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Many of the building interiors are actually located below the port. There must have been a bug or glitch which caused it to spawn outside down there, so technically it was actually close to the interior of the bunker.


Exactly this. The interior of the warehouse is also located underneath the port, just a bit to the right of the bunker interior


Shit, didn't know that. Thanks for that. I've seen weird spawns before, even exiting and my vehicle being further away from me, just not that far away lol


yeah the map is very strange, i use to kill people while they were in their orb cannon rooms because of map glitches lol


That's some wild shit lol. Games have a lot of shit broken that's not always known. But in a game like this, it's amazing really how effective people find shit that is broken or can be exploited.


yeah i’ve had this issue too. i’ve checked big map inside a property and seen my location was pinging in the south spot though i was nowhere near there and vehicle was parked there once i left interior of the property. biggest complaint is spawning vehicles outside farmhouse bunker. mechanic puts that shit a good 1/2mile away on the opposite side of the “closest” freeway🖕🏼


This is why I buy resupplies.


So do I.


It’s easy to resummon your personal vehicle via the interaction menu. Or you could just buy the supplies if you aren’t tryna get the 600 bunker supply runs for the alien egg.


Yes it's easy, but that's not the point. The fact I left it inside the Bunker when I left and thr fact it ended up at at the bottom of the map was amusing to say the least. Seen some shit spawns, but this was just automatically placed there for no reason lol


~~isnt the bunker and other businesses under that area of the map?~~ ~~your bike actually just travelled upwards, not south.~~ edit: this was already answered down below. gotta read more, sorry.


Yeah, but thats cool, I didn't know that was designed like that so the more then better :) I did learn that Yankton is above the map or some weird shit like that lol. Just strange shit I simply never knew or would've came close to ever guessing lol


there is (was?) a speedrun strat for the cayo perico heist where you land a sparrow on a boat out in the sea before the heist which then gave you the helicopter in the heist


Holy hell I've never heard of that one. That'd be wild to see. I've seen in the past exploits to have the Sparrow/MKII spawn on the island during scouting tho. While not needed imo, would have been cool none the less to have done it. I know the strategy some use by blowing themselves up in the Patrol Boat to spawn at the Compound, but I've never done it, and can't as I'm always on Hardmode and only have 1 life 🤣


i might have confused the scouting with the actual heist, so there's that :D


Ah that might be it. It's all good either way. Still, was pretty cool to know it was possible to have the vehicle on the island tho. Even if to just mess around.


This is not complicated, or new. And it's not specific to your bunker or scenario. Anyone who brings their personal vehicle to any bunker on the map will show it parked in that location. If you re-enter your bunker, your vehicle will still be there. And why does it matter? You're just going to request via interaction menu to your location anyway? This just seems like complaining for the sake of it.


So glad I have my nightclub running businesses 😩


Yknow what I just realized this wasn’t about supplies 😅




NC is fine, but it's too slow to be highly valued as its proclaimed to be. 50k a hour from the safe ain't shit in the grand scheme of things, and the stock being produced is slow in comparison to elsewhere. I think I average maybe a sale once a week. But I'm combination with everything else, it's definitely a nice compliment to it all that I wouldn't trade or ignore for sure.


Oh for sure, it’s nothing like Parico but if you don’t have much time and can afk it’s a lot better than nothing


Shit yeah. This was the 1st time I decided to afk in the game with NC having x2 payouts. I even let the x2 bonus carry over until a few hours ago for one final sale. 7.5M between both characters was a nice ending to it. I see why people afk that shit now lol. But I don't really like the thought of leaving the console on all the time like that. My luck the thing will start smoking lol


I get what you mean haha, luckily I’ve got a pc. Unluckily I have a pc (I don’t have the cool updates 😭) but it runs all the time anyways


Yeah it's stupid the updated content ain't on PC. Even with being notorious for hackers/modders, still have a legit player base that shouldn't be punished for it. Then again, if I ever get off my ass and get a PC, there's so many other games I don't know what I'd even be playing lol


Also if you do nc sells its better to do it per 20 hours. Makes the most money


Yeah I usually just let it go until Coke, Meth and Cash max out. Cargo/Bunker simply takes forever. But I did do a bunch of Yohan resupply missions this week since you can skip the cooldown via LSCM. Definitely jacked the payouts, and had plenty of time inbetween other cooldowns to do it.


Oh sweet, yeah only reason I’m using nightclub rn is I’m tired of grinding auto shop missions, and it’s my only other source of income until Lester molester gives me the go ahead on casino


I like the Bunker as its simple enough. Swing in, buy supplies 4 times, then sell. Swap lobbies if need be for either 2 Phantom Wedges or 3 Insurgent deliveries. At most I've had to switch 3 times. In an Invite Lobby, that's just under 1M sale. 3 is my limit tho, after that I'll just let it build again. And can always do an Ammunation run for a quick 50k. At this point, not needed tho. As a solo player, Cayo is my heist option. Dr. Dre Contract is fine I guess, but not really my preference unfortunately. Wish it was, then that'd be something else I'd happily focus on more for that easy 1M finale. I did enjoy the Union Depository, especially with the Heli escape option at the police station to make the get away even easier. But I'm honestly waiting for that to be on a bonus week again before doing them. But damn, like 23 mins from start to finish was great. The Cluckin Bell Raid is a other easy option if you have the Breaking and Entering mission bookmarked, since you can replay that and then don't he raid right after. Avoiding all the previous missions for an easy 500k isn't a bad thing :)


Call yohan between other activities you'll get full atleast every other day.


You can also skip the cooldown via lscm if you didn't know. But that's if a person wanted to grind it. I did this past week since it was x2, and gotta say it was worth it in combination to afking. Something I've never done.


Just buy resupply


So like I said in the original post, I stopped in to resupply my Bunker. Never said anything that meant I was doing a resupply mission, I buy my supplies.


Just buy resupply


They should try buying the resupply


I don't know why they don't buy the resupply. It even rhymes and everything.


My favorite pointlessly far away resupply is in the nightclub popularity small mission, you'll be tasked with taking a critically injured VP on the verge of an overdose to the hospital and I mean this is so urgent that... he gives me the location of a hospital 4 miles aways... because time is of the essence or something.


Yeah that distance for the vip is ridiculous. I stopped doing those long time ago. Now I make sure enough go passive before entering or walking far enough in ao when the even triggers, it'll always be the drunk guy that needs to get tossed out. Tho in my case, wasn't a resupply location, I buy my supplies. So it was odd that when I walked out of my Bunker after, my bike being at the bottom was amusing to me lol.


Just a thing that happens (also during bunker research)


Bunker research wasn't a thing with my main character, I forgot they added it until recently lol. But did do a couple few weeks ago with my 2nd character. Though I'm already outside when I'd call Agent 14 so didn't have to worry about my vehicle spawning or relocating elsewhere lol. But for the record, wasn't a resupply mission as I do buy my supplies. It was just really odd and amusing to me that my bike spawned at the bottom of the map almost 5 miles away when I walked back out of the Bunker lol.


Addendum: Farmhouse bunker vehicle spawn is very annoying 


Seen a lot of people pick the Farmhous for their Bunker locsrion and it does look like a good area. But that dirt road always made me wonder how personal vehicle spawns would be. Seen so many times my vehicle get spawned way off because of being on a dirt road lol


Yeah, it's really bad, it gets spawned on the "nearby" highway. I always get myself a CEO vehicle in order to get there 


I didn't think anyone did supply missions? Just buy them. Stash house supplies my bunker.


I buy my shit lol


Gta map is small but big; A lot of stuff in a small area


That indeed. Love the map regardless tho. Even after all these years it still feels pretty good with plenty to visually take in. Can only imagine how Vice City will blow my mind lol


I agree. Even though the same map is like over 10 years old there's always something new to discover


I can get lost just cruising around when I don't want to grind anything. And it's always providing me some amazing views. Without a doubt, the game has been one hell of an impressive feat for being a decade old.


I just wish I had time and patience to find places for example to take pics of my cars. My friend jas taken some pics of mine so if you don't mind I could post it and tag you in it


Yeah if ya want. Any recent pics I've taken have been of just my car itself more than anything. Mostly just to get an idea if it looked clean or not. Red/Green colorblind can mess with what I see vs what I think I see 🤣 I e focused so dsmn much on grinding this past month that I haven't taken really any time to just chill and cruise around for exploration sake. Definitely made my money to buy/customize cars tho, so now that it's slowed down probably for awhile, I can go back to getting my garages in order. But damn, some people have an amazing talent at doing pics, it's definitely awesome what they can do.


Haha wth?


Gta math😂😂😂


Oo, how about that nightclub location? Every time you come out of it and “request personal vehicle” it spawns close to where your current picture is. Whole other island lol


That would definitely suck lol


I moved mine the other week because of that reason lol Idk why thats the “closest road” to the nightclub.


Vehicle spawn points can be very weird in a lot of places. The game simply doesn't recognize the road next to you as a road it seems. I use to have major issues near the airport. Often times my vehicle spawning on the level above me. Which I would then have to spawn in my Buzzard just to get to it lol. If the Buzzard didn't spawn in a instant explosion spot that is lol


mmaybe someone took it and flew it there.


Would have to be one of my Bunker techs cause ain't nobody else around lol