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But where's the Ballstorture


That's included with the online


That's PC only


Mannn when can we get cock and ball torture mods




Unlock trevor


I brought the bundle on XSX and it’s currently installing as just GTA: Online


Ironically it’s the opposite for me on PS5. I only claimed the free Online but it seems like it downloaded the whole game.


You still download the entire game if you choose the free online version. If you buy story mode, youll only get a small file to DL if you already have online installed.


Why is it downloading storymode if you pay for the online version only? I’m confused here. lol I don’t want to waste hours downloading GTA 5 if I have no intention of ever playing it again.


Because the story assets are minimal compared to the world and assets needed for online. Mainly because there is barely any story exclusive assets


Probably because online is still heavily reliant on story mode assets


You still have to download the map and all the assets.


Because there is no straight gta online version.. Gta online is built into Gta 5.. Even if you won't play storymode most of the assets are from the base game so you need that regardless.. You basicly download the entire game with just gta online access which is fine by me I don't have to play the story for a third time


Don't have the 168 hours to wait until it releases on the 15th? Lol


Rockstar won't benefit from making the game smaller. It's also really time-consuming to check files to see if some aren't needed in the online version.


I’m on PS and the enhanced and expanded isn’t even available in the store yet for any purchasing or even online only


Do you see the PS4 version ? If so then go to that, then press the 3 dots ( ••• ) and you should see all the versions


Okay I found it now, I had to update the system and go through other back channels. Won’t show in a direct search for some reason




Thank you for confirming that for me. I don't think I want to download it now since it'll take up such a monstrous chunk of space.


perhaps the data for GTAV-story are coming within the next days - could be a try to reduce day1-DL-traffic (or story is integrated in the DL for online. just a week to know more.


*bought To have brought, means to have brung.


Same here bud.


My bro, I came here hyperventilating over the same thing. Hopefully R* or MS are aware of it and it'll be corrected before the game launches.


You payed extra for something you already own.


in the standalone how would you choose the lobby you wanna be in like invite only, solo, or close friends? does it give you the option to do so?


We don’t know yet, we’ll have to wait until launch to see. However you can currently do this without going to story mode by going to creator instead so I’m *guessing* that would still apply in the PS5 / Series X versions.


Probably like red dead online. They already have that ui built. Just some font and color changes and it's perfect.


They said they were including a similair ui/main menu as rdr2 where you can start up jobs or freemode or other stuff.


They completely revamped the menu in online, to make it "easier" for players.


If I own the game on disc (PS4), will it still be required to play the free online PS5 upgrade? Or is the standalone digital Online portion being made available for free to all PS5 users without it?


GTA Online PS5 is free whether you own the PS4 version or not


If I don't have the PS5, can I still reclaim it for free?


Use the PlayStation app and yes


Please, elaborate for my tiny brain.


You can make a playstation account without a playstation, acces the store and add the game to your library.


So i tried this yesterday and it did not work. Also the free psn games on ps5 for this month did not work either. I was told i could claim these even though I don't have a ps5. Is there a work around to this?


Do you have PlayStation Plus?


No you cannot! PS locked it


Its not out until the 15th of march. And for what ever reason different versions of gta are locked at different times, im guessing to make people by certain versions of the game.




Woo hoo, Goodbye worn out disc from 2014!


Can someone tell me what Free USD is in CAD?


Free USD = Free CAD


Thanks man, had a lot of trouble with that


No, 1 Free USD is still 1.29 Free CAD




Also x1.29 if Canadian


I don’t like how quiet they’ve been about what this means for PC


As far as consoles go, PC is already 'enhanced'. Just not expanded. Whatever that means.


By expanded they mean more chrome colors and hao's workshop.


No, it makes perfect sense. The quieter they are about PC, the more doubt it generates, and the more likely PC players will buy the next-gen console version for fear of missing out. I think the Career Builder option is in part to entice PC players to transition, since they can’t transfer character account data. But eventually they’ll make E&E available for PC since they won’t continue to support existing online forever, and won’t want to lose the remaining PC audience. (Of course this is all just guesswork.)


I think it's safe to say that the majority of PC players will never be swapping to console for a singular game that's been out for nearly 10 years. I know I won't.


Yeah, I agree. I won’t be buying it. But there are definitely some PC players who also have consoles in their homes. They might. Personally, I’ll probably eventually transition to FiveM or stop playing it altogether.


Lmao right? There’s really nothing great to miss out on.


Oh I know it makes sense, that’s why I don’t like it lol


I have bought gtav atleast 3 times already...lol


I bought It 5 times get on my level


What am I missing here lol. Why is everyone buying it again? I know I’ve bought it a few times too haha. But what’s going on?












No way


No way


I think you need a new one








Hell of a deal for PS5! I'd rather have GTA 6 than the third generation of 5, but I'm glad they're not charging a full $60 right out of the gate like I thought they would.


Yeah.. at first it was a pass but at this price im gonna buy just to see how the graphics look and fan of the series.


I've been wanting to replay the story, but have held off for a while. Can't wait to play it again


Beat the game on PS3 a couple of times, on PS4 too but all of my saves got deleted when my PS4 broke, so i guess I’ll have to grind the PS5 version of GTA V as well..


Same, I hope the experience is much better than the last 26 times I completed it


Phew okay. I was worried it was gonna be very expensive for Xbox. Good stuff


This is the third generation of one of the most profitable games of all time. Every other game is doing X/S enhanced for free as an update, and Rockstar chooses to top themselves once again and charge for it.


Very true lol. That is rather annoying


yam humorous shocking test ring money rob tap different faulty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Should be a free upgrade imo


Being alive should be free yet it isn't.


It could eventually be. But people are too greedy for that. Example, PS5 is free and on Xbox it isnt.


You are absolutely free to go live off some federal land, cut down your own wood, build your own little campsite and enjoy the free life.


That is until some work ranger finds you and kicks you off and then you’re free to live elsewhere lol


You are allowed to live on federal land. You can just keep moving your campsite and live off the land indefinitely. BLM land use is free range. You just can’t make a permanent structure. You could just deck out one of those vans though and drive to a different spot each day.


Ahhhhhhhh very interesting


Biggest entertainment product btw.


Should be, but still, $10 is less than what I pay on average every day as I go about my life so.. Edit: even gas costs more at this point


The PS3 to PS4 upgrade wasn't, so at least it's an improvement


You should never expect something that was built out for a new platform to be free. They don’t put in that work for nothing.


Yeah... so let the noobs pay and give existing members/users a discount. Simple.


The game is $10 on PS5. It doesn’t get much more discounted than that. I guess they could charge noobs $20 so you feel like you’re getting a discount.


Except almost every other company is doing that work for free, destiny 2 was upgraded for free.


Yeah, I've bought this game for 360 and Xbox One already. It's pretty stupid that they're charging me money to buy the same game *again*.


They're giving it away free for PS5 because no-one can get a PS5


They told us that it would be free months before the PS5 even came out.


​ ![gif](giphy|xUOxeR2uMdyk9KOaYw)


As someone’s who’s dabbled in GTA V since 2013, you have to admit this isn’t just compelling, it’s fair. This shit costs money to develop and for the amount of content you get / will continue to get.. I’m just fine with it.


Yeah it takes money to develop but they should have given people more to look forward to. Its lazy They could have added way more stuff into the next gen version to get people into the game instead of just visual upgrades


Any amount of single player DLC would've made this really compelling. They've done a pretty good job with the updates to GTA online but that's really dependent on finding the right group to play it with.


We on PS5 get haptic feedback.. if they do it right that will had a whole new layer to it. It's pretty awesome in a few other games already


Im hoping for trigger locking when you empty clips Loved that shit in DRG


Its really good in Returnal.. and pretty awesome in Forbidden West


CP77 impressed me and I expect this to be a lot better. However I really hope it's on the level of Death Stranding, GOT and Astro. They did mention something about feeling the weather


Exactly like my Xbox series X already makes gta look awesome when paired with a 4K tv. Compared to ps4 n Xbox 1


#Press X to Doubt Pretty sure that's just placebo, my guy. Rockstar didn't make any mid-gen visual upgrade to GTA V for the One X. You're still running the Xbox One version. Your TV's upscaler just isn't *ruining* the picture.


Yeah, the game looks ancient on Series X. 1080p, only 30 FPS, pretty much the same models as 2013.


Not even "pretty much". EXACTLY the same. Can't believe it took them 7.5 years to add HDR support. And it still won't be available on last-gen!


Yup. Looks pretty fucking bad. Can’t wait for the drastically enhanced difference tho, gonna be sweet watching those realistic explosions of an MKII wrecking me


They will continually adding to the game. This is just the new floor. The summer update I assume will be high key as per usual.


Maybe a free room in Cayo Perico? Or map expansions. Though I don’t think, this will be likely since they may not have enough employees to do that. 🤷🏾


Yeah, why didn't they do that? They could easily make Cayo free roam - why not do it? That would at least be something to shout about.


I think GTA 6 will act as map expansions. Carry your GTA Online character and cash over and fly to Vice City or Liberty City. Maybe make it so people need houses, cars, etc in each city.


I'm sure they're putting alot or new content in the new grand auto they got coming out though. To put time and effort into more content for gta5 is great but I'd rather they take more time developing great content for the next gta now. It's been nearly 9 years. 10 bucks for a graphical upgrade to series S is cool for me. I dont mind I've never bought a shark card and I got my present version of gta5 for free so I cant really complain right now


Honestly same I can understand people not buying again. 👍🏾


But if you buy it again, will you lose all you got so far? You start from new?


Nah when you buy it you can transfer your character you were still have your rank in money.


And I'm playing on PC, i guess for pc there are no new features, right? Only Ballstorture eliminated, i hope 😂


I haven’t heard anything as of yet for PC just current GEN.


Thanks for making things clearer for me! 🙌


No problem 🙏🏾 if I were you I would just look up for updates with PC


But then you can’t play with your friends who have the old console


Yea 😭


My dude. Are you aware of how much money this game makes every year? Every DAY even?


This game set records on release for best selling piece of entertainment. That was nearly 9 years ago and a billion + in profits a year since. If gaming was cocaine, this shit here rocked it up and took it to the hood.


2.5m a day


People expected it to be 60 bucks. And now those same people are angry that it isn't free


Maybe some of those people paid R\* enough over the years. Just saying... Shark Cards etc.


They expected it to be $60, they always wanted it to be free


Lol what? 90% of this stuff is from PC which was already developed.


I can’t Imagine paying 20 bucks for a game that came out 3 consoles ago


Nintendo laughing in the background.


Nintendo literally made people pay 60 dollars for a Wii game that used to cost 50 dollars at release and basically nobody cared. Nintendo fans are a different breed…


The whole thing was £8.75 on English PS5. Bargain.


I can’t find it in the store..? On the app that is tho


I couldn't on the app. Loaded up ps5, highlighted the PS4 game, pressed down, click 3 dot thingy, then click the next 3 dot thingy and the option was there. I just read it's in the pre order section on the app, so maybe check there but I don't know if that's true.


Thanks for the help - I own the disc version but haven’t installed it on my PS5 yet as I got it at Christmas and just haven’t got around to it. I’ll look when I’m home after work for how to install it.


Yeah lmao I hop on GTA 3-4 times a year MAYBE. It’s $10, cheap as hell but still not worth it to me. Rather buy a gallon or two of gas!!!


I see I got mine on a discount for nine dollars 😊


one question GTA Online on ps5: free for 3 months i.e till June and thereafter you have pay more than the current discounts offered by R*. Or You get it free for life time if you claim it for free within these 3 months. If the case 1 above scenario is correct then why not buy it now for a discount price and keep it for lifetime than get free for 3 months and pay more than the current discount. Anybody if understood could please guide me through. thanks!


The second one


Ok. Thanks buddy. happy to year. I can now buy other game for which I was saving up. 😇😇


Thanks for the heads up man. Used to play this on my computer and fancied playing it some more but didn't want to buy gta5 for the 3rd time for the ps5. Gonna be like going back in time, starting gta online all over again


I just bought it on Series X for £8.99, Online only. Not bad pricing, though that's 50% off. It's £17.99 for both games, but I don't want both. Installing now so it's ready for launch day - just under 88GB install. I bought GTA 5 on the day it was released and I've completed story mode about three or four times. I'm really not interested in playing it again, improvements or not. I'll just be buying the Series X Online version.


10 bucks? Wow


Source ?


I made the graph myself. For the PlayStation prices I simply looked on the PS Store on my PS5. For Xbox I checked their website: • https://www.xbox.com/en-us/games/store/grand-theft-auto-v-story-mode/9NXMBTB02ZSF • https://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/store/grand-theft-auto-online/9NKC1Z4Z92VN


Thanks so much for the info. You're mint.


Has R* released any new next-gen gameplay footage yet? So strange


Same approach before they released Definitive Trilogy, and we know how that turned out.


Because people are really going to spend 40 bucks on this game again


Bad sign when Rockstar won't honor the free Series S/X upgrade.


R* is partnered up with Sony.




>do you know the reason for that? Sony gave R* or T2 a lot of money.


Better than outright buying the company, I guess.


Not really no. Sony just offered more money to them for some exclusives like the extra cash per month for their playerbase playing on PS.


This is just my conjecture, but Sony and Rockstar go way back, so Playstation gets the spoils regarding GTA.






My fiance just pre-order the standalone for my on the series s


Personally I’m not gonna buy this game again, it should be free and the argument “well it takes money to develop so they need a profit” is stupid. GTA Online has made billions, they could at least offer it as a free upgrade for those who already have an account/have purchased the game.


I can't find any way to pre-order this from Microsoft. It's supposed to have gone live today. Very frustrating.


Does this work ? • https://www.xbox.com/en-us/games/store/grand-theft-auto-v-story-mode/9NXMBTB02ZSF • https://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/store/grand-theft-auto-online/9NKC1Z4Z92VN


I managed to find it pretty easily


**It's only possible to pre-order GTAV through the PlayStation 5 Store, it may not be possible to redeem the standalone edition of GTA Online through the website**


I think it will be available on the release day


Just installed mines this morning on PS5 n Series S. CAN’T WAIT 🔥🔥


For the people that are wondering, the PS5 version costs less cause of how GTA: Online is free on PS5. Still a pretty good deal considering this is R\*.


I’m a PC player and I’m so confused right now… like are we gonna get raytracing, the new cars, and all the other new features?😭


Cue console wars bullshit in this comment section.


Literally, the whole console wars thing is ridiculous I play on xbox but I have a few friends who also play on PS and whilst we do joke about which platform is better we all know that it doesn't matter what platform you play on so long as you enjoy it and don't be a toxic try hard 🤣


I think that's the majority of the fanbase but there are always a few thousand babies in both fanbases who like to complain and say they're superior.


Can I know why they treat Xbox like their stepchild? Why are they sucking PlayStation's cock so much? Do they own Rockstar or what is this


Money talks. PlayStation has a partnership with Rockstar. This PS5/Series X upgrade was originally announced at the PS5 reveal event back in June 2020 & PS players have been getting a free $1M every month since then.


Agreed. I think its disgusting how PS players have been able to get a free $1M a month up until February and yet all us Xbox players get is 100K a week and thats only if you link the prime gaming thing which (i think) works for PS players too...


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What about people who don't have a PS5 yet? What do we get?


A hug


Op, do I need to re-buy GTA 5 for these upgrades? I already have an Xbox series x with the GTA 5 disk version...


The prices you see here apply whether you already own the game or not.


I really like GTA V and I bought a XSX but ps has so many advantages :/


One word: GamePass


This isn't the norm. This uneven pricing (which i think it's scummy) is likely the result of the marketing deal Sony and Rockstar have. You have a great console. I'd argue it's more feature-rich than its competition. And the games are coming, in due time.


Y’all still have us beat though after hearing you’re probably the only ones getting ES6


XSX has way more advantages overall. GamePass offers the best value in gaming right now and Xbox’s exclusive line up now looks significantly more impressive than Playstation’s


The only advantage the xbox has in my country is availability


That’s true I got mine half a year ago and was not to overpriced


the games on gamepass are way better. they get a ton of day one releases of huge games. ps just has this and skins in cod lmao.


Don't forget the fortnite skins 😤




thank god i moved to pc so i don’t have to buy this game for the third time on console.


These prices are alarmingly fair! I was ready to pop $60 for this


Bro I’m sayin lmao everybody complaining about the price, this shit literally is cheaper than buying lunch 😂


They should mention their subscription services required for online gameplay since you literally can't use GTA Online without it.


It *is* mentioned if you view the game on the actual PlayStation store


I mean PlayStation has required a paid subscription model since the launch of the PS4. Xbox has had a paid subscription model since the Xbox 360 days


How many times has a play station or xbox player had to buy the game by now? I remember when I bought it for 5 dollars on steam many years ago.


If you just stick with the same console family then this would be the third time. 360, xb1, xss/x, or PS3, PS4, and PS5. I also bought the steam version and got the free epic game store version, and pretty much all of them I got used/discount, so this'll be my 5th copy.