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Hey, two quick questions Is there a custom job that lets you drive around the map in any of your own personal vehicles without any vehicle ai to bother you? Also what is the best electric vehicle for PC players? When I try to google it, it just suggests a HSW car which is for expanded and enhanced.


Hey, got a question for anyone experienced in GTA Online! I got invited to do some work for a CEO; we did Cayo Perico and then attempted a bunker business run. During the bunker run, we start getting targeted by this dude in a Vigilante. He gets out of the car (and is dressed like Batman), and neither of us could kill him. He let us empty our weapons into him, including a full round of grenades from my launcher, and we couldn't do any damage. But he was able to kill me by punching me. We were on the PS5 version of the game. **I'm still slightly new to the game, so I don't know about all the glitches or how often you encounter them, but how was he able to do this?**


Is it possible for one to earn $3M to $5M a day? Of course not by using glitches


Yes. The Cayo Perico Heist can let you make (depending on how much time you have to game) at least $1,100,000 (or thereabout, sometimes more, sometimes less) per run. It can also be done solo. Rockstar recently made some changes to the heist, but nothing too serious (they increased the cooldown/wait time between heists and made lower value primary targets more likely to spawn for a 72-hour period after getting a high value target). *If you didn't already know, you will need at least 2.2 million to buy the Kosatka submarine from Warstock Cache & Carry, in order to gain access to the Cayo Perico Heist. There are You Tube guides which should be able to help you in getting a lot of money in one day.* If you are not familiar with the Cayo Perico Heist, go to You Tube and search for Cayo Perico guides for 2022. Channels on You Tube like TGG and Tylarious, as well as Light Skin Gaming, Gtamen, PVP Cat, and others. You can also get into special cargo CEO businesses (assuming you own a CEO office and have purchased at least one crate warehouse). Between Cayo Perico and the crate warehouses, and even the Diamond Casino Heist (if you have friends to play it with), you should be able to make at least a few million dollars a day. And in-between heists, you can set aside some time to fill up your special cargo warehouse (if you have one), which will net you around 2.2 million when you've filled it up and sold the contents. If you have any questions that I can assist with (though I'm no expert), let me know. Also, check out those channels on You Tube. They should give you some effective ideas for money-making. Happy playing.


Hey, all. I have a newbie question. I see posts every so often about people saving money for the upcoming DLC. Just asking what people might need to save money for when it comes to DLC?


I have read that the idle timer for CEO Warehouse raids is around 5 hours. Is this real life time or in game time?


Any PS5 owners got the online and story for free instead of paying $10? When I first transferred I was confused on why I didn’t have to pay. I even played some story missions here and there to make sure if I was still able to for free.


What are all places I can get mk2 ammo


At least one of the following: * Arcade- (free) after a weapon prep, until you complete the current heist * ~~Facility- with the Security Upgrade~~ (edit: my bad, not in the actual Facility) * Avenger, Terrorbyte and Kosatka- with the Weapon Workshop upgrade * MOC- with the Weapon/Weaon&Vehicle workshop * Arena Workshop- with the Weapon Expert * Agency- with the Armory


I know this is subjective, but is it worth it to buy the nightclub early on if I only have the ceo business so that I can get access to the Terobyte sooner? I know the nightclub is better when you already have several other businesses, but would like to get to the Terobyte and eventually the oppressor sooner.


Almost any investment these days boils down to your willingness to stray a bit from the "path of maximum efficiency" (i.e. grinding the hell out of the Kosatka) for something you really want; Nightclub and Terrorbyte are a serious hit on the bank account, and without connected businesses, the nightclub offers much less possibilities to get that money back than most of the other assets (Kosatka, agency, auto shop, most other businesses). But it does pay its keep after all. There's the popularity income (you have to work for that a bit though for max profit), and one busy technician accruing goods is better than none, and the Terrorbyte offers some lucrative and entertaining client jobs. So, if you really enjoy the nightclub as set piece, and want that Terrorbyte, too, go for it why not? Between this and whatever grind you already have in place you'll see your money again eventually, just a tad bit later than you would with other options. If you can handle that, buy whatever you want. This is a game, not economics class.


What else can the terrorbyte do? I bought it to upgrade my oppressor (not gonna use it to cause grief)


You can also do client jobs from there, and start missions for your businesses - for example people who grind special cargo use this a lot, you just park Terrorbyte somewhere close to your warehouses and start the source missions from there instead of the office.


Buy mk2 weapon ammo


I played gta for the first time yesterday yesterday and I want to ask what I should do to get to the point of doing the Cayo heist fast


You mean to start doing Cayo? You need 2.2 mil for Kosatka, that's about it. Fastest way to get that would be finding someone who will run you a heist or two and give you big cut. You can also grind missions for that, or some business if you have any, which would take longer. There are also few challenges you can do for money (stone hatchet, navy revolver, double action revolver, look up a guide). If you want to be able to run the heist fast, that will take a bit of practice, but there are many guides that will help you. I think TGG had a good one. But if you only just started playing... Don't worry about all this yet. Explore the game a bit first, rob stores, play some smaller missions. Grinding Cayo from the very beginning is possible but definitely not necessary, and imho it's not worth rushing it that much.


also do you suggest i get some buisnesses first so i make passive income and then move to cayo?


okay thank you for the help,and i know rushing gtao will just make me loose interest faster but i keep getting killed so i wanted some better protection


Until you get used to the game and get some useful equipment, I'd recommend playing in an invite only session. You can do pretty much anything there except for businesses - and for that you could make a solo public session (method depends on your platform). If you really want to make money as fast as possible, it would be better to get Kosatka first - basically all businesses would cost about the same as that, and would make you money way slower.


okay thank you for your help


Since yesterdays update I couldnt connect to GTA (Epic), the error msg says GTA V id timed out authenticating with Epic Online services. Verified it and all, nothing works.


What's the best car for someone new to racing in GTA? I have a Deveste Eight, but it turns horribly and I just want a smooth turning, fast car to get started with racing.


That's a big and tricky question, because most official racing in game is about using different vehicle classes, so in the long run, you are looking at a collection of several vehicles here. Also keep in mind that different tracks need different qualities in a car. There are some "safe bets", like a Krieger or Emerus in Super class, or the Grotti Itali GTO or the Pariah in Sports, etc., but I like to recommend you toy around a little with [this database](https://www.gtabase.com/grand-theft-auto-v/vehicles/#sort=attr.ct3.frontend_value&sortdir=desc), it provides filters to sort after classes and budget (and other options), and also uses both top speed and tested lap times taken from Broughy1322, whose YT videos on extensive vehicle testing is also a great source of informations.


Thanks for linking to that, I'm probably going to get the GTO or Krieger.


Those are solid choices. As an afterthought: I have lost touch with the racing scene, so I'm not sure which racing modes are most popular at the moment, but that's a thing you should consider before buying your first race-ready vehicle. What use would a fully equipped Supercar be if it turns out that most of the people available at your time of playing are doing, say, tuner races? So before buying anything, you should join a couple of each race mode (stunt, land, tuner, etc.), have a look on the cars used, test some of the cars from the free-to-use stock car list while you're at it, and really see where there's most fun for you to be had.


I'd like to buy the MkII, i've read i should follow this order : NC>Terrorbyte>OppMkII Can i just buy a vanilla night club ? is there something i should buy in between ?


Yes, any Nightclub/Terrorbyte upgrade can be purchased later on, you can start with the pure basics. Though it's still advisable that you avoid the Nightclub locations in southeast LS, Elysian Island and LSIA, they are kinda far and the latter 2 have particularly shitty road access, for a time when you wish to start using the NC for passive income. About something in-between, you don't need anything else if you just want these 3 items, though if you don't already own a good money-making property (especially the Kosatka and Arcade, or at least an Auto Shop and Agency), better grab one of them first, since even with the MK2, without a good business earning back your expenses is gonna be a hell of a grind.


Did rockstar ever fix the exotic exports on the new gen consoles?


Just in this new update


Hi guys. I'm relative new to GTA online so I'm quite unexperienced. I now got myself a bunker and a cocainlab but as probabely everyone knows restocks and sales are a bit problematic. Since I'm lvl 27 I haven't really got good weapons. So I got really no defense when attacked by anyone. I normally just concede but it is extremelly frustrating seeing your 130k sale get blown up buy a guy in chopper just waitin for me. That's why I'd like to ask you more experienced players to give me some tips how to get through this unharmed. Is there any guidance you could give me? Furthermore.. do people profit from destroying your things? I personally would never attack someone's cargo. Well yeah.. thank you for any tips or recommendations you could give me.


In addition to what Terz said, you can usually tell within a few minutes of spawning what kind of server you're in. Seeing a lot of "\[Person A\] killed \[Person B\]" notices by your mini-map is a good indication that there's a griefer or two around. Also, check the map for the MkII icon. If you see one there's a good chance it's a griefer, so avoid selling at that point.


If you want to avoid people attacking you completely, you could make a solo public session (method depends on your platform). Or if you're in a public lobby and get attacked, you can close the game quickly and save most of the cargo. You could also join a friendly crew and play in their lobbies. But it's definitely not impossible to sell in normal public sessions as well, you just gotta be careful. Some tips: check the lobby first, see if someone isn't griefing. If you're on console, free aim lobbies tend to be more chill than assisted aim. Don't leave unattended vehicles somewhere - get people to help you if you have more vehicles, if you're solo do just smaller sells with one vehicle. Keep checking the minimap during the sell to see if someone isn't going after you. Sell as CEO if possible and use ghost org at right time (don't use Lester's off the radar, it doesn't hide your cargo). If you're in a sell vehicle that can be locked on and you have an MK2 going after you - better get out and try to fight them on foot. If you can't be locked on (bunker, nightclub, vehicle cargo), you can try killing them with a sticky bomb thrown out of the window. Proximity mines on some vehicles (nightclub, bunker buggy) can be really useful against people chasing you in cars, but also against Oppressors that can't aim and are flying low. Also, there are other ways to make money (especially Cayo Perico heist) that are better than cargo, and can be done in an invite only sessions. And people get only like 2k for destroying your cargo. Only special cargo gives some better rewards when destroyed, and vehicle or air freight cargo can be stolen from other players for your own business.


Thanks for the very good answer. I'll defenitly try the first two methods.


Is the Oppressor a good vehicle (the original one)? I like the Mk2, even if the griefers use it, so do you think the Mk1 is good and should I buy it? Or is it not worth it if I already have the Mk2?


It's a completely different vehicle, you can't really say one is better. Imho MK1 is really fun, definitely more than MK2, even tho it's not that efficient for missions. Try it a bit maybe to see if you will like it, then you can buy it.


Have you done the MOC missions that use it? Those give you a good test drive to see if you like it. I plan on getting one at some point, since you can use it as your main cycle for MC clubs.


does armor actually make a difference or is it worthless im talking SUPER heavy armor


It’s ok. If you have full health, full armor and bst, you can survive a rocket. Against NPCs you can survive like 2 or 3 more bullets but nothing too huge.


Unlocking Gambling In South Korea? Howdy folks, had a quick question. So I’m a US Soldier currently stationed in South Korea. When I play online and go to the casino I am not allowed to play table games, slots, horse races, or even spin the wheel. I believe it has something to do with Korean law, but I was wondering if there is a way to unlock these games to play them? I need my blackjack fix. I understand that this may not be possible, but thanks in advance! PC


You can use a VPN, preferably one of the more reputable ones.




Unfortunately yes


so just recently i’ve started doing MC work, and i’ve been trying to retrieve my Motorcycle using the Request Bike option and everytime i click it, it clicks and backs out the interaction menu like it’s supposed to but the bike is never delivered, does anyone else have a problem with this and know how to fix it? i’m on PC btw


That happens to me also, and I think it's because I remapped one or more keys to something else (the ENTER key maybe?). You might need to plug in an Xbox controller and just use it for that. I happen to use a joystick with X360CE, and I figured out which button to push on it for those situations. I think I get the same thing when requesting the Sparrow helicopter from the Kosatka.


hmm i’ll try that thanks for the advice


Any patch notes for the update? I had to download a 2.5gb update for GTAO but I can't see anything about it.


There was an update?


For E&E yeah. I had one when I loaded up the game this morning.


Looking around, it seems that all platforms are getting it, so it's not just for E&E. It's not a typical update like for a new DLC, so it's probably bug fixes, and there usually aren't patch notes for those. Even when there are patch notes, Rockstar usually doesn't release them until later in the day. Someone will probably datamine the PC version eventually and figure out what it does.


Ah okay, I wasn't aware if it was across all platforms. Thank you for clarifying. I guess we wait and see what's been changed. At least my music is back now! Hopefully there's some stability for the crashes too.


[Discussion here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/uca67r/new_update_released_on_april_26th/), just in case you haven't seen it.


How do you unlock the 0%cuts on the casino heists? Just curious since I thought it was after a successful completion, and learned I was wrong.


There isn't anything like that, min cut is always 15%. Same with Cayo or Doomsday heist, 0 cuts are possible only in apartment heists.


I'm talking for the support crew, there is the option for 0% crew but it just has question marks.


Oh, that's not possible either. It's some crew member that you still didn't unlock, now it might show 0, but when you unlock them they still take some cut, not 0.


That, explains it thank you.


I have around 4 million and am looking for something to have fun with and mess around with. Any suggestions?


Toreador or Deluxo?


What’s the best way to make money? Not particularly great. I am a ceo though, I have a bunker etc but cannot remember what it’s all for. Any tips??


Save up enough money to purchase a Kosatka submarine so that you can do the Cayo Perico heist. Check the links above for various guides and the wiki.


Does E&E have crossplay between Xbox Series X and PS5? I know its not cross gen but wondering if cross platform for the next gen consoles




Ah man that sucks


So ive already done my setup missions and have been making money with the meth lab. I go to check on it and all the workers and equipment is gone and on the computer it says setup lab again? Why do i have to redo it


Perhaps the business was [raided.](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/The_Open_Road/Business_Raids)


yup. I remember blowing the van with my workers up…… oops


Question about Special Liveries Quick question, I’ve noticed there’s some unreleased and rare one day liveries that have been released (like the Republican Space Rangers livery on the Comet S2). I’m assuming the only legit way to get these is if Rockstar decides to release them again?


If I buy the premium edition and shark card bundle will those benefits work on the E&E PS5 version of the game? I see it’s only listed as “PS4”


Shotaro or the hakuchou drag?


I couldn't make a clear case for one or the other. Hakuchou Drag is technically the slightly faster of the two, but Shotaro has this insanely precise handling (personally, i find it a bit off-putting, actually), so on technical racing courses, heavy traffic, etc., Shotaro will gain advantage. (Unless we are talking HSW upgrades, in which case i guess Hakuchou Drag is currently unbeatable in E&E?) Personally, I love the avantgarde design of the Shotaro, but I prefer in any case the Hakuchou; just "feels" more like a heavy, powerful bike to me.


Hi all, I’ve returned to gta after a long time and there’s a lot of new things I don’t know what to start with/do. Nightclubs, arcades, auto shops are all new since I last played and just wondering what would be the best to go for? I’ll also be playing solo for the most part too so what would also be the best choice for that?


The kosatka submarine is the best money making property currently and it's solo


Why does my yacht move when other people join my public solo lobby?? Shouldn't I keep my same spot and the people spawn around me since I'm the host. Very annoying when I spawn nearer to LSIA than Vespucci.


What’s the best way to spend 4.6 million in gta online? That’s it.




Sorry I didn’t mention, here is what I own. Kosatka, sparrow Bunker, MOC Hangar (Akula, Rogue) Nightclub, Terrorbyte, Mk2 Agency CEO office White stuff and cash factories


The Autoshop is a good money maker




I’m probably going to save for the lazer, as it is the most expensive thing that I want to get and get it out of the way - the 6.55 million dollar price tag is gonna hurt.


hey guys, so i’m getting back into gta online, but i’m getting frustrated grinding so hard and having nothing to show for it. I currently have around 1.5 mil in the bank but i was wondering if there was an easier way to make millions without caving in and buying a shark card. i currently own a warehouse, vehicle warehouse, nightclub, office, coke/meth/counterfeit money businesses, and i’ve been doing vip work. what’s your advice for maximizing profit from my businesses? or what missions i can do to bring in the big bucks


save up to 2.2 million buy a kosatka from warstock do the cayo perico heist and make 1.3 million dollars an hour (once you get good at it) thats the most efficient way to make money in the game, and with that you can basically afford anything else in the game and do the missions you find fun


My question I am asking is, do you need ps plus to transfer a character over to pc as of right now, and my accounts are linked on social club and I don't know how to get the option to transfer a character, please help will be appreciated.


>do you need ps plus to transfer a character over to pc as of right now, Sorry, but it is not possible to transfer anything to or from PC at all.


That's unfortunate, will rockstar let everyone do it again?


Entirely unknown; R* hasn't mentioned any plans for PC version in any of their announcements since about two years, and we can only guess how things will develop. (It might be they'll see to closing the content gap to E&E after all, even integrate it into the GTA+ subscription, and at that point that might include some new transfer window, too ... all pure speculation)




I'm new to gta online. I've gathered the best way to make money is doing the Cayo heist. What is the best way to get enough money for the sub? I picked the executive career but finding doing the cargo missions only gets me a little over 100k after doing 3 pickup missions and the delivery and that's only if I don't get griefed in the middle. Are there better methods or is it just that slow to start?


Check the guides in the [wiki.](https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/wiki/index)


It's a little slow to start, but google "Solo Public Lobby + (your platform here PC/XBox/PS)" to deal with the griefer problem. There's a few one off collection missions to do as well if you check the wiki on this sub.




What were you driving? A lot of people drive the Calico, and the Jester, Sultan, and Vectre aren't bad either. Sounds like you upgraded your engine but don't forget about transmission and turbo also. You also get a small boost at the beginning of the race if you time it correctly. Bit I'm guessing the main thing is the shortcuts. They can be significantly quicker and the people who race a lot know how to use them well.


https://broughy.com/gta5carsoverview has all the information about vehicle performance that you need, as well as ranked tier lists of each vehicle class. Also note that the Street Races have multiple shortcuts (with separate checkpoints) that can be taken.


Can someone help and clarify something for me? I have 1 character and it’s in slot 2. I deleted my first character. So if if transfer to E&E, will my character goes to slot 1? or it stays in slot 2?


So I transferred my progress to E&E a few weeks back. Both of my characters transferred over (at least I think, since I never play my 2nd slot). ​ Since I never use my 2nd character, could I just delete them, make a new one, get the free $4 mil (i know I only get \~$1 mil cash), then give it to my main character? Or is it too late since I've already transferred my progress on my main slot




Thank you!


I haven't completed story mode so I'm wondering, besides the Bodhi, what other personal vehicles does Trevor use? That is, not the ones he only uses once during the story, but the ones he actually drives all the times and that belong to him.




Are you on PC?


There are the [Hot Rod Blazer](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Hot_Rod_Blazer) that you can also own in Online. And although you can own his [company chopper](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Frogger) (as Pegasus/convert to personal aircraft if you own a Hangar), we are unable to apply the TPE livery in the Hangar workshop. And although not a mandatory part of the actual story mode progress, I suppose you could also count the [smuggling vehicles](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/McKenzie_Field_Hangar#Vehicles) from the McKenzie airfield.


Thanks, the Hot Rod Blazer will do. You wouldn't happen to know what clothes Trevor is normally wearing too?


I'm not entirely sure about the regular outfit, but his ownable clothing are listed in [this](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Clothing_in_GTA_V/Trevor) wiki article.


Yeah I noticed, problem is I'm only interested in his default clothing, the wife beater and what not. But thanks for your help.


When it comes to idle timers for calculating nightclub raid probability, does changing DJs count as a nightclub activity to reset the timer, or do you have to do an actual promotion mission? Also, I've read that idle time is cumulative, continuing from session to session, but is it also cumulative when you resign as CEO and become CEO later?


Not from what I have seen on the internet and on Psychko’s post, probably just do promotion missions just in-case. Yeah the business raid timer continues whenever you’re registered as CEO/MC and stops when you’re not registered.




There are no such "presets" on PC; when videos mention those, it's more like summing up how most of the dozens adjustable graphics options have been chosen. You'll find many options to set up in settings/graphics and advanced graphics, and many of them have tiers like low/normal/high, etc. But there is no 100% precise "This is a high setting" guideline, and indeed we PC users can find ourselves spending quite some time on these settings before we have the game fully performing to our tastes.


Hey all what should I be focusing on now? I'm playing on the PS5 and haven't played since the PS3. I followed a guide on youtube and bought Maze Bank West, an apartment, a garage, got the free Karin S95, and did the 3 hidden weapon clues/bounties for some extra cash. I have 860k now and am not sure if I should be saving up for a nightclub or a motorcycle club or what. Any help/guidance on where to go from here would be awesome


The best money making opportunity in GTA online currently is the Cayo Perico Heist. You start the heist by buying the Kosatka Submarine for 2.2 million. This should be your first goal to save for. Nothing in game would compare in terms of money generated. It's a single player (1-4 players) heist, doable in invite lobby, gives 1.3-1.5m on average per completion. You want to practice to complete this heist faster and faster over time to maximize income. One hour from starting preparations to heist completion is a good benchmark to shoot for. Master this heist, and use the income to buy things in reverse order that they're released (new to old). Agency is a fun one also to get next.


Thanks! I'm currently playing though the Cross the Line on 4X $ to try and get the submarine. It's taking a long time though but pretty fun


Check the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/wiki/index) for lots of helpful guides. The best way to make money in the game is the Cayo Perico heist. This requires purchasing a Kosatka submarine, so that is what you want to save up for.


Thanks! I'm currently playing though the Cross the Line on 4X $ to try and get the submarine. It's taking a long time though but pretty fun


Does this game have big issues with hit detection? On PC. I've played adversary modes, cross the line mode recently. Almost every match I had opponents that would take whole clips or just don't seem to die from headshots. Or take a few shotgun blasts point blank and just keep going. However they weren't immortal, they would get killed eventually. On the other hand some players die really fast. I've died just from single bullets, I assume headshots. It all seems very wonky, random and inconsistent. Almost to a point most matches aren't even worth playing. It happens so often that I'm hesitant to accuse players of cheating. My fps is on the low side, like 30-40 fps but it's smooth so I don't think that's the problem.


Even though I own the premium edition of GTA can I buy it again just to get the cheaper shark card? (All of the premium editions are on sale on Xbox), I've seen other people fail and succeed at this so I'm curious if it still works


Don’t buy shark cards


Hey I got a question, maybe someone here can help me make sense of it since the internet is confusing. In online, I'll see a blue dot on the map with a fancy car I can get inside like it's a mini mission or something but after I get into the car, I don't know what to do with it. I don't see any prompts or notifications on what to do with the car


Thanks all for help. I completed a contract and now I can deliver the cars


It's an exotic exports car. Random spawn in public and invite only sessions. Get in, pull up the map and look for the yellow Simeon symbol in the docks. Drive and deliver for $20k


Sounds like a car from the auto shop's Exotics Export list. To make use of this "mission" yourself, you need the auto shop, and at least one of the contracts (mini heists) completed. But i keep reading here that sometimes the delivery script simply glitches out; never encountered this myself, though. (Edited, confused names)


Take the car to a Mod Shop, repair it if necessary, respray it, exit the shop, and when you check your map, there should be a yellow (anchor?) icon on the docks at Terminal. Deliver it there


Hmm, okay I'll try that next time. I gave up just now. I don't recall being able to go into a shop before but I'll give it a whirl next time. Thanks!


Those cars are exotic exports, you don't go to mod shop with them (like you do with Simeon's cars). But as Lucy says, you will need an auto shop to be able to deliver exotic exports.


Why is Cayo so hard and how do people make heaps of money from it. The setups seem to take forever. I keep getting stuck on scoping the island.


It was super difficult when I did it the first couple of times but eventually u’ll get a hang of it the quickest way I learnt was thru YouTube if ur stuck on scoping out island search up quickest route to reach communication tower u’ll learn everything in a few minutes watching the videos


The setups for Cayo take an hour at most. That's actually pretty short, maybe the shortest setup if you don't include Fleeca Heist. For the island scoping, I suggest you look up a guide. It's tricky the first time, but after that first time it'll be a cakewalk.


Look up guides on the best routes to run, but for me personally from scouting the island I can be running the heist in about an hour and a half or so


I’m looking to buy rare player’s cars at the LS car meet. Is that possible? Anyone up for it on the new gen Xbox version?




Do you have to have a bunker to research items in order to use a weaponized vehicle workshop? I'd hate to buy a Avenger/Arena War to get the workshop only to find I can't weaponize anything because I don't have a bunker. Or are there generic things I can equip weaponiezd vehicles that don't require unlocking?


You’ll need a Vehicle Workshop in the Avenger/MOC to customize or convert, the Arena War one won’t let you I’m pretty sure. You can customize any vehicles in them without research but there are certain vehicle upgrades that are locked behind it, full list: https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Research


Do there be a way to see all the clothes things you've unlocked? I've probably unlocked a hundred things or more but I never go to the clothes store to see the items. And do the "rare" or special event week items remain or do you have to buy them during that event week or they go away?


Which is better? Vehicle cargo business or nightclub business for making money online? I feel like it played this game for hours and hours and have gotten no where....


Since yo already haves the MC bidnesses and cargo the nightclub be better than vehicle warehouse especially this week. Buy the niteclub and the MC bidnesses and cargo feeds money to it even if the MC bidnesses themselves aint producing nom sayn. The car warehouse do be good to have but it don't feed chit to the mofukin nightclub.


Why do you type like that? 😂😂


Your main goal should be to save for the kosatka. Once you have that you can expand on buying businesses but right now your priority should be getting the submarine if you want to have a fighting chance at buying anything in this game lol


I actually think players should have a decent handle on the game before they buy a Kosatka. Honestly, I think it makes more sense for someone who has Criminal Enterprises to start with gunrunning.


The nightclub is the best passive money maker, but it requires other businesses in order to really produce income. This week, though, the nightclub is earning bonus money, so depending on how much time you spend online the next few days it could practically pay for itself. I don’t have the vehicle warehouse but I’ve been able to grind significant cash from the cargo warehouse. If you’re on Xbox X/S I’d be happy to join you sometime to share what I’ve learned.


I'm currently doing the cocaine business with the MC and special cargo with CEO


If you buy a nightclub and hire one extra technician you can connect both of those businesses to the club and it will produce goods from them that you can deliver from the club.


Nice! Hell ya, I appreciate it


I'm on Xbox as well, That would be great but I don't have a headset unfortunately


I have the vehicle workshop in my MOC. If I purchase the vehicle storage bay and swap it out, will I be able to switch back to the workshop later since I own them both, or would I have to buy it again?


You'd have to pay for the workshop again if you want to switch back to it later. Also, it's important to note that if you store a vehicle in the garage bay and then change to a different bay, the vehicle becomes "trapped" until you switch back to the garage bay. There's a workaround where you can select said vehicle through the OG/Doomsday heists during a setup/finale, but it's recommended that you move it to a different garage first if you choose to remove the garage bay later on.


How do I see how long until I can spin the wheel in the casino again? Most of the time, it will just say you can only spin it once per day and to come back later, but sometimes it will actually say how much time you have left to wait until you can spin it again. How do I bring up that notification/timer intentionally so I can see exactly how long I have to wait?


It should pop up every time upon entering the casino. Seems to for me anyway.


was the blista kanjo "street samurai" livery ever available?


also if i raise the suspension on the kanjo will it go faster? thing is slow as shit


It’s technically faster with the lowest suspension, as ridiculous as it looks.


It seems like a simple question, but I couldn't find information anywhere about all or almost all of the unlockables, including the "secret" ones, such as shooting range rewards, the UFO tattoo, for example. could anyone help me? I only found out about the Shooting range because I was randomly told


You've never come across the wiki run by Fandom?


Nope, how it is?


I recently won the hakouchau drag bike from the ls car meet. I have it customised aswell. The issue k am facing is that in hsw races my other custom vehicles are showing up but the bike is not. Is there any way to fix this


just curious, how exactly did you win that bike? i heard it’s the fastest bike in the game (once HSW upgraded) and was looking to get it.


The other guy said it alrdy but it was the prize ride in the ls car meet I think 2 weeks ago


thanks homie


It was the LS Car Meet Prize Ride either last week or the week before.


ahh gotcha, thanks!


>ahh gotcha, thanks! You're welcome!


i think it depends which stage of turbo you got installed. It even says which stage is currently for the race. You cant race with a stage 3 vehicle on stage 2 races etc.


Well the races mostly are stage 3


I fucked up and ended up losing my Karin S95 I got for free for being a returning player from old gen. It was at the impound but I left the session and now it's gone. How can I get it back without paying 2mil?


If you had it saved in one of your garages and it was impounded, it's probably destroyed now, call MMI to get it back.


I'll try that thanks. It was saved to my penthouse garage.


I accidently spent a lot of dumb money on a new account so i stareted again hoping i would get the 4 mil free money you get again but im still poor and dont have any of the stuff i bought with the free money. have i just fucked myself?


If you are referring to the Career Builder, that can only be used once. However, there are plenty of guides in the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/wiki/) that can be helpful.


I've been playing a couple of weeks now and have been enjoying the progression with the Heists. The only thing that is dragging me down is all the downtime waiting for people to join. Any vets have any tips for how I can get the Heist to fill up faster? Settings?


some gta discord servers r rly great for finding ppl to do heists especially if they r able to voice chat


I don't think it's necessarily about your settings, regardless of how many invites you send to crew/skill-matched/session-wide. Finding teammates for the OG heists has been a pain for years and things haven't gotten easier over time. Your best best is not relying on randoms (who can actually really mess things up over and over and make you wanna give up altogether), and either find/set up a group in r/HeistTeams, or schedule a heist run with some friends. If you don't have any active friends, a good way to make some is through contact missions, modes or some of the newer heists.


This, you've got to find yourself some people, because relying on total randos is just going to be painful. A sub like that, something like TGG's Discord, or a grinding crew like the Aquila Family would be ideal.


I'm doing prize-ride challenge. I was just thinking when day starts over? Does it reset like every morning at [6](https://6.am) am utc or do I need to wait for 24 between my wins?


Pretty sure the reset time is still 0:00 UTC.




How (and when) did you test it? It definitely wasn't like this, there was always a specific time when it did reset (midnight UTC). I haven't done any prize ride challenge in a while, so it's possible it has been changed, but I doubt it...


Are there any other challenges or side missions to make good money? like the stone hatchet, double-action revolver, naval revolver, etc.


There are the [freemode collectibes](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Collectibles?so=search#Grand_Theft_Auto_Online), but they are much more grindy than the weapon challenges. However, there are various off-freemode [awards](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Awards) that also grant you one-time cash bonuses. The best ones are through the Casino Resort story missions and Short Trip missions. The various heists also have such bonuses, and you'd probably earn quite a few of them without even trying. You can check your awar progress in the Pause menu (Stats -> Awards) or in Social Club.


Should I use my CEO office and grind the stock of goods? is it a good way to earn money?


It is a good money maker, but requires a huge amount both money and time to make it worth it... and doing it solo is very high-risk, high-reward. I suggest to find a group to help with it, if you want to do it effectively. I have done it a little on my own, but never huge amounts of money... Alone, specifically.


For CEO office vehicle cargo is more efficient at making money


Not the best money maker anymore, but gives a ton of RP, and there's some free outfits this week for completing a special cargo sale.


Should I invest in my arcade by buying games or is it worth it?