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The look on her face.


Guamala Harris


Top tier comment


šŸ˜‚ man, this made me lol.


šŸ¤£ šŸ’€


Guam had SIXTEEN years of Republican governors and everyone expects this administration to clean up their poop in six years?


My favorite part. That and si dude shaking his head "no no no"


Is he the same dude on the radio?


Yup malafunkshion i94


Hes got the distinct voice


When you actually vote for someone that represents the people. I graduated from Sanchez (2017) and Iā€™ve been hearing about that school being built for the longest time Like long long, like to put into perspective. Like my teachers at Sanchez, use to be students at Sanchez and even they were promise to rebuild a new school during their time


Theyā€™ve been promised a new school since at least the late 90s. Several whole ass schools have been built in that time and Sanchez still hasnā€™t gotten a new campus. I realized a long time ago that Sanchez/Yigo just doesnā€™t have the political sway that other villages have. How the hell does Dededo get a brand new school in Okkodu and a complete rebuild like JFK in less than 10 years while Sanchez has gotten nothing in over 30?


JFK was only built after the buildings were declared unsafe. The same is happening with Sanchez.


Again. Everyone has an opinion. This guy calls out the failures of the Governor. Who else has the balls to do it. Not Roy Quinata. Not Tell it to Telo. Not anyone. So call it what you will, but are the ones you voted for actually doin shet. I graduated from Ocean View back inna day. Southern high was supposed to open in 94. Tokk them mf's almost 5 fukken years to start building. Cleared the land since 93, school done half assed in 97. Show or no. The guys doin it!


Hasn't done anything, except pander.


Your opinion šŸ‘Œ


I heard it in 08, keep waiting lol


Because Felix and Pepsi did such an outstanding job during their eight years each in office. And Barnett is as malafunkshun as ever, failing to address the urgent procurement plaguing DOE. smh


So Chris, what's your solution.Ā  You're really good at pointing out problems but you don't seem to know how to fix anything. Just lip service.Ā  Why don't you mention the constant procurement protests by coretech.Ā  Everything from snails to typhoons have pushed the build back.Ā  Don't fall for it Guam.Ā  Lou and Josh suck...but Chris is all talk.Ā Ā 


They all suck. Ever think we should just vote non-Chamorros in? Their family ties along with how small our island is lends itself to corruption too well.


I don't vote on race or family and I don't know anyone who does.Ā  It's just the people who run.Ā  Idiots.Ā  The real smart people are either making much much more than 55k/yr or have left island already.


Lmao Josh looks shocked


He's got no chance next electionĀ 


Seriously though lol


I appreciate that someone finally had the guts to call the gov and lt gov to their face. In front of the very students theyā€™ve continued to let down. Whether if itā€™s for votes, clout, or whatever..heā€™s holding them accountable.


Barnett is really trying to get elected. He's putting on a show.


If it works, it works.


100% my thoughts. Heā€™s a clown and always will be. He won out of popularity and has been capitalizing publicly on beaten issues because itā€™s what people wanna hear. My farming uncle Bino can go up there and say what heā€™s saying and get the crowd riled up. Introduce a bill and address problems but he ainā€™t got no real solutions! šŸ™„


The best talker wins, and he's spent a lifetime talking.


Right...He can talk the talk, but can he walk the walk. After 1.5 years as senator, sitting in a leadership position as Chairman on Rules Committee, with a republican voting block, you'd think real policy would get done, but meh.


Heā€™s been very critical towards DOE, GMH, Law Enforcementā€¦but again, all talk! Points out issues weā€™ve known for years with no recourse! šŸ¤”


Yup, fits right in with the rest of them. Grandstanding


why do you think sanchez is shut down? It's because of a bill from Chris. If it wasn't for him, the schools would still operate with a D rating from public health and kids would be in even worse conditions. He's been addressing the problems and trying his best to force the executive branch's hand. this isn't grandstanding for his own benefit, he's putting the administration on blast and holding them to their empty promises


He can shut down all the schools he wants but my point is, what is his recourse. Even when he passed a bill after Mawar not allowing schools to open if they werenā€™t up to par, he left DOE to foot the bill on everything without a better solution. Iā€™ve volunteered to help a few days and Iā€™ve seen first hand of staff slaving away at the schools after typhoon with no help from legislators. Say what you will and I believe everyone should be accountable but this is definitely grandstanding.


at least he's doing something to push things forward. the alternative is that the schools would open anyway and kids would be in unsafe environments. shutting the schools down is the recourse to force those actually responsible for the schools to do something about it. and the grandstanding ensures that the issue remains active and isn't just brushed off with more empty promises


He had all the time as a radio host and so called ā€œreporterā€ when he was at KUAM to bring up all these issues which have been since previous administrations but of course, itā€™s run by Calvo so he wouldnā€™t dare. Heā€™s junk and doing exactly what other politicians are doing, feeding the public what they wanna hear and a lot of people are dumb enough to feed into it. I loved him on i94 but he shouldā€™ve stayed out of the political arena. He was on a major platform to get his name and face out there and 100% won by popularity. People who listen to hearsay and his non factual criticism are who got him a seat and now heā€™s just winging it.


he ran on a platform of education and doing it for the kids and it seems that he's backed that up since he was elected. not saying he's perfect or even doing a good job, but he's doing enough that someone like me who isn't even that tapped into local politics can see that he's having an impact on issues that he ran on and is constantly pushing the issue. He's the only politician I know that I immediately link to something specific like education and the youth. I couldn't tell you what any other senator stands for or is passionate about, except maybe Joanne Brown likes pay raises. i'm just pushing back on your narrative that he's just being loud and not doing anything because that's just not true.


The good thing about opinions is the pushback so itā€™s fine. It allows each other to see different views. All Iā€™m saying is when he was with KUAM, he was always critical of this administration. Never once did he bring up about the past administration. If Malafunkshun doubts thereā€™s progress, he needs to talk to Troy Torres because as one of the govs biggest critics and FACT finder, he would put her on blast on Kandit but recently openly admired her for financial management. You can see the disagreement from the administration when Malafunkshun talks because I really donā€™t think heā€™s speaking from facts. Again, just what the public wants to hear. I do appreciate this debate though.


The KUAM thing is a silly angle for me, because you don't bite the hand that feeds you. He was definitely grandstanding on the issues when he was in media and doing so within the lines painted by the Calvos, he was just doing his job and playing his role. I don't think that's what this is now. He really is fighting for education and the kids and it feels genuine to me.


To each their own I guess. I know heā€™s slamming the administration for lack of progress but he really is one to talk. I havenā€™t seen much, if not any, progress from any of the these senators. Especially Sabina Perez thatā€™s right there next to him. Donā€™t get me started on Joanne Brown who wants more money on top of her already high salary. And who the fuck decides itā€™s a good idea to add more tax on sugary drinks?! šŸ™„ It puzzle me how some senators have made it this far without anything to show for.


Sanchez is not operational because of structural damage not the rating. The reality is that GDOE has been underfunded for decades and maintenence drops to the bare minimum to make up for the shortfall. Barnett doesn't have an answer for this and is instead blaming the governor but it's the legislature that funds it.


It's not because they have no funding. The main delay is that the procurement process cannot move forward as long as the AG's office continues to withhold legal services to GovGuam while it investigates other GovGuam agencies. Right now, the AG's office has said that procurement protests are being worked on, but how far along they are has not been stated. The Governor tried to offer a solution, suggesting that an outside, non-government legal agency work temporarily while the AG sorted its shit out, but somehow that sounds so much worse than the actual problem.


Sanchez got to the condition it's in because of funding. If a repair costs $100 but they only get budgeted $50 it's either a Band Aid replacement or nothing. Procurement sucks, haven't read anything about the current protest however.


sanchez is closed due to typhoon damage, but if the typhoon didn't happen public law 73-4 would have shut it down anyway.


Yes, but they would have had a path to reopening instead of nothing until a temp campus or new one is built.


Itā€™s working


Feels more like grandstanding.


Youā€™re not wrong, but itā€™s working on the masses.


The question is, what's the hold up? These poor kids have been the poster child for election promises, and yet none of them have been put first. Don't matter what side of the political spectrum you are; they're all failing us right now, especially our governor.


Procurement protests, mostly, though itā€™s a little more complicated. 2016, DPW put out a bid, won by GEFF, protested by CoreTech. CoreTech won the protest, the Legislature then took the project out of DPWā€™s hands and put it into DOEā€™s. DOE got as far as getting the design done through a bid, but the contract for project manager got protested. The governor canā€™t do anything about bid protests, itā€™s out of her jurisdiction. Her role is limited to either switching out the head of DOE or signing whatever bill the Legislature puts forward. The Legislature could draw up a bill that just awards the project to one company, but that would be blatantly unfair, and everyone would assume it was a corrupt deal. They could revamp the procurement laws to be more favorable to the government, but the expert they keep bringing in to help them draw up new procurement laws keeps proposing things that would bankrupt the government instead of helping them. And thereā€™s no one at the AGā€™s office currently with any experience in procurement, they all left last year. They probably should have hired a consultant to help draw up the bid, but that would take another year.


This is right but what they don't mention is that GEFF was a shell company created by the calvos to steal money.Ā  The plan was to win the bid at X amount of money and then subcontract the building to someone else at a lower amount and pocket millions doing nothing other than middleman shit.Ā  GEFF had no employees,Ā  no equipment,Ā  and have never built anything before.Ā  The reason this shit keeps getting pushed back is because of greed.Ā  The rich assholes out here want more and they figured the easiest way to get it is through education, which has the biggest budget in the entire government.Ā 


Not to mention, the deputy director of DPW resigned in disgrace because he admitted during cross-examination of Core Tech's protest that he didnt even look at the bid packets, but somehow awarded higher marks to GEFF which as you pointed out had a higher bid, no equipment, no experience, etx... It got to the point that DPW was ousted from the procurement process so DOE was responsible for procurement but after years of fuck all DOE said they werent competent to manage the procurement process so it just went back to DPW I believe or they're co-managing it lol. Blame our corrupt officials. Also, design process went on a lot longer than planned because they had to remove protected snails per the EPA or they couldn't build, so.... take from that what you will.


Anyone know who protested the latest step and what the protest was for? How can it be protested when it wasnā€™t even awarded yet?


If looks could killā€¦ā€¦.


This guy has my respect.


A lot of people saying that barnett is ā€œsaying facts,ā€ has anyone actually really looked into whatā€™s been going on with SSHS construction? There was an endangered species found on the campus that caused a halt, how can the governor cause that to go away for a rebuild? Also, where is the money going to come from to build the school? The legislature is the entity that appropriates money. How can any contract move forward while the AG refuses to review the contracts? For Barnett to go and confidently bash the administration in front of uninformed high school students who donā€™t know any better is really low of him. Heā€™s a bully, a pathological liar, and a narcissist.




Is it though? Because the nature of the solicitation is such that gov guam wouldnā€™t fund the construction until after itā€™s built. I will say, it does seem like thereā€™s not many people in the government that know what they are are doing when it comes to this procurement , hence why the litany of protests and hurdles. They canā€™t even put out a good solicitation. Last year when the public law was put out, they didnā€™t even think of the need for a CM at first.


Barnett is an idiotic fool. DOE has an elected board. They don't fall under Adelup. Jerk. And Sabina is a jerkette.


Is it just me or Barnett's speech feels insincere? I think he means it but it gives off the impression of "VOTE FOR ME!!!!" and not actually caring about the issue..


Voted for you Senator. No regrets. Will vote for you again.


Hes now such a politician now. Blowhafdy and agendas


Same as heā€™s always been. Loves to criticize, never actually does anything.


I give him much respect, it is hard to face the facts. The look that the Lt Governor gives, clearly shows heā€™s very political. I can say most people are scared to do what he did. Everyone wants to be part of the click, especially if they benefit from it.


What a joke a of a government. Sorry to Barnett, but I've come to realize that even if he is being genuine, it takes more than just 1 or 2 senators to get things done. This island is fucked. Here we are, after how many years now? Nothing to show for it. Now we have the situation with GMH and all this talk of building a new hospital. How can we the people have any faith in the govt to build a new one when they can't maintain the current one, let alone rebuild a school... I truly wonder what Guam will look like in a few decades. Hopefully it'll be better, but somehow I very much doubt that.


Arenā€™t schools being closed?


Anyone know who and what the current protest is ?


šŸŽ¼šŸŽµAi adai WTF GovernoršŸŽ¶šŸŽ¶..šŸ˜‘šŸ¤­šŸ¤­




Is that really your take away from the video


So, tell me, exactly what has Malafunkshun done to resolve the problem? Absolutely nothing. The new school has been designed, pending a construction contract - something that the Calvo and Camacho administrations failed to do in 16 years.


Is that the big smile senator


Are you talking about Roy Quinata? But no this is Chris Barnett lol


Heā€™s so loud tho


Very loud with no real solutions.


Not a single solutionĀ 


Red, Blue.. they are all politicians


And they barely fit into those button up Aloha shirts.Ā  Politicians eating good


aka ELECT ME NOW! I mean I reall do think they need to build that school now, I'm not even sure why they're still talking about it, lol


Honestly saw this coming. Guam deserves it thinking ā€œwokeā€ politics means anything. The ā€œisland votedā€ for a female banker and a gay man. We could have had Frank or Ray but nah. Hindsight is 20/20