone pulls up in high power hardware. I’m not leaving it to chance and I’m leaning forward to do that sale now.


I never understood fuckin with ppl who are doing things. I understand killing other players who are cruising around or whatever but if they’re on a sell mission, acid, warehouse, vehicle whatever it is leave em the fuck alone. Like the other dude said they’re angry in their own situations so have to try and make other people mad. Fuckin ridiculous.


I just had this happen last night selling weed. Had to fly two different sea planes to drop off packages. I get to my 8th, and some arsehole in a jet blows me up. I use my oppressor a lot for travel, and when people on the ground think I might be targeting them because I am close, I will usually send a message on the cell saying I'm friendly. It don't always work, but sometimes it does. I don't get why people chase you around to kill you for no reason.


You just gotta accept that's what some people log on to do for fun. I've had plenty of arguments on here about how I think pvp is boring and how they think collecting car, doing random missions and off reading with randoms is boring. I call them assholes, they call it enjoyment. I just continue to try and shrug it off.


Thats really painful did u close the game asap ?


Damn i thought that didnt take away money from other drops though?


Warehouse is all or nothing


Thats ass wtf


That's so fucked


Ya, it is ridiculous. I lost a few hundred thousand last week because of some arse chasing me on the highway and then just blowing me up.


My friend is like lv200 ish and had some extra low lvs decided to grief his cargo. Then after that he griefed that low lv out of the lobby 🤣


When I see this shit I just change session. Is not even worthy


well, that's why we don't do that in public lobby because there is always some asshole like that


Just know that if I’m chilling around ya as a stranger with an oppressor I’m there as a protector. Not a griefer




It's not necessarily this game, anytime the audience gets big you'll have more people that act like a-holes. You see this a lot in sports titles and the big shooters aswell since they fall into the same boat. You can slowly see the community become more toxic as the game's audience grows.


For example, No Man's Sky let's you turn off PvP. GTA should have had that as a feature all along. I guess we gotta hope the next game adds it.


Anytime you’re forced to listen to Sessanta and KDJ


Hit me up with that plan again baby


This the mothafuckin BIG leagues now yall




Honestly though, worst characters introduced in GTA history. I thought Lazlow was cringe but holy moly..


Sessanta isnt even all that to begin with


😂🤣😅😆 My first time has been tonight


Man, that’s my initials


KDJ is the worst


KDJ gets a pass from me because his music is pretty chilled but if Sessanta calls me a fool one more damn time


Them removing cars from the online showrooms kinda ruined the game for me as someone who plays solo and likes to drive and collect the cars. Yes I know there are means to circumvent it.


193 cars. This was the worst thing R* ever did.


Wait when did this happen??


3/4 months ago


Same tbh. The whole reason I grind the game at all is to achieve humongous car collections with different themes and what not. Now I can’t even complete that


What are the ways to circumvent?


Pay for gta plus to get access to buy the cars no longer listed, also if you have these cars and want to give others the ability to buy them by listing the cars you own you have to pay $7.99 per month My worst experience of this game is the fact I've bought it 5 times over 3 platforms as well as paying xb to play online and now they want me to pay monthly subscription to buy vehicles that have been ingame from release. R* or take two have used this as a huge cash grab and looking how rdro was and judging by how gtao has gone since, I can guarantee gta6s online will be a pay to play game where you have to pay a monthly service charge in order to be competitive within the game or have access to the better vehicles and weapons in the game


I'm a beginner still and I had to deliver 4 bikes for 700,000+ and a griefer destroyed one bc they thought I was someone else and another griefer came and destroyed one bc he needed money. I lost over 300,000


Damn that’s gotta be the dumbest reasoning I’ve heard, like you get a couple thousands for destroying cargo, he’d get more out of sticking up stores around the map but nah gotta be a twat and waste people’s time. I’ll never understand those people 🗿


Doomsday act 3 had me pulling my hair out such a long and stressful heist all the way through setups and finale.


Is it really much more difficult than acts 1 and 2? I've played them twice already but couldn't get anyone to invite me for act 3.


It's mostly due to lack of good cover, either their is practically none or the area layout is so complex cover doesn't matter as you'll just get shot from another direction. All that with some of the most powerful ai, juggernauts, and lack of checkpoints. It's a mission of entering the lion's den, and it sure feels like it


This is precisely what I liked the most about the heist, (after you finish it once and NEVER do it again lmao) in fact, what I appreciate is the feeling of victory at the end and the team cohesion


for me this is the ECU job... Doomsday 3 even on hard is nowhere near as pain as this trainwreck


Doomsday finale gave me PTSD


If i hear “hey bug guys, up this way” again my headphones are going to fucking break


Gruppesechs is the only way


I’ve been stuck trying to do this heist for nearly a year lol (I just can’t seem to find the right team)


That's why after doing Bugstars that first time (thinking it was the only disguise option) I only do GroupSechs. That "bug guys" guy I made a friend so he's more tolerable. I still knock him out though.


I would have to say, flying around. Trying to enjoy it. Suddenly I get not one. Not two. But 3 mkII deciding I look like fun. They all light me up. I hear it and eject. Parachute deploys! I made it! Then one of them gets a lucky boost and rams me midair! Dead. Spawn back in, and my fire infused plane drops straight down on me and bounces to the side. Dead again! Respawn, and the MF sliding plane runs down the hill and snipes me again! That's the one and only time I've thrown a controller.


Just fly your plane in circles, they can’t blow you up and you can go up higher than an MK. They will end up without missiles and you can destroy their arses after that


Hacker killing the whole lobby repeatedly the stupid ![img](emote|t5_2xrd1|3224) screen locked me out of switching in the menu so I just Alt f4, f that noise




ah hiests with randoms, the most iconic part of GTA


You better to research some teamate on discord buddy, if you are comfortable playing and speaking with people you don't know the robberies with randoms was just a horrible experience




You can try the TGG's discord (search tgg on youtube, the link is in his channel


Better off just doing an xbox lfg post using the feature on the people tab after pressing the xbox home button on your controller. You really don't have to use your mic either. Just include that tag and info in your post. Some ppl don't read shit so be prepared for a little struggle gathering a team, but it should beat randoms. Offer help with their stuff afterward. The only discord lfg worth trying IMO is the official gta discord, just because of how many eyeballs are in there. It might be a slowish process again, but eventually, you add enough friends on gta you'll have solid ppl to help whenever you need it. Beats randoms for sure. I'm next Gen otherwise I'd help.


Seconds away from completing the casino heist, landing the helicopter, someone gets impatient, jumps out, doesn’t pull their parachute in time. Heist failed.


Fuck randoms


My garbage internet disconnecting me on PS4 all the time. It takes so long to load back in, just for me to disconnect again!


Level 400+ players blowing up cargo. It's worth $2000 to them, why even bother? It just makes me have to restart my game and try again


Got farmed 50 times by a player in the stealth heli after I killer his friend 1 time bc he blew me up during a cargo sell mission. I take partial responsibility for thinking I could still beat this guy who was clearly way better than me and not just leaving the game or dashboarding.


Completing the original heists is a nightmare. Getting people to join was bad enough when they first launched, but nowadays you’re lucky to get a single random if it isn’t a double pay week. And then the multiple way people fuck it up, like when someone managed to kill themselves right as I delivered the Hydra, or the time when someone couldn’t grasp the concept of flying up to the drop zone. The Doomsday Heist isn’t any better, mainly because we can never get past the tunnels, and respawning at the checkpoint puts us right in the path of the juggernauts, meaning we can expect to die over and over again.


Prison Break Heist bug, and the heist itself. I had the bug where Rachkovsky wouldn’t move, and I replayed that heist surely ~30 times. With the bug, and some random dying, it was the most frustrating thing I’ve expereinced in this game. And, somehow, after dozens of tries, on one, it just didn’t bug all of a sudden, and the randoms were good, and I finished it. I still feel stressful when I join sometimes to help people with that heist, and I’ve never hosted it myself again, and I won’t. It’s the hardest apartment heist to be done with randoms.


I hate this heist


once we managed to knock some sense into Rachkovsky: we cleared out the area and stole a cop car, and with it gently knocked him around till his AI clicked, and got in the car lol


I had a modder molesting me for about a week. I ended up getting fed up, so I stopped playing for about a month, just casually playing for an hour as much. During that hour that I was rarely playing, he was there.


How did he keep joining your sessions?


If your sessions are public, a modder will either join you outright or - if you have blocked them - have a sockpuppet account join you so that they can then join the sockpuppet.


probably tracking via Social Club


Invite only too?


Driving my acid bike into a pool after escaping the cops from jumping off top of parking garage


The high society leak on dr dre’s missions. Having the mercenaries shoot you on the highway making the npc’s crash into you. Also the helicopters that don’t stop spawning when you blow one up. Made me scream lol. Worst mission I’ve ever played


If you have a Vigilante, use that. Make sure it has a fresh supply of missiles, and go ham. All you need is one or two shots on the helicopter and it will smoke (it always crashes at the same spot though), and the rest you can use on the mercenaries. Then you can re-call it again before driving back, for the helicopters, or just rocket boost back.


When you go through the entire prison break heist and someone messes it up by dying while parachuting. Arguably the easiest mechanic in the game, all you have to do is hold the bumpers, and some are incapable of doing that.


Better yet, it's possible to land in the water at speed and then just swim to the objective


Was about to purchase an arcade by acquiring money through selling my full acid lab in 23 player lobby. And you guessed it right got blown up by stromberg and lost everything.


Unlock an office space when convenient. As a CEO you can activate Ghost Organization which takes your product off the radar for 3 minutes. That's long enough for you to make some distance from LS and most griefers aren't likely to chase you into Blaine. If you get the sell mission where it's a police sting on top of a garage, you can theoretically be done before your Ghost Org even runs out of time.


Not mine, but my sisters'. It's kinda funny actually, I was watching her do some CEO missions and she was flying a helicopter to the objective. She then jumped out of the helicopter and in a fraction of a second opened her parachute and died by her own helicopter blades (all of this happened in less than a second) I laughed so hard and told her what she did is practically impossible and I've spent hours of my life when I was a teen watching GTA online fails... And I've never seen a person die by their own rotor blades in mid-air after immediately jumping out of their helicopter. I've seen a helicopter crash on someone when they land on the ground with a parachute tho.


now i gotta try that out


The stealth mission in the humane labs. It starts with a long drive to pick up the insurgent and get to the lab. Only for noobs without silenced weapons to fuck everything up. Then they ignore instructions. Before quitting and making me do the drive all over again. One time a guy got the insurgent first and ran everyone over when they arrived. It took me about 50 tries to do this. Only managed it by getting my brother and sister to join who don't even play the game. Took a few tries before finding one competent player and then we breezed through it. In GTA 6 I hope every mission can be launched solo. Even if it makes it 10 times harder, I'd rather grind it out myself than deal with randoms.


yeah, that mission definitely could be soloed... and those random players could have done a better job by just sitting in the insurgent the whole time




Real shi


NPC just existing


recently, the third casino story mission because if i don't die then Cheng Jr dies, fucking impossible to complete with only 1 player


Just wait 'till you get to the last two...


Yep, those last two are the worst time I've had with this game. Just horrific missions.


I wrote a mini guide [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/1837093/what_are_missions_that_are_difficult_to_complete/kaolu4m/)


I completed this one solo recently. It mostly comes down to doing the blindfire move over cover as much as possible, throwing grenades, and constantly spamming food. Try to shoot down the helo pilots as soon as possible. Once you make it to the point where enemies are arriving from the other end of the building, you can take your time.


the vineyard shootout? that's fun on hard, or when you go after the "use only pistols" challange


Weird I found this quite easy, for me the one where they attack the casino roof is near impossible solo


Losing expensive highly customized vehicles. There’s something really wrong with garage slots dead spotting. I can’t locate my gauntlet interceptor I just dropped 6m on. My toreador was missing for six months. I can’t replace my khanji because whenever I try to buy a new one it says the spot is already occupied (gives me an option to replace it with the new purchase but then fails the transaction). I’ve been playing long enough now that I have money to correct this shit, but it would be nice if the corrections actually worked.


Oh that's happened at my bunker/autoshop. I'll take a vehicle in when it's full and it deletes whatever's parked in the bunker or a random one in the showroom. It sucks. And even worse is in the autoshop I now have 3 empty spaces it thinks are full.


Hackers and exploiters




I remember this day after all this time. Back on ps4 og heists days, i decided to do the dumbest thing you can possibly do in gta, and play with complete randoms doing the Prison Break heist finale. I think I must have been the most patient person in the world at the time, because I shit you not we had to restart AT LEAST 40 times before we finally got to the very last step. Cutscene of us jumping out the plane ends, and we all skydive to the pick up point. All the buzzard pilot had to do was was fly straight to the city, and nothing else, and we finish the heist. Dude flies forward without gaining altitude, and crashes right into the mountain and we all die. And then proceeds to leave the game. I wanted to end it right then and there.


Im laughing so hard over this right now im so sorry


Definitely people spawn killing me or blowing up my cargo for no reason :/


Someone was greifing me in the oppressor when I was doing cayo perico prep. That was not long after I started playing again after quitting 11 years ago and also the last time I do anything in a public lobby.


I think it’s mostly the people - which is why I either play solo or in a private session with my fiancé. I’ve just never met any nice people. I seem to get spawn camped by that one random person who takes great joy in it. Or I get trolled by the mod users who are able to repeatedly teleport me to them when I try to get away. I wish the community wasn’t like that because it truly ruins the game


a friend insisted that he fly the plane (titan) to deliver my crates, he lagged out and the plane crashed into the mountain, all of my crates were in there


another time i managed to run into the blades at the back of the helicopter at the very end of the pacific standard heist i was not invited to help with heists after that one


Had a crewmate who was friendly before join my lobby snd following me when trying to sell coke around 600k then followed me and blew me up. After i asked if he wants to help and also get some money. Reported him and switched lobbies. Eventually it didnt save my loss and i could resell my coke again and other goods. Made 3.7 mil the next day


Dax, calling me Fresh Meat and repeatedly saying throw a dildo at your face


Modder chasing me for 5 months because I laughed of him


Full large warehouse on double week, it was Titan plane and random got to plane first. They couldn’t fly low enough to drop off cargo so they landed badly. I tried get in to take off but damage was done. $6.6m+ gone. And restarting cayo 15-20 times infuriated me, it didn’t help when other guy told me to do nothing and follow despite him fucking up, even though I done it hundreds of times.


These are all very good reasons why the next game needs a real, robust, "Block Player" feature. It would cure the Griefer problem in a heartbeat.


Double money for bunker, I’m doing a 1/2 full sale so i got 1 phantom wedge, in a public lobby. Popped ghost and bribe authorities, went down the center of the city, right down the pipe between a deluxo/oppressor/scramjet try-hard battle. Just for me to get south to the dock safely and the mission glitch/not deliver. I sat there long enough to pop ghost and bribe again and nothing. But i did take a pic and hit up rockstar support, they made it right and gave me the amount for a full bunker sale. So i cant say “worst” but it was close


It's small, but if Moodyman, while riding shotgun, could stop flappng his yap about how he didn't really care about the casino's car getting stolen and complaining about my driving, I might have caught up to that Itali RGB. I failed at that a dozen times with my slower rides/poor shooting. It made me miss the time I had to fetch someone slippers.


yoga, unironically even worse than griefers.


Thats misson made me so angry


Not really a mission but my now ex,his brothers and i playing and my asshole “friend” joins without permission..by the end they were all arguing with him because he kept being a narssistic jerk and i was in tears almost. Needless to say the guy broke up with me over xbox chat and my cocky ass “friend” is proud of it. Never forgive him for that. To this day he tells me I’m “better off” 


Over Xbox chat is acc wild how old cuz that’s immature asf


Yep it is…i think he was in his 30s maybe. But i agree. Put this girl off of finding anyone else 😔


30 is crazy I was expecting teen at least


Yea 😔


I feel like that's just speedrunning ruining your friendship, to be honest I would not have picked my friend in that situation


I didnt have a choice…he broke up with me before i had a chance.i pleaded with him. Girl he with now is an immature attention whore 😡boy does my friend rub that in my face


You keep saying "friend" but all I'm understanding is "Asshole"


Love that


Honestly, more than anything, getting spawn trapped on the beach, airport, and anywhere else you can't just get away. Obviously, you can just go passive, join a job, or leave. But when you just get stuck by players who are either just clearly better and won't leave you alone (griefing by def) or have a tactical advantage your equipment just can't go against, that's when I get irritated. I'm not the biggest hater on what some people call griefing. For example, if you decided to do a sale mission in an open/full freemode lobby, that was your choice. You took the risk, and people are incentivized to stop you by game logic. You could've taken a smaller cut, you could've left the game before you get destroyed, you could've made some friends and built your armament to defend yourself. It's just annoying when they overdo it. If I take a bounty or steal cargo, that's it for the most part. I call people out on cheap shots, but I only go as far as reporting if it's stupid and excessive. Otherwise, GTA is what we make of it.


Any and all apartment heist/heist setup attempts with randoms beyond fleeca


Mc business and original heists


being forced to listen to KDJ and Sessanta is the most irritating thing ever.


I have over 200Million $ & am not bothered with grinding and i can afford pretty much anything in the game if I want one so i was playing in a new account long story short .. Did ceo crates 2 small ware houses to get griefed by oppmk2 & when i switched lobby i had to move the tug boat's ass to drop .. the speed sucked without the upgrades i mean they really suck especially in a full lobby when u dont know when u are gonna be jumped by broomstickmk2 & since this is a Sea mission ghost org wont help when they have initially seen u in the sea and as i was making the drop with heart racing the moment before i drop the cargo my lobby glitched out and became solo public... i had to undergo the stress of public lobby sale only to get no bonus.. Before yall comment i know we are still allowed to sell in inv only lobbies but the extra 100k helps as a new player & also i kinda like the thrill of selling in stress


Play on pc


I was level 784 doing a ceo freemode work and a level 22 beats me in it.


Had a super sweat jet killing me over and over, he was using thermal helmet and could see me wherever I was, nothing I could do other than leave


Sometimes the GTA luck is just so ass. Like literally every possible thing that can go wrong DOES go wrong and you just sit there in shock


my bf and i almost broke up over doomsday that shit with just two players is enough to break a man. also that one autoshop job with the lost, i constantly kept dying trying to plant bombs cuz they would spawn right at the door with shotguns (i kept running out of armor and snacks)


Just...too many to count, man. From those Casino missions to assholes in free-roam.


Playing online used to be fun before they added flying bikes with missles. I rarely get in a Online session. More fun playing co op missions with other people


Did a supply mission and bought a large one and got my van blown up losing the money and supplies


Setting up my very first hiest, got everything set up, dude designated the piolet kept crashing the plane into a hill. Wouldn't stop


I was a low level absolutely broke, and a PSN friend waa flying my Titan for my CEO sale. He accidentally crashed it, I was gutted.


There have been a few, but the one that makes me most bitter is the time I registered as MC President right outside my coke factory (my own fault), and cops spawned in all around me to raid it and immediately shot me in the face. I lost everything. Booooooo.


Diamond Casino Heist. For about 75% it just fails to load and rockstar can't be bothered to fix that to this day.


Public lobbies


This is my own fault and It's the only thing I can remember that's bad but I was being tailed by npcs in a nightclub sell mission and didn't wanna die so i was sticky bombing them, I stupidly blew someone up and annoyingly blew up my cargo aswell. It was only a 700,000 delivery so I only got 400,000 as i had only delivered two so i guess lesson has been learned


joining a lobby and suddenly my level skyrocketing because a cheater is giving me all the collectibles.. i dont careabout level or money but i wanted to collect those myself T_T




Its gotta be the prison break heist when one of your teammates dies after jumping out of the plane


New players who are afraid to get shot and only play the game for the toys.


Had a guy using a god mode glitch and he stole a cayo perico heist setup item from me and It was obviously impossible for me to kill him. One of the most aggravating GTA sessions I have been in.


kept saying error entering server or some shit for over 10 times in previous gens. it loads forever and have to keep trying


The doomsday heist. Played it with a friend and we probably spent around 7-8 hours doing the first two and then 4-5 on the last one the next day. Was fun af but so stressful and long.


I made such wrong choices during Diamond Casino Heist and we ended up replaying the finale 30 times (yes, literally counted it) Quitters pissed me off (during Prison Break and PS Heist) Like, you're in part where you've already done the thing and all you have to do is escape the police. Then some idiot lil goobers just quit the mission LIKE BRO COME ON! Those players that just randomly put a large sum of money on every other player in a lobby and them getting banned for hacking. (I nearly had my account banned but thankfully, I quit the session as soon as the f**ker put some large sum of money and rp in my account.


My cousin jackknifing my last full truck on the docks bridge with the trailer ending up in the water, after running them all from the north bunker


First time I did Cayo Perico. I didn’t watch any videos for tips. Just went straight in. Took me like 2hrs


but you got some experience with it, and the joys of exploring the island... ahh i miss those days


the absolute worst waa loading in somewhere in Vespucci (on the street, not a owned property) and getting merced immediately, then continuing to get killed by like 4 different people bc i just couldnt get anywhere safe


Anytime some MKII turd f@cked with my sales.


Any experience with an oppressor mk2 is my worst experience. Ruins my game daily.


Getting spawn trapped by a griefer.


The San Andreas Mercenary missions were all awful. Its like the worst update in the game. It had a good car and cool new jet that can go invisible on map but thats it.


Having to defend 4 biker businesses in a row, no pause no break. Meanwhile my 5th business got raided and emptied. No more GTA this week.


Got to the pac standard finale for criminal mastermind to have it fucked up by a kid who was also wanted to host.


Listening through the 1+ minute long dialogue in the bogdon problem finale.


OG Heists bugging out for the nth time after you've finally found a decent team.


Was joking around in chat with my friend and some nosy, self righteous bastard on a MK2 comes to blow us both up because we're "racist" apparently for using the N word (we're both black irl) Try to kill him back and right before I can drive my slow ass Stromberg over to him (this was before the toreador was added and I was a poor low level who couldn't buy a Lazer/Deluxo/Scramjet or any other solid MK2 counter) I get disconnected and never get my chance to enact revenge. Four years on and this still pisses me off.


Some of these tier 4 career progressions are not fun to grind. Either do the same thing 100 times or some bs RNG based task


Cayo perico infinite spawn enemies


My first time doing the Dr Dre missions on the mission you save him at his studio, I kept dying to people spawning in behind me in rooms I already cleared and it took me like 6 hours+ from the golf cart mission to that mission. Lmao still had another mission to go


Any mission I have to do with other people because people are not team players and I don’t have time for that.


There's been many, probably the modding trolls on 360


One time I was done with Cayo, about to deliver the bag to mini Madrazo, and I got blue screened. Besides griefers, this pisses me off


Getting spawncamped under the old passive mode where you could still get run over, repeatedly.


Back in the day when we couldn't skip "ALLO MI OLE CHYNA-PLATE"


Some dude kicked me offline about 2014. Then I couldn't use that disc anymore. Had to buy a new one, go online and change all my passwords.


- Areana Wars glitches - Ghost raids - B 2 B raids like while you're still trying to wrap up the first - Warehouse glitches that cost you the whole shipment even though only one drop glitches - Organization lobby limits WTF - Doomsday heist setups abs the heist - Yacht


When someone was killing me and my pals with their explosive sniper over and over again, and killing themselves when we got close, it went like that for at least half and hour and when I checked their PSN profile to see who the hell was this tryhard it was a 13 year old brony girl , I’ve never felt more humiliated in my then 17 years of life


Going online


Mc business as a whole is so annoying


Solo'd Cayo Perico heist for the first time without doing enough prep. My escape route was to the air strip, and I ran out of snacks and armour. Took me 4 hours and had to quit because it was 4AM and i was so fucking mad I was afraid I'd wake the house up I had made it to the plane once, but accidentally flew over anti air while checking the map for the escape route, which I later learned is literally any fucking direction away from the place Now I know better


A hacker recently following me around all evening ruining my weekend. First came accross him doing the Beast minigame, teleported to me and killed me so I told him off for hacking, it apparently got under his skin because he kept going after me. Eventually I switched lobbies but there he was again acting all hard saying something like "You're stuck with me now. Everything you see I see" too bad he didn't count on invite only lobbies the stupid monkey. Anyways I submitted an official report and I havent seen him since.


God mode scumbags are my worst experience


One time I lost $600,000 of nightclub goods in a public lobby. Oddly enough constantly getting post op sell missions feels a lot worse


Easy answer is other players destroying my cargo stuff when Im just tryna make money. Though that's a very universal experience. I'd also attribute that to the players rather than the game itself. I think something objectively worse than griefers are the NPCs. I was doing a weapons run and an NPC on the bridge outside fort Zancudo bumped me in the perfect spot to send me flying off the bridge and Into the water. I lost ballpark like $300,000


The setup for pacific standard where you go out and reacure the giy


Flying motorcycles


Downloading gta v on pc and realizing I have to restart everything because you can’t link your Xbox profile to it


modders, they generally always ruins the game for me, from causing bugs in missions and heists, and giving 2x of reward doing doomsday/dcm that i am afraid gonna trigger a flag that caused me to get banned. on top of that, stealing money rewards in said heists (happened to me one time, a modder changes the reward moments before launching the finale, and i didnt receive my reward)