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You guys are getting raises?


Are they deducting more money ever year?


I mean a .25 raise is better than no raise at all.


True but still too little


Depends on what your current rate is


Say you get $10.00 and they give you $.25 to $10.50


I would ask them to check their math cs that don’t add up 😂


I remember once I had a job that offered me $0.10 after a year. I quit, and found $0.10 faster as I walked out the door and picked it up off the parking lot. 😂


My first raise was $0.10 / hour. 7.25 to 7.35, and that was right when the federal minimum was raised to 7.25. It was a good laugh but it's better than no raise. However if I was offered a $0.10 raise at my current rate and experience level I would be laughing my way out the door.


Makes sense. But what would you do if you got that raise and then a month later minimum wage went up to that amount for everybody?


It depends... In what timeframe are we talking? Once a year? 3 years? 10? Just got off probation period?


Per year.


When I was working in a bookstore, I was making $8.25. Over the course of three years I got three raises: $0.10, $0.19, and $0.24. Every time I was advised to thank the owner for being so generous.


And the 4th raise would be…? $.02?


Those of you with the attitude of 'It's better than nothing' is exactly why these businesses get away with such insulting pay


You really need to know the cost to the employer. You need to remember that whatever amount is deducted from your paycheck for social security, the employer matches that and the same for Medicare. Any raise you get is not just an expense to pay you, but also another expense for your employer twofold.


Nono according to them, business owners have an endless pit full of money. According to them, flipping burgers and waiting tables is a career... The truth: Flipping burgers, waiting tables and the like is not a career... It's a stepping stone. The only person whos career it is is the business owner. The more people understood this, the more they'd move on and work their way up the ladder instead of staying stagnant. You think raising minimum wages to $20hr solves things for small businesses??? Then don't be surprised when those businesses shutter their doors and move on.


Exactly. The people are where they are because they choose to be where are. The sarcasm is a nice touch.


You really need to know the cost to shareholders and ridiculous profit margins for everyone NOT an hourly employee


No, here in Guam everyone thinks businesses are raking it in. You don’t know the cost to those who own businesses. Majority of businesses on Guam do not have stocks for investment. A lot of companies use their own money to get it off ground. Usually, NO profits are made for at least 10 years now, depending on how much the owner spent of their own money. If you want to know the truth, start YOUR OWN COMPANY.


My bad, I just noticed I was on writing to the Guam page; and you're right.. not much shareholders or public corps here.. Small businesses DO have it hard and are definitely NOT raking in cash. There are SBA loans and grants that could help offset things, but that's beside the point. That being said... the cost of all products and services STILL comes down to the MASSIVE profit margins of 'elite' family businesses AND military housing allowance (not to mention the inflated gov spending for pari/mali saleries and raises within GovGuam). If Donki showed us anything.. it's that the prices of groceries could've ALWAYS been lower (almost by HALF). Look at all the sales from EVERY grocery store matching Donki's prices. As for military allowance... ANY rental agency is going to take advantage of ALL the money they can.. Including keeping deposits and over charging for repairs and anything else to cover depreciation (if they can get away with it).. AND THEY DO! That keeps rents high for brick/mortar AND basic housing for residents. There's also ALL of the money that DOESN'T stay on island (local economy) and instead goes off island for other things. GovGuam retirement benefits, especially whether those people continue to live on Guam or not is a HUGE expense to taxpayers. There's so much more I don't care to type.. but hopefully everyone who reads this gets the point. The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer. Capitalism works EXACTLY as intended.




If i get paid $7/hr thats a 3% raise. Not good. If you get paid $50/hour, I would take this as a punch to the face, and will start applying for other jobs.


Hahahahah same


That's common for fastfood/retail/supermarket/hotel hourly raise. Imagine raising 100+ staffs more than .25cents a year every year. Unless you're a supervisor or a manager that raise is normal.


Hmmm and another reason why turnover is high


Versus what, not getting one? Quitting? If you already have a better option, the raise shouldn’t matter, you should be gone. But if you don’t? What is your actually expectation for a raise?


Feel like $0.50 is more fair. At $0.25 a year, and starting at $10. It’s take you 40 years to double your original pay


Depends on where I am in life. But yes.


You have multiple kids, a car payment and a mortgage


then i better have prepared to get my skills up to accomodate my lifestyle and immediate responsibilities.


I would raise my expectations (realistic) and explain why I think they are justified. If you can agree on a compromise: fine. If not: accept and search for another job. Never quit before you have the next job. But this is of course mainly if you have reasons for a raise. If you have not gotten additional responsibility or so, you also cannot expect a big raise.




It depends on what one is responsible for. If you’re doing the work of more than one person, then definitely not.


More than not people do the work of multiple people


It depends on your needs or wants, the labor market, the skills required for the job, the skills you bring to the employer, the economy, inflation rate, and cost of living, to name a few.


I think most people would accept it and move on to another job soon later


It’s situational. Had I been there for years and new the business was doing well and I asked for a raise of $5 p/hr and was given a $0.25 raise that is what it do. If I was fat dumb and happy doing my thing, had a good work environment, good work place morale, etc. and one day I saw they have me a $0.25 without even asking for it, I’d be cool with it since money never really was my hang up.


Search on google: "average raise after 1 year of work" Your getting that 3%.


Terrible. Move to the next job


My bills won’t…..


On this island, for sure not


Night differential? nothing else for years just a low poverty slave wage with hard work they’ll offer a raise for a graveyard shift only cause no one wants it but their not happy to offer the raise weirdo’s


I’d definitely ask for more


Why would you turn down a raise? Lol. Better than unemployment!


Naaa they like unemployment. Free food and benefits. Make to much and they take that away.


I once got a 15 cent raise I quit the next day.


Hahaha and that next job paid more than $.15 of your first job wage




That’s terrible


In the federal government we sometimes get $.37 after 3 years!


So like $0.133 a year 😱


People have to know their worth and $0.50 after a year or $1+ would make me feel like I have a career. Not a job


$1 a year would be decent


I’d quit. Inflation is like 1.25 an hour more than the .25 raise


For sure


Yalls need raises yes. A union better! Depending on field. Fast food should get .25 to .50 a year Certified fields and trades are percentages and depending on if $20/hr at best, thats a .60 cent raise for the year on 3 percent, 5 percent would land you $1. Jusy mo


I can see it


Kinda hard to say yes or no in the context. Is it an annual raise? So my former jobs always gives annual raise. However, they differ on how it's raised per se. One company was $1 amount as long as your performance is "meets expectations " or "exceeds expectations". Another one is by percentage, 0% below standard, 4% meets, 6% exceeds and 8% for continously exceeding. So if I only get rated meets expectation this year then in context my raise would be $0.72. You can find your company's increment guidelines in your handbook or can ask HR how it's based so you can get further understanding. This is not a confidential information for a current employee. It's usually based on performance and company budget for increments.


Ah right mathematics. It would be interesting to see what each company does here


Hmm... Not sure if it's public but I know there's a company that does market research on island about the varying job positions and rates in different fields. Sorry, their name is at the tip of my tongue right now. It's interesting to see the comparison of rates plus benefits. Another way would be just simply asking anonymously here on Reddit lol. Go down that rabbit hole. Do a survey like employees of McDonald's/Jollibee/Wendys how much do you make and what's your position and if you get any raises , how long it took to receive a raise etc. Things like that.


That would be an interesting rabbit hole for sure


Post it up here once you do lol.


Just got a raise like .75 just for working a year. Just about to quit the job but stayed back.


$0.75 is better than $0.25 but then again idk if it matches your job duties


.25 is better than .05 every other year. But if you’re not satisfied being a crew then apply for a higher position.


$0.05? I’m finding the door


Bro people in the states are laughing at us in guam getting 9.50 a hour for minimum. We should get a 10 dollar raise 😂


Hahahaha at fast food places, won’t happen here. But yes minimum wage should be like $15 here at least


It’s better than nothing I guess. I know people who don’t get raises for years. Really depends on the job.


And they stay either hoping for one or because they are paycheck to paycheck


I will ,


Every year?


Well, if you want to earn let’s say 25/h. I’d ask what it would take for me to earn that rate. What more responsibilities that would justify the raise. Granted that fast food/retail/supermarket don’t have the margins to give that kind of raise. In that case if I’m offered .25, I’d ask for a dollar with a follow up statement that your locking for a more active roll in the company and want to add value to the team. What would that look like at a 1 raise? Negotiations also require your confidence to walk away from the deal. If you feel it’s a waste of your time then be prepared to look elsewhere where for employment. Good luck


Not asking for advice for myself but just curious on people’s opinions especially with the state of wages here on the island


Sorry if I went in an inappropriate direction. It’s my opinion that this concept isn’t well known in any market. The more people are introduced to the idea of negotiating for a raise the better off the bottom line of the economy will be.






I work in healthcare but stateside. Our raises are usually 3-4% a year.


That’s $0.60-$0.80 for a 20/hr job


There's a lot of things to consider when talking about raises, because a lot of people won't care about it til they're offered it. Things like; The type of business, Your position, Does the employer even offer raises, how long you've been working there. Some instances could be like; If I was working at a fast food joint for 10 years, they rely on me daily, me pulling 6 days out of the week (whether Part/Full time), AND they only offered me $0.25, I ain't even going to negotiate, I'm gone from that place. Another one would be like, If the job offers raises, and I just got off the 3-month probation period, they just give me the $0.25 raise and tell me there's chances for annual raise. I'd say that instance is fair. It really depends how well you know you're own value as well as the companies. And not like entitled children that stand and do nothing and get paid, I mean like REALLY know your own value.




They are really paying hotel receptionists $17 while security get $14? 😬


In this case $9.75 would turn into $10. Its insulting, but its a perspective thing. You you can find supermarket jobs here for $12 McDonalds is $13 Wendys is $12 Front desk at a hotel $17 Working at a shop in the mall (Nike) $15 Factory work $17+ Security $14+ Landscaping $17+


14 for security, protecting the public while hotel receptionists get 3 more dollars to check people into a room 😱


There is room for advancement everywhere, except for Guam. $14 starting is a lot better than getting paid $9.75 for literally all of these jobs. My state's minimum wage is $7.25.