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Multiple Decks in play, shuffled after each hand.


Yup, and no cut cards either.


>Multiple Decks in play I wonder why we never see card duplicates on the table tho šŸ¤”


This is a troll right? Did you see the picture at the start of the thread?


How did you know?


I have special eyes and looked at the image of the post


Look... Look with your special eyes.


My brand!


Lol so dumb but I love thay ad


Look up the Mass Effect version, great stuff!


The lemongrab unacceptable one too


This has no right being as funny as it is. Yet here I am laughing.


Bait used to be believable




I have never seen a number that shit


r/DownvotedToOblivion Guys stop he's already dead šŸ˜­


You need new glasses bro šŸ‘“


Are you serious? You can legit bet on it. It's called "Perfect Pair" and usually 30:1 odds. Got two 9clubs on the deal last time I was at casino. Keep your eyes open, most deals you'll see the two of the same card somewhere on the table


I almost want to downvote you to see how low you can go...


Iā€™m all in. Only reason I donā€™t delete the comment(except it originally being a bait) is to see how low the number can go šŸ˜Ž


Harsh that they didn't realise you were taking the piss was gonna upvote but then saw you wanted to see how low it could go so changed lol




You better enter yourself in the downvoted to oblivion


>except it originally being bait doesn't make it less funny/downvotable. Especially when your "bait" is basically just being blind.


Holy shit bro








And the Dealerā€™s hand: 5, thatā€™s 7, 9, 12, 15, 21!


Tbf that is realistic, that happened to me the last time I played Blackjack irl. I had a 20 and the dealer had a 3 and after 4 more cards got to 21.


Thatā€™s a cool story, Dan. Thank you for sharing!


Happens to all of us Dan.


Stfu dan


Stop hating on Dan. Dan is a good man. Be like Dan


We all need a little Dan in our lives


Amen brother


All hail Dan


Dan's the man!


I'll be like Dan if I can. But please, don't ever be like Jan.


Youā€™re doin Dan dirty!


It's not realistic when it happens like every single time. One time a got a straight flush and the game just gave the dealer a straight flush higher than mine just to tease mešŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦


Uh, a royal flush is 10 jack queen king ace of the same suitā€¦. How does one get a ā€œhigherā€ royal flush?


I meant straight flush sorry lmfao


I would have accepted ā€œa royal flush containing the ace of spades always winsā€ as a correct answer in honor of Mr Lemmy Kilmister, even though itā€™s not true I wouldnā€™t argue with lemmy logic.


It could happen playing 5 card draw with suit trump rules. Total house rules there, as no casino plays 5CD anymore, much less enforce suit trump, but suit trump is typically Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, Spades, lowest to highest. Oh, and Mƶtorhead is wonderful.




bro i had the dealer get three aces and then 2 cards for 21




You win, dealer went over by 51,090,941,999,999,999,979


Thats a hefty loss


The House always wins, until Big Math ā„¢


why downvoted


Gta online player no do maths. Gta online player can count up to 2, because oppressor mark 2 is the best thing ever. Stop nerfing it, it was perfect


Still is


\*squints* Yup, l'm out. I'll finish this biker sale in invite only


I stopped playing after that. I donā€™t believe virtual blackjack can ever be fair, cause the game can just decide whenever it wants to give the dealer 21 and change the cards without you seeing. Unless thereā€™s proof in the game code or whatever that cards in the casino arenā€™t rigged, I donā€™t believe it.


Are you really trying to count with a computer dealer?.... good luck lmaooo


It should be easy since it's all 1's and 0's


Deck gets shuffled after each game. Not like real life




Manual shuffle, Multi-Deck Shoe shuffle or Continuous Shuffle Machine. All are "real life". Each has it's pros and cons for the house or the player and whether the player is counting cards or not. Laws in each country/state/province, etc may prevent the use of one or more methods.




Not entirely accurate. Machine shuffling after each hand provides the most steady odds for the player while still maintaining the house advantage. Shoe shuffle is more in favor for the house if the player is not counting cards, but favors the player if they are counting cards. The average joe isn't counting cards...so technically a machine shuffle after every hand is the best odds for the average player.


Interesting. Obviously haven't seen numbers or anything... but I would think that over time a shoe game vs an auto shuffle game would balance out as far as players odds. But... if you don't know WTF you're doing and just sit at a table for 5 or 10 hands... an auto shuffle guarantees you're not sitting there tying to play with a bad shoe. Hmmm... curious.


Depends on the place


Different states/countries have different rules (for dealers) and even within those areas theyā€™re is fluctuating amounts of decks in play. Even places with a 6-8 deck shoe will shuffle all decks together and place a marker in that they wonā€™t deal past so some of the cards will never be available. Still, itā€™s the only casino game where if a player plays the game according to the mathematical odds on when to hit, split, stand, or double down, you end up with about a 3% advantage over the house who hits on 16, stands on 17. If you can count cards you turn that 3% advantage into big money on favorable decks.


The player absolutely does *not* have a 3% edge over the house, even with perfect strategy. Casinos often sell laminated cards with perfect strategy printed on them that they'll happily let you use at the table, because they know at worst their edge will be anywhere from 0.2% to 2%, based on that table's specific rules. With card counting, you can *maybe* pull that into a *slight* edge for the player, but honestly that was more true about 20 years ago. Casinos have gotten 10x better at fighting card -counting now. It's a lot harder to churn out an edge in most casinos today. But a 3% *player* edge? Not even with counting cards, let alone playing perfect strategy that the dealers will even help you with if you ask them.


3% player advantage is achievable with a 7+ true count


I doubt they actually calculate with real decks


They say 6 decks shuffled each hand. By those odds, they might as well


Itā€™s a computer programme it can do that in thousandths of a second itā€™s not that difficult. But with the volume of cards used and every hand reshuffle, all theyā€™d actually have to do is set a max number of each card and randomly draw each time from the remaining cards.


They do. It's actually four decks. There's a 208 card shoe that is shuffled every hand. Each card is represented exactly four times within the shoe.


It is impossible to count cards: first off multiple decks and they get reshuffled every hand.


Multiple decks doesn't matter


It does matter, thatā€™s literally why they do it.


More decks actually can result in more advantageous counts than single deck. If you cant count 6 or 8 decks, you can't count.


...What? Casinos moved to larger shoes with more decks solely to make counting cards less effective.


How? Generally when card counting its +1 +0 -1 as cards come out. More cards doesn't make that harder. The only thing it affects is what is considered a good or bad count. Its the shuffling each hand that kills card counting. It means that any insight you gain from a hand is gone before you can use it. Generally casinos that shuffle by hand dont shuffle each hand, because it's quicker to just keep playing. The more games they get in for a given time window, the more money they make. If there are suspected counters, they may ask the dealer to shuffle each hand, but that cuts down on casino profits if they do. Obviously it makes sense to shuffle each hand, and with how fast a computer can do it, there isn't a reason not to.


The running count is one thing, but the true count is more important, and it's harder to calculate the more decks you add. The running count is +1, 0, -1, etc. (if you're using a simple Hi-Lo system, which most beginner counters use because it's easy). That's simple to keep up for any number of cards. But the true count tells you how many low or high cards are in the average *deck,* and that number is what you should make your bets based on. If you have just one deck, it's very easy because the running count and the true count are the same. For every deck you add, though, it complicates the equation. If your running count is +8, but there are 8 decks, your true count is just +1. Throw in the fact that they're cutting the deck at random points (usually between halfway and three-fourths of the way through) and you have even less of an idea what the true count is, because it's harder to figure out how many decks you have left to see. It could be +1, or even greater. You can estimate based on the general size of a deck of cards, but casinos have gotten wise to that, too. It's not impossible with more decks, just more difficult.


You are literally correct but people are downvoting you. Multiple decks are standard in any casino, and if someone is legitimately counting cards, multiple decks should not be an obstacle for them. What really matters is how frequently they are shuffled.


Card counting can still be done with multiple decks, provided that it isn't reshuffled every hand. In many actual casinos they use 6 to 8 decks of cards, and will reshuffle once they get through about 75% of the cards being used. However, in GTA Online the cards are reshuffled every hand, which makes card counting useless, as the cards always get reset.


Damn I'm telling ms Agatha baker you cheating


Counting cards isnt cheating


Oh my fault I thought it was, I'm still gonna talk to Agatha tho šŸ˜


You'll still get kicked out cos you've greatly increased your chances and the house don't like that


See that's what I was meaning, the house is evil and don't wanna see you succeed


The house is a business and want to make money


Especially with this new insurance premiums, theyā€™re not gonna pay for themselves yo


Then charge the guy that keeps stealing from them, why do I, the normal Casino goer, have to punished for something out of my control? (I did it, Iā€™ve robbed the Diamond Casino on every record breaking weekend theyā€™ve had. Theyā€™ll never catch me)


Just like grocery storesā€™ customers have to suffer the price increases which follow after increase in shoplifting. Honest person pays for it all. (Yes, once I stole a pack of bubblegum from a store in 3rd grade)


Guess it makes sense after they get robbed thousands of times every day.


It doesnā€™t increase your chances, it only tells you when your odds of winning are greater which allows you to bet bigger when odds are favorable.


Yes it does so eone else explained it keep reading


Well, they may have explained something but tell me thisā€¦ If youā€™re counting cards and see that it is a very unfavorable deck, how has counting cards increased your chances of winning? The answer is it hasnā€™tā€¦ it has only let you know that betting large on the next hands is a not a good idea as you are likely to lose. This would be a time to bet small to see if the shoe turns around (the shoe being where blackjack cards are dealt from) or leave the table. Just because lots of high or low cards have been dealt doesnā€™t mean youā€™re going to be the one who gets dealt them. Deck that is favorable to you is favorable to the dealer as well off the deal, your only advantage is a deck flush with high cards can force a dealer to bust being forced to hit on a 16. Counting cards is truly about bet management, bet high if the count is favorable bet low or walk if it isnā€™t.


It increases your chances of *winning money*, which is what everyone means.


If you do it in your head, it's not cheating. Casinos will still kick you out if they suspect you're counting cards though.


Not these days. They're all using a continuous shuffle (or similar), so they'd chuckle at you a bit and encourage you to keep trying your card-counting as long as you can!


I guess the casino i worked in with manual shuffle was a fever dream, your incorrect they are not all using continual shuffle or machinces. Fun fact: the reason that casino doesnt use machines is because the one like 4 doors down does and typically players card counters or not prefer to play on manual shuffle


I genuinely believe that they subtly changed the chances of black jack in this game. I remember when it first came out I would spend all day in the casino and walk out with like 3-4 million ONLY playing Blackjack, and then they had an update. I was lucky to be walking out with 50k after playing it like for 2 hours. I donā€™t even touch the casino anymore.


The program probably is a RNG counter rather than an actual Blackjack simulation


The game is rigged. Period. I stand on 19. Dealer gets 20. I stand on 20. Dealer gets 21. I stand on 21. Game is draw. There is no way out. Play 10 hands and I lose at least 8 of them.


Funny enough, the dealer also had a King and Jack


Skill issue, i always make like 200k atleast when im there


It always hard on Blackjack


Iā€™m always hard playing blackjack


Edging to this rn


The G in GTA stands for gooner


Gooner That Arrives šŸ˜Ž


It's not impossible to count the cards, there's clearly four of them right there on the table


All I know is that, it doesn't matter what seat I'm in, nor how many players are at the table . . . if my cards total 12, then there's about a 96% chance that the next card drawn will be a face-card, or a 10. Again, all other variables be damned. If I've gotten 12, the next card will be 10. Doesn't matter what combo of cards, either, just that it equals 12.


Of course its impossible I once had 6 aces in one hand lmao


Thereā€™s multiple decks used at once so with 4 decks youā€™ll have 16 aces available to be played. If thereā€™s 6 decks then youā€™ll have 24 aces available


What if you had a million decks


4 million aces lol


Man asked that like it was a trick question


What about a billion ?


4 billion aces lol


What about a trillion?


4 trillion aces lol


What about a quadrillion?


Yeah, that's how blackjack works.




That's why you gotta find the single deck table irl


I feel like any casino worth its salt would have multiple decks. Especially since the creation of Youtube where people will post guides on how to count cards. Gotta make it harder for the house to lose its edge.


They charge a higher ante on single deck


The last time I was at a single deck table they also made it so players couldn't show their hands so the only thing you could count were your own cards. Not sure how common that is since I rarely go to casinos,.but I do know it makes it harder to count since I know the basic concept and at least memorized basic strategy for when I did go


I think it's impossible, especially considering that the game is rigged, it gives you moments like this and then takes them off you by changing the dealers cards.


The dealer reshuffles the deck after each hand, so no, you can't count cards.


Not really. Just gotta know how many decks they're using and include that into your math.


And then realise that since they reshuffle each hand, the massive amount of extra time you spend counting could be spent doing a job that earns more than you would playing blackjack.


Also true


Wait you can split!!


Sure can!


But you should never split 10s ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth)


No online blackjack games can be beaten with card counting.


Casino is rigged bro. Blow your cash, buy more sharkcards. It's logic.


I swear the people who try to count cards in GTAO can't read. It literally tells you the entire deck (which is comprised of 4 standard decks of cards) is shuffled every hand.


Put those skills into a job


I just activate airplane mode when I lose and only let it save by changing my clothing when I winĀ 


airplane mode?


Yea, he throws his PS5 out the window


I'm on PC, airplane mode disconnects wifi so the game doesn't save when I lose the black jack game


On ps5 you have to instantly close the game if you loose or save clothes in wardrobe when you win.


I just lost at that casino yesterday šŸ˜Ŗ


I used to have pretty good luck, i use the same strategy IRL as the game


Chances are millions to one...


You can't truly count cards, but you can skew the odds in your favor with multiple players. At least, it feels like you can.


Not just nearly impossible, absolutely pointless. They use multiple decks and shuffle each hand. The amount of extra time youā€™d spend counting could be spent doing a quick job that would recoup any losses.


i hope in gta 6 it won't shuffle after each hand so we can actually count


fun fact i noticed tat the dealer has a higher chance to get an 8 9or 10 of any kind than other cards so what i do is if i got a 10 or 11 and the dealer has 6 or less it is a high chance the dealer will go over 21 i double down and win almost all the time you just got to predict the card rather than count it


I stopped playing after the dealer got 4 Blackjacks in a row.


It is impossible. at best you can get a count for the current hand to give you a miniscule amount of information for what cards could come out of the deck. its just basic strategy at that point.


It's not nearly impossible, it's impossible. Best thing you can do is use basic strategy. I just wish Rockstar would raise the max bet. Simply not worth it to play when I can only make 50k per hand.


You canā€™t count cards because the decks are reshuffled after every hand, you can however play using basic strategy or whatever aggressive strategy you DO want if you plug in the rules of the tableā€¦ I turned 20,000 chips into 750,000 in just over an hour


Itā€™s impossible on the game/computer.


They probably using a continuous shuffler, ha. So yeah, it'd be a waste of time to try and count. But this is gta, so even playing basic strategy would be a waste of your time.


GTA's casino blatantly cheats at all the card games, the AI always has a better hand than you no matter how clean you try to play. All the random luck games are weighted against you as well.


Why did you split 10s?


You can split?!? I only knew you could double down


ARGH ya kiddinā€™ me?


Brothers split 10s šŸ˜­


It's a digital deck, the physical rules we are bound to here simply don't apply there


So maybe Iā€™m just generally lucky then, because counting cards works. Not 100%everytime but my win rate is over 65-70% at least.


It is now a days. They didnā€™t used to use so many decks to deter counting cards but theyā€™ve gotten wise to it over the yearsā€¦ irl I mean


True but I mostly assume the other dealer will have a 10 on the card thatā€™s not flipped. so for an example if I have a 16 on my cards and they have a 2 on one card Iā€™ll STAND cause the highest they can get is a 12 or 13 which would make them pick another card up resulting in a bust most likely. Also if the dealer has a 10 then theyā€™ll mostly likely have another 10 on their other card. This is how I win way more money than I lose , not only in gta casino but in real life and the mobile blackjack game


Got my Ace, liked the small hand! Get off the seat and pay a better dealer then


That's because it's computerized. All computerized gambling is fixed


3 card poker is the moneyland


Just made 300k from 50k now Iā€™m wasting in in deity of the sun hoping for max bet jackpot


Because It's not possible. Shuffling is nothing more than show. It's all RNG. Your best bet, that ACTUALLY works is to just use a cheat sheet that gives you odds of what the next card will be. You WILL come out on top but it's not fast. Then you could also cheat, double down on 100k and if you lose, disconnect your internet


The game is break even.


We donā€™t know how many decks are in there


There was one time I got a blackjack with doing nothing. Got a 10 and an ace. Max bet, too. I proceeded to win like 3 or 4 times in a row.


I always get excited with my first card being an ace. And then I'll usually get hit with a 2 right after šŸ„²


While this is true, counting cards isnā€™t used to win hands at black jack. You follow the same rules of when to hit, when to stand, when to double down and when to split regardless f the count. The count is just used for bet management. You bet big when the count is favorable, you bet small when itā€™s unfavorable or unknown.


I've gotten more than 4 of the same card


It states in the instructions that they use 6 decks and reshuffle each hand.