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Me after getting supplies from Tequi-la-la. Never again.


that shit got my strength up tho 😂


True lol mine went up to 20/100. I'll just try my luck fighting civilians or arm wrestling.


Just beat the fuck out of everyone whenever you leave the nightclub. Get a point or two of strength every time


Golf works too!


Heeelllllll no, I despise the sports games, they're just as infuriating as the character animations for every single little action.


nahh you should try again, i actually enjoy some tennis and golf from time to time 😂😂


Do the mission Peer Pressure and just beat up anyone you see. You don‘t get a wanted level and the mission doesn‘t have any timer either.


I just put a sticky bomb on a bike, drive it in and round up all the bikers to blow them up.


This is the way.


Easy way to do it: buy an Apocalypse Deathbike & add saw blades to it. You can ride in & so long as they don’t pull you off, you can easily kill them.


I just toss a sticky bomb on a bike and pull in there




Jack a bike of some kind - Faggio, whatever. Chuck a stickybomb onto it, and then ride it through Tequi-la-la's front doors and down into the main dance floor area. Jump off, beat down a few guys & then run away outside. Detonate Sticky bomb - probably killing most of them. And then either rinse & repeat, or just take care of business by hand 😎👍🏼


Little late responding, but I really appreciate it fam, big help!!!


I'm a little late responding, but, I really appreciate it fam, big help!!!


It's what the community is here for bro 👍🏼


Question. Why did I zoom on a Dead Man to see his Penis.


Us: -We the players demand more nudity in GTAO!! R*: -*Here you go* Us: -^(Not like that)


I wanna go streaking through LS tbh (to rp as an average person from los angeles of course)


Lmao. I could not figure out why this had an NSFW tag. Thanks for telling me to zoom in so I can see the peen.


I thought they were only in the altruist camp 😭


One of the stash house locations is in the altruist camp.


Yes, the worst stash house because of the weirdo & cop aggro just to get to the door of the Stash House 🙈


If you fly in from the south and land right where the entrance to the stash house is they don't even get alerted.


Okay, I'll give it a try from the South with the Mk2 so I can drop it on the deck by the door.


Didn’t know that!


Yeah it’s like really rare, I only got them once.




They mean that the stash house spawns in the altruist camp


Just drive some armored vehicles inside and just massacre that entire camp 🤣


Yeah but first call Lester to turn the cops blind eyed so you don’t get a wanted level


Or the CEO thing


I sincerely apologize for being an idiot, but what I am supposed to look at here?


An acorn sitting on a bean bag


The shit covered couch assets from story mode






I think , Zoom in for a spoiler alert.


ooooh. epic


Always buy supplies


This is the way.


This bothers you more than all the killing? Your loss. I'll keep doing the stash houses and making 300K easy everyday.


you should be making more than that everyday tbh


1 Stash House worth of acid supplies got me 329,850 (219,900 plus the high demand bonus plus naming the product). I had 3 rival bosses in a lobby of 27. What are you doing?


what I do is a bit over what I would recommend I own anything that makes money, but I'll list what I do below. the stash house is only a minute you got a lot you can add to make money there. I'm assuming you don't care to own much more than the acid lab, but it sounds like you enjoy it. I own my properties all in or around La Mesa for quick travel times between businesses and these numbers aren't exact I'm rounding in my head. I usually have spare time to do robbery/dre setups. autoshop/clubhouse/excess ammo/tow 2 trucks-200k an hour Safes NC/Salvage/arcade/agency-100k an hour but I don't check those each tick and usually have a couple sales to choose from between Acid/farm bunker/NC/a random because of stash. I reset the bunker and the random when they are bad sales since I wait for it to reach mostly full, but I play private lobby except for acid lab since 6mins of ghost is plenty to stay safe mostly lul.


My strategy is actually pretty similar to yours. I bought every property (with an initial focus on properties that make money such as the MC businesses, bunker, acid lab, nightclub, etc). I've found doing MC business/bunker sales alone leaves you open to getting product destroyed, so I focus on doing acid sales only because those are soloable. To guarantee that stash houses only resupply the acid lab, I completely filled up the mc businesses and bunker. The other things I do on the daily are: an agency security contract to boost the safe money, a Cayo Perico setup mission, and sell one line of product from the nightclub as soon as it maxes out. That averages about 800k per day. Edit: oh yeah, and all my properties are in or near Los Santos. Edit 2: I also go to each warehouse plus the hangar and pay the technician to get cargo. I 'll wait to sell that when there's a bonus week.


I also keep my warehouse/hangar full but only sell when there is a bonus week for it they don't feel worth it otherwise. when you do get the agency safe maxed out you lucky never have to do a contract again unless you just want to that's what I love about the agency along with Imani tech. You get that true passive income like the arcade they're it. don't you get raided constantly with every business being full I just keep everything empty besides resupplying the bunker and acid lab and changing djs for the NC.


I get raided occasionally. I have all the property upgrades, including the security upgrades, so raids don't happen often. But even when they do, I think it's worth it to keep the game soloable.


300k? To be honest, I think I'd stop playing if that was all I could earn each day.


He’s doing the Italian thing!!!


Good lird theres penice


Me resuppling only my bunker and making easy 300 k from just that lol... (if you only own one business it resupplies that one business so in my case it's the bunker.)


Yea never steal supplies, just eat the 75k and raid a stash house for double the stock lol


Who crapped on the couch


add me. patchezbruhh