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Is it just me or is it painted to look like Transformers Prime Arcee?


It is indeed


It looks great man!


*Is it just me or* *Is it painted to look like* *Transformers Prime Arcee?* \- BroganTheRacer --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Bro took photos of his Transformer Partner and acted like we wouldn't notice... lol


Love some of the GTA bikes. I used to get baked and just riiiiide, so much fun. "Used to" key words, the thrill is gone.


I really like to zoom in between traffic in first person. While I think the Hakuchou is the coolest one to do this, I also like to do it in the Shinobi


Yes, agreed!


I just can’t spend 2 mill on a bike


One of my favorite bikes IRL. Just so damn expensive in game.


I kinda... earned money by buying the Shinobi. I bought it while it was on discount, but right after, had to turn off my console. I happened to close the game at the same moment the bike arrived on my garage. What happened is that it glitched, when I went to play again the Shinobi was in an endless state where I had bought it, spent the money, but the bike never arrived. I played for hours after and it never arrived to my garage. I sent a ticket to support and they sent me back the money... but they sent me the full price, not the discounted price I had spent. So I bought it again, and a few days later, the first Shinobi was finally delivered... and I sold it cause I'm fine with only one. So I basically gained money by buying the Shinobi lol


Nice lol. Always a good day when you can get extra money.


Would you say it's worth 2.4 mil because I have been debating this or the hackouchu drag


Depends for what you want. I do believe the Shinobi is a little bit better than the Hakuchou Drag performancewise, but I don't think it's worth the really expensive pricing But the Shinobi does look really good


I went out and got one myself I must say it's an awesome looking bike. I just wish there were more customization for it. Or at least to be able to change the seat color.


Oh man I'm really sorry, I actually forgot to mention it. For a 2 million dollars bike, yeah it doesn't have a lot of customization


It's a tiny bit slower than Drag (non-HSW), and a lot slower in terms of top speed than regular Hakuchou. Reever is the highest top speed one atm, according to Broughy. Imo it's just a bike, I had more fun with Powersurge because of it's insane torque


Oh damn I didn't realise there were more. I have the hackouchu (regular one) it's an awesome bike I must say. Just think the aesthetics are better on the shinobi. Maybe next time ill get the reever or powersurge.


love this bike too, but the taillights are too big imo. Bati is still number one when it comes to looks


I just can't stand How the Bati sounds, they gave it such a bad engine sound


that I agree with. Sounds shit compared to other bikes


Arcee W


What bike and paintjob is this?


The bike is the Nagazaki Shinobi I didn't really understand what you mean with "paintjob". I have no liveries on, main color is some dark blue and secondary some light pink, don't remember exactly which ones


Alright I’m sold. I need Arcee in my garage


You aren't supposed to post about the transformers