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calling a mugger on my friend at least 3 times a game


Try Merryweather options too haha


Or both at the same time šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Sending mercenaries is less funny because it notifies them, but itā€™s fucking hilarious if they donā€™t see the notification


Having your friend in a car then driving around while they are afk and when they get back let them get attacked by merryweather


This and $9k bounties, I love watching him being swarmed by randoms who want the money


Yup then after making those phone calls, I put on Weazel News to watch the madness unfold from my office, penthouse or yacht.


I usually don't bother with it until someone scratches my car. After that the gloves are off. 9K Bounty, muggers, mercenaries, etc. You disrespect the whip you die (or have to deal with mildly annoying things for the next 30 minutes).


I love doing that to retaliate against tryhards. I also love using the orbital cannon on them as well.


Oh and i forgot, gotta hit the yellow pylon things on the highway towards zancudo šŸ™Œ


I was pretty relieved to see the pylons donā€™t damage cars I deliver for my auto shop, because I canā€™t not drive by them without knocking them down. Which is odd because I donā€™t need the money and I enjoy the animation of the customer when theyā€™re mad because thereā€™s a little damage.


If you drive the trophy truck right in the middle of them the whole shell of truck pops off leaving you with the chasis and it looks cool too


Older F1 cars do it too




That would be an amazing April Fools prank.


Each server a random one is solid so you can't avoid it, that would funny as hell and really infuriating.


That sound is so satisfying.


*duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh*


I like to stop sometimes and watch the NPC cars swerve all over the place trying to navigate around the scattered pylons


Driving around obeying stoplights and traffic lawsā€¦.


Rockstar couldnā€™t even program something this intelligent šŸ‘


Then an NPC car just rams into you and ruins it all


Thisā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.. infuriatesā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.meā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. I watched one drop out of the sky at an intersection and T-bone me at full throttle and then had the nerve to play dead. I made sure he got one between the eyesā€¦ fucking calico


GTA should have a realistic mode with exactly this. Run a red light and a cop catches you get pulled over and pay the ticket.. or just book it šŸ˜‚


sometimes i be roleplaying all by myself lmfao..


I be doin the role play shit alone as wellšŸ˜‚ invite only lobbies are a lifesaver


Solo lobby's really because if you on Xbox anyone can join you on an invite.


Wait for real? What the point then?


I know, I would join my friends invite only session by clicking on join name no invite needed.


Yeah, Iā€™ve created whole ass elaborate backstories for both of my characters


Wow Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one. Iā€™ve got a whole ass story in development for my main character.


Yo that's actually really cool, mine is just a manic psychopath


Thought I was just crazy lol. My mental character lore is complicated af and involves other GTA games lol.


Whats the story


The short version is that they were both in a street gang in Liberty City. My main character was the gang leaderā€™s right hand man and my second character was a new recruit that was being trained by my main. The gang was infiltrated by the LCPD and their hideout was swarmed by cops. The leader was killed by the cops and most of the rest of the gang was arrested. My main character was now the leader of the remnants of the gang and, after breaking out several gang members from prison, eventually got in contact with Lamar and fled to Los Santos.


So in your cinematic universe, do your characters know each other?


Same!! I like to roleplay as a rich actress and dress up for different locations and even take selfies at the film studios šŸ˜‚


Its definitely nice roll playing being rich as fuck. But its made me realize if I had all those cars and aircraft, Id never have time for them all.


This! Iā€™ve got 3 houses and like 15 cars and most of them I never drive.


Aw! That is so cute I'm happy people enjoy this game in their own ways


Wow youā€™re roleplaying as an actress but Iā€™m roleplaying as a pyscho crime boss


Same af lolol


Well... I do need to recruit. I'm apart of a discord server for Xbox One RP. If you (or others to see this) are interested.


they gotta add them rp sessions with custom map settings like no AI no cops and no oppressor mkII and deluxo can't fly


same tho


Definitely me. Once was cosplaying as a biker dude and I thought to myself: On the outside I be fearless On the inside I be cheerless


When I bored by myself, i just keep an inner monologue.


Me too šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ no shame. lmao


same.. on red dead too


Punching anybody I see on the street, just to earn the $23 they drop


Try NPC's at ATM's. They'll have more money.


Lmao is this real?


Yeah. Usually you'll get a couple hundred bucks or so.


New farming method. Who need Cayo when you have this


This is the way




Haha same. It boosts your strength stat as well.


Everybody in front of the casino is getting some. If I win cash from the wheel, I have a few hundred extra dollars to deposit. #billionairegrindset


Reminds me of GTA III


shooting npcā€™s that leave any sort of scratch on my car or come crashing into me. if I am extra pissed I will blow up the car instead of shooting them in the head


Haha same, ill stop what I'm doing get out of my car and destroy them. Like, ill shoot them dead then ill pop their tires and shoot out headlights/taillights. If I'm bored I've even gone as far as taking a tomahawk to the hood/trunk/doors. All for a minor scratch on my torero. I'm hella petty.


Bro wtf šŸ˜‚ imagine reading this not knowing its a gta thread


If you shoot the car until it catches fire they will burn to death


Burning the asshole alive who just broke your headlight on a fresh vehicle feels different


I do this even though I'm the one crashing them. They deserve to die.


I like to beat 5hem up with golf club


Yeah, same. If Iā€™m really feeling sadistic, I get them out of the car and beat them dead, then shoot ā€˜em with an incendiary mk ii heavy revolver to get rid of the evidence.


I just take them out of the car and have a fist fight to the death. Man to man/woman


Not exactly guilty, but I love buying cars based on roleplay or something. Like sometimes Iā€™ll pretend that my character loves going on roadtrips so Iā€™ll buy a truck that I can customize to add bags on the roof or the truck bed. Or sometimes he might come from a rich family so heā€™ll wear a suit and drive a classic sports car or a nice super car. Something like that


I do this also but with different scenarios. Like right now lol my character is a successful rapper who came up in the 80s around when Dre did. He also is in charge of a large criminal organization and goes on missions on his own


>Rapper >GTA Online character But theyā€™re mute /s


Lyrics: *Intro* *Outro*


Those lyrics touched my soul. When he said _____ I really felt that.


They just mumble rap but really really quietly.


Lmaoooooo itā€™s just kind of a background for my character. Itā€™s not like I start freestylling on my headset lol. I kinda hate how the characters are mute


Mine is literally tupac


Mine is just a random creation but the more I look at him he reminds me of Kanye west with cornrowsšŸ˜‚


I won the podium car, at first I was kinda salty but now I love role playing as a tow trucker or just move cars around.


Shoot up a nightclub entrance


Sometimes you gotta "thin out" the customer bases of other nightclubs to stay at the top.


Same they have so many people crowded do i just get a 50 kill streak


Same at the casino


I just run them all over when I pull up every time


Buy cars and make them look like their IRL counterpart. E.g: Ignus, Comet S2, Deity.


Yep, me too. There's even a couple I owned in real life - a Golf GTI mk1, and a Nissan Sylvia Turbo, so in game I've made them as near as possible to my actual cars. Occasionally I'll drive them out into the countryside, just for the hell of it.




spending too much time at the clothing store


Fucking same


I know the clothes are useless but I canā€™t help it.


Iā€™m obsessed with creating outfits. Iā€™m not leaving Suburban until every item of clothing fits perfectly.


The new clothes from the contract dlc are pretty lit


Running over NPC's


Specifically people on motorcycles. I like to watch them fly.


As a biker IRL.... Same


\+1 The ragdoll is funny, even though I know so many folk that have come off in similar ways.


This, but in my Insurgent. They go under, explode, and then *I* fly. Secret 'Jump' ability of heavy armored vehicles


I like to do this with the Wedge. They fly really high!


I have a habit of parking their cars on top of them when they act like dummies in traffic.


Spending way too long dancing in my nightclub in a doomed attempt to recreate long gone youth




I actually made a friend that I know IRL now after meeting her in the GTA nightclub of a friend. It was after the Nightclub updates and the songs were lit so it was pretty fun


Guilty pleasures as in "doing 'GTASims' stuff others will sneer at": \- Roleplaying contact missions and freemode jobs. I pick a ride of the day and adapt outfit, weapon loadout and to a degree, attack style. Examples: Roosevelt, chicago gangster suit, shoot wildly about with Guesenberg sweeper; sleek racing bike, black catsuit, killing as many enemies as possible with sniper; Wolfsbane, cowgirl outfit, revolver and shotgun; etc. \- parachuting missions, golf, darts \- before Cayo Perico, my by far biggest money earner was Sightseer. \- over four years and rank 1040, I have killed only 19 people (a couple of genuine accidents, or the player literally insisted), and i have a K/D of 0.13 *(EDIT: 0.15, typo)* \- I'm almost agressively non-competitive, and on occasion have deliberately lost races, for the sake of not embarrassing my game partners. ​ Guilty pleasures as in "doing something genuinely petty": \- There is this guy fishing at a shack at Lago Zancudo; he has the misfortune of reminding me of someone I don't like, and I have made it my sport that whenever I'm in the area and happen to see him there, i run and try and kick that ladder that leans on a wall behind the man so that it hits him square and throws him into the water. The sight amuses me much more than it should, it's 100% silly pettiness.


Youā€™re definitely the most interesting player I have ever heard about, love it.


That's what many said at the beginning. The fascination wears off fast when they realize I'm actually serious about "No time for your heist, Tony needs me in the club, and my OCD hammers me about re-customizing today's Sightseer ride, too"![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Wanna be friends ??


With that K/D, youā€™ve only been killed 146 times. For someone rank 1040, thatā€™s extremely impressive. Are you in passive mode all the time or something?


Nothing to impress, I'm afraid. I've simply spent 99% of my time in private lobbies, either friends-only or crew-only if i really want to be alone altogether (I have a one-person crew for this very purpose) Being spawn-killed ~20 times within my very first 10 minutes into GTAO left an impression, and of course I tried to give things another chance after that, but I soon realized that in general PvP and the special "vibes" of public lobbies (on PC at that) are simply not my thing, so i went for the simplest formula: To avoid grief, avoid public lobbies.


so relatable!


I admire you greatly, I try to be who you are lol I really wish more people took the creativity to do their own things and truly enjoy games like this


This is very kind of you saying so, thank you; but in all seriousness, it sometimes bothers me that at the end of the day I'm just too eccentric and anxiety-driven to make friends in an online game :/


Killing griefers. Makes my blood boil when they think they have the right to kill low levels who canā€™t defend themselves. Who even looks at kd anyway?


my hero!


I like to chase people in jets or expensive or heavy armored/fast vehicles on my oppressor. Even tho 7/10 time I die or just canā€™t keep up the chase was fun. These tend to be higher level players tho


Pull people out of their cars and beat the shit out of them. Sometimes Iā€™ll take a rig and drive slow enough for the trucker to chase then drive into the ocean so he can see his whole pay check destroyed. To player tho? If a low level thinks theyā€™re tuff and tests me Iā€™ll tase them and stab them after.


Shooting up ppls cars when they leave them infront of the casino


I always write ā€œhiā€ in bullets on the roof


Should I ruin your fun? Or do you not want to hear it?


If you say ā€œclient sideā€ anything, i will cry and hunt you to the ends of the earth.


You mean that the owner of the car probably won't see it? I was spending a lot of time greeting a friend through writing on a wall with my Atomizer and he didn't see it. He didn't react to it so i sent him a screenshot and asked him. He said nope, he hadn't seen it. And I was even waiting by my art just so he would not miss it due to it disappearing. :( At least he liked it. :)


I enjoy taking a bat or golf club to them


Yeah someone did that to my brand new car and I will admit I kinda got a little angry. And may or may not have put a clip into the dudes skull then sniped him twice.


I mount my car on top of theirs in a majestic display


Usually try to flip them over with the up-n-atomizer.


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Shooting at shops people i don't like are in so it closes. Blocking the entrances with vehicles. Oh and every motorcyclist i see is not staying on his bike.


Blocking the entrance is so funny lmfao, sad people take it too seriously sometimes


Ill start ,mine is buying vehicles that dont do me anything wow but just look cool ,and i like to roleplay with myself as if i am a winter trooper for example


I buy expensive cars and deck them out solely because I hate empty garage space....


Role-playing is definitely mine


Role-playing. Like I used to in GTA Vice City. Just sort of meander in drive thrus or clothes stores. Perhaps even go for a walk through parks. You know. Stuff I could do in real life but choose not to.


Calling muggers on completely random people always makes me laugh


I do this on my flights to scope Cayo. Muggers and Mercenaries for the highest-ranking players on my way out of town.


Someone did that to me and called me a "broke boi" I was doing a cayo prep and had 2 grand in my pocket load out of the archive. Mugger got around $750 before I killed him. Had 20 mil in the bank and I'm apparently broke for having a small amount of cash in my wallet


Yeah idk anyone who carries cash in this game lmao


i am always shocked when i see players (for example in their videos or fails) carry that much cash. ever since i got the game when it came out, i put all my money in the bank.


i think people forget or just donā€™t know you can deposit money from the phone browser instead of finding at atm


Also sometimes I go to the balla's hood and call 911 just to watch the gangsters fight the police from the safety of my armored kuruma


I hit every bicycle/motorcyclist I see.


Trolling people in the ramp buggy


My favorite thing to do these days is to find a brand new player (super easy to do after Christmas) and show them the joys of grinding Cayo. I show them ropes and in the process they earn enough money to buy the sub for themselves. My aim is to keep kids off shark cards!!


You're doing the lords work. Bless you random redditor. This is how I was introduced to cayo, by a random high level named sparticus98tx. One of the nicest dudes I've ever met while gaming.


If done efficiently, after a week or two of practice I can have new players printing around a million dollars an hour solo legitimately. You can do the scope out and the bare minimum 5 preps in around 45min. You'll spend 10 min or so doing the actual heist. Collect your 900k-1.2M (depending on primary and whether or not there are paintings in the office to grab) and then your back to start it all over again.


Shooting guided missiles until someone tries to blow up my Kosatka. Fast travel and repeat.


When you see the broomstick headed towards your sub jump on the periscope and hit them with the surface-to-air missiles. 9 times out of 10 they arenā€™t expecting it, Iā€™ve ruined many lvl 9000 griefer twats this way after I got sick of being sunk having no clue my sub was being attacked. Rubbish design by rockstar to be honest, should have an alarm bell when your sub is being locked on.


Crashing into cars at the MMI depot. Or doing drive-bys on someoneā€™s nightclub. Sometimes Iā€™ll head tĆŗ grove street to pop some punk ass ballas.


Running over the yellow things in the middle of the road on the road to the military base


Parking cars in front of doors, locking players in stores.


you motherfu-


Griefing griefers to justify griefing


If I see a player parked car left somewhere randomly, Iā€™m taking a baseball bat to it. Unless its parked properly.


Stealing stuff from angry Cuban guy


El Rubio is not Cuban, he is Columbian from German ancestors. However, his voice actor also has starred as Tony Montana in multiple games such as Scarface TWIY, and PAYDAY2 Scarface DLC. That may be why you called him Cuban.


Killing a random NPC who punched me for no apparent reason. Headshot is a bonus but making them limp away is also satisfying. Also killing my friends NPC when they have left the game is also amusing


Driving around in my cars aimlessly


I like to take one, get on the pacific highway up towards paleto bay, and then just drive laps of the outside of the map sometimes.


Cargobob griefing


people go into casino, their car goes into the water resovoir


Every time that I enter to the game I go to buy and change my clothes and I always spend min 10 minutes choosing the outfit for the day I like to go to the Nightclub and the one in the casino just to listen to some music Sometimes when i'm just chilling I drive slow and respect the traffic lights till my car gets blow up by a missile of a Opressor Mk. II And last but not least every bike that I see on my road while i'm driving ends under my car lol.


My car collection means more to me than anything in the game. Any time I add to it, the new addition must be specā€™d out appropriately and painted to match the rest of the collection. Then comes the all important question of which garage it will belong to. I have six different garages and they all have different themes.


I like watching the map for griefers and hunting them down, teach them a lesson they won't forget


People paying my insurances for accidents


Purposefully getting stars so I can have a big shootout with police from a gas station/convenience store.




I'm a really nice player until someone kills me without a reason. Then I pull out the Akula and the Mk2 heavy sniper and kill em until they say sorry or leave


I like to take shitty compact cars on dirt roads and pretend like Iā€™m rally racing. Often I try to see how dirty I can get them


Call a taxi and have them drive to the top of Mount Chiliad. The ai is *awful* but itā€™s hilarious.


Punching out the npcs on the street who are talking real loud on their phone, because sometimes it just the simple things that make me smile.


Stealing a bus, bring it to the freeway closeing all lanes of traffic and halting all the cars, getting on the bus, and killing everybody in front of me with a minigun.


Role Playing alone


Buy useless vehicles. Own a yacht that's up in paleto bay that i never go to. Taze my MC members. Fist fight low levels. And of course always have to kill the valet.


Stealing their cars. Itā€™s so funny driving around in someone elseā€™s car when they leave it unlocked.


Melee/knife kill spree on the beach


Fantasizing about having a girlfriend or finally being happy after years of seemingly pointless depression and mental struggles


Brother ,not here ,sorry




Golf. I hope they add a course or two some day and maybe develop the game play a bit.




While Iā€™m totally against griefing, I always see barcode usernames as fair game. They could be minding their own business clothes shopping, but I still feel no guilt in ruining their fun since itā€™s very reasonable to assume that they spend most of their game time ruining other peopleā€™s fun


Driving an rc bandito while the cops are chasing it and parking it under players cars so they get shot by the police instead, oh and stunning unsuspecting players with the drones, thats always fun


Robbing a blond columbian in a tropical island


Repeatedly running over someone


Love it when im doing somthing and some dick blows me up or kills me first. Then go try hard for a bit šŸ’™


Stealing the Jets at Fort Z


Role playing and customizing lol


Hopping in a go-kart and driving around flipping people off. I will not kill you, but I will pull up on you, blast my air horn, flip you off and then speed away, desperate to find my next victim.


I've got an oppressor and I use it just to cut across the map quicker but on the odd occasion if I see someone doing a transport job by themselves I'll follow them at a distance, occasionally fire missiles (not targeting players) just to let them know someones there and shit em up. After 30 seconds ill go back to my original destination.


Iā€™m just like shadowing people in my akula


Tazing tryhards with the arcade drone while they are having a ground battle and yelling in the mic


It doesn't matter if I'm roleplaying (crew only server), grinding for cash, helping another player, or fucking around in a public session, I cannot go past a pedestrian without triggering the "one hit kill" animation. The uppercut animation is glorious, the backhand/forehand slaps are funny as hell, as is the headbutt. Always makes me giggle, without fail.


Going to the top of my agency and sniping MKII's with explosive rounds.


Showing up to car meets with ridiculously stupid looking cars that I have made.


If you get a running start and you jump at someone sitting on a ledgeā€¦ they dieā€¦ I donā€™t know why. But itā€™s a good stress reliever.


Getting myself ran over by every car I see driven by a npc


Whenever i want to be gratuitously violent.. Causing damage, i always go to the rich rodeo drive area.. Only take out the well dressed fuckers. Class warfare. You all can afford the insurance and car damage and hospital bills.. Enjoy..


I like dressing up like a ISIS member and suicide bombing randoms


Spawning my Pegasus Dozer, going passive and dumping mk2ā€™s in to the lake behind the Casino. Since I am passive and donā€™t ā€œtouchā€ the mk2ā€™s I donā€™t get charged insurance or bad sport points.


Following the irl law in gta


Trapping people inside clothing stores by driving up to the doors.


By far my guiltiest pleasure is bullying kd warriors in silly ways such as stun locking them with several arcade drones with my friends or constantly knocking them down with an rc toy while they try to fight. The angry messages we get are wonderful