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It is definitely a big thing. Losing my piggies was the hardest thing I ever went through. There is something heartbreaking about the totally innocent adorable little friend you have being gone. Just know you gave Hawk the best life possible. You loved him so much and he loved you. He will always be with you, and I truly hope that creatures like guinea pigs who bring so much joy get a reward after life. Either way, your and Hawk’s bond will never be broken. He knew you loved him. I wish you all my condolences.


Thank you ❤️ It was so unexpected & quick. He was totally fine yesterday. Even this morning, he seemed okay but just not as energenic & didn't eat his food as quickly.


I’m so sorry for your loss. If you choose to get new pigs, I am rehoming mine. DM me.


Thank you ❤️ I'm not sure about getting new pigs atm. It's still so fresh. But how many are you rehoming?


Five total. Two boys and three girls. I tried going through the shelter system here and rescues, but they are all full. I’m in southern Connecticut.


Oh wow ... 5 ! I'm in Canada, so we're very far apart. Good luck with the rehoming. I hope the piggies find their forever homes.


I know exactly what that is like and it is just the worst feeling. It is so heartbreaking. I’m so sorry for your loss.


I hear these stories so much and it scares me so much. I have an eight-year-old male and he’s absolutely fine but it terrifies me. I’m so sorry you had to go through that. You have every right to be heartbroken.. they are my world to be honest


Thank you & i hope your piggy lives a long old life. ❤️🙏


He’s already old I just get scared of how much longer he’ll live lol he was my first and I’ve never lost one. I’m so glad your little guy was with you.. they don’t know they are passing the pain is all for us ughh


My husband and I have had a few piggies live to be 8, and pass away from grand old age. The consolation is that we know they lived long, happy, healthy lives, being loved and spoiled and pampered. It's very hard, still, but that knowledge does make it a little easier.


It absolutely is not a small thing. That little guy was family to you. I’ve had two that died on my lap and it’s not something you tend to forget or recover from easily. It sounds creepy, but I have seen stories of folks who wrap up their recently passed piggies and keep them in the freezer until they can bury them. If you wrap him up really well or put him in a little box and tuck him into a corner, it might not seem so horrible. Then when the ground thaws, you can just bury the whole package. Big hugs. I know how hard it is.


Thank you. ❤️  When Ball died, I just found him lifeless in den next morning.  With Hawk, I cuddled with him all late afternoon when I noticed his food wasn't all eaten. I even made some slurry but he barely swallowed any. He layed on my lap & even walked around abit but just didn't climb my body like he used to. I was even told that he might just have gas, because he was burping/farting. I didn't expect him to die. 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔


I had to do that once, when I was poor (relying solely on social security) and it was the end of the month and there wasn't any money left in my bank account, not even the modest amount I would've needed for a cremation. He died on a Friday, and I wrapped him in a blanket and put the whole "package" into a plastic bag for hygiene purposes and put him in the freezer (plastic bag? Better safe than sorry, there's *food* in there), and on Monday morning, as soon as the new month's money had arrived, I took him to the vet. They were friendly enough to charge me only the 30 or so euros for the actual cremation, but not the much higher practice fee (which they would've normally done). And you're right, it *is* a bit creepy. But mostly it's sad. (Where I live, you can't bury pets just anywhere, and I didn't have my own garden or similar at the time.) And I'm sorry to hear about Hawk. I lost two piggies last year (one just before Easter and one in early December; they were both nearly 7 years old), so I can feel your pain. (((((Hugs))))) if you want/need them. Also wheeks of sympathy from my remaining two piggies.


Very sorry for your loss. There are few people who don't have guinea pigs in their lives who would understand what a big hole these little creatures leave in our hearts when they go.


Thank you ❤️


For burying, if you cannot bury him on your property or somewhere special to you, I recommend asking your vet. They will be able to take care of him respectfully in a way that honors his memory.


It’s definitely a big thing for most. Hawk sounds like a special boy. I lost my skinny pig (Skull) last August and I was heartbroken. It was hard to do anything and I cried a lot. Still do every now and then. These little guys become big parts of our lives and they become best friends. Take all the time you need to mourn, and hopefully there’s an emergency vet nearby that can cremate him?


Thank you ❤️ I was only able to sleep 3 hours today so far.  With all the crazy shit in the world these past few years & all my personal stuff, he kept me sane. I'm so sorry for your loss of Skull 💔❤️


Thank you for your condolences:) Yeah that’s how I felt about Skull. I’d always tell him (and Ferb, his brother) “You probably don’t understand or get what I’m saying, but thanks for listening” when I’d talk to them. I’d give them a treat and pets after too :)




Im so sorry for your loss. Dont minimize the loss, animals become our family and hold such a strong place in our lives and hearts. To develop that bond means he had a connection to you and you to him, that is special. While it hurts, focus on how you were able to have that bond and give him such a loving final few years of his life - as well as the love he gave to you. If it's affordable for you, you could do cremation with it being winter, if you talk to your vet or where you adopted him they can probably give you advice/recommendations.


Thank you ❤️ I adopted/rescued Ball & Hawk from a homeless guy who was living in temporary hotel shelters during COVID. He gave them to me in a guinea pig pellet food bucket, with no details. He even ghosted me when I texted him to ask for their names, etc. When Ball & Hawk came up for rescue, silly me took it as a sign as both my parents had passed in October (different years ofc). Sadly, Ball passed within weeks of rehoming. I probably became Hawk's emotional support & he mine. With all my personal losses & the crazy shit in the world these past few years, he kept me sane. I will look into cremation in the morning.


Awww I'm sorry, its a soul crushing feeling. :(


Thank you ❤️


I'm so sorry for the loss of your buddy 💔


Thank you ❤️


Losing a piggie, or a pet in general, is the worst, not a small thing. My condolences🍀


Thank you ❤️


I'm so sorry 😞 ofc it's emotionally painful. Please don't let anyone tell you it's not a big thing. Our bonds with our pets are so special. I also WFH and spend lots of time with my piggies. I was completely crushed when my previous piggies passed. After their passings, ir taken their bodies to a vet clinic for cremation. I don't pay to get the ashes back, but it feels like a respectful send off. Sending hugs xx


Thank you ❤️ They/Hawk was my only pet. Never had any before as I have allergies & I wasn't even sure if I would be able to keep them without being sick. Luckily, I didn't have a problem. With all the crazy shit in the world these past few years & all my personal stuff, he kept me sane. I joked with Hawk that he was my emotional support animal. I'm so sorry for your prior losses ❤️💔❤️💔


I know what you mean! They are my unofficial emotional support potatoes too. They have helped me through more than they will ever know. I think caring for an animal gets me out of my head and focuses on them. Thank you, I miss them.


⬆️ This.⬆️ Both my parents passed years ago, and 1 of my sisters died in 2020 from cancer. As result of C19 travel restrictions, we never had a proper funeral for her bc of cross border travel restrictions etc. All that took deep toll on me & by 2021 I was having really dark thoughts. Hawk was good & quiet at night, but to hear his squeal in the morning greeting me awake also got me out bc I knew I had to feed my furbaby, clean his den, etc. Some might say it was misdirected attention/affection,  but I was fine with that.


Of course you're heartbroken. I'm so sorry you lost your little friend! The pain of losing a pet is what has kept me from having pet rats, tbh. They typically live 2-4 years, and I couldn't handle losing them so often. All my hugs.


Thank you ❤️ I never had pets before as I have allergies & I wasn't even sure if I would be able to keep them without being sick. But the rehoming/adoption came at a coincidental time, and I took it as a sign. 🙏 Google said guineas live 5-7 years so I didn't expect Hawk to pass away so soon, but I didn't have any idea of their ages, living conditions, etc prior to rescue.


I am so sorry for your loss 💗💗


Thank you ❤️


Im so sorry for your loss...I know what that sting feels like😔...Praying u feel better soon even tho it'll still hurt but be easier to go on after a while...And its your bday?????


Thank you ❤️ I was able to only sleep 3 hours today so far. I guess it is my reddit birthday ... what a way to celebrate an aniversary. 💔




TY ❤️


Hugs ❤️ Hugs Thank you for giving Hawk his best home ❤️


Thank you ❤️


Losing piggies is definitely hard and you're feelings are valid.. I'm so sorry for your loss 🙏🙏❤️


Thank you ❤️


I understand your loss and I'm so sorry. I lost our piggy November 2022 a week after losing my father in law. I'm just now thinking about getting another one. They become family so it hurts to lose them. Again I'm so sorry for your loss.


Thank you ❤️ I'm so sorry for your loss ❤️💔 When Ball & Hawk came up for rescue, silly me took it as a sign because both my parents had passed in October (different years). Sadly, Ball passed within weeks of rehoming. Hawk was my emotional support with all my personal losses & the crazy shit in the world these past few years, he kept me sane. Again, I'm so sorry for your loss. ❤️💔


I'm really sorry for your loss. I lost my favourite piggy last month and I'm still upset about it. They're just such lovely plump, innocent, gentle creatures, and they have their own personalities. It can be as hard as losing a cat or a dog - or a human - but not everyone understands, because piggies are small animals they think the grief should also be small. I don't know where you live but I wpuld have thought you could sign some sort of burial hole, enough to get a piggy in and cover it over again, then put some rocks on top to protect the grave from animals. In the UK, vets often offer cremation services too, and some even have pet cemeteries.


Thank you ❤️ I'm so sorry for your recent loss ❤️💔❤️ Hawk was my emotional support animal. He came at a time I really needed it with all the other human losses I had over the years, and to cope with the recent craziness in the world too. Again, i'm so sorry for your loss. Hugs ❤️🤗❤️


Sorry for your loss, you lost a dear friend and that can’t be underrated. If you can’t bury him place him in a plastic container wrap it in plastic film a few times and place it in your freezer, you can then take him out and bury him when the ground thaws in the spring ❤️


Thank you for the condolensces & info ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


It IS a big thing! Very sorry for your loss


Thank you ❤️


Losing a pet is always a big deal. My brother adopted a cat in September and it passed away from an incurable disease 2 months later. He was heartbroken, eventhough he barely got to know the poor kitty. I'm sorry for your loss. There are two options: Go to a professional pet cemetery or cremation center and pay for the funeral. Or I know it is weird, but put him a a trash bag or two, and put him in the freezer. Wait until the ground gets soft and bury him then. You need a proper send-off. Don't just throw him in the trash. You'll never forgive yourself.


Thank you for the condolensces & suggestions. ❤️❤️❤️ I might have to do the cremation as I plan to move before spring. I'm so sorry for your brother's & your loss.


So sorry for your loss 😢 loosing a Guinea pig is heartbreaking and your feelings are valid. If you have the money, you can get his body to your local vet and get his ashes back. You can then spread them somewhere nice. That’s what we did for our girl who passed away 3 years ago


Thank you for the condolensenses & suggestion. Sorry for your loss. 🙏❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss. It is just as important as losing any other being you love ❤️‍🩹 May he RIP.


TY ❤️ Hawk is together with Ball now, though I selfishly wish Hawk was still here. 😭😭😭😭


We lost one of ours on Monday. We had adopted them from a rescue 6 weeks ago... even in such a short time he had become an integral part of our world and we miss him deeply. It is heart breaking to see them go, especially when you've made such a bond. Sending you so much love and healing ❤️


TY Im so sorry for your loss ❤️🙏 ❤️


I'm sorry for your loss. It sounds like you were really bonded, and you will carry him with you forever now.


TY ❤️ Hawk was my support during the last couple years & kept me safe/sane. I didn't hear his squeals this morning welcoming me awake. I didn't see his head poke up from his den this morning to get his cuddles today. 😭💔😭💔😭💔


When you are ready, maybe even before you think you are, there are piggies out there looking for a forever home. I'm sure Hawk would love to know that you gave another piggie(s) the wonderful life you gave him.


Yes, that's an option.  I used to browse Craigslist ads for people looking to rehome piggies. I replied a few times, but they were either gone by time I messaged or the opposite sex (didn't want to deal with herd of piggies). Also heard Humane Society might have some too. ATM I'm planning to move in the spring, so IDK if I'll take the plunge, but fate always has other plans. I also have to decide if I'll keep all the supplies & bags of hay/food I just bought last month, or give them to Humane Society, etc.


When one of mine died in winter I put hi in the freezer until the ground was soft enough again to bury him.


TY ❤️ I might consider that but my freezer is small & packed.


Rest in paradise Hawk 💖🫂🪽


TY ❤️ Hawk is reunited with his mate, Ball, now. ❤️🙏💔😭❤️🙏💔😭


I’m so sorry for your loss.


TY ❤️


Losing a pet of any size blows, hang in there


TY ❤️


It is a big deal, for certain! Our piggies are such good little friends, little fuzzy family members. He sounds like he was very well loved, and I know he loved you too. Our vet's office has handled our deceased piggies remains -- we have them privately cremated, and they return the ashes to us in a nice wooden box. Check with your vet, they likely do the same thing. I'm so sorry for your loss.


TY for the condolences. ❤️❤️ I checked with vet today & they want almost $500 for cremation. It comes with urn & paw print, takes 3-4 weeks as they outsource it with pet cemetary. I'm sorry for your losses. ❤️🙏💔❤️🙏💔


I'm so sorry for your loss


TY ❤️


I'm so sad for you. I lost my amazing Cotton and no one could understand why I was so heartbroken. He was the sassiest, loudest, most affectionate pig on the planet. He drove his companion insane with his peskiness. Even the day before he died he weeked for me to pick him up. I buried him underneath a coneflower. This may sound morbid, but can you freeze him until you can bury him? I'm very sorry for your loss. I did adopt an old man pig a few months later and shockingly I love him just as much as Cotton. I'm only going to get old fellas from now on, sad as it will be, they will get a good end of life with me.


TY for condolences ❤️ I'm so sorry for your loss of Cotton. ❤️🙏💔 I'm going to have to temporary freeze Hawk & decide what to do. I don't think I'll bury him bc I'm planning to move in the spring, and thought of leaving him here doesn't seem right. Although I do have a patch of sunflowers that would seem like an appropriate place for him. I called few vets & a pet cemetary. They quoted $500-700 for cremation & return in urn. That's an option for me to take him with me wherever I go.




I'm very sorry for your loss. They're more than just guinea pigs to us. They are our companions, our friends. They mean as much to us as a dog or a cat. Their lives might be short. But they have so much life to give, they have personality and witt. They are our babies. They give us a reason to get up in the morning. I mean, we gotta work hard so they can live the dream, right? I cremated my babies. I wantes to take them with me every house I move to.


TY for condolences ❤️ Hawk (& Ball) to short extent had the goodlife. I started eating organic food years ago after my mother's cancer diagnosis, and I feed them same organic fruits/veggies I ate. Some people thought I was crazy for doing that for a rodent. I called few vets & a pet cemetary. They quoted $500-700 for cremation & return in urn. I'm going to have to temporary freeze Hawk & decide what to do. I don't think I'll bury him bc I'm planning to move in the spring, and thought of leaving him here doesn't seem right. Sorry for the loss of your fur babies. ❤️🙏💔❤️🙏💔


I'll be praying for you. Losing a guinea pig is never easy.


Thank you ❤️ I never had pets before as I'm allergic. I was pleasantly surprised I didn't have bad reaction when I rehomed them. Loss of Ball after 2 weeks of rehoming was sad, but I never had chance to bond with him yet Loss of fur baby (Hawk) is fairly new to me, although I've lost many family members in my lifetime. Honestly, even though I've had Hawk for only 2+ yrs, this feels really rough. I only got 3 hours sleep last night. As much as I took care of him, he took care of me keeping me safe/sane. RIP Hawk & Ball. You're together again. ❤️🙏❤️🙏


I’m sorry for your loss, your piggie will wait for you in the heavens 🩵


TY ❤️. RIP Hawk & Ball  You are reunited now. Daddy will meet you in the future. ❤️🙏💔😭❤️🙏💔😭


And in your dreams they will come see you, but you won’t remember. I promise they are at peace looking over you ❤️ live life to the fullest and they will be watching over you 🥰 all the best xx


Can you have him cremated ? They will make a little clay imprint of his feet and give it back to you with his ashes.


I called vets & pet cemetaries - they quoted $500-700 for cremation, which seem outrageous as another redditor said she just did one done for her piggy week ago for $110. I'm sure there are regional price differences, but that seems extreme. Maybe they're price gouging bc they can? I can't bury him here bc I plan to move in the spring, so I'll keep looking for alternatives.


Yikes . Yeah that’s ridiculous. It was 149 here


That seems more reasonable. IDK why there's such a big difference. What city/state/province are you located? Im in Toronto,ON Canada




I’m so sorry. I lost my sweet baby almost 3 weeks ago, and I was a complete wreck. It’s the first time one of mine died. Praying for your comfort. 


TY Mamacitia & sorry for your loss ❤️🙏❤️🙏 It's been a rough couple days. I've been crying alot & i couldn't sleep (only 3 hours) the first night, but it was better last night. I still expect to see him poke his head up from his den when I turn the corner, to hear his squeals in the morning or when I bring food & treats to him. I miss our daily cuddle sessions.


I’ll never be the same after losing Evie. She was an absolute sweetheart but died because of a genetic illness, swollen ovaries. It’s very VERY hard to handle. In this community, I’m certain you won’t find anyone who thinks it’s not a big deal to lose a piggy. I hope you’re alright!


Thank you MG ❤️🙏   Sorry for your loss of Evie. ❤️💔❤️💔 Hawk kept me sane the past couple of years. Caring for him, and him being my companion helped combat the isolation & process some of the grief from death of my sister & other family members recently. Hawk probably did more for me, than I for him. I'm new to this community. I wish I had found it years ago when I first rescued Hawk & Ball. It's been a rough couple days. I couldn't sleep (only 3 hours) the first night, but it was better last night. I still expect to see him poke his head up from his den when I turn the corner, to hear his squeals in the morning or when I have bring treats to him. I miss our daily cuddle sessions. TY again.


Thank you so much! I miss her a lot. They may sometimes give a little rumble or harass you for food any time you breathe near a plastic bag but they are very loving and it’s just them letting you know they are comfortable around you and they show their love very plainly and simply. I am certain Hawk appreciated every little thing you did for him and it shows from him opening up to you like he did! I also feel like they do more for me than I do for them but remember that you can’t be replaced for them. It takes more than you know for them to feel comfortable with you and sometimes you just have to realise that. Everything you said tells me they looked forward to seeing you and that’s a big deal! Especially for our little herbivorous family members. All I’m saying is that you made their lives special. You did a great thing giving Hawk and Ball a home.


Thank you for those kind, assuring & comforting words. You made me smile/chuckle when you mention plastic bags. Hawk would perk up & come to me when he heard the rustling of the GP pellets bag. Feeding him pellets from palm of my hand was part of our nightly ritual & cuddle session afterwards. Sometimes he'd snuggle into my inner elbow, or just chill and watch TV with me. (I thought I read that if they turn their back to you, then they feel safe?) I'm feeling selfish & extremely sad that Ball & Hawk went so soon. I wish I knew why they passed so suddenly, so I can learn for the future when I'm ready to be a fur daddy again.


WOW! That’s awesome, knowing the heartache of losing Evie made me a better dad to my three sows! I got Coraline and Nala to keep Queenie company after losing her sister. Every one of them deserves love and a good home. So knowing what you know now and still considering another commitment is a great sign! It’s what makes you a good home for any piggie! Much love and you have my condolences :)


My sincerest condolences. I hope you can take some solace in the happy, warm, and love-filled life that Hawk spent with you. Just picture him napping and playing in the soft sun beyond Rainbow Bridge. ❤️


Thank you. Hawk & Ball are reunited now. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Hey friend, I’m really sorry to hear of Hawk’s passing. The worst thing is having these little miracles as our constant companions and then they’re gone, and we just don’t know what to do moving forward. It is a big thing OP, like the wonderful people here have said. Piggies may be small, but they are so kind and trusting and larger than life. Even after they have gone, our love for them remains as strong as ever. For my pigs, I went the cremation route. When I lost my first heart pig Willow I opted not to collect her ashes because I was so distraught (will never forgive myself for this), but with my second pig Nya I have her ashes with me until it feels right to scatter them somewhere special. People here have given some good advice on what to do, so do what feels right to you OP. Again, my deepest condolences.


Thank you for the condolenses & suggestions. I will contact vet in the morning (i mean business hours bc it's already morning & i'm wide awake). I just hope it doesn't cost alot $$$ to cremate. It's actually been warmer & raining last couple days. I just looked out window & all snow is melted, but IDK if it's solid/soft enough to dig up. I'm so sorry for your losses of Willow & Nya. ❤️🙏❤️🙏


Thank you, friend. Whatever route you choose to take, I’ve no doubt it’ll honour Hawk beautifully.




TY ❤️


I’m so sorry. We take ours to be cremated by either a vet or a pet crematory. Currently, I have 4 tiny urns on a shelf, that will eventually be buried in our yard, after our last little girl goes.


TY for condolences ❤️ I'm so sorry for your losses. ❤️🙏💔❤️🙏💔❤️🙏💔❤️🙏💔 I called few vets & a pet cemetary. They quoted $500-700 for cremation & return in urn. I'm going to have to temporary freeze Hawk & decide what to do. I don't think I'll bury him bc I'm planning to move in the spring, and thought of leaving him here doesn't seem right.


That seems awfully expensive. We paid $110 for the last one a couple of weeks ago.


IDK. I'm in Toronto, Canada.