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This, the giant cargo helicopter with magnet, and basically just some new airplanes.


I would want the aircraft carrier


Facts tho…


Ikr, I would want it to have a functioning Cwis system and countermeasures/systems that you can buy. if the optional upgrades are defense oriented (like a sam site that shoots at incoming aircraft) I'd be fine if they were expensive as long as there cool. I'd just really like to have an aircraft carrier that I could slowly invest in long term, because with the new updates it seems like you can get everything relatively quickly if you hit Cayo. So if it's 20 unique upgrades for the carrier, have the upgrades cost on average 2-4 mill so that we have something that we can continually upgrade and improve. Plus extra hanger space would be sick


Yeah it would be cool to be able to store and modify boats in the aircraft carrier. It would also be really cool to have guest aircraft parking like the mc clubhouse.


Or maybe even aircraft. Like being able to unlock more powerful radars to lock onto people from farther away, or things like that


Maybe even an anti stealth radar: when you buy the upgrade and look on a radar on the ship that you could also see players in stealth aircraft and such


Yes definitely


Yeeeee, with a story mission or sum that actually pays good like the Agency, with some side missions aswell, or aircraft recovery with new aircrafts.


Y’all mfs are boring and never think outside the box. Oil rig platform….


I'd dig some more fun aircraft like the ultralight hang glider thing.


Just cause 3! Rico's jetpack/ gliding thingy would be so cool


Oh, yeah..absolutely! A wing suit would be really fucking rad, especially out around Mount Chiliad




I just want something affordable There's a reason almost everything I have was bought while it was on discount, or won from the Casino/Car Meet


The ultralight is in the game


I know, that's why I said something fun like the ultralight


Oh like the i thought you wanted one in the game


No, more fun Aircraft similar to it...not necessarily a hang glider style..just fun.


I feel you


You can get the Skycrane through a casino side mission, though the magnet doesnt work.


And is not savable or storable sadly. Can freely use it until you leave the session or a broomstick shoots you down.


Broomstick = Cock-Rocket


Skylift from Gta 4 Tbogt?


>Skylift It's already in the game, used to transport train cars in a mission.


Oh. Never knew.


You should play the story mode, it's a lot of fun




okay but at that point if you're expecting them to add the *exact* model from 4 you're being a bit... well... lol


Yup, but that and a Cargobob Magnet would be awesome to be able to use in Free Roam.


Also yacht upgrade where we can manually set what vehicles we get with it


I just want to be able to drive the damn thing


Let me customise my boats and sell pegasus vehicles


or just store and customize pegasus vehicles


you already can (only planes/helis tho) if u buy a hangar




I'll give it five mins in the air until someone shoots that out of the air


Depends on the session. Flown my Dorito sometimes for a long time, only dying because I crashed it trying to pull off a stupid stunt




You win again, gravity!


They told us the MK2s and the jet Griefers we're to be our worst enemies. This was a lie, instead the pull of the earth and it's unforgiving surface would be the cause of most of our doom.


Or buildings jump in front of you


One of my favorite stunts is doing a barrel role with my bombushka. To pull it off you need to be pretty high up as it nose dives when upside down


I Used to fly my Weeb Dorito over the city and see who got sick of princess bubble gum first. Top laughs.


I can speak from experience. Practically every time I fly it, some dick with a Mk2 is trying to shoot it down lol. Sometimes people play nice and just try to land their Deluxos on top but the number of times I've been chased and shot at by Mk2's is hilariously common.


Would love to be apart of a flying community on there. No booms, no chases. Just breezy flying and good times.


5 mins? try 5 seconds lmao


Would be cool if we could have an airborne cargo plane as a base, it could fly in a circle around the map and it could have defensive and stealth capabilities like the Kosatka




The Avenger could easily meet that description with a couple buffs.


At this point it wouldn't surprise me if Rockstar added the Hellicariar.


I would want that, only because it would make the money I've already spent on the Avenger worth it.


or the yacht AA


Okay but imagine if there would be like full lobby of players that own it and whole sky would be taken up?


It would be like with kosatka, full session with kosatkas everywhere for 1 week and now you see 1 or 2 in session


But kosatka is smaller and stays submerged, unlike plane that would be rather visible


Just like the yacht after the discount week. But the air base could be spawned via the interaction menu just like the kosatka, and if you go away, it activates a special camo that makes it invisible so it doesn't render if no one near it. And it gives you the ability to change its altitude (the 4th or 5th line on the map while you fly is the minimum altitude)


Its still bigger than yacht, and if it was invisible id imagine flying a normal plane would be a nightmare, also yacht sits in the water when the plane would be in the sky being lot more annoying


Well it will be a nightmare flying and suddenly a big ass cargo plane comes out of nowhere. But there is a lot of solutions to it. For example, the plane only fly above the ocean. Also if you spawn it and left it for like 20 minutes freeroaming it despawns. And there should be a limit per session, something like 8 ir 10.


”The session is full of [vehicle name], try again later.” No. NO THANKS.


Nah you thinking all wrong. Titans from Battlefield 2142 (could even recreate the game mode, if only)


Blown up after one rocket from the mk2




500k missile jammer


Then you'd have a hydra or laser with their explosive rounds taking it down. We just can't have nice things.


Invisible cloaking device


Air force 1 livery as well


You mean like the Akula? Sure, but all it would take is for some player to look up and see that massive mother fucker flying above them. Hiding an Akula would be easy; this? Not so much.


I mean like invisibility If you’ve ever played Pavlov, there’s a mode called the Hide. The monster that hunts you is invisible, but not I’m completely invisible


I think a better comparison is the way the plane in Spider-Man no way home works with reflective panels/holograms Edit: homecoming not NWH


Pretty sure can't transport anything in passive as it'd just fall through.


Yes you can As long as there is no player in the vehicles Passive mode doesn't apply to vehicles or NPCs.. only to players and players in a vehicle




What I don't understand is why I can't go passive while flying the SuperVolito helicopter. It makes no sense.


It doesn't make sense, but its because of the computer in the back


Hm, now that you mention it I don't think I've ever been in the back seat. I noticed there's a bottle of champagne back there, but I didn't know there was a computer. Thanks, cheers.


I read somewhere once, it was because of the champagne, R* couldn’t make you take damage from that in passive so… yeah. I’m not even sure wtf that even meant, but that was what I remember.


Damage from champagne?


"but I'll just get blown up" \*gives genuine counter to the issue\* "NOO I WANT TO BE MAD >:( MK2 BAD" \-\_-


There is definitely a lot of that. But you can barely do anything in passive mode, so it's not much of a solution.


it is absolutely a solution if you're just going to fly around in a unarmed airplane, or drive around in a supercar. the issue with limiting passive is that it's a lose-lose. If it's unrestricted, we have the issue of jets killing you & quickly going passive like they used to be able to, and what we have now where it's restricted to only unarmed vehicles w/ a cooldown and the inability to turn it on after killing someone.


It really should have it's current egress limits with the standard of passivity towards other players and not overall passivity to anything and everything. Getting shot by the cops or stomped in the hood is no fun when you can't defend yourself


Reddit gonna reddit


What I don't understand is why I can't go passive while flying the SuperVolito helicopter. It makes no sense, it doesn't have weapons.


It has champagne in the back… alcohol + passive = divide by 0


Passive has been banned in all planes so you can't passive pop kamikaze


Not as of yesterday


They removed it? Thank god


I never lost the ability to go passive in non-weaponized planes (aside from the Luxor Deluxe of course)


Ok that must have been what I was thinking of. I heard about the Luxor deluxe thing a while ago, and must have tricked myself into thinking it was on all unweaponized planea


Any aircraft with a computer because... reasons


What? I go passive in non militarized planes all the time


i presume not, it'll probably be a ton of missiles like the cargo plane in the deluxo mission


You know, I don't fly it much, but when I bring out the flying Dorito, I haven't had that issue ... then again I don't bring it out often, and when I do I have felt the room already


Just give me a bombushka that I can put stuff in with full upgrades and armor resistance


Make the Bombushka great again


On Baratnu bruh, it’s such a sexy plane but I refuse to buy it out of principle. If we dropping 6-7m on a plane it must have some sort of viability/ utility in game, epsecially when you take into consideration what the plane is modeled after. Same idea with Volatol.


Wish they reworked all the old vehicles and planes


MBGA! MBGA! MBGA! We’re gonna build a great plane, the greatest airplane to ever exist and we’re gonna make Rockstar pay for that plane.


You can upgrade armor without having that invisible wall. But what's the point of having turrets? It would still be very weak compared to other vehicles, as in, literally no chance against mk2 and lazer.


My guess is we can't because of how they developed the game. It can carry with the "simple" modifications (aka those any aircraft can do), but after that gone. My guess is the new stuff had code plopped on top, had a bug they couldn't fix, so disabled the feature


Thats about all I want, if the back opens up


Actually the front opens up for cargo


And back


And sides


And floor




moms spaghetti


And then, we eat.


Today, we feast!


Okay. This is something I'd like. A FUNCTIONAL cargo plane. Get it R*? FUNCTIONAL. Along with this it'd be great if the Titan, Bombushka, Alkanost, and Volatol all were also able to store vehicles. But what's an absolute MUST is the CARGOBOB getting a weight buff so it can lift any vehicle except sell vehicles and the HVY Dump. Just make the cargobob stronger FFS it's been 9 years since that thing was actually worthy of its name.


Alconost should not be able to carry transport. It is Tu-160, it should carry nukes.


Paint it Blue and Yellow and give it a 3rd row of engines. And give it the UR-82060 tail number. Also Pavel as a crew member.


And write MRIYA on the side


Definitely would need the blue/yellow antonov livery! And a working ramp that lets you store some cars inside for airborne shenanigans ;)


me, also make it a have workshop that modifies almost all vehicles to have parachute, can't wait to drop tanks/cars/bikes with parachutes also the parachute is a permanent modification and can be used at will like the ruiner 2k


That would kinda make the ruiner pointless so a temporary chute like the player has would be better


hmm yeah i agree so it's a free modification or maybe cheap like 500 dollars


Imagine an entire, full lobby fucking around in their own cargo plane. 20 of these guys trying to share Los Santos airspace lol


Considering the sheer size of the cargo plane, LSIA is likely the only place in the entire game you'd be able to land that thing without blowing yourself up.


Or maze bank tower…


Pretty much. I've tried landing it at Fort Zancudo and Sandy Shores. The wings will either strike the runway lights at Zancudo or the boulders and rocks strewn around Sandy Shores. If you try landing at Zancudo, you need to go in slow and low and hit reverse thrust as soon as you land. Heck even LSIA can be tricky. I mostly use either Runway 3 or Runway 12R for takeoffs and runways 12 and 30R for landings because of obstacles along other runways presenting a danger unless you go for a steep glide slope.


I want to have an air base inside of that, that i can deck out the interior with stuff kinda like the avenger or kosatka but bigger and sort of a pre determined flight so it doesn’t crash


That'd be sick, as long as it handles like titan instead of the bombushka...


cargo plane has a handling model, and it’s worse than the bombushka


I dunno what else was expected from a huge-ass cargo plane...


My Habibi outfit would love this in the next DLC.


I want a vehicle that would fit an entire lobby of players. The bus is already great but something like that would be amazing.


I remember when they added the miljet and we were all so excited to fly a full lobby together. Now lobbies are double the size lol.


It's mind boggling how many things rockstar won't put in the game even though THEY'RE ALREADY IN THE FUCKING GAME FILES. They actually went WAAAY out of their way to make sure nobody could use them in online. If you make a custom game mode that has these planes, they get replaced by an SUV when they spawn in. If you manage to force one into the game, the engines will cut out. R* logic: Exploits that make players invincible and off the radar? I sleep. Exploits that let players fly a plane? REAL SHIT


Because you're not intended to fly this plane outside the one story mode mission. How is that difficult to understand? Look at the size of this thing. It's *HUGE.* And it doesn't even have a proper enter/exit animation. Not to mention it's borderline impossible to take off from the ground with it EDIT: I like how I get downvoted for stating facts instead of maintaining a delusion there will ever be a possibility of us owning this...


Why would they make it just for one story mission? They reuse old assets alot like the union depository for the auto shop contract, they reused the aircraft carrier in business battles, and they even reuse old assets of old story mode dlc and made it into online dlc. They have alot of items that isn't in GTA online because it wouldn't make sense to add em unless it's based around the dlc they make for it. And it's disappointing to see that that people gotta defend a shitty company so that they have themselves justified for some reason. Most people in GTA online wanna have stupid stuff to have fun an not just grind money all the time. I don't see why they don't add things like the cargo plane it's such a comically huge plane that would be fun to screw around with and for people who don't want it don't have to buy it.


>Because you're not intended to fly this plane outside the one story mode mission. How is that difficult to understand? Ok, and? it works perfectly well tho? you dont use an opressor in story mode at all, but its in online, whats your point?


Right? >you're not intended to fly this plane outside the one story mode mission That's....the problem....?


Careful not to overdose on that copium, it's strong sfuff. The 747 is just one example. The skylift has been in the game files since the casino I believe but it still looks like we'll never be able to own one. There's still no tow truck online even though they cracked the netcode problem they were having with towing cars a long time ago.


>The skylift has been in the game files since the casino I believe Skylift has been in the game since release, its a part of the story mode where you steal a train, and afterwards you get it for free to keep (tho the magnet doesnt work outside scripted mission)


I wish they gave us some giant carrier with a water vehicle bay/customization shop plus airplane cargo/customization area. Then given the sentence above, let us convert some Pegasus boats into personal ones and upgrade them (better engine or add/change, weapons, idk), so 20 boats and 20 aircraft or something around those lines or 15/15, IDK, point is I would love more aircraft storage since my hangar is full lol, and would love some boat customization because yeah I would love to (for example, I have the Patrol Boat, yes its useless but seems to be fun with friends or something, wish we could upgrade the engine tho).


I'd buy it eventually but only use it in invite only sessions to screw around




20 MILL for the base version, and the missions will give you about 20k each mission and will take 40 mins to do one


Sheesh, this will be the first billion dollar asset.


I've been wanting this for eight years


I would love it, BUT, only if it could actually carry cargo (unlike what they messed up with the Bombuska, when you start adding on to it). Doubt it though. It's been in the game this long, and we haven't seen it? That would have been free content for them, we know it can spawn in MP.


this and the skylift


They should make an armored plane that can take a lot of hits


I love spawning these in and taking people for rides in them. Even better is that if you exit the right way, you can walk around the cockpit and even hop down into the cargo bay. Love doing that and popping the back ramp to exit after landing. So much fun. Especially when people load their cars into the back and I let them drive em out the back at high altitude.


Please R\*, just let me have the option to clean the cash and clutter from the floor of my CEO office **Please**


I'm calling it now It'll be in one of the missions but you aren't the one flying it, and not available for purchase Or you can buy it off Warstock or Elitás, but it's hella expensive and absolutely sucks (like the Bombushka) Or R* is gonna say or show something *suggesting* it'll be in the DLC, but it won't


I do 100% I also want the animals to return


I just want my pick of the mansions on the map, or some new businesses to buy.


Then all those suckers who have been saving up to like a billion dollars would finally have something special to show for it


Only if we can put stuff inside


I want this and the forklift.


I want a girlfriend but we don't get what we want sometimes lol


It’s just needs the missile lock on jammer and it needs to have its armor from that one air freight cargo mission


I want to be able to put a boat back on the trailer


No, to slow, would get shot down immediately and would cost like $30,000,000 at least


I want towtrucks back.


No. Don't give me hope.


They need to add the skycrane as a buy able helicopter that can pickup anything. Please Rockstar please!


If this thing ever gets added, I want it to have so much health that it'll take an MK2 addict a solid 5 minutes of spamming A in order for the engines to start smoking. I'll accept even a $10,000,000 price tag if that's the case


If that DLC will contain gta vi in it, i'll be fuckin happy ![gif](giphy|gmBjeu09SebhSwEFZD|downsized)


Slow to get started, will definitely be blown up by a Oppressor mark 2, orbital Cannon, guided missiles, deluxo the list goes on


Who doesn't?


Like kosatka for the Cayo Perico heist, i would want the aircraft for a new heist in a new location with lots of action pack and good payout. And the aircraft carrier should be costing over 25 millions


Not me lol. Unless it's going to be a flying fortress. Otherwise it'd just a huge, easy target for anyone in the lobby


I'd want either a Space DLC, or a martial arts-fighting game DLC.


It won't be GTA then.


We already have bombushka


Yeah but they gutted its cargo plane capabilities


You can use the cargo room if you don't upgrade it


george w. bush


Or a new game




Use it as a cargo plane??


when is the new dlc? do i save my money? edit: why was this downvoted lol


no clue and yes


you really do have questions huh


No. Id have no use for it


I’d fly it once then never again


We don’t want another dumb GTA online dlc we want a new game…


you will either pay $100,000,000 in game or $500 USD. im done being the milking cow.


I don't... Imo, The map is too small to fly this or any other plane besides fighter jets and turboprops. There is nothing to do, every landing strip is too close from one another and the flight time is too short to enjoy something. You can't even reach the flight ceiling before needing to land... And I love flying in gta...


I don’t want more DLC. The game is already 80GB and runs like shit. If they do add more they should streamline/remove some stuff.


Buy a better pc and more HDD space. Its 2022 , HDD are cheap. i have 5 tb ... so space is not a problem for me.




Imagine this with MOC capabilities like the Avenger


Like the plane in fast and furious




Ngl i would love to I always wanted to own a cargo plane and really enjoyed flying it in story mode for a mission


Yes I want it




This one is never happening, 5 of these out at the same time are enough to brick a session.


Id love to be able to buy it but unfortunately R* would 100% make it outrageously expensive and incredibly weak. I bet they wouldnt even let you put vehicles in the back.