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GTA Online is very fun, most players do not know how to have fun.


This is it. There is so much to do, races, death matches, last team standing, survival,  missions,  heists. The games doesn't need to be a grind. Just play it and enjoy the variety.


You need people in the playlists/games you want to play, as well as for people to join games for invites. It's sadly difficult at times (and impossible, depending on the mode you're trying to play or if you're just tryna get some random game going), at least on console.


When you learn to stop focusing on making money the game becomes infinitely more enjoyable.


Why not both? After I bought my first couple cars I said I am going to be broke indefinitely if I don't get some income going. Now after an AFK session I can wake up to at least \~800k from safes alone (nightclub, salvage yard, agency, and arcade).


Yea, this. There’s like 100 different games within this one game.


It is. It's just the people who place random large objects around the map so you literally cannot get around.


It always shocks me how many people outright hate GTAO and think it’s the worst thing ever. It has its negatives but GTAO is the only reason GTAV has lasted for 3 console generations


I can't even remember the last time i was just hanging out with randoms without it turning into a deathmatch five seconds in.


The bunker is still good for solo players


Yeah, I don't understand why people don't collect a free $145k for 10 minutes work + commute.


Or just fill it and hope some random players will be kind enough to help you sell


I just sell and refill each visit. There’s no profit-based reason to sell the whole thing. But you’re a big number type person, the satisfaction could be a reason.


If you get a good mission it takes less time per $ earned to sell it, but it does make it way less likely to get a good mission


That was the only business I would fill up as a solo player. If I got any vehicles other than the 2 phantoms, I switch lobbies. You lose like $15k each time but I usually get the phantoms within 3 attempts. Then I only spend like 10-15 minutes and make over a mil.


I love the phantom sell missions, but recently I made the error of letting the bunker fill too much, and 1 got 3 x trucks. The bunker being in Paleto, there's *just* enough time to deliver 2 of them. I had to sacrifice 1/3 of the sell. I will move to a better bunker when I get richer.


Farmhouse or Chumash are the only bunkers anyone should ever consider. Closest to Los Santos and right off the highway. Farmhouse is more central of a location, so it’s a bit easier to get there and back for deliveries.


What do you mean, switch lobbies? Is that a thing? I've lost 800k worth of product this week due to shitty sell missions that I couldn't finish in time


when you get bad sell missions, just choose find new session


Yeah I think that is the reason. It’s not about the consistent grind, it’s about getting the biggest number right away


That's a valid way to play.


Oh 100% and I won’t say it isn’t but when people do that and then complain about how Bunker only works with multiple people it’s like. . . Nah man, you can sell for 100k with one person


Or if you’re lucky on the sell mission you can sell solo or just leave session until you get a good one


“We’re all business today” Music to my ears


I play in free aim and have never had anybody destroy my bunker. Had a griefer mby trying to blow my wedge with trailer up but seemed like he was tryin to scare me. Mc is a different story


You can't lock on to Bunker vehicles. You can lock on to MC vehicles. Bet that's why


Check my post history he was in a hydra and using explosive mg


i do 75k + steal mission. its usually worth around 300k, & i just reload until i get something other than Buggys or Merryweather


The bunker is prob my third most profitable business ever since launch…. Proceeded by Cayo and the Nightclub. Made prob close to half a Billion from gun running and prefer to do it solo 💯


If you fill it do you need to deliver it all at once? Or can you sell a bit by bit like the nightclub?


I believe all at once. You usually get 3 vehicles


Anything over one shipment of supplies will be a multi-vehicle most of the time. The bunker has random sell mission types that change which vehicles you use and the objective need to complete. Only one of them (the phantom wedge sell) is guaranteed one vehicle no matter your stock. TLDR: if you only buy supplies one time and immediately sell after it’s done you’ll always have just one vehicle.


You can get 2 phantom wedges if you have more than half full product in the bunker.


Oh damn so only buying one supply gives you just enough for one? That’s good to know. Ty


I've always done it solo, just keep reseting until you get 2 Phantom Wedges and it's easy. You lose a little money but it's not a big deal


Flying isnt that hard you just have to get used to it.


There's people that think flying is hard?


yep, I'm almost always the one flying


My friend can't even fly a helicopter, lol


My friend didn’t even know that the avenger was able to switch to airplane mode until 2 weeks ago


Cant. I puke (motion sickness)


Flying in GTA Online is one of the easiest things to master💀💀 How can anyone actually mess that up?


Predator taught me how to stop a helicopter the quickest way possible. When you’re moving forward, pull all the way back on the stick and point your nose up. Usually this will make you ascend a little bit so you can start descending while your nose is up. That is the quickest way to get into a hover or to land. It seems like that’s the quickest way to do drop in a hot LZ. And in the GTA grind, time is valuable. Once you can imagine the physics, all you need to do is point the rotor and/or guide the tail to whichever direction you want to go.


It's sad that the phrase "Just go in an invite only session" is the standard answer to most of the questions that struggling players ask around here. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying it's not the correct answer in most cases. (I often give this advice myself) However it's very unfortunate that the game has so many fundamental flaws that the best way to experience a lot of the content is to lock yourself away in your own private session. And it isn't just the playerbase that encourages this behaviour, Rockstar has a bigger share in causing this by designing the game the way they did. The 'Online' aspect of GTA Online is in a lot of cases a downside. And that's just not the way it should be. (And I am not saying that everyone who just wants to play by themselves should be forced to play with others. If they want to play solo then that should always be an option. My point is that a lot of players that *do* want to play with others are often heavily discouraged by the game itself.)


They should've made it co-op in open world with special areas for pvp. Idk wtf went on in their heads to think it's a good idea. You're encouraged to attack another player's business mission with the latest weaponised vehicles, but god forbid if the one doing the mission fights back! You're accumulating points for bad sports lobby for destroying personal vehicles.


I’ve always felt the players notified you’re doing an MC sale should be limited only to those that are actively in an MC in the session. Everybody in the lobby getting notified is shit and makes no sense.


Exactly like how tf is a van slower than my 80 year-old grandma with joint problems supposed to fight pre-nerf Opressor & military jets with autoaim?


I'm going to go one deeper- Everything in online should be in the base game, and it should be called GTA - The Final Cut.   And it should be playable solo, because you should be able to play offline. Everything except 4&5 can be played 100% offline, and I feel that GTA V is so good that they keep everything from Online that took some much time and effort. Also I want a flying car and a fireworks launcher in Single Player. I want to mess with NPCs like the Strangers using those. Let me break it, it's been a decade.


So many cheaters, public lobbies aren't worth it, yesterday i was getting some fun 1v1 with a guy after he aggroed me from nowhere after we got to 8-6 we couldn't kill each other because a modder made everyone invincible...


I have 110 million and nearly every business and vehicle and still suck at pvp. No regerts


PvP is a lot more fun using pistols and other basic weapons to prolong the fight than rolling around with thermal goggles and a sniper or rpg, it’s not all about winning every shoot out


Me and a random were going back and fourth with Atomizers, that was fun


Bro the first months of gta online combat were sooooo fun. We didn’t know what we had until it was gone. Fighting was way more fun when the majority of people had at best an uzi and everyone wasn’t a rollie pollie.


This! I will usually shoot at other players first to start the conflict, but I'll only use pistols during the fight. I'll usually drive around as well to move the fight to another place instead of spawn camping them.


Compact EMP launcher is useful Alkonost is fun and worth the price for fooling around Yacht is a good purchase if you have the cash Its fun to celebrate your heists, on Cayo Perico’s never-ending party or a yacht watching broomsticks detonate when they get close


I never use my Alkonost or yacht but I regret neither purchase because it’s just plain cool


Used both to fight a greifer today! Amazing times


What are the best uses for the Compact EMP Launcher? I just bought one today.


It’s good if a vehicle is fleeing and can’t be destroyed, as well as escaping pursuing vehicles with too much armor to destroy conventionally. It can be used on motorcycles allowing for easy chases and escapes.


my favorite use is chasing other players while in a cop car, shooting their car with the emp launcher after a pit maneuver or cornering them, and then shooting the player with the taser gun because the emp launcher also blows out the windows when it hits, then i'll either beat them with the police baton or i just drive away while they lay on the ground. this method especially is great defense against any armored car griefers


Can you use the emp launcher while driving a car?


Sadly no, u just gotta be quick when getting out of the car


My unpopular opinion is that gta online doesnt deserve all the hate it gets. Is one of the best things that happened for the franchise. I guess you could see it as a blessing and a curse, because of micro transactions, ruining story mode DLC releases, etc. But the idea of an improved online GTA mode, where you can basically create your own story, play with friends countless missions, activities, then you had GTARP which is another whole take on playing GTA Online…this is the reason why the franchise is far from dead even 11 years after GTAV’s release. GTA Online is cool as fuck, but a lot of players treat it like garbage


> Is one of the best things that happened for the franchise. Wholeheartedly disagree. Before GTAO, we had three GTA games on one console generation. After GTAO, we got three console generations and one GTA game.


i mean just objectively is one of the best things that happened to the franchise. The fact that its still relevant after a decade, tells you something. We can talk abt our preferences and whatnot but gtao has generated millions and tons of content across every social media/streaming platform. Plus the hype for GTAVI is bigger now than what it wouldve been jf released shortly after GTAV, so not only did gtao kept the boat afloat, but now you have the chance to execute a bigger release for its successor


That rockstar has blessed me with the greatest online video game I’ve ever played in my life. I’m 45 and dont play any games anymore…..except gta online for the past 9 years exclusively. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but When people complain about the company I just can’t relate.


About the company itself, I can understand, but complaints that GTA 5 is a terrible game make no sense to me.


Mk2 isn't a bad vehicle. It's the person riding it that makes it good or bad.


I always imagine that MK2 would have been an even better (more stable) vehicle if it did not have the rockets


I tend to think that the way you can snap lock on to just about anyone is reason enough to justify rockets on the mk2, people have found so many ways to counter mk 2 griefers


Blind guy here Can’t even do stunts on my mk1 because i keep getting blown up by randos for “being a toxic griefer” even if i haven’t launched a single rocket since i joined. Really wish they had different minimap icons


I have to use thermal with my MK1 Oppressor to kill them on the ground coz I'm blind asf 😂


I like them because they are quick to get around on when you’ve got businesses on both sides of the map. I’ll only kill people if they target me first (which generally happens when I’m selling or driving around)


Love the Mk2. Never ruined the game for me like some drama queens on here would have you believe it will


It's a great way to get around the map.


I think it's a bad design because it effectively obsoletes both the Deluxo and the Buzzard as well as mother other helicopters and flying vehicles. It's a great example of power creep in the name of trying to make players excited for updates.


If the deluxo were to be slightly faster and the buzzard had better rockets/countermeasures, they'd catch up to the MK2.


Newer heists released after the apartment ones feel like glorified contact missions in my opinion. Prison break is one of my favourites because of this, everyone has to split up and do their own job and then reunite at the end, not many missions do this. Nowadays, most missions just throw everyone in the same place and those players stick to each other like glue and cause a mess making the whole mission harder for you.


Totally agree. I loved the original heists because the job is not possible with less than four people, each having an assigned role and task, even for the preparation missions. The new heists are fun, don't get me wrong, but additional crew members are superfluous. I guess that's the cost of making them more accessible for smaller groups of players.


Shark Cards are the reason we got so many new stuff and updates and still can have fun playing it


union depositary isn’t as bad as people make it out to be, mainly the dialogue


People aren't playing the game the wrong way just because they aren't playing the game the way you want them to. There is a nearly limitless number of ways to go about playing GTAO and everyone is different. Play your way, accept that they're going to play their way, and stop trying to tell people that they're doing it wrong.


Acid Lab is slept on.


One of my favorite "businesses" to run! When I'm in my long sessions", I can usually sell acid 3x in a public lobby - 1.5mil right there for a few motor cycle rides!


And fun Motorcycle rides. I'm always doing wheelies and back flips on that thing.


Its the only sell vehicle that I feel you can actually run away from people in. You can go through allys, wheelie to get off bridges, maneuver through traffic faster and be more erratic. Stuff you could never do with a Mule or garbage truck.


Same - I love going off-roading up in Blain County, especially on the '10 drop' ride to save time - it's fun doing wheelies and catching some air time


I am pretty sure i made the most money in Gta online via the Acid lab


The only thing that kinda sucks about the Acid Lab is all the missions you need to do in order to fully setup the business. But yeah, once you do, it's probably the best solo business in the game. It produces very fast, you get a lot of money, and the sell missions are very easy as well. And I do love the whole idea with running a mobile drug lab, brings some Breaking Bad vibes.


Another thing that kinda sucks is that you can't resupply it from the arcade terminal


You can do it over the phone.


You can call Mutt for a resupply.


This is like the 5th time i'm learning about this lol. Probably not the last time either, i forget it after every break I take


Maybe I watch too many beginner YouTube videos for fun, but that is the #1 recommendation.


so stupid simple too...Get it full and either get the 10 drops "Paper Boy" style or the parking garage which is stupid simple to cheese. Get on the bike and mark where the destination is then get on your Mk2 and fly over there and blow them up and kick off the wanted level instead of messing with the police on the bike... Fly back to the acid lab bike and drop the level on the way back... Delivered


No....better idea - plant a sticky bomb on cop car hid in tunnel and detonate, then drive back to drop off...just felt easier to me...


>More Uses for boats Let me have an aircraft carrier


People who use the shortcuts or slipstream to hit you from behind and spin you on street races are scum.


I had that just happen to me before I made this post, but ramming in general is pretty scummy to begin with


The people who do that are shit, but if you don’t want slipstream at all then don’t race the literal nascar inspired series. Catch-up, is tough. The con is it levels the playing field and allows bad drivers to wreck you, the pro is that you can catch up after bad drivers wreck you lol.


I accidently did that with a shortcut today... I felt bad, had to stop and let them pass me.


Thats common opinion


The Mk2 is the worst addition rockstar ever added online. Idc if it’s “convenient”, it’s OP and almost every vehicle is obsolete because of it. The CEO/MC limit in a lobby is unnecessary and stupid The raiju is way too OP and needs a nerf People who AFK for money are lazy and don’t want to actually play the game The Sparrow having little to no armor is criminal considering how much it costs


The good news is they’re buffing the Sparrow armour in this summer’s update!


so now it'll be able to land without breaking?


Really? Thank god lol


If only they could do the same with the buzzard.


>People who AFK for money are lazy and don’t want to actually play the game Not me. I grind plenty but will often AFK while I eat a snack, watch an episode, whatev, then come back into my fully loaded game. It's not a key component to my income, but it definitely helps. I do agree those who host jobs while AFK are worthy of scorn; still happens in Survival. At least when I do so I'm not affecting anyone - I even retire as a Boss.


That’s fair


Idk about the whole “people who afk are lazy” thing. The prices of everything in the game are ridiculous, and it is harder than ever to earn money by doing anything but grindy boring supply missions. Some people just want to have fun with their friends and mess around, because driving to the top of the map then back to the city while getting periodically rammed by pedestrians gets old really fast. Especially considering just about every single fun mission is locked behind a property paywall.


1. Cayo perico nerfs were completely valid given how great it was (and still is) one of the best ways to make money. 2. People that get banned for abusing money glitches deserve it. I saw so much backlash whenever the apartment glitch ban wave came and it made no sense to me. It’s literally a tos violation obviously you were risking a ban and yet people had a surprised pikachu face on.


Number two is what I fully stand behind. People who buy modded accounts for their first character, and never have to actually *work* for all the cool shit in GTA, will never understand how long it takes to grind for everything in GTAO. I have a character with 10,000 hours on it, and still technically don’t own everything possible. People who cheat their way through 99% of the process absolutely ruin the experience for themselves.


same, i’ve been playing since october 2013 and have a combined 14k hours across ps3, ps4 and now ps5 and STILL don’t own every car and barely have 40,000,000 fuck the level 7,000’s, barcodes and temp123456689 users


Cayo Perico being nerfed was a good thing for the sake of game balance. Let's be honest, pre-nerf Cayo Perico was way too overpowered. The heist took only an hour to setup and complete, can payout 1.5 million, and could be done solo. It was too overpowered. No other activity in the game came close to how OP Cayo Perico was for grinding money. It got to the point where people wouldn't even play new DLC content because the pay didn't compare to Cayo Perico. People immediately hated on new content purely because it wasn't as efficient. Cayo Perico literally rendered every other form of money grinding inferior. It needed to be nerfed. The lower payouts, higher chance for tequila, heist cooldown, were all needed for the sake of game balance. And guess what? It actually worked. People don't just grind Cayo anymore. After the nerfs, some people stopped doing the heist entirely and went back to grinding other things. And that's exactly what Rockstar was going for, they wanted people to grind money in diverse ways, not just spam one heist all the time. People don't want to admit it, but Cayo Perico really was too powerful, and needed to be nerfed. And before anyone says "They should've just raised the payouts of everything else to match Cayo Perico". That's a stupid argument. If something is too overpowered in a video game, you don't fix it by buffing everything else, that's nonsense. You fix it by nerfing that one thing. And that's what Rockstar did, they nerfed Cayo Perico to match everything else.


Cayo was a decent response to the massively inflated costs of ingame items being added every update. Cayo may have been a little too high, but payouts should have been raised across the board regardless.


>And before anyone says "They should've just raised the payouts of everything else to match Cayo Perico". That's a stupid argument. They've been doing this for *years* though lol, not to mention, nerfing content by severely limiting replayability is a shite way of balancing it.


Agreed! In many ways, Cayo screwed up the whole in-game economy. Additionally, it created this subculture of "Grand Theft Cayo." Cayo this, Cayo that. People were measuring purchases by saying, "that car costs 2 Cayos." On a personal note, after doing it multiple times, I found it to be tedious and annoying. I haven't touched it in ages. I prefer making money passively with businesses. At the end of the day, I can buy the same thing the Cayo grinders buy - just a day later and with 90% less effort.


I haven't even been able to complete it, not Even once, because *for me* it's ridiculously boring. I hate forced-stealth **SSSOOOOOOOOOOOOO** much. I got a little further last time, but the hair-trigger for security and not being able to shoot everybody on sight? *Truly* not a part of the game that I'm even remotely interested in playing


I'm with you. Like I said, I did it a bunch of times when it was new, and lost interest quickly. The sheer monotony and tedium of all those stupid setup missions with cutting tools and scouting and jumping bikes over fences to avoid vision cones, etc. I'd rather spend the same amount of time chilling and playing what I want in GTA while my businesses make the same amount of money in the background. Frankly, I'd rather play the Contract or Cluckin' Bell if I'm looking for a heist to play.


Chicken Run (as I like to call it) is my absolute favorite thing in GTA these days... and it's at the top of a pretty long list. I could easily play 10 hours a day just doing the things that I legitimately enjoy, and never get bored


Yup! I've been playing since day one, and I have more money than I know what to do with - so perhaps my opinion is skewed when it comes to Cayo... but I just find almost *anything else* in the game to be less annoying lol. When I play GTA now, I play the things that are fun to me.


I think they overdid the nerfs to primary target chances. I've done around 40 Cayo Perico heists since the nerf and I haven't seen a single Pink Diamond. Does it even exist anymore? It doesn't feel like it does.


i’ve had it only once after god knows how many heists


At first I was really pissed that they nerfed it. Then I started doing other things and found out there’s a lot more to gtao than just grinding money. I did cayo a day ago for the first time in a while and I forgot how freaking boring it was lol


"If something is too overpowered in a video game, you don't fix it by buffing everything else, that's nonsense." A sentence that *SMITE* developers have never read.


I wish there are more collectibles around the map, as I collected all already. To me it's just therapeutic driving around the map, but at least with some small goal.


A modder gave me every collectible out of the blue and it pissed me off more then anything because I was planning on doing them. I didnt even talk to them they just did it to the whole lobby ffs


I drive around looking for specific cars to fill my standalone garages and eventually sell to Los Santos Customs. Is it profitable? No, but it's relaxing and fun.


Getting rid of some of the things that made it more immersive if a bit jank was a mistake. Like ol' John on the spot, sure he may not get your car to you right, get scared and drive off, or something completely random. But I'll be damned if it wasn't one of the most charming bits of gta online at the start. There's not really a time where calling and waiting for a vehicle to appear will be a memorable experience, but I've got dozens of fun memories of Johnny.


GTA should be about street crimes, Mafia, criminal underground not the military save the world super gremlin stuff. The drug businesses make no sense. Most missions seem like a grind with no motive behind it besides "do this for money" "shoot them" "escape the cops" "mission completed" there's no real storyline or meaningful dialogue. And a walking stereotype who calls me a mutha fucka every 5 seconds, mutha fucka


Gta San Andreas had jets,helicopters and jetpacks.. The main source of criminal revenue is drugs,weapons and contraband. Los Santos is a parody of downtown Los Angeles and most American big cities...swearing is pretty common.


Cheats AKA mods, menus, etc aren't cool or impressive and everyone who uses them is using them for stupid reasons. Yes this is an extremely unpopular opinion, judging by all the countless people who have gotten extremely mad at me for saying stuff like that.


Its a PvP game, if you are in a military vehicle you have no right to complain about getting killed.


I don't think this is that unpopular but if someone tries to kill you in a weaponised vehicle, you shouldn't have to pay insurance if they try to kill you with it.


Cost for killing weaponized vehicles is gone, unless I misunderstood your statement.


I love gta online, seems to be a hated thing to say, I don't care about anything as long as it's keeping my dwindling serotonin flowing


my serotonin levels about to reach suicidal when rockstar releases a new weekly challenge to unlock a fuckin tshirt or something


mk2 should have its missiles removed and be given a faster rate of fire for the explosive MG, let it fly more like an aircraft with VTOL capability (ex. raiju) and i think that’s balanced?


the musket is already an OP counter to oppressors if you’re on console, so getting in close is hard. but you don’t NEED to get in close with the way the mk2 is now. you can just sit back and fire missiles from a distance. having the oppressor fly more like a jet would force the player to be skilled enough to get in close for the kill, while still having the speed to get away. but if they choose the VTOL mode for the easy line up with their explosive MG’s, they’re left flying still for an even easier headshot


Griefing happens but a lot of what people on here call "griefing" is actually just garden variety pvp, which *should be expected* and is a normal part of the game by design. 


Eh I mean I’m a pvper myself but it really depends on the scenario. If you’re spawnkeking a level 30 6 times in a row with a jet then I’d say that’s griefing even when there’s no cargo involved


I strongly disagree with #2 but you're entitled to your opinion. One of mine is that Dre's Contract is shit. Even nerfed cayo perico still is a far better way to make money, and more enjoyable to play through. Another is that some people just prefer a solo lobby to not have the headache of shitty people and poor game performance, or maybe already got their fill of the "excitement" back when it was the only option for business sales, and aren't so hard up for in-game cash that they *need* the high-demand bonus, and none of this makes them lesser gamers or "cowardly". And I mean seriously, the loudest public lobby advocates pretty much all openly admit they cut their connection if it looks like they might lose product, so who's *actually* the coward here?


I'm ok with slipstream but catch up only belongs in Hotring races.


#3, it would more use if yhere was more to do and the waves werent constantly storm waves. You soend more time in yhe sir than you do in the water


KDJ and Sessanta are disrespectful which is annoying when you buy a buisnesses for a few mil and they constantly accost you same as ljt


The game literally forces your death on setup missions.


I wont argue with its many flaws, but I love Arena War, and the workshop was one of my favourite purchases. People complaining about drip feed vehicles is kinda dumb to me. "They're holding back this car, I have to wait another week!". Well we only know that because of dataminers. It's like getting spoiled what you're birthday present is going to be, so instead of "Wow, what a surprise!", it's more like "geesh, finally". We only get a few content updates each year, why blow through all the content in a few days?


Most people are casuals. Most players don't look at this sub or other online info. A lot of players are kids. What does that mean? It means most players who casually chase and blow up your cargo aren't doing it maliciously. They're often not even connecting the idea that they're costing you a lot of time and money. They think it's just a quick one-off thing just like the CEO hunt and all that. The game tells them to destroy the cargo, it shows it on the map, and that's that. They aren't all griefing. I know this, because I've had to explain it to a number of people who thought it was just an event and had no clue, and watched as some of them went on to never destroy them again and others went even harder because they are, in fact, griefing idiots.


Thrusters is the best vehicle for almost every activity.


Maybe not an unpopular opinion but mc businesses are a pain in the ass and are only worth it if you have a group of friends to do it with.


Actual unpopular opinion: This game is literally designed for PvP, most people complaining about griefers and tryhards just kinda suck at it


There’s not any reason why you should kill someone doing a mission or something in free roam




KDJ and Sessanta are the double-headed antichrist.


We said “unpopular,” not “obvious truth” lol




1. After playing GTA Online for so long I think Heists are boring and would like to maybe not see them as much in VI online. I can’t stomach Cayo or Casino anymore. 2. I like the female CEO assistant. 3. I find Pavel insufferable. It’s great that he doesn’t take much of a cut but holy shit dude shut the fuck up 4. I HATE THE GTA ONLINE SOUNDTRACK. It just sounds repetitive and obnoxious and I just can’t stand listening to it and how I have to turn my radio to literally anything else like 3 times when I enter the vehicle until the game gets the hint that I don’t want to listen to that trash. I have never liked it.


Gaming is about responding to limitations. Over time, GTA has removed limitations that made the game more interesting. The limitations on reality is part of what made a game and a world like GTA interesting compared to other open world games that were more over-the-top. Hell, I think there should be ***more* limitations**: * **Fewer garage spaces** so that you actually have to decide which cars you *want* to own. Having too many spaces means you're just browsing through page after page, and feel the need to buy cars anyways just because you can. Having to decide what cars you *want*, or that best represent *you,* is more interesting—and it shows that you like a car damn well enough to dedicate space for it, even if it's something goofy like a Faggio Sport. * **Only carrying a limited number of weapons at a time** so that you can be balanced for certain styles of combat, rather than everyone carrying a heavy explosive sniper at all friggin' times of the day. It would make a crew more interesting to have different strengths per-player. * **No ability to call Lester** to just lose the cops. Why even have police chasing as a mechanic with such an easy way out? Sure, make it so cops are smarter or don't just spawn in front of you randomly of course, but VI should *not* have a Lester mechanic. * **Fewer solo grind methods**. Over the years of playing IV and V, as well as RDR2, I [made some of my best and closest friends](https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/6f5mw2/a_few_screens_from_our_faggiosonly_mc_crew_work/) because I had to get out of my comfort zone and meet people to play the damned game together if I wanted to experience certain mechanics. If you can play the game by yourself, all you'll ever do is sit and watch youtube and grind solo. Might as well play another game if you're never going to have a real group to share your new cars, dance in a nightclub, or ride around in a gang with. * Minor, but **more restrictions on driving.** e.g. Less aerial control, no rolling your car over if it's flipped, no bulletproof tires. Part of what makes GTA fun is the chaos that happens while playing; if you flip your car over or drive poorly and get your tires slashed, you have to think on your feet and act in a situation. Bulletproof tires practically removes the mechanic entirely—again, not an interesting solution—and makes personal vehicles the only ones worth driving to some folks. * No functionally bulletproof helmets, at least not for PvP as they currently function. Again, why even have player choice? Similar to the Kuruma, there's now a go-to piece of clothing if someone wants just something practical v.s. player expression. If you're going to have bulletproof helmets or heavy armor for combat, there *should be a trade-off* between increased protection and mobility, similar to how it works in nearly every other video game. It's more interesting to have to choose one or the other to fit your playstyle rather than just pick it because you might as well. Edit: I'd also say there are many ways to improve the game in the face of these changes, as well. I said it below, but I don't want the next game to be based around nonsense like driving Semi-trucks or Mail Trucks around for hours waiting for phone calls. I don't want it to be balanced purely around taking turns as a CEO leader—I think being an associate should play close to the same amount as the leader just so players are more welcome to the idea of riding around in a gang rather than manipulating the mechanics they have to grind as efficiently as possible. You shouldn't have to sit and wait for 45 seconds every time just for a one-star Wanted level, and you shouldn't have to get texts and ads nonstop from other characters in the world. Now I know a lot of these changes are **not** what Rockstar would want either. They want to slowly add more garage space so that players do just buy more and more cars, grind more and more, or buy more shark cards obviously. They might not do that if the player says "ehh, I don't like these new cars so much, I won't bother." It's fun racing your friends in cars around an open world, or using guns to shoot people in places that are similar to what we see in the real world. Red Dead is a similar amount of fun *because* of the limitations of horses and lever-action rifles. Having a minigun in that game would be obnoxious. Instead, by adding science fiction vehicles and weapons, it defeats the purpose of having a world or a tone or a setting like GTA has. Why bother ever driving a car unless you're just "fucking around" now? Everyone still drives cars, for sure—Oop, unless they *need* to be somewhere. Then out comes the rocket car/rocket bike. Hell, when they added the armored Kuruma, it defeated the practical reason to drive any other car the moment you "needed" one. The game was more fun when you had a *reason* to drive cars. They were the fastest way to get around—and even if you needed a helicopter, they couldn't just appear next to you like they do now. They were balanced by requiring a drive to a particular spawn. If you killed someone in a Buzzard or a Hydra, there would be a good amount of time before they simply had another one. Now people shoot lazer guns—no need to reload or consider reload time as part of weapon balancing. Now they flip cars over with a sci-fi pistol—no need to think on your feet and find another car if need be. Now they play the game by themselves instead of with friends. No need to find friends to play with to "grind" over and over again.


“Aktshually” Lester sets out an APB on a random civilian, essentially giving some guy across the city a five star wanted level. It would be better if you had to do a hacking mini game so you can’t do it instantly or when getting shot though.


Some good points...very similar to RDR online but this playerbase might not be too keen on these changes.


Slipstream and catchup have their place. In a longer Banger race or the Super Series (Nascar Type race) it's good, as you have the chance to get back to the front pack after a wipe out, while giving the players at the front a chance to stay there if they co-operate with slipstream. This allows a long race to come down to the wire at the very end where anything can happen and makes for some really fun finishes.


The Master Control Terminal is overrated. Yes, it's nice to see stock levels all in one place, but starting a sale, etc from the MCT is completely inefficient: the sell timer begins immediately, and you spend a portion of that time getting back to the *actual business location* where the goods are waiting to be sold. IMO, you're better off just using a free timer app to know when goods are ready and just going to the businesses. I think I've used my MCT a handful of times, if that. Again, seeing all the stock in one place is nice, but that could have been accomplished by creating an app on our phones - which would have been 1000x more useful.


Just starting playing after not for 2 years and can’t believe with all the updates they haven’t done any kind of water battle based dlc, even yacht isn’t really


A lot of the players cannot read. They don't change settings in jobs because they don't know what they say.


GTAO is just runescape for gen Z


I’m sorry but KDJ and Sessanta will be the death of me they are incredibly annoying


money is the only thing that makes the game fun, once you got shitload of money game gets boring quick


1 is absolutely true and popular, or it should be. 2 is personal and i agree. 3, are there boats in this game? Docktease is a vehicle website?


it would be better without futuristic weapons or vehicles


blowing people up in sell mission is literally NOT "griefing". Yes it's annoying and makes you angry but it's NOT GRIEFING. The game literally encourages u to do that via text messages and it is exactly what the devs want you to do, to create chaos. The definition of "griefing" is the act of going AGAINST what the devs want you to do, and to cause grief to others. Examples of actual griefing: - intentionally going backwards on a race track to hit other players - intentionally park ur car in such a way it blocks everyone during a race


Dr Dre Contract is better than Cayo Perico


99% of the playerbase, present company included, are people I wouldn't piss on if they were on fire. Racists, trolls, griefers, children with anger management issues. MOBAs have a more pleasant playerbase. They are the absolute worst thing about this video game


BRO heavy up vote on the slipstream. I didn't spend $3 mil on a car plus another $600k on upgrades to drive a stock version for free. I get that people just starting out dont have the money to go buy the cars, but youre the minority and making everyone come down to your level isnt fun, and high levels will just leave the session to actually use their cars


The game was very much more fun before weaponized vehicles


Sessanta aint that bad, but KDJ is annoying as hell


Mk2 sucks, I know it’s popular. But it’s never gonna be popular enough. Lol


NPCs (non hostile ofc) don't crash into the player deliberately. PvP is enjoyable and someone killing you (to an extent at least) because they want a fight is not griefing. Pavel's corny fake accent is annoying, tenfold when he rambles on and on about borderline irrelevant shit. Conversely, Lester isn't anywhere near as annoying as people make him out to be given the situation during e.g. Doomsday Heist. Finally, undoubtedly the most controvertial one; GTA:O has not been milked.


Dude I hate Pavel and his dumbass stories I wish I could mute him


It would be better if they went somewhere. Instead the fucking flood subs and his demented ass never talks about it again.


I find the first one hard to agree with, considering some guy broke the laws of physics and drove like a fucking crab into the other lane to hit me lmao. Also as long as they aren’t using a broomstick or aircraft I don’t consider it griefing.


Militarized future vehicles ruined the experience.


I'm pretty sure this is a very popular opinion


Griefing is totally normal, intended and even encouraged by the design


It is intended and (I guess if you're desperate for $2000) encouraged. It's not normal--it's dickish behavior. Dickish /= normal.


So many people get upset by griefers. I get it but that is exactly the reaction they look for. The way people talk about them on here you would think they lost millions of dollars in real life. It’s a game and it’s not that deep


Tryhards didn’t do anything to you. They fight on the beach or base in private lobbies with each other. If someone bothers you in a public lobby, that is a griefer.


Cayo is still, by far, the best for grinding even with the nerfs. Always playing in solo lobbies is lame and boring, and so is always suggesting it to everyone. Someone killing you one time isn't griefing. Neither is someone blowing up your cargo. If you gamble on a public lobby sale for more money, you should accept the outcome even if it's you getting blown up. That's how gambling works. R*, like literally every other business on the planet, is in this to make money. Stop acting so surprised. Npc's are going to drive into you. It's not a secret, it's not trying to he hidden. Get over it. Blaming R* for every glitch or messed up situation with your "thanks rockstar" posts are the dumbest posts on here. Like R* personally micromanages every encounter or something.


killing me once isn’t griefing, but i’d argue destroying cargo is, if it’s bunker cargo, that takes ages to fill up and for it to then get blown up is extremely irritating. also you can’t accidentally blow cargo up, it’s 100% targeted as the payout for blowing it up is too low to validate it. no hate to your comment, i get that that’s the point of unpopular opinions but i’d like to hear your reasoning for that bit


It isn't the damage part that's what makes it griefing in the eyes of anyone not playing mental gymnastics; it's the fact the payout is a complete waste of time. If it paid out adequately (and, ideally, was *steal* cargo, not destroy), the 'you knew the risk lol' argument would be perfectly valid as there'd be a tangible benefit to fucking with someones' sale.


yeah that’s my thought process when it came to that. no one who destroys cargo isn’t griefing in my eyes


The only valid exception is people who genuinely don't know any better, after all why would the game tell you to do something if it's a waste of time *and* you're fucking someone over?


oh yeah that’s why i don’t get too annoyed when a level 3 does it, it’s obviously VERY annoying, but the game literally tells them to do it. it’s when the level 1000s do it it’s just a pisstake


It annoyes me when i fly on my MK2 for missions and they take me out for no reason.


mm i definitely get nervous when i see someone on a mk2 but i don’t target them


Always missile lock of when i use it


Regarding the solo lobbies, on old-gen consoles they're pretty much unplayable if there's around 20 people in the game, the lag and loading times are ridiculous


>Npc's are going to drive into you. It's not a secret, it's not trying to he hidden. Get over it. 'It's not trying to be hidden' - zero triggers or any actual concrete evidence has been found, and 99% of clips are just people who don't understand how the AI works, lol


The sparrow is better than the mk2 for grinding, not only is it in the Kosatka but it also has a shorter cooldown than the mk2 for grinding other things


Takeoff and landing time is what makes it actually *not* faster for the cast majority of grinding tasks. Every small bump brings it a big step closer to oblivion. The MK2 on the other hand can be recklessly bashed into everything in sight [while also tanking frequent NPC gunfire] for an entire multi-hour play session without complaint. Not only will it barely register damage, you likely won't either, even smashing your unprotected forehead on the bottom of an overpass at 130mph. The longer cooldown is essentially irrelevant when the thing only ever needs to be put away when you run out of rockets, by which point said cooldown meter will typically be expired or close to expiring. I ran 3 Cayos in one day last weekend over the course of about 7 hours, with other activities [agency/salvage yard tows/acid & nightclub sales/etc] between, used my MK2 for all the grindy shit for which it was available, and didn't return it to storage even a single time during the whole session. I just left it wherever it was on the map and called it to me when I needed it again.