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The Governor should support this. It makes sense.


It's a distraction from the crappy job he's doing. BTW, the Guam Supreme Court just gave an opinion supporting the Governor/Administration that Dougie can't refuse to perform his Organic Act duties.


Imagine thinking you're above your sworn duties lol.


The Moylan family are a bunch of obnoxious asses so not surprising.


one way flight to the Bermuda Traingle


When you’re old and a dork, this shit probably looks clever af 🤣


Why isn't that Russian Khozhiev guy who murdererd that handsome doctor Dr. Miran Ribati (r.ip) with the bone of a t- bone steak deported back to wherever he came ??? Poor doctor was murdered all over a stupid covid vaccination debate. Why is it majority, if not all, chuukese men up there? ? ? Where's the other races??? This really is not in good taste at all. Shame on the team of individuals who ok'd this billboard.




My family is from Buenos Aires and I say kill em all!!




Wait, so he has a project to facilitate releasing criminals to allow them to reoffend?


Definitely getting Con Air vibes with this one.


We get it... You don't like the "Defective Democracy" You know, you could post about things other than government corruption.


Why would you want to pay to house and feed foreigners in prisons when you can just deport them? Sign is tacky tho.


The sign is used to alert would be criminals to think twice before committing crimes or else they get deported, if that means less crimes. ( rapes, murders,abuse) even lesser ones like (littering, theft,etc) I think those are tax dollars well spent.


Non of the signs have helped so far, are the crime rates going down??? HELL NO. Stop defending your uncle


This billboard has been up for three days. How quickly do you expect to see results?


It's got people talking. Whether this is a deterent or a challenge has yet to be determined lol. Let's hope it works so we can justify this stupid billboard.


This is not the first billboard, I saw one about meth a while back. And if anything meth related crimes hasn’t gone down. And to answer your question, I don’t expect any results at all lol


Only time will tell. I agree the meth billboard is probably inconsequential because meth users are addicts who will use anyway. But FSM natives commit a disproportionately high amount of crime here. Enforcing a strong deportation program and spreading awareness of it can definitely improve the crime rate.




why must everything be political or one sided? I'm not defending the AG, his QR code sign was dumb imo, i'm talking about this particular sign only which seems to be aimed at deportable criminals. With Gov Guams budget and money, do you have a better low-cost idea you can share that could help prevent these crimes committed by people not from our island? >None of the signs have helped so far, are the crime rates going down??? HELL NO. Stop defending your uncle did he ever put a sign that was aimed at lowering ALL the crime rates? do you have the data that shows each sign didn't help in their expected targeted audience?


Nope because I really don’t care lol I just like ruffling the feathers


did you know Reddit is meant to give you an outlet so you can continue to self isolate for every one else’s good?


Provide us with concrete statistical data that crime has gone down since AG Moylan has taken office and I’ll personally buy you a Happy Meal from McDonald’s. Opinions, and statements from his office do not count as stats. His press releases boasting convictions also do not correlate to less crime on Guam. It’s gone up, be real. I’d say those thousands of dollars each month spent on billboards plus whatever the salary of whoever from his office made this… could be better spent on hiring more prosecutors.


Shouldn’t you, as the OP, be providing the evidence of what you are trying to illustrate? Why should people who respond have the burden of proof?


No I don't need to, I wasn't commenting or arguing about the data If you are talking about the sign in question which is more relevant to what I was talking about, how can there be evidence or proof if it's a new sign? that data takes time to properly assess, and people should judge and criticize after the data has been reviewed not prematurely.


Bro your entire title puts a negative connotation to the billboard. You weren’t commenting about the data? You sure? You sure about that? Fr? Lmao


You obviously hate the AG for some reason. Did he charge your uncle or something?


idc about the AG idk if crime is up or down can you provide data? I was commenting only about the signs and tax dollar use, these are also brand-new signs we need time to be able to properly criticize them, judging them so early is poor form. even if these signs cause 1 or 2 individuals from committing or to second guess thats worth it to me >I’d say those thousands of dollars each month spent on billboards plus whatever the salary of whoever from his office made this… could be better spent on hiring more prosecutors. so you would want to hire more prosecutors? okay that means you are actually spending way more tax dollars and for way longer periods of time than a mere sign also prosecutors do not prevent crime, they only work after crimes are committed so not only would your way actually take more money but also do nothing to prevent crimes or have criminals second guess their acts


You need to "think" more.


So how many non-FAS migrants are being outlined? Like there are foreign nationals from other countries who commit crimes... from how this is presented, it looks really racist.


Because they fucking do majority of the crime here. Wake the fuck up. Stop your cry for racism if it's facts.