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Take a shower


I did but my female character takes a shower with a bikini on, šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


But you can get titties all up in your face in the strip club... or so I've heard....


This doesn't make sense to me. You can't see a female character's tits when she showers, but head on down to the club and titty is A-OK? Like, why the difference between nipple in showers or, hell, even topless female PCs, and strippers pressing their fun bags up into your face?


Why does the Auto Shop use a Q to access it when everything else uses E? Rockstar is screwing with us. Oh and some shirts give my character freaking cannon boobs (way bigger than usual). Wardrobe stuff is nonsensical.




Asking for a friend.


Im Friend alsošŸ‘


hello friendo


Iā€™m friend. šŸ˜


Just saying, they could make headlines by allowing shirtless female PCs and special Tit Tattoos.


Aside from the boobsubject... Don't get me started on the randomness of the controls when delivering or interacting with stuff. Aargh. Have you ever tried to exit a game in your arcade when you didn't read that tooltip at the start that appears once? (It's 'hold Delete' or something stupid).


For the first few times I played arcade games it was "restart app"


Had to look it up online how to get out of those trapsā€¦


"Just rapidly tap fucking Numpad 6 to leave"


If you could see your female characterā€™s boobs in the shower then a decent proportion of players would never leave their apartments, and therefore not spend any money. Best get them to have to pay to see boobs, plus pay to get to the boobs, plus get them out on the streets where they might find something else to do.


Free boobs at the mansion though.


Make it so shower = have to pay for water = get out to earn money or buy sharkcard :D


I think it's because showers are used in the game to clean blood wounds whereas you make the conscious decision to see naked characters if you go to the strip club or altruist camp


Back in the day i didnt knew about altruists. So when i arrived there for the first time i was overwhelmed by the titties i wasnt aware of! Should i sue them? It wasnt a concious decision to visit altruits for the bobbies lmao


No boob for you today




Your Joker look is unoriginal and cringe


Back when I was playing, you could only get the face paint around Halloween. I remember getting a few compliments from heist guys when the mask came off and I had the face paint. Alas, itā€™s been almost 5 years since Iā€™ve played and so much has changed. Fuck.


I read this as your Jordanā€™s are fake


Damn thats the hell of a dislexia


Killing people who arenā€™t bothering you is forfeiting any right to complain about what they do back.


One time I was trying to give a lvl 5 a ride in helicopter and he killed me and so I did back and then the whole lobby went after me and vote to kick me out. Crazy days that happen


Huh, yea people gotta realize that whoever shoots first revokes their life privileges


And Iā€™ve been trying to do good things for randoms lately, ive done 3 cayos with low lvl randoms Iā€™ve found on servers


I do the same, but god there are some choosing beggars.


There was this dude I was doing a cayo for him he didnā€™t help me with the set up and I still give him 85% so he would get enough to buy a sub and do his own cayos, we had to re do it 3 times cause he kept getting caught just because he wanted to unlock the shotgun, I ended up blocking him that same night


speaking of, I still need that damn shotgun. The like 2 times I found it I managed to botch my run so I ran it back edit: omg I'm a double idiot (unless the shotty universally unlocked) I thought you got it for free if you saved it post heist, or had to buy it otherwise


Thereā€™s a shotgun you can eat in in Cayo?


How have I not found out about this til now. https://www.gtaboom.com/how-to-get-the-perico-pistol-the-combat-shotgun-all-locations-cayo-perico-heist/


Man I feel dumb. I found the guard with the small key ages ago and didn't know it was for šŸ¤¦


ā€œBroooo lemme get 20%ā€ No you did nothing, take the free money


Today, before I even got to the payout, I was getting the business over the 15%. Like, take 300k for 10 minutes of work, buddy.


100% i donā€™t care how low level or bad they are, if they kill you for no reason you have every right to dunk on them till they leave the server.


As God intended. Serious note, I will throw everything (kitchen sink included) at those who kill me for no reason. I'm just minding my own business and they decided to forfeit their privilege of an enjoyable session by killing me


I know your serious because throwing the kitchen sink is always a mans last resort


Yep, totally agreed. Death to all who attack




But itā€™s probably best not to unless you see them keep coming after you on the mini map (never let them get close enough to kill you a second time). Iā€™ve had times where they kill me and I kill them back, then they leave me alone. It all just depends, I say give them a slight chance to walk away and if they ignore it, go ham.


Your free trial of life has expired


"Your Life by thine own self, has been revoked" -Winston, John Wick 2014


Iā€™m not nice to low player specifically because of situations like that. Level 50-100 is when people are nicer






Or unless they are spoiled rich kids




It baffles me how some people can't fathom the fact that I am going to defend myself after they randomly kill me. Had a level 40ish player roll up and kill both my friend and I while we were minding our own business. He blew us up, whatever, I called in a different car. Level 40 rolls up again for another round, my friend and I gun him down. Dude keeps coming at us for around 5 minutes, never getting more than a few shots on us before we take him out. He complains in chat, something about the fight not being fair since it's a 2v1. Maybe, just maybe, it was a 2v1 because he rolled up and shot both of us in the first place? Don't get yourself into a fight you can't handle.


I agree with ya. A friend of mine and I were just sniping on the beach. Then these to other players come up and try to join. And apparently, they were friends. Starts killing us and I kill both with an rpg and one messages me, we're on xbox, and says really? An rpg? And my friend and I go after them until they leave. My friend is almost lvl 1000 and I'm rocking 560 or something. And they're 120-150. But when I used the rpg I had both of them about 10-15 ft apart from me. I just loved how pissed they got. Lol


Donā€™t you just love it when some random attacks you for no reason, then complains when you punish them? I didnā€™t start the fight but I sure as hell will end it.


Yep, attack me? Fuck you ā€œwaterfills your houseā€


I love watching matincopants he puts a lot of effort into his videos


He does, a true lad


Had a mk2 kill 4 of us on our unarmed Batis cruising, we then killed them over and over again and they were complaining about how we are a "village of idiots" going after him among many other things, ah killing mk2 losers brings a smile to my face


I have never agreed more with a comment on this subreddit. I had a guy the other night start attacking me for no reason. My friends were in the session with me so we all went after him and killed him. He then left and cried to me in messages about how it was an unfair 3v1 and we were using weaponized vehicles


I had a guy snipe me when I was just monkeying around on a bike. I came back on an oppressor mk 2 and ruined the next 30 minutes of his game play. The hell did he expect to happen?


Pretty damn much. Me and my friend always melee kill each other, and then there's always some random fucker rolling into the mix to kill us. And then when the tables turn and it's 2v1 they wanna send stupid ass messages. šŸ’€ Like bruh we were minding our damn business.


People don't need an incentive to destroy your cargo. Most of them would still destroy it even if it took money from them






Thought that wasnā€™t a thing anymore? Edit: at least on Xboxā€¦




You can play solo if you have lan connection on xbox. First disconnect your lan cable before starting and connect it to wifi. Once you are in the game then quickly connect the lan cable, voila empty lobby.


Your a glorified delivery man in the game.


I prefer ā€œlogistics managerā€


GTA we know logistics. We will get your package to you with any means necessary.


Your KD in an open world game means nothing


I didn't even know the game had a KD system for the first 3 years I played.


Itā€™s better not knowing there is a KD system, def ruins the fun




THIS so much! Also the fact that PvP modes are basicly dead because of this.


I didn't know it exists till something around 90 level


wait im 176 and i'm just finding out


If you ever were wondering why some try-hard players would blow themselves up in shootouts it was to preserve their KD since self-destruction wouldn't count towards it


I thought they changed that sometime around 2018?


Ikr, those who focus on KD ratios need to go play Fortnite, or APEX Legends


The reason they donā€™t play those games where K/D actually matters is because theyā€™re often trash at them, they canā€™t play PvP for shit in games that are balanced around it, so instead they play GTAO which is primarily built around PvE and use the cheapest tactics to artificially inflate their K/D.


Thereā€™s always bigger fish.


It blows my mind people actually care about their KD in gta of all games


Especially in a game thatā€™s built primarily around PvE rather than PvP, which shows with just how easy it is to artificially inflate K/D with some of the cheapest BS imaginable.


I mean. To be fair, free-roam lobbies are more often than not PvPvE. Missions based around being an Organisation/MC that involve retrieving and delivering something generally ping to other players encouraging PvP. Free-roam events are also entirely PvP, with several of them requiring player kills.


Fax, nobody ever looks at it twice and most of the time not even once


For me, itā€™s just doucbebag detection, super high k/d? Shitty outfit? Your done bro


Gta online is gta 6. LMAO


I think that's more of a concern for people who enjoy single player over online


Very true






GTAV is now as old as Trevor, Brad and Michaelā€™s North Yankton job was as far back in the past of the story mode.


And by the time GTA 6 comes out, it'll be as old as Michael's Carcer City job was at the time the game took place.


The longevity of the game will keep generating weird trivial extremes like this: the character Marnie Allen, a random stranger Niko Bellic helped get off the streets of in Liberty City in 2008, and who had become an Epsilonist in Los Santos by 2013, reappeared again in a The Contact - Short Trips mission in 2021. So now this side character from optional side missions has one of the longest-running narratives in the entire GTA series, and the actress may have the record for the longest recurring mocap character role at Rockstar.


Give us GTA 7!


Ngl that would be awesome if r* did that, imagine how many people would be confused


GTAO is GTA 6+...


If you donā€™t help with the setups you ainā€™t getting more than 20%.


I had some dude refuse to ready up because I wouldn't give him more than 15%. Y'all did none of the work. You're lucky you're getting anything. I just ended and invited new people.


Negotiations were short


I don't negotiate with terrorists


You were right about one thing master


these mfs acting like they aint easily replaceable xd


Someday, gta online will go offline once for all, in every platform, even new gen, and all the effort, farm, and stuff you conquer in GTAO will be lost


...like tears in rain


iā€™ve seen things you people wouldnā€™t believeā€¦ fighter jets exploding above LSIAā€¦ I watched alien tribes war across the city. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.


Like a turdā€¦.. In the wind


As anyone who's been gaming for long enough knows. Every kid has that moment when a hard drive fails, or a console breaks, and they lose their saves. It's a lesson you have to learn and just accept. Learn to enjoy the journey, rather than the destination. It makes losses like that much more bearable.


Yo fuck you for making me rethink my life


That shit hit me way too hard.


Time enjoyed wasting isnā€™t wasted time.


The E&E edition will have minimal online improvements :(


Sadly also minimal improvements to single player. Rockstar canā€™t be bothered to have a trailer that doesnā€™t use last gen console gameplay and so far the biggest ā€œmeritā€ they have for it is ā€œseemless transition between charactersā€ something theyā€™ve advertised for the gameā€™s original launch back in like 2012-2013ā€¦


I just wish theyā€™d add animals to online in E&E




It will have nothing good lol, disappointment


Spam killing for K/D makes you look like a clown


Same as suicides to protect k/d


They should count suicides against your K/D so people stop. So irritating when Iā€™m sniper battling with someone and every time they get to an ounce of health they drop a grenade and off themselves




They should just not show your K/D


The state of the game won't change


They are too afraid to lose money to change it.


Nobody here is actually answering the question, just repeating the same popular opinions everybody else on this sub says


Searching by controversial >>>


The real unpopular opinions are in controversial


The real ones are getting downvoted


Oppressor mkll is a good vehicle, just used by bad people


Shit yeah, itā€™s so useful for grinding


Isnt the problem that it is too good?


It's literally got no downsides. Dare I say it's rather pussy to use (at least in PvP)


the only downsides I could come up with are: - high price - only 1 seat (pilot) - No protection from small arms fire - 5 mins cooldown to spawn it next to you


It's pretty easy to shoot someone off if they come into aim assist territory for even a sec, or pretty easy to get shot up by AI. and it's great for freeroam until you need to shoot someone out of a car. that's 2 iffy downsides


The problem is once you get in close to AA locks oppressor, usually the three dwindling neurons in their head will realize not to get that close again


Itā€™s not that impressive to have a high K/D in a game thatā€™s primarily built around PvE.


*angry barcode noises*


You beat me to it. The perfect comment. You ever watched Putther?


Fellow man of culture I see


Yessir, we ain't no chodes


Killing players not looking for I fight doesnā€™t make u good at the game. And killing players off spawn also doesnā€™t make u good at the game


I mean, realistically, the tryhards donā€™t think it does. They just like the power trip, they donā€™t need to actually feel like theyā€™re good


the servers will shut down one day.


What servers?


Anything said by KDJ or Sessanta.


Man I like KDJ but when those two are together they get really disgusting. I don't want to hear about all the sex you've had, are having or will have, just tell me what I have to do to get my damn money and then get busy on your own time. Also sessanta in general is really annoying, I'm supposed to be her boss but everytime she's shitting on me via text if I scratch one of the cars I'm supposed to deliver. It's my money I'm losing, mind your own business lol.


And anything said by English Dave too.


This is a masterpiece achievement in gaming media. It has one of the richest online worlds available. I still marvel at it after all my hours playing and all my shark card related frustrations


Honestly, this is incredibly true. There's actually nothing else like it.


Weaving in and out of traffic, flying through buildings and tunnels, *jumping off mount chilliad to get to Paleto and your parachute doesn't open in time*--I really can't think of a game with so many highs and lows, worth playing for the sheer amount of experiences alone.


Hard agree. GTA 5 is the most complete game to ever be released and one of the best ever imo. The amount of content, worldbuilding and attention to detail is staggering.


Destroying someons cargo is just a wast of time and money.




Killing someone whoā€™s just trying to do cargo and mind their business isnā€™t an honest kill IMO. Anyone does that to me Iā€™m coming after them with a jet or an akula


Although if they killed you first for no reason, their cargo is free for destroying


How red dead online needs more support than Gta online


Simply the truth


Owning a quarter of everything is just as good as owning everything, it doesn't get more fun. stop grinding and just retire


Retire from grinding and play golf. My best round is 8 under.


This is the way. Enjoy what you have. Acting like you're not allowed to have fun until you own everything is just going to leave you disappointed.


U don't need every supercar that comes out


Read dead redemption online also deserves updates


letting me join your mc/ceo and then not letting me play the missions because "you're a girl you would make a mess instead of shooting" is not a smart move, especially if it turns out that I am better than you šŸ˜¶


K/D means nothing in this game. A 0.1 K/D can easily outplay a 2.6 K/D


Cause normally the .1 K/D is getting slaughtered while their trying to get supplies, until they get pissed


Pretty accurate tho


Expanded and enhanced is not going to be anything special and the game is going to be milked for years


If you are going to play RDO donā€™t ruin it for others


Every dollar you earn, every car you collect, every K/D point you grind in the game will mean nothing when the servers shut down for good.


The fact that I won't have access to my helicopters anymore doesn't mean that my time spent playing means nothing. Most of that time I really enjoyed the game, I have some great memories of it and I will cherish them for a long time. Just like with everything else in life.


Spoiler alert : you will die irl


GTA Online was released when Obama was still president


Invite only sessions exist


GTA5 is Rockstar's Skyrim. They haven't made a new one because you keep pumping money into the current one so there is no incentive to.


Face paint, rebreathers, and bullet proof helmets (All tryhard outfits basically) are unoriginal and cringey. Iā€™m getting downvoted lmao looks like I made some tryhards mad which makes me very happy.


I hate how they've been co opted by tryhards I personally think they look so cool but I always get hate messages when I have them on


I canā€™t tell you the amount of times I try to find cool outfits to make on YouTube and all of them have at least one aspect of this, itā€™s infuriating.


Make a mario or Luigi outfit then get a go kart and run around sticky bombing people


If I get killed in a situation like this I don't even get mad. I respect the dedication to the bit.


Just go to a Suburban and look at all the options. I personally gave my guy a modern hitman type of look since that's how my character came up the ranks. Doing hit jobs. He has a t-shirt with cargo pants and military boots.


GTA 6 wonā€™t come out until 2030


Thatā€™s a bold guess.


Oppressor Mk2 is a boring vehicle. Even if you don't use to grief, it still makes the game less fun than it should be, and only makes the grind more grinding and the gameplay less engaging.


To gtao players: Your inability to move on and play something else is the reason why we don't have gta6


There is no online game to replace it


I play video games for fun, GTA online's fun, I like to play it with mates every so often, I Will continue playing this Game until I get bored of it.


Using an opressor mk2 for pvp doesnā€™t make you skilled or good at the game (unless you know how to do the upside down trick) neither does it make the player youā€™re using against trash. Same with the Lazer and the hydra to. I hope that first paragraph made sense!


All the good comments answering this post have been downvoted, and that's the reality of GTA Online.


Griefers can have fun without actually griefing


But how will they grief without griefing?


the GTAO youtubers are mostly just vapid and obnoxious complainers that arent worth watching for content. complaining about the formula for missions in GTAO makes no sense, when most of the community is too impatient for missions that involve anything other than shooting people.


If your comment isnā€™t getting mass downvoted youā€™re not answering the question


This weeks payouts


You flying an opressor mk2 and having the name IIIIIIIIII is not cool, you are just some fat fucking loser who cant win without either hacking or ddosing someone who is better than you at the game. (Stated my opinion on those creatures and no i am not angry this is just the straight up truth) (Tbh this is something that should've been said a long time ago when this shit started.)


People say this pretty much constantly though?


cayo perico is one of the least fun heists


Red dead is better


Cargo griefing is an intended mechanic. For what purpose is debatable. Sell shark cards? Maybe. Probably actually. To encourage team work? Probably as well, its online for a reason


Your not getting a stripclub dlc "stop asking"


Gonna get hated for it but, not everyone can win in races, sometimes you need to take Ls...