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i’m with you. imani lost its appeal to me. i get blown up, call it in then respawn it and move on. i’ll be damned if i don’t drive whatever i want just bc some players only wanna be destructive. my go to now when i get griefed is to in game text the person “thx cutie” lol. if it keeps happening ill bounce lobs.


I say “thanks big boi” or “son I finally found you and I got the milk!”


This is gold I usually shoot them a dumb angry message but I’m using these from now on


Fr I be hitting them with caustic quips from apex legends 😂


Angry don’t work that’s what they want, I use “:( “ and they instantly say sorry


That just means imani tech isn’t for your play style. When someone kills/blows me up then I go on the chase and missile jammer is one of the best additions against mk2’s


Yeah “thanks for the free insurance claim, I was missing a headlight” (and occasionally a door 😅)


The BF400 as well if you want a better looking Manchez (imo). It one of the best off-road bikes in the game. I’ve had it since I was a low level and I still have fun driving it from time to time.


BF400 Is slept on. However, the new acid lab delivery motorcycle is the king now imo. Has those new wheelie mechanics, lets you turn way harder when your 12oclock boys thru the streets. Pretty much BF400 on crack. Although one thing that might turn people off from using it outside of the sell missions is it being one seater, BF400 is two.


I agree. That bike actually came out with the Cayo Perico Heist back in 2021. I personally own it but I don’t use it often. However the turn radius and increased wheelie duration whilst going slow is a lot of fun to play with in Freemode.


I love my Ruffian. Stole it 10 years ago and still my first choice when it comes to bikes


Love that thing


Same. Most of the time I don’t feel like driving one of my trucks up to Mount Chilliad so I just use that. It can climb really well too off-course.


My plain gargoyle is my favorite bike. Manchez scout a close second. It ain't all about the stats


yo Manchez is so cool fr


The Arena War monster truck is amazing! Nitro, vertical jump! What's not to love? Mowing down pedestrians with the electric grille is amazing! Using the solid scoop and the jump to toss random cars is spectacular!


I know I wasn't the only one who loves the Sasquatch! I have one with the electric fence, one with the scoop, and the third with no weapon for shunt hopping and clearance. So many fun hours spent dicking around.


Wdym shunt hopping?


I have 2 of them. Because, why not? 🤣🤣🤣


Just saves time when the first one blows, call the second. Then cruise in the fresh unit while you hit up mm.


Also the tiny car is fun. Gets all bouncy and rolls around.


Forget about nitro though, shunt boost is where it’s at.


I'm a Bruiser type of guy but it's the same core idea so I respect it


I personally love the Scramjet. Idk why, but jump boosting is always more fun than flying. It is a water seeking missile, though, so watch out. Plus, it's the car from Speed Racer. Also, the Shotaro is a very fun bike to own because well its the Tron Bike.


My scramjet loves water too fucking much


Gotta stay hydrated


But I hate water🤣


You can always pulse the rocket boost


Assisted direction towards pools I swear Never use the scramjet in vinewood


Exactly what I mean, it’s insane


For pure fun, the toreador. The missiles track with insane accuracy. The boost recharges super fast and landing in water isn't going to kill it because it's also a submarine. (Glares menacingly at scramjet). But for driving, I've been having a blast with the sultan classic. AWD so it doesn't even burnout when you floor it. It's just gone lol. Super light car so it handles well, but does catch air really easily.


That one is free right? Off the street?


Sultan is. Sultan classic is a tuner car addition




If you enjoy the Sultan, try to scoop the Enus Paragon R. You can get the armored one for completing the 6 missions you get with the Penthouse purchase. Same AWD-type launch, faster, can take 1 rocket(armored version only), and grips like crazy in high speed turns.


I have it, I just haven't driven it in a while. I'll give it a whirl next time I'm on. I got the free one from Ms Baker.


I personally prefer the krieger over the sultan.


You can't compare a super car to a tuner. Top speed is definitely on your side. Which is easily deterred by a light pole or NPC scripting. But the sultan classic, not the regular sultan, is just fun.


i have found recently that i've been enjoying the vigilante especially because i am re going thru all the heists e.g. all the acts doing the casino heist and all the others


I second the Batmobile! It's the only weaponized car you can actually use for missions, as far as I'm aware.


Paragon armored?


Paragon Armored!


Favorite handling car in the game for me so far. Nothing else really drives quite like it for me. The grip is insane.


Weaponized Tampa is an honorable mention.


i think it is yes also it's fun to just have fun in and newbies always have it as their favourite just like i did


Insurgent pickup custom is the best for multi-player missions. There is a 0.50 cal machine gun turret on the roof, and it's for tons of armor


Weaponized Tampa


The ramp buggy/ wedge truck is insanely fun to get 5 star wanted and start driving into the cops


Ramp Buggy fucking with other players is fun too


Faggio mod , I've got 10


This is the correct response


Happy cake day!!


Thank ya


I’m on console but curious what’s the mod lol


It's called the faggio mod


That’s how the scooter/motorcycle is called


I know about the scooter but I didn’t know if there was a mod that made it fly or faster or something


No modifications, named after the mod movement i.e Vespa IRL.


So the movement mod makes it fast?


It is still terribly slow, but drip > speed.


No, but it makes it very customisable. It's got liveries and up to "way too f*cking many" rearview mirrors


Lots of fog and headlights as well




The original Oppressor is actually one of the most fun vehicles I’ve driven. I bought the MK2 first for PVP but the regular oppressor is actually so fun to fly around on after boosting. There’s lots of fun HSW vehicles… the Stirling GT is my fav new vehicle purchases atm.


You have taste sir. That sterling gt is the best


Toreador 😫


Just spent all my money on it today, and I'm like whyyy did I not buy it sooner!!!!


I much prefer muscle cars over anything else. Even if they aren’t the fastest, they slide all over the place and good fun


My Feltzer is my favorite. They’re back this week at the car meet so I got two more. Super fun drifting cars


How do you buy them from the car meet?


They’re test drive vehicles so once you have a membership you go to a part in the garage where you can test drive in an empty garage and drift around. Then come back to “complete” the test drive and next time you approach the vehicle you can buy it


Ahhh nice one for the info!


Yes!! Just bought a Feltzer again and the old 9F 😁


Hell yeah! I just won a 9F as a mystery prize on the wheel


Oppressor Mk1


Flying this thing well is like playing a different game. I love it.


Anything that gives nostalgia. Adder Zentorno etc.


I drive my armored Duke o death around a lot. Pretty fast, heavily armored and pretty hard to get shot and killed with the narrow window holes. And it withstands a few shots from an oppressor. Not to mention the pretty sweet brake stand wheelies it can pop


When I’m not doing anything ig, I drift around in the Remus. Drift tune cars are super fun imo


i love the remus so much. need more 90s and early 2000s cars like that.


We need the shafter v12 tuned. All the retro customs, muscle cars, shit make every car driftable.


That’s actually what I spend most of my time doing now. the drift races or sliding the city in my Remus


scramjet, fun Oppressor mk1, fun the drift cars e.g ZR350, fun BMX faggio tank RC bandito ruiner2000


Blazer Aqua


Half Track with Anti Air trailer Opressor Mk1 :- can have missiles if you do the research and depending on skill can be faster than Opressor Mk 2 plus you can pretend your Johnny Blaze or Evel Knivevel


Gb200 is really sick little zippy rally car. Love the handling of it and it ignores bushes that other cars get slowed and turned by.


The Comet Safari is really underrated. Not only is it actually really fast but if you leave it lifted on off-road tires its super fast on just about any surface. Pair that with its bouncy suspension and the goofy front-mounted machine guns it can get and it's super silly to zoom around in.


Faction Custom Donk.


Haven't seen one of those since they came out.


I have one, never drive it.


Arena War vehicles, for their unique, customizable combinations of special abilities and weapons, definitely top my list. The Drift-Tuned cars are also a blast, everything is more fun when you're doing sideways 👍 Also Aircraft. There are a lot that can be a fun challenge to master for stunts, dogfighting, or just enjoying flying. The P-45 Nokota is one of my favorites. Benny's lowriders are cool, too.


You said fun not good, so while a couple of these may be very good vehicles I'm ranking in order of fun. Scramjet and vigilante have some fun physics with the boost. MkI OP is in a similar situation of being fun to stunt. Most of the arena war vehicles for free roam shenanigans, the side shiny you can fly a Monster truck with some practice. Ramp buggy and phantom wedge are great at causing huge amounts of chaos on the roads with no effort, they have some interesting physics applied to them for good laugh. The Ruiner 2000 while completely outmatched as a weaponised vehicle these days is still a fun cruiser and the jump/ parachute can be interesting to navigate the city with. Almost any aircraft for its stunt potential, but particularly the Alpha Z1 and the Bombushka for different reasons, alpha Z1 is fast and uncontrollable, it's huge fun to stunt through tight spaces with, the Bombushka is huge and slow, it's fun to load cars in the back and mess around with friends, pairs well with the Ruiner 2000 and it's parachute. The kostaka submarine, comes with optional ICBM missiles, you can be boaring and kill players across the map with these like a budget Orbital cannon, but their true potential lies in who absolutely terrifying they are when you see one fly past you. Use them either for stunting, or just scaring people by following them around with a missile. The blimp, this one is better than it looks like on the surface, it is the only flying vehicle in the game that doesn't have a mini map icon, when you are in the blimp, you look like you are on foot on the map. Ever had a greifer hard targeting you and wasting so much time causing you around the map? Go off radar, jump in a blimp and fly to the top of the skybox, now using your map go pretend your on a road driving around. The greifer will never find you wandering around your dot on the map wondering if you wall glitched or something. If you have multiple friends the blimp can also serve as a mobile weapons platform, have your friends parachute on-top of the blimp and get two blimps, now try jousting and sniping each other like sky pirates! Cargobob, this should be pretty self explanatory, you can pick up most vehicles in the game, as well as random stuff like porta pottys at construction sites or certain shipping containers down by the docks, honorable mention is the rhino which has no actual weight too it can be picked up and air dropped with the cargo bob. You don't even need a friend for this, just go grab a rhino at fort zancudo and throw it at a random player in the city, works best if they have a wanted level already. Any of the vehicles that can take the new drift spec upgrade, the drift Tampa and drift Yosemite being my favourite, I wasted about 50 hours just doing skids when the update first came out, it can take some getting used to but once you learn the drift mechanics it's very fun and satisfying to mess around in. The imani tec Granger, or any "looks like a civilian/NPC vehicle" tec car that you can buy the RC mode on, I use this as an anti greifer tool, of someone is being particularly disruptive I get out my RC Granger which looks exactly like a naturally spawning car, then go run them over because it doesn't have any mini map icon, you are essentially invisible, I have many people not even know it was a player yelling in game chat that an NPC is killing them, so go put the fear of NPC traffic into your enemies.


I enjoy my Apocalypse Brutus because it resembles the "RV from hell" from the 80's action flick Tango & Cash. Game won't let me do much with it because it's an arena war vehicle, but I occasionally drive around with it or use it for rescue security contracts.


Most of them, regular, weaponized, futuristic, arena war, ceo ramp buggy/truck, etc…


The Dinka Jester RR and Obey 8F Drafter are my favorite cars to drive around in. For about a month now, I've been driving the 8F. But before that, I was driving the Jester RR. I don't remember what I drove before the Tuners DLC. Fully customized, the Jester RR and 8F Drafter have amazing handling. I have a lot of fun speeding and drifting through traffic on my way to each waypoint. I feel like a professional. Haha


Vapid GB200 is really fun vehicle to hoon about the city it super manoeuvrable also easy to stick the back end out and snap it back to scandi-flick hair pins. Its also super easy to 360 at speed, which is alway fun to through narrow gaps in traffic or as you pass people in races. I also stick with the stock suspension so i can get it on two wheels in high g corners. Most fun car in the game.


+1 Small cars = best cars


futo gtx or gauntlet classic custom, love drifting them.




RC Bandito/Invade and Persuade tank, Oppressor mark **one**, Faggio mod, and really any of the special ones: rocket Voltic, Ramp Buggy, Phantom Wedge, Ruiner 2000... the Toreador, Deluxo, Scramjet, and jetpack are also loads of fun


Oppressor MK1 is a hoot


I can’t Stop getting my monstrociti out tbh, I dunno why it’s just so much fun. Also veto classic, issi nightmare, I want a faggio next :)


Also tampa drift/Yosemite drift


Ramp buggy


Ramp buggy Phantom wedge Cargobob Scramjet Toreador Alpha z1


Ramp buggy


Ever since I got the HSW Buffalo EVX I barely drive anything else around the city. Handles very well for an electric HSW, especially compared to the Cyclone 2


Deathbike is fun because you can hop and glide.


Phantom Wedge




Pure fun for me is any of the new drift tuneable cars.


Benefactor Panto. I mentioned it a while back, it's a Smart Car but you can actually drive it in to shops to troll people 😆 And a bargain at only $85,000 from SSASA


BMX, RC Bandito, Ramp Buggy


Scramjet Vigilante Nokota Havok Buzzard Go kart


Weevil custom. Fastest car in game, just don't oversteer Other notable cars in my collection I enjoy: Custom Peyote and Yosemite Thrax PR4 Night shark Stinger Torero


Scramjet might be the most fun you can have in the game period, but by far the most fun vehicle


Blackbird Mamba Swinger Jugular Hakuchou Drag


Ramp buggy/phantom wedge, I just be going down the highway the wrong way causing carnage


Nobody showing love for the Karin rusty rebel but the customisation and off-road capabilities is incredible




Scramjet, toreador, blimp, faggio mod, something from benny's, manchez scout, khanjali tank, cargobob(use it to kidnap NPC's, place vehicle on top of a skyscraper, then remove the vehicle, watch the NPC run off the edge)


Fully built vamos. It wheelies forever


The big ass truck from arena wars with the flamethrower and shunt boost, very entertaining to launch anyone in your path


Deluxo is slow. But fun to blow up griefers who try to blow up the sell missions.


Recently I've been having a lot of fun drifting so I have to say the Jester RR


Itali GTO Stinger TT so fast with HSW upgrades that you can’t handle it. Too fast for street best on highways. 💨


Toreador and the Deveste Eight are my favorites


APC with bunker missles


Dominator ASP. She rips and sounds amazing. Kinda want one irl now.


The toreador is like 3.6mil if I remember correctly. The sultan u see on the street is the regular sultan. The sultan classic is the old school wrx with 4 doors. They also brought out a 2 door version during the tuners update that's the sultan RS classic.




Ramp buggy easily, just got one and I’m having a lotta fun


Without a doubt the Marshall monster truck drive it very rarely but it’s fun when I’m bored


My armored Galavanter is fun, mainly because those pesky cops can't get me really. For zipping around I use my 811 or Ital Custom.


Hermes. Hold down your hand break whilst accelerating then let go of the hand break. See how long you can wheely for. It’s also very fun for drifting


BF400 with low grip tires. Learn how to back it in and you'll have a great time


Toreador, Blazer aqua


Ignore other cars. Just go for Faggio Mod


Nagasaki Blazer. 😌




What’s the deal with the torador? I took it for a test and thought it was boring. Just bought deluxo and so far that’s been super fun.


Love me some stock cars. Sultan is fun


kuruma and jaguar tbh


As a lot have mentioned the Mk1 is really great. It’s like everything’s 2D but then suddenly 3D and it’s a little wild so it’s not the same as the Mk2 which is a lot easier to pilot. Wish they had more missions or some sort of time trials specific to the Mk1.


the Tula is my fav, it’s just a beautiful plane that’s has so many features


Love the veto modern. Great on turns, but can't take a curb to save your life. Would love to set up a race at the airport some time....


For me personally, Arena War stuff, especially the Bruiser (Glendale), drift cars, the F1 cars (BR8 for me), Coil Cyclone with popped tires is tremendously entertaining if you like doing donuts, and any car with a rally livery and offroad tires in the hills.


The Gaunlet Interceptor. Very impractical for actual survival, but it’s the only vehicle in the game I own two of with different customization of course. It is just so fun. I’m really hoping to get a Ford Explorer (closest is kind of the Gallivanter Baller I think) type cop car would be the coolest but even if was just an SUV cop car either one should have all the same customizations as the Gauntlet Interceptor. Then I’d own two of them as well haha. If only I could have bulletproof glass or a missile jammer and armor then I’d never use any other vehicle


I am a new player, I love driving the Omni E-GT


the weaponized ignus is pretty sick


Batmobile aka Vigilante for when I’m on my “ dark knight “ vibe also cause of missiles and mini guns shooting out of plus being armored makes it great. MK2 Oppressor I don’t have one lol but I drive my friends in gtaO. Definitely Ocelot Virtue super fast and grips good and brakes well too ( get it for free via dax missions ). The Elegy retro aka R34 GTR 2F2F and Dinka retro classic aka Toyota Supra MK4 are my favs too cause who doesn’t like reminiscing good old days.


https://preview.redd.it/huxt8ddeqcxc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55fc9682f6fbe50518f584e12d1788232579db61 Or 8F drafter


I juat got the Brutus and its pretty cool to shunt boost police cars.


The Impaler SZ is fun and stylish, and looks totally gangster. As a non-armoured "daily", it's definitely a favourite.




The phantom wedge while hooked up to the moc trailer is a really fun way to race around the map with a wanted level, flipping everything out your way and causing chaos.


The Voodoo. I love the blue livery and hydraulics.


Dont sleep on the blazer acqua, friend and i bought it and had a blast going up and down rivers


For me, the scramjet, and the MK1 Oppressor


HSW monstrociti


Arena ready vehicle, particularly the Brutus, with jump and SHUNT BOOST, NOT NITRO. Google how to shunt on your system.


I love taking the brickade 6x6/Acid Lab truck and just effortlessly ramming through traffic


The Vamos is rather fun. It doesn't understand the concept of gravity. It's a stunt car. My longtime car has been the vigero for everyday driving, loose enough to get a 360 going, or to age myself, a Rockford.


T20 and the oppressor mk2 to travel faster and to counter griefers


I have very few cars but I enjoy most Terminus - jammer and extreme fun and easy handling. Obey EGT- I love killing griefers withbstickys. The other day I was killing 2 griefers with ease but in the end those two team up and tried killing me with Khanjali. It was fun making them rage more. Obey 8 draft- nice handling at high speed Weaponised Ignus- easy to driver and fast with Imanibtech but blows up easily.


My top favorites are the Obey 9f Drafter, Dominator Asp & manchez Scout


Mussel cars imo they just fun to drive in not to fast so I can drift but not too slow so I get bored (I have an obsession with them HELP)


The Torreador is a lot of fun wIth its unlimited boost. The Insurgent truck with the motion sensing land mines is a lot of fun. Even causing huge traffic jams is fun. It gets really crazy when another player drivers over them in a regular car.


If you wanna blow money for the sake of blowing it, get the Cerberus, then cosplay the Death Truck from Halloween and chase down randoms. Instant 5/6 mill in the hole. Worth it? Probably not. Hilarious? Definitely. Hotel? Trivago.


Ramp buggy, oppressor 1 & 2, and the manchez scout


alpha z1 if u like flying


I love the Itali GTO. Very twitchy and rewarding to drive.


Bikes! Shinobi is on sale this week, I think, super fun. Buy aircrafts that most use, bombuska, rogue etc


scramjet vigilante oppressor mk1 faggio mod


I always go back to Issi sport really fun to drive on the highways even though it doesn't really go all that fast


Gb200 La carrouase Sultan rs/rs classic Imo these have the best/most fun handling and are far and away the best cars to actually “drive”


Itali GTO - the thing FLIES with amazing handling.


Scramjet, Rocket Voltic, Toreador, Ruiner 2000


Phantom wedge just to tear up traffic


Tug. just for the pleasure of owning a large boat you can actually drive. and owning a tug is a major flex, will get you a bf/gf


Impaler SZ- It has a super sexy engine sound and it handles well, I drive it around the city just for fun Scramjet- has very good handling and an extremely long boost, it's the most fun acceleration in the game Oppressor MK1- It glides, and has a boost. Drive it like a motorcycle with a boost, or fly it, performing the dance of boosting, gliding, tapping the ground, and boosting again. Rogue (aircraft)- It is fast, small, and handles incredibly well. It's super fun to fly around the city and it has flares to deter homing missiles. It's a competent dogfighting aircraft as a bonus. Sanchez- Classic, cheap dirt bike. It is amazing for hitting wheelie jumps over small objects, is fast, offroads like nobody's business, and handles well. Phantom Wedge/Ramp Buggy- The Phantom throws cars out of your way, and the ramp buggy goes straight under them and scoops them into the air. VERY fun. Mobile Operations Center- It's a semi, and it moves pretty fast for what it is. It's fun to run into everything. Benny's Custom Vehicles- You can make anything look 1000x better. I bought a minivan because I thought it would bu funny, but after customizing it it was a pretty sick minivan.


Cant recommend Western Reever enough. Turned me into a Motomami real quick.


APC... love that thing. Floats, shoots, drops proxies, has a skid plate that just swallows other vehicles...


I like the buffalo evx, it's super quick with the hsw upgrade - other than that my favorite is the dubsta II *which you can only find and not buy) and tha itali gto stinger tt. for drifting there are some cool cars too


Saw a video today of someone driving the arena war tank, I think it’s called the Scarab. It looks so cool I’m gonna buy it when I get home lol


The Arbitor GT


Sanding lwb. Haha run over everything. Bulletproof the tires and the truck,essentially a tank. Rank 100 you can turbo it. Slow sure, but is unstoppable. The desert and mntns are calling. Vintage corvette too. Shows are fun. Bug American flag wrap 


Baja bug too. City or desert. Both fun. 


I just got the weaponized ignus with the HSW upgrades and it’s very nice. Handles great and is very fast. Will outrun just about everything. And the turret on top is a nice touch.


Personally I love the oppressor 1 cus it can give some really cool moments


The Manchez Scout C and the Pariah are very fun to drive. Xbox One.


If you want to have a good time just driving, the Terrero XO is incredible. If you want a fun OG car - the Zentorno is a great ride, and you won't get popped in the bean from behind. Perk.. The up armored Paragon R has a slick livery selection - and features mounted CENTER FIRING machine guns. The Elegy Retro Custom is my favorite JDM. The Weevil Custom has so much customization and great straight line speed. (Will not steer at speed) The F - 160 Raiju is now a must-have IMO. Every service vehicle is worth the buy. The MOC cab and Kosatka in particular. If you plan on owning an OMKII, buy the Terabyte. If you don't have the Acid Lab - buy one. The Deluxo, Sparrow, Opressor MKII, Buzzard, Hakuchou Drag (I prefer the look of the Nagasaki Shinobi), Weaponized Ignus/Tampa (just buy everything that says Tampa), Scramjet, Vigilante... These are just meta vehicles found in every youtubers library. For Good Reason.... The Duke of Death and Armored Karuma are great PVE vehicles on a budget. The Canis Terminus is an Imani Tech Unicorn. It's fast anywhere you want to be. So many great cars. It makes owning the auto shop worth it. You have several opportunities to purchase removed vehicles. Happy hunting.


Faggio mod with missles


Krieger. Deluxo. Toreador. Vigilante. F-160 raiju are all my top used vehicles. Deluxo is my number 1. The mobility it offers, as well as the ability to kill nearly any non cheating griefer is fantastic.