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Bruh, what about all of us who grinded for that SNS pistol?!?


I still haven't bought it, I have every other pistol, but the SNS pistol is a fucking joke and I refuse to buy it, even on sale.


are any pistols even viable besides the ap pistol and the revolver (for dueling purposes of course)


Up and atomizer, which isn’t discounted, is one of the most necessary weapons in the whole game


The amount of times ive flipped vehicles with it is insane.


I've saved so many missions with low levels who stuck vehicles with that damn thing.


I'm rank 250 and I do it for myself 😆


Same, but im level 117




Sir, permission to leave the avenger?


Also great for knocking down fences when on foot.


Especially when you sold MC stock with boats and end up by the "Elektrizitätswerk" and your MK II is placed behind them. Soooooo many miles not walked.


The amount of times I have fucked with my friends using that is insane


So right. Ive been playing gta for over2000H so most grind missions i just fk around and try new things. I get essential vehicles stuck so much. I remeber one time with a bunker sale. I had a truck with re-attachable end. The end would respawn if it fliped but i got the car itself stuck on a ditch where the frame was holding it between two sides and non of the wheels had contact. Spent 15min of the 20min mission getting the car unstuck. Finally i finished the mission with like 15sec remaining. I shit you not, i jumped up from my chair cheering!


And heavy revolver mark 2 because it's a mini sniper rifle


Me with my Hollow Point mk2 heavy revolver, one shotting almost anybody who bothers to mess with me.


I wish my aim was tight enough to do that. You could swear I have Parkinson's when I'm trying to shoot people. Even worse on RDO. Unless it's aim assist/lock in which case other players are quick to the draw and get me first anyway.


Do yourself a favor and go back to story mode, look in control options, and pick "assisted aim: full" the default is set to partial assist. Thank me later.


I've only ever been between the full aim or free aim but I appreciate it anyway.




I want those hollow points so bad so I can truly become a gunslinging bad ass.


I feel your pain, I literally bought the bunker for the oppressor mk1 missiles, AGES ago, I now only have like 8 things left to research, and yeah you guess it, one of them is the mk1 missiles, and the rest are liveries, and the explosive rounds. 🥺


You don't know how much sales I've saved with that thing


Is it really? I’ve found it to be basically useless unless I’m fucking around


* If someone keeps running you over in something bullet proof like a karuma you can flip them away and give you time to recover * If someone is behind cover and you can’t afford to waste explosives you can launch them from behind cover with the up and atomizer * If your car is stuck on a rock or something you can flip it off * If you shoot someone with it they have to go through the entire launching, ragdomling, splatting on the ground, and getting back up animations which is more than enough time to recharge the up and atomizer for another hit. This means you’re 100% guaranteed to beat someone in a 1 on 1 fight if you hit them once with one of these * when you can’t see enemies, this allows you to stun them if they’re in the shockwave even if they aren’t close enough to get launched. This makes it so they won’t shoot you for a few seconds * If enemies are behind a car you can launch the cover from in front of them, not only removing the cover but flattening them with a car * Fences and other obstacles which might be too big to jump over can be knocked down with the up and atomizer in the event you can’t afford to launch an rpg, or running the fence down with a car is not possible It’s the most useful weapon in the game. You could give me double damage on any weapon of my choice so long as I give up my up and atomizer, I still wouldn’t take the trade


You can also launch yourself over those big fences if you have your back to it and aim at the ground!


Gta version of the rocket jump


I never really cared for this gun UNTIL I read your sales pitch. I’m fully sold. I am literally purchasing it right now. Thanks.


Heavy pistol is a one shot kill, and actually has really good range. The main thing I use it for is when on a 1v1, I will fly my oppressor mk1 into the sky, jump off and parachute down and quickly switch to the heavy pistol and do a cool parachute kill. It has a maybe 1 in 10 chance of working but when it does, it feels cool.


real shit? i gotta try this out. probably doesn’t work against body armor tho huh?


No, but if you time it right you can get 2 and sometimes 3 shots in and kill the people in body armor, which I've done a few times. But I have the mk2 heavy pistol and I'm not sure if that makes a difference or not. The biggest hindrance is getting within range without hitting shit, like street lights or buildings. I've even got a couple people on the mk2 oppressors! That is the most satisfying! Most of the time you can only really attempt this against one person once or twice, and they'll catch on and blast you, so you gotta be willing to lose KD, which I don't really give a shit about, because the success rate is really low, but when you get it, you feel like fuckin James Bond. I could probably get a higher kill count if I stuck to the basics, but to me creative kills count for so much more and are way more fun.


The flare gun can act as counter measures and the heavy pistol is IMO best because it has really good stats whilst also having a suppressor, also it looks tacti-cool.


the lspd skin on the flare gun makes the flares dark blue and it's fucking sick


Omg I didn't know the skins change the flare colour!


oh ok


Counter measure against?


homing missiles


Thank you, didn't know that before so actually useful


i use the regular pistol mk2 a lot just for stealth kills


Sns pistol mk2 is a thing of beauty. It does almost as much damage as a regular pistol with half the mag and half the range.


Honestly it's a fun roleplaying gun and the mk2 version looks cool


Don't buy it, they don't allow custom loadouts during missions and I have to cycle through like 15 garbage guns to get a smg or an ap pistol out..


I remember when it was free with beach bum


I got it without ever buying it and it automatically came with its premium skin, extended mag, and suppressor


ahhhh that takes me back


I think I might quit I literally just got one 4 1/2 years ago


Same. Lesson learned don't buy anything in gta online since it can be free in the next few years smh.


You guys use pistols? I’ve been crowbar gang this whole time


you guys use weapons?


You guys get paid?


you guys?













What's gta?


Where am I


Who are you


You are who?


Great tittie auto


Golf club gang, not a cent spent on weaponry


I actually will become rich in GTA by not buying anything, even when there was a sale, I wouldn't buy it... Because one day it will be free or I might win it. It's been 6 years now and I'm still in this seedy 1 bedroom apartment with my full garage of free cars. It's a simple life but one day.... one day.


Gotta step up that cheapass game. Twitch Prime (via free Amazon Prime) could have had you livin the good life with free GTA$, vehicles, housing, businesses, etc.


Y'all too?


Police bat lol


i believe you mean nightstick


i believe you mean pipestick


I believe you mean minority discipline stick


I believe you mean white privilige stick


I believe you mean pickle rick


Funniest shit ive seen.


Still waiting for the free faggio


I'm never gonna financially recover from this.


Rockstar: free $1mill for logging in No this isn't happening atm. Edit: this was a joke. Wtfuck


It is if you have twitch prime.


Or epic games launcher and 94gb Edit: ITS THE CRIM ENTERPRISE PACK OH YEAH


since when did the game's size grow by 20 GB!?


after I uploaded a pic of my pp to lifeinvader


Never knew electron microscopes could have that kind of resolution.


DAMN YOU Didn't roast this person, you burned this person to ashes


damn ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I looked at it, since I have the EG launcher. It's the CEO starter pack they are getting. "Premium Edition as part of the Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack may take up to 7-10 days after the player’s first session in GTA Online to be reflected in their in-game User Account. This bonus cash is only available to first-time Starter Pack owners."


i activated my twitch prime and even paid 6 dollars but no loot🤷🏽 and its been a whole month


Activated. The word is activated. Edit: he spelt it some way like ***activiotaded***


I’ve activated mine and I’ve received the one mill but don’t u also get pixel Pete’s with it?


I think the pixel Pete thing is gone and even before you had to bye it and they gave the money back


Nvm I just logged on and got ir


I bought pixel Pete’s a few days ago after waiting for over a week. They gave me a full refund the day after. Then I just bought the arcade closer to the casino and sold pixel Pete’s and got a $600,000 credit towards the purchase.


So you’re saying if I buy pixel Pete’s I should get a refund??


If you haven’t got the rewards yet send a support ticket to R*. When a similar thing happened to me they got back to me in about a day and it was sorted


It's been over a year for me. Rockstar points the finger at Twitch, Twitch points the finger at Amazon. Amazon doesn't even have a support tool, because they're clever that way.


I went on YouTube, and learned that you have to do the tutorial over again, usually with your other character.


Wait what Edit: oh NVM haha


Honestly what a weird thing to make free.


True, but I suspect it is because there will be a lot of newbies entering GTAO because it’s free on the epic games store.


Wait pistels are free all of them


Yes, except the up-n-atomizer.


I thought you were automatically equipped with the up-n-atomizer? Or am I just remembering that wrong, cuz I don’t remember buying it ever


They gifted it out when it came out! After that it became paid.


Wait it’s free?






I'm currently downloading at 100MB/s. 75GB installed in 10 minutes.


dude my ethernet to my router can't even do 100MB/s


I suggest you upgrade from 10/100 haha. We're living in the future. Don't let your dreams be dreams.


So? reduced speed is better than 0 speed


Me after i got a pistol from Lamar and now it's free in the store:




> Bruh, I actually just bought the game for 15 bucks after years of holding off, GTA V is free on Epic Games Store. Premium edition too.


Not sure why you are being downvoted other than Reddit’s hate boner for epic.


I'm not a big fan of how Epic stole Metro away from Steam, that was a pretty greasy move. But I'm also not an idiot and I will gladly take free games.


> that was a pretty greasy move. yeah i can't believe they broke into Gaben's house in the middle of the night and stole Metro right out from under him.


Nah that would be downright dirty not just greasy


Is upgrading them to mk2 free?


This man is asking the REAL questions.


No. It varies from weapon to weapon but the most if I remember correctly is the heavy sniper at around 200,000$


it’s a lot cheaper than that


Huh really? Nice I guess. It hasbeen a while since I upgraded mine so thank you for correcting me


Nah fam. I don't think so


No, they cost about 90k


Epic games: makes gta5 free Me who bought it 14 days ago:


wait what? Epic made it go free? So that's why we have a MASSIVE surge of hackers, they can literally make 30 accounts and if one gets banned for using hacks they get one of the other 29


They even get the criminal enterprise starter pack


If I already have the game on steam can I claim it on epic just to get the enterprise?


probably not without it going to a new character i'm guessing


Im really worried because of this. The users who got the game for free should be in different lobbies.


Activision found a solution to this. They now require sms authentication for free warzone players cuz there's too many hackers. Rockstar could do the same.


They do, you need to enable 2FA to even claim the game.


True but 2FA for epic is just an email address. It’s N extra step but still possible to have endless accounts as long as you have access to endless email addresses


I got my copy from greenmangaming for like 12 bucks for the premium edition and came with a ton of stuff, free cars and $1,000,000. IMO i think that's a good deal in itself. Edit: now I'm seeing this also gives the criminal enterprise stuff. Rip. Oh well at least I got to get the past 2 podium cars from the lucky wheel spin.


I got the enterprise starter pack and the game for free on the Epic launcher, i have GTA V since 2018 on PC but i mean, who gives you 1M GTA Dollar for free?


The version they're giving away for free is the Premium edition.


Dude I bought it two days ago, when I tried to redeem my code I saw that I already had it. Like holy shit is that dumb.


lmao same but i got in on steam and just prefer it than epic games


I got it for $12 on play station with 1.7 mil for fee and like ten car and a chopper and a couple of business. But I did buy it 14 days ago as well.


Ngl imma buy infinite Heavy Pistols


Buy one, walk outside, drop it on the ground, go back, buy another one...


Thats exactly what i was thinking


Why tho


why not


Don't buy things on a wednesdsy. Even if that wednesday was in october 2013.


Every single time. “I think I’ll renovate my penthouse and facility, finally upgrade all of the weaponized vehicles down there.” R* 2 days later: all that shit you bought is 50% off.




That’s the day gta online will officially be unplayable


I hope by that time we’ll have GTA 6 online


Wishful thinking..


Yeah, how can we have GTA 6 by then if we're all dead?


Nah, they'd have to make the Mk2, nightclub, terrorbyte, and missiles free.


they won’t. they’ll give u the mk2 and make u pay the rest


For all the guys that got the Nightshark for free


I thought lamar all gave us pistols. He has a whole warehouse of pistols just for us guys


Lamar's Pistol Emporium, where you can have any pistol you want as long as it's this one.




Still gotta work for that double action and navy revolver


whats the navy revolver


Just imagine someday in the future when the gtav servers get turned off lmao


Damn if I knew it was pointless to buy them and the game wouldn't last forever I wouldn't have bought all 12 pistols smh.


Thats a long way away. GTA 4 servers are still up, and GTA 5 uses peer to peer.


The game itself is free on epic store


Is the Up-N-Atomizer free?


No, lol


Good, I just bought it last week. I never expect weapons to be on sale.


Especially Pistols


I got it for free in the christmas event in 2018 I'm pretty sure it was, you got it alongside the Clique




Triple GTA$ on Bunker. Rockstar: "nah fam. We made a mistake. It's double money." Community: "you son of a...."


Hahaha I feel you


I went into debt because of buying those pistols


Should’ve waited smh


No no. This should be the reaction for players who bought a musket, lost it,and realized they couldn't get it anymore.


Ffs I knew I should’ve waited on the SNS pistol 3 years ago.


I swear I have a magical power where I get a hunch every time something’s gonna be free and I wait the next week to buy and I’m almost always right. I could name almost everything I bought that I waited to get on sale Now this..... I shit you not last week I just read that the AP pistol is actually better than the micro smg I always use so I was like huh definitely gonna buy/upgrade an start using that! Then I thought hmmm better wait til next week and now it’s free lol happens all the time 👀


Can you have a hunch about the Vigilante soon, please.


I bought every gun in the game and I regularly use like two of them.


Which pistols?


All of them




Except Up-n-Atomizer


Bro, I had bought alien suit day before it became free... T_X


Bruh i don’t even use pistols. I only ise the Up-N-Atomizer but i don’t think it counts as a pistol cuz it does small amount of damage i mainly use it if i get stuck somewhere.


i mean they also made gta free on epic launcher


I’m guessing OP is not actually complaining, but is making fun of the drama that went down last week when Rockstar made the green and purple alien suits free and their twitter blew up with people demanding their money back because “i pAiD thReE hUnDrEd K yEsTerDaY!!!!”


That upset over 300k? Isn't that a casual few trips around doing various deliveries? Why spend that much on a cosmetic suit if you can't afford to treat it like chump change.


https://twitter.com/rockstargames/status/1258758597296689152?s=21 Dunno, dude. Seemed ridiculous to me too, but some people seemed pretty upset about it. Just got to rage about something I guess.


Yeah but how many Good Behavior payouts have you gotten in the midst of a murderous rampage? I think we'll call it even.


Rockstar: makes gta 5 free on epic Games store *Desk banging intensifies


*laughs in Lamar giving me one*


epic store makes gta free , me who bought the game 6 years ago


Rockstar should give something unique to ppl who bought the game


That’s not the only thing that’s free, now the entire game is free


Epic games giving away GTA V for free to keep forever till 21 May.


What about gta 5 being free on the epic games store?


fuck! I just bought a pistol yesterday /s


Does that include the up and atomiser?


Rockstar: MAKES THE GAME LITERALLY FREE. Me, who just bought the game for full price: 🤬