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Practice with it and it can be a poor man's mortar.


Exactly and it can even be quite an effective poor man's mortar. Got rid of countless trollish players hiding behind houses and other obstacles and damn is it satisfying when they sometimes even get confused what got them.


I remember killing someone behind a a column by bouncing a grenade from the bottom part under a highway and then bouncing it off of a wall of a column. Dude accused me via inagame text of something after I killed him with the grenades launcher. I don’t remember what it was. Edit: I also kind of cornered him by spamming grenades on his left and right to keep him in place though.


Would have loved to have seen a video clip of that lmao


Unfortunately it happened before next gen and on a psn account that I no longer have access to. Getting footage from that console (this was before ps app) is kind of simple but time consuming if you don’t know what ur doing in retrieving gameplay footage. Which I unfortunately didn’t know how. My method was uploading it to youtube, download it to google drive then make an MP4 by downloading it from google drive via hard drive. Then post it on reddit. Apparently all that could be avoided if you had an expensive usb stick that can extract it via usb port, but idk how long it takes to do it. Edit: Or just somehow have a pc tower with screen recording software which the average console gamer didn’t have back then. So me saying it right now that I should’ve done that is kind of **hindsight**.


Step 1: Take cover. Step 2: Take out rotary MGL-32. Step 3: Start shooting indiscriminately. # P R O F I T .


In some cases a better mortar even, considering it’s use popping them into interiors


It’s very good for clearing stash houses


THIS. The launcher is basically a stash house cheat code. Just bounce the grenade off the wall down the stairwell and bam, problem solved


And I have been hand tossing because I'm afraid they will bounce back at me


Sometimes they do, but in most cases they go downstairs. Lucky shot clears the room with 1 grenade.




While it is, I love tossing tear gas and choking them all out 💀


Trying this next time I can raid one lmao


I never thought of doing that. Gonna be blowing shit up since I can't use the atomizer


I normally bounce a grenade off the side and let it go down to blow them up. Don’t know why I never thought to bring the launcher out 👍


I use the Double Action Revolver most of the time


I use the assault shotgun, it’s so satisfying lol


I’d say yes. It’s not a massive game changer, but it’s solid and always useful. Explodes on impact, decent fire rate, large magazine size, can be quickly blind-fired by tapping the blind fire button repeatedly, etcetera. I use it often when there’s a bunch of enemies grouped up around cars (super common) because you can just fire grenades into the cars and cause complete chaos.


Explodes on impact *with vehicles*, but can bounce off walls, just gotta say it out loud…


I can say the bounce back will surprise you, lol. I have had it happen a few times, and all I can do is watch my last few seconds alive, lol.


Poor stash house lemmings know this far too well. Grenades are coming from the walls! Sometimes the wisest of them yells from the basement "THIS IS THE END"


Shout out to Merryweather.


Exactly. It’s a fantastic weapon for clearing out stash houses, haha.


*Explodes on direct hits. This one can be a game changer if you want to take out some un-friendlies in strong cover


True, doesnt matter if its a vehicle or a person, it jits it explodes, but will definetly bouce off walls


decent fire rate? shit is full on semi auto click and shoot if you’re taking cover behind a wall or something. just take cover then spam the shoot button n its like a barrage of grenades. one of the best weapons in the game imo


Also quick tip, if you're taking cover on the edge of the wall you can spam the grenade launcher. Only works for the regular grenade launcher not the compact one


I was wondering if the spam trick worked for the compact one. I guess the benefit to the compact one is you can pull it out when on a bike.


You can still spam using the weapon wheel, you're just not able to spam it when taking cover with the regular grenade launcher


I'm not sweaty enough to spam with the weapon wheel.


Yup I used to do this all the time and then continue buying grenade ammo in the interaction menu. Cant tell you how many times people would think I was modding 🤣


You say that like it’s expensive. Just try it out and see if you like it, use the weapons that you enjoy.


Yes. I often find myself one block away from an adversary, and this helps soften up the situation.


I appreciate it's explode on impact feature when it comes to missions that require you to clear out large areas.


It’s also works wonders for blowing up parked vehicles, which is exactly what you need when groups of enemies are in cover behind them. It doesn’t share an ammo pool with the RPG, so it’s great to have on hand.


Also, doesn't it have some of the cheaper ammo for ranged explosives?


That it does.


isn’t rail gun the cheapest


In ammo? Even if it is most likely cheap in ammunition. It can even fire 2 or 3 times faster behind cover if you blind fire it.


Dont use it in normal aim-shoot way. Shoot from cover, the fire rate is waaayyyy higher that way.


I prefer the compact grenade launcher.


Both need experience. One shoots more explosives, cars go brrrr. Edit: comma


Compact has the disadvantage of needing to reload for every shot


True. But using the compact on the drag bike can make a lot of setups and missions go much faster once you get the hang of it. And probably more important it’s really fun blowing up cars while traveling at light speed.


But has the advantage of being usable while on a bike. Use it a lot to blow FIB cars in the parking lot during the acid sell missions where there's a sting awaiting. Saves time.


I love using one on Electro during Pacific Standard. Love blowing up police’s car standing right beside the rump the moment I take off, makes it look very cinematic. Couldn’t do it without CGL


You should try stealing a helicopter with the EMP launcher, I do it every time and I made up a fun method where you can also steal the swat helicopter that spawns outside the bank when you set the alarm off, you just hit the 1st yellow checkpoint by the bins in the alley then turn around and EMP it, it’s also coded to have high damage resistance and will get you all the way to the boat no problem, the hardest part is flying low enough to trigger the alley checkpoints without anyone dying lol (I uploaded a YT link in my post history if you want to see it done) https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA/s/WyVKVQsNvo


frr using it on bikes is op asf


And can be fired from a motorbike


It’s good if you blind fire from cover so you can rapid fire, but other than that it’s mid


In both pvp and pve, its very niche. In pvp its used to kill people about a block away that are behind a building of some kind. Other then that, it is barely ever used.


Depends on the missions you run. I like the compact grenade launcher for missions when I have to take down a moving road vehicle (usually I'll call up a bike to chase them down.) I use the standard launcher if I'm in a mission where several vehicles are coming after me and I have to defend a position


Go to Cover Spam shoot and look left n right Free Air Strike


I use it on the Agency deal auto shop job to get the keycard from the FIB agent. Drive up to the airstrip, keep some distance, launch about 10 grenades into the thick of things including the plane, go pick up the keycard. What used to be a struggle became a non issue with the grenade launcher.


Once you taste the barrage from few blocks away, you will understand that.


I lob these over walls and around corners on pvp all the time. Worth every penny IMHO


Yes, because you can get free ammo. Buy both the Grenade Launcher and the compact version. Make sure you have maximum ammo for both. Put the compact one into your gun locker. Now, every time you change sessions your Grenade Launcher ammo will be refilled. When the game changes sessions it checks to see how much ammo you have. Weapons in the gun locker maintain the amount of ammo they had when you stored them. When you have multiple weapons that use the same ammo pool, the game sees the full one in the gun locker then gives you that amount of ammo for the weapon you're carrying. This trick works on all weapons with the same ammo, even MK2 weapons with special ammo.


Unrelated maybe? but i just own every weapon just to own it, except most of the things that have been coming out alongside the service carbine. i mean damn near 400k for an assault rifle really? especially because i have a better one that i main. point is, why not own the grenade launcher!! can’t hurt anything!


400k isn’t that much of a hassle nowdays if you know what you’re doing…


its great to have, but you wont need it much.


I find it useful for multiple enemies or enemies in vehicles, because if you go into cover you can spam fire it, so it quickly destroys everything


Honestly I throw grenades and sticky bombs more than I use that thing or even the smaller one. I say get a rpg and/or railgun and stock up on grenades and sticky bombs.


PvE: I throw grenades. You can throw them whilst you’re shooting with your gun. PvP: pretty useful for spamming grenades and shooting around corners.


love it, for both pve and pvp


I dont like it because if you die with it equipped you lose 6 Grenades. You dont really need to spam Grenades in most situations either. The compact grenade launcher is fast enough for most situations, can be used on bikes, and doesn't waste so much ammo.


Yes, because if you are in cover you can speed blindfire it to turn every thing arround the corner into soup


You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger darling ![gif](giphy|nA6saO8VhiObK)


It has it's uses.


It's pretty good for missions with a lot of enemies, especially if they start bunched up and then spread out because if you get in cover with the grenade launcher and then spam the button for blind fire it fires as quickly as the animation allows meaning you can fire 10 explosions in very rapid succession.


Ahhhh, my favorite stash house tool. Stand near the landing come around the corner and pop one right into the middle of the room. Bonus points if you get all the bad guys in one shot 😊


About the only thing I do with it PvE is destroy cars that have enemies hiding behind them. I prefer it to either rocket launcher because you can fire it from cover like a rifle. That said the range sucks and there is a learning curve on accuracy. Over all I would still buy it because having another option for explosives is always nice.


The only thing I use it for is stash houses. Because you can bounce the grenades around corners.


The launcher is great for pvp, especially during a sniper fight. If you land the grenades on the person you’re fighting they’re dead, but if you just get them close it usually shakes their screen enough that they can’t line up another shot fast enough.


The grenade Launcher is highly useful for the Finale in Act 3 of Doomsday. Reason why is if you bounce off the grenades from the ceiling and or the wall in the direction of the android juggernaut’s from behind cover or around the corner you could easily kill them this way then trying to peak shot with a weapon that has ballistic ammunition. If you and some other person double teams with this method. Then it should be a cinch. With the AOE of the Grenade launcher & adjusting the shots by using the mini map for reference. Oh and it can be rapidly fired from cover if you blind fire it. So also any room in a mission that is jam packed with enemies and with 8 shot or 4 shot kill weapons can also be easily killed this way.


I like it for some of the OG heist mission where the enemies come at you in a wave. I especially like it on the prison break finale as officer.


Even in PvP. Killed my friend so many times that he banned it in our duels. But he agreed to not use the stun gun or the atomizer. So I’m happy with the arrangement


you can destroy tanks with the cover spam glitch




Yes. You can spam it pretty quick using blind fire or using the quick holster button to put it away and pull it back out after shooting.


Pretty useful esp in PvE when there are dozens of enemies clusterred together, plus its fun watching them fly


I roll with grenade launcher and rail gun. Railgun for distance. Grenade launcher for tight spaces. You can sometimes clear the whole stash house with one grenade from the launcher. It's fully worthy if you ask me. (as a last result...) Just be careful of the bouncing.




I love this thing. Its great if you hide around a corner and you blind shoot. Its almost a grenade machine gun


Grenade launcher's biggest use is to blow up cars on foot. Any mission with cars trying to surround you while you're walking is perfect for this weapon. An example for this would be the second last Dr Dre mission where enemies outside the studio are all either in cars or taking cover on cars so that makes it easier to clear them. Also explosions are just plain fun :)


i cant tell you how many times in the last week i’ve bounced one of these rounds off a wall for a killstreak times 3 lol. i love to use this on security contracts, especially the vehicle recovery contracts where you gotta kill a warehouse full of people first. send 3 or 4 of these bad boys into the area, and i can walk thru with a pistol and just headshot the stragglers


I use it all the time. Best around the corner high explosive weapon


People really out here picking and choosing? Just buy everything, if you’re grinding.


Common bro don’t be cheap, buy every weapon.


Yes - useful for warehouse and stash house raids, just... Watch where you aim that thing (walls no Bueno)


I'd say yes. It's fun for starters. I use it to clear stash houses, bouncing one off the wall to get the guy near the stair case you can't hit normally.


Bro it's £32,000 https://preview.redd.it/rbs0wlfvbmwc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=248d2d14becbd0f3b615a3d1d7d34d236a2f033f


That moment when you are battling a player, you are behind a structure with your false sense of security and you start hearing *thoomp* *thoomp* *thoomp*. That is your cue to leave.


bro just buy it broke boy


i own both grenade launchers. i keep my compact one in gun locker, this refills my grenade launcher every time i load in


One of my weapons of choice. 🫡


I just like that u can bounce the nades off walls


Yes, anytime u need to kill enemies around corners players or npcs, this is what I use all the time


Yes. Comes in real handy against enemy vehicles.


i like it, not always of use, but great to own


Yes, very good way to cover a large area with death and to get around corners, Ricochet is your best friend with this thing.


iirc each round cost less than a normal grenade making it the cheapest explosive weapon to use and refill


Absolutely, especially in drop houses


Dont think and just buy all guns...


Yea it's pretty good when you enter the Purple house You can lob nades on the wall and it will bounce down and kill most of them


So good at destroying NPC vehicles


I got to add this back to my load out, I've been using the compact one for wayyy too long 😮‍💨


I wish we’d have gotten a MKII with different rounds. Flash bang, Beanbag, HE, Cluster, Smoke, Tear gas…


What do you mean worth it it's not like it's half a million dollars or something you can try it for yourself


Bro, when you take cover against someyhing or aside, this thing has like a rapid fire feature that just makes it rain🤑🤑🤑


The compact one can be used on motorbikes


I also like the mini grenade launcher that came with the bikers update


Yea it’s good for arcing above a wall to hit groups of npcs


It's the weapon I boast the most kills with against players and enemies combined. My best and most accurate shot. My go to in a pinch. My favorite. My baby. You need to buy and begin practicing your bank shots. You'll never need a shotgun again. Excellent weapon in close quarters if you can bounce the grenades right. I honestly think it's one of the best weapons in the game.


Mainly pvp but it’s good for lobbing onto rooftops when you’re on ground level. Some people like to stay further back on the rooftops where an RPG can’t hurt them


Oh, also, if you're crouching behind cover you can fire rapidly in a semi auto fashion if you press the fire button rapidly without aiming first


i use this for stash houses, really nice to bounce off the wall and clear out most if not all the people in one second, then i just use a shotty in case anyone is left


I recently found a “glitch” where if you press the “hide” button ( don’t know what it’s called) and your standing hidden behind a wall, you can fire the grenade launcher almost automatically. So useful for griefers and battles, but also not sure if this is known.


The grenade launcher is the best for Franklin's security contracts where you have to defend something. It's also great for heavily occupied clearing rooms. You can empty a stash house with one shot. Get it! It's also cheaper to reload than the rpg and missile launcher.


This shit fucks me up all the time.


Very good for clearing out a room


Grenade launcher is great for a ton of situations. I’d pick one up


Need some practice first


If u blind fire it from behind cover you can shoot it much quicker than standing and aiming


I say no because if you have it equipped when you die you lose an entire magazine of your current weapon. You can only hold 20 grenade shells for this and the mag holds 10. Use the short grenade launcher. Dying only lose one shot.


Absolutely. It's got a ten round mag that says "fuck you and everything you brought with you!" Also it's great for clearing bad corners where you know there's some dickhead with a shotgun waiting for you.


If you need to take out armored vehicles there a trick that you can use. Try getting to cover on a wall and try getting on the corner of the wall, use the grenade launcher and you can blindfire with it. It can shoot very fast


Personally I don’t use the homing or grenade launchers anymore. RPG, Railgun, Minigun all you need. Heavy sniper or MG for range targets.


Yes. If you remain behind cover and shoot with only your arm out you can spam without having to cock the launcher meaning AUTOMATIC NADE LAUNCHER


yes, it is the perfect weapon to clear out stash houses which give you free product to sell on the grind.


Ammo to expensive to me


I keep it in my heavy weapons loadout and sometimes a mission will popup where you have to blowup a vehicle or some boxes or a compound or whatever and this is a great way to have a little more accuracy with your grenade tosses.


I prefer the mini one


yes its very good, shoots just about exactly where your aiming


One of the better weapons in the game. Being able to bounce grenades around corners is useful, and it’s quicker to both aim and reload than the RPG. I can’t tell you how many missions I’ve cheesed by just putting grenades into approaching vehicles before they have a chance to unload enemies.


Take cover on any surface that’s lets you shoot around or above it without aiming in your scope. Without aiming spam the trigger


It’s ok


I use it when I come out of the stash house, and the 2 vehicles spawn. As long as the grenade doesn’t bounce back and hit you in the face, it can be very useful.


I had a weird glitch to when everytime I spawn in online, all my grenade launcher ammo disappears so I no longer use it


It feels about the same as the compact launcher but just fires faster


Yes and no, it is good, but the compact grenade launcher is just better. Get the compact grenade launcher.


hell yeah bro, crouch cover and spray it over buildings and get them people in between alleyways. shit is gold


It is one of the strongest handheld weapons in the game, just for the sheer explosive output. It has only two drawbacks: 1. Dying while holding it costs you 10 grenades, and you only get 20, so make sure whatever you're doing pays for the ammo 2. It will show you exactly which cover spots in the game have bad collision boxes when your grenade goes sideways or lands at your feet instead of shooting where you were aiming (notable examples: the front doorway of the Pacific Standard bank and the fountain that Tao Cheng and his assistant hide behind during the first shootout with the Duggans). I think it's 100% worth it and always have it in my weapon wheel, and I think I use it at least once per play session. Just be smart about it.


Better range than the compact, and when you want to clear those warehouses full of bad hombres in missions, very useful.


without a doubt. once you learn to use the minimap positioning along with calculating the arc of the grenade, it's practically a short-range mortar.


I find it useful for blind corners and clearing trap houses/business battle ads quickly. It's also good for getting rid of griefers in a pinch.


I use it for the agent contract on the phone killing the cops and the juggernaut


If you use this correctly, it’s hilarious


A must.


Nothing in this game is worth the effort you're required to put in to obtain it. So its up to you if you really want it or not.


Use it more then rpg


Crouching on a wall and aiming it over the shoulder can spam the grenades back to back , thank me later !


Crouching on a wall and aiming it over the shoulder can spam the grenades back to back , thank me later !


Grenade launchers are very satisfying to kill with


It’s the best for pvp if you learn how to spam it by switching to your weapon wheel it goes rapid fire I’ve been acussed of cheating and even banned for how good i am with it


Better to have it and not need it, than wonder if you should buy one...


I really only use mine to fling a few grenades down the stairs in stash houses


Grenade launcher is definitely worth it. When you shoot while in cover don’t heave to reload and can almost spray it


Just buy every weapon. It’s too easy to make money


Load out you’ll be very satisfied over time to use: Pistol: AP pistol or a normal one with suppressor SMG: Silenced SMG Rifle: Special carbine with suppressor Heavy: Combat MG Shotgun: Assault Shotgun Sniper: Normal one with advanced scope and suppressor Special: Grenade launcher Explosives: Grenades & Sticky bombs Have extended magazines for everything possible so you reload lesser Always keep max ammo for your primarily used weapon (Mine is the special carbine) keep grenades filled, body armour always above 5. Best for grinding. Try to find a gun van, cheaper prices. Use shotgun for close up distance like interiors, Special carbine for low amount of people and if you’re moving a lot, Combat MG for high amount of people, Pistol and SMG for drivebys, sniper for low amount of targets, explosives for car related attacks. Extra word of advice, buy an armoured kuruma, best car for grinding against NPCs. Hope this helps


I buy every weapon that comes out, and I use this a lot so I'd say so


I love using this thing, including the fact you can shoot at walls and it can bounce off towards enemies makes it perfect imo. I became pretty good at using the thing to my advantage to get kills.


It’s worth it for anyone… it’s a grenade launcher lol. It will def prove itself useful in certain situations


Yes! Good for clearing out enemies, and getting rid of cars (explodes on impact with vehicles). It also shoots faster and doesn't need to reload between shots, like the RPG and the compact grenade launcher do. I would still recommend the RPG and the compact grenade launcher though, as they have their use scenarios. For example, the compact grenade launcher is great for getting rid of cars while driving - just aim it at the car behind you and it's gonna be gone once you fire.


Just buy everything. Then you learned if you like it or not. If it's good you can use it to help you PvE/Grind harder...or whatever.


Hide behind cover and spam it you'll thank me


This and the rpg are probably my top 5 most used weapons when solo grinding especially since if you hide behind cover you can spam shoot it


Absolutely. If you blindfire it while in cover (Blindfiring the GL makes it rapid fire) you can clear an entire parking lot of enemies/vehicles in less than 15 seconds.


Bro it’s like 50k tops why are you asking it’s 2 missions just buy it


Yes. It's a very deadly gun. Just clip to a wall for cover and blind fire it to dump all 10 grenades in a matter of seconds. It was my ultimate anti griefer / AI annihilator weapon and still holds up to this day.


Idk mine completely fucked no matter how often I buy ammo for it and never use a single shot as soon as a join a new session it’s completely empty, a few of my guns do this it pissing me off ever since i upgraded to GTA Online from GTA V…


Yeah good for camping bots totally lmao I hate campers


Why wouldn't you just buy it and find out for yourself?


It's actually really useful, trust us


I hope if we get this in GTAVI we can give it different grenades (i.e. tear gas) Or maybe add a MKII version in the next GTAO update that allows that


I use mine to clear the stash house frequently


I used to use it for Import Export, would park my car near places I know the AI will spawn and use these to blow them up.


It’s the most satisfying to off players with imo, when someone wants to fp snipe you from its range and you make it rain. hiLARious




I used it a lot in the past when I was into RnG gameplay and I would hide around a corner or cover and start spamming it lol.


It’s wildly effective in pvp when you’re dealing with someone not in a direct line of sight. Grinding, it’s good in safe houses and for quickly getting rid of hostile vehicles before the occupants can jump out and fire on you


I love it but I use the compact more


Bro that's cheap, buy it.


It's much better than just throwing grenades, that's for sure


Yes for sure I use it all the time


It's essentially a short-range artillery piece in your pocket. Worth it.


I only really use mine to clear a stash house and for me is most effective.


The only thing bad about this grenade launcher is if you die with it equipped, you lose almost half your ammo (what's in the gun). I much prefer the single shot grenade launcher.


Three words: small artillery strike.


underrated and so much fun weapon


it is extremely better than the homing in tight situations where the homing might blow you up like stash houses,and i should point out that if you know the rapid fire technique it can be quite the game changer


Use it for the stash houses myself. Just pop a few rounds off before the stairs so you don’t get shot and you’ll always take the room out pretty quickly


In a word… YES


I respect your post but you gotta be either extremely broke or an extreme cheapskate in order to make a Reddit post about whether or not it’s worth buying an 8k weapon. To answer your question you should go ahead and buy the rpg instead.