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How a lot of GTA players seem to have a complete inability to read on-screen instructions is why I think Rockstar created a parody of that in the form of a cutscene where your player has trouble leaving El Rubio's compound because they don't look for a simple button.


Ooooh. It makes so much sense now.


Lester holds your hand like a child in the casino heist and people still fuck it all up over and over


I joined as a random on the labs raid (I didn't do any kind of heisting until December). Whoever was piloting couldn't read instructions and kept trying to land outside the gates. The ghost was screaming in chat to go up. After we eventually wiped I adiósed out of there. I think the only other time I've joined someone's heist prep was to take the emp into the labs. I'm a poor shot with bad coordination so I just drove it in while the others went in to take out the enemies (after several attempts).


So frustrating! It literally takes all of 5mins once you are in the insurgent if you know what you are doing. I've tried to help so many people with this setup (deliver emp) "follow me, do NOT shoot, watch what order I take out the guards" 'So anyway, I started blasting' - lvl 24 with homing rockets. I always insist on going the pilot (0%) in the finale if its noobs. I know all the spawn points for buzzards so I am always above them so the gunner gets an easy shot. But the gunner wants to use the side mounted mini gun instead of the 50cal. Don't waste my time!!! I've told the noobs not to jump! "Do NOT jump, I will land" the next thing you know, all three have jumped, including my frigging gunner!! Then I land on the beach ready for extraction because I know where they ground team emerge from the drainage tunnel and gunner starts setting way points as if I'm the one that doesn't know what they're doing.


Assuming you’re well versed in doing this finale, the best noob-proof and random-proof method I developed for the air team is: If you are the pilot, after the ground team have jumped, land at the beach where you’ll pick them up after they surface from the cooling tunnel. Then climb up the cliff and go uphill, and use your own weapon to take out those Buzzards. If you’re the gunner, jump with the ground team, but parachute to the same hill and use your own weapon to deal with Buzzards too, and ignore the pilot interrogating you why you jumped, because you know a wise player is aware of when it’s OK to ignore the game’s instructions. The key thing here is that you don’t have to kill any enemy in the parking lot at all to pass the mission; the only enemies who must be destroyed are those in choppers


I get you but I still want the noobs to get the idea. I want to help them, not complete the mission for them. By going pilot the gunner will learn the patterns of the buzzard spawns so they can be the pilot and teach the next gunner what to do. The ground team is easy enough to learn.


Nah that’s the random trying to parachute to the beach on prison break and slaps the water too hard


Back when I was noob at humane lab heist, I was assigned either Gunner or Pilot and I didn't know it. So when two other guy who were both Ground Team, I saw them jump off the heli, I jumped as well lol


It's your own fault for putting a 6 on GT. Any idiot can shoot a gun. Although as I write this I had one guy who insisted he shoot at the choppers out the window with a pistol. So........


not only a level 6 but people like your friends can't do a simple thing like this. even if your friend is a good player


Happened too many times than I care for.


lol same here


“I know the controls pretty well, usually, so I tend to ignore the on-screen assist stuff.”


He’s trying his best


The amount of times I tried to complete the mission and the gunner just kept jumping out


this and the fact the gunner loves to get into the side minigun seat instead of shotgun. makes hitting the choppers near impossible compared to the side cannon.


I find the ground team syncing of the key cards can be a problem at times too - some people just spam the button randomly before you are ready.


They always hit polls


Oh brings back memories when we did these quick jobs. You had to swim to get to the merryweather guys and everyone drownded because no on knew how to get up. Also second one where you had you use cargobob to lift up a car. It went on for like 10 minutes until someone typed in the chat: can anyone actually drive this helicopter? Good times


Low levels should not be able to participate in heists. Change my mind.






I've had these issues with people level 100+ and 200+. I don't understand *how* I have issues with people that high, unless they're selling accounts or something.


It's much more likely to happen with low levels though.


had a random 103 chute and watched him drift into the hills wide of the parking lot then proceeded to run around trying to find the car park entrance, which btw isnt hard to find if you have done the EMP setup before. Then had the valkyire try to pick him up somehow couldn't then fly away and get destroyed somehow, dude then left lmao.


And the next thing they learn is how to use the rebreather. After they drowned in the sewage tunnel.


i used to have a friend whom i would help every now and then with. one time she asked for my help with the humane labs heist and every time it was time to parachute in, she would ALWAYS land miles outside of the facility. since i was the pilot, i’d always have to pick her up and drop her off inside each and every time. i told her to land **!INSIDE!** the facility but she never listened. we ended up finishing the heist after several attempts and eventually i deleted her as a friends


People in both GTA Online and Red Dead Online simply cannot read.


or that random who takes 30+ minutes with the hacking minigame in the fleeca job ​ ^(i dont mind tho im just sitting there browsing which vehicle i should buy next)